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The Cackling Club Part 2 f/f

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 3:35 am
by mattjensen
Ashely let out a squeak and shut her eyes tight. Every muscle in her body going rigid at once. Here she was on her twenty-first birthday, hanging face down and restrained from the ceiling in the first and premier tickle fetish business, The Cackling Club. Ashley had waited five years, saving every penny she could until she had enough to buy a session. Today, right now she was getting her wish, a cute bubbly thirty year old redhead ready to tickle her to her absolute limits. All while her sister watched in another room tasked with her fate of deciding when the tickling would eventually end.

“It’s TICKLE TIME!” Nora sang playfully, watching the younger woman clamp her eyes closed. Nora laid face up on the floor and positioned her hands just millimeters away from Ashley’s stretched ribcage. The girl was wearing an already short cut tank top that was now bunched up below her generously sized breasts. Ashley waited, keeping her eyes closed tight. She waited, and she waited, the expected tickling sensations never coming. After what felt like an eternity Ashley finally opened her eyes, looking down.

“What-EEEEEK! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Ashley yelped and burst into loud laughter, taken surprise by the sudden gooses on the sides of her ribs.

“Hehe gotcha. You didn’t think it was going to be that easy did you?” Nora grinned up at her hostage, digging her fingers into the outstretched ribs.

“I dohohon’t knohohow! Eehehehehehee!” Ashley answered, her reactions calming down to just a fit of high pitched giggles.

“Well it’s not. I’m going to make it VERY difficult for you indeed.” Nora used her nails and started skittering quickly further up Ashley’s ribcage, sweeping her fingers back and forth from front to back. “Now let’s see about these pittie witties.” Ashley felt the tickling fingers crawl further and further up her ribs until they paused, Nora letting out a surprise gasp. “Oh! You naughty girl, you’re not wearing a bra under here!” The redhead gasped, noticing the bottom of Ashley’s fleshy globes peeking out from under her top.

“I wanted to be as comfortable as I could. I figured I was going to go through hell so why deal with being that confined for who knows how many hours.” Ashley explained, looking down at Nora’s freckled face.

“Hmm, well that poses a problem. I can’t tickle your poor pitties very well if I can’t have them bare. You don’t mind if I push your shirt up out of the way do you?” Nora asked in a cute teasing voice while she lightly tickled up and down Ashley’s spine.

“Hehehee!” Ashley tittered, thinking about it for a second. On one hand she hadn’t realized the position she was tied in would expose her that much, but on the other hand the only people who would know and see were Nora and her sister and she did want the most intense tickling possible. “Fine, doho it.” Ashley nodded.

“Very good.” Nora answered, pushing Ashley’s tank top to her shoulders, exposing her stretched underarms and hanging breasts. “Oh and one more thing. Gotcha again!” Nora shouted, reaching up and spidering her nails into both of Ashley’s hollows while leaning up and blowing a massive raspberry on the left side of her tummy. “PFFFFFFFFFFFT!”

Ashley erupted into booming belly laughs, sucking in her tummy as far as she could and whipping around. “EEEEEEEEEK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! NOHOHOT THAHHAHAAT! HAHAHAHHAAAA! NOHOHO! NOHO FAHAHAHIR!” The brunette’s body gently swung from side to side, her tummy recoiling from Nora’s lips. Amanda couldn’t help but giggle and watch as Nora leaned further up and blew another raspberry on the opposite side of her sister’s tummy.

“Oh hohoho! Such a super yummy, super ticklish tummy you have here Ashley, I could just eat it all up!” Nora teased while she wrapped her arms around the bound woman’s back, pulling her down and nibbling around her lower tummy near her waist.

“Oh my gahahawd! OHOHO my gahahahHAHWD! STAHAHAAP! Stahahap! Dohon’t nibble my tuhuhummy-EEEEEHEHEEHEHEE!” Ashley sputtered and laughed. No one had nibbled her stomach since she was little and she had since forgotten just how much it tickled.

“Aww but it’s only been five minutes? Are you sure you want to give up already?” Nora teased, letting Ashley take a few breaths before wiggling a finger into her cute oval bellybutton.

“No, I don’t! Keheep tickl-EEEEEEK! WAHAIT! YEHHES! YEHEHES I GIVE UP! HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA! NOHOHO BELLYBUTTON I GIVE UUUHUHUHUHP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAA!” Ashley began but was cut off by the wiggling finger. She had expected this session to be bad but she never imagined it would be this bad, and it was only five minutes in and she had another twenty give to go at least. Nora continued to playfully wiggle her finger in Ashley’s bellybutton, keeping the girl in a constant state of hard hysterical belly laughs. After another minute she paused again and stood up.

“Wow you weren’t kidding. You’re tummy is almost as ticklish as mine.” Nora said with a wink, walking out of Ashley’s view. The bound woman gave a few coughs and tried to catch her breath, her body hanging low. Amanda gasped as she watched Nora walk over to the table and grab a horrifying looking tool. They looked just like brass knuckles but with long feathers attached to the ends. Just the sight of them as Nora slipped them on was enough to make Amanda curl her toes in her shoes. Nora slowly stepped backward, keeping the reflection of her hands hidden by her body. “I think it’s time we kicked things up a notch.” The red head sung, removing both of Ashley’s sandals. Ashley wrinkled her feet in anticipation but the tickling sensation she felt next didn’t come from her feet but from her sides.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! StoHOHOHOHohoop! STOHOHOhohohop hahahahahahahahaaa! DOHOHON’T DOHOHO THAHAHAT!” Ashley screamed, her reactions going from airy giggles to hard laughter and back down again. Nora giggled to herself as she kneaded her fingers into the soft fleshy sides like a kitten.

“You really are too easy you know that honey.” The redhead gave a few more squeezes then started to drag her feathered knuckles up and down Ashley’s spine. The woman managed to collect herself as the feathers didn’t tickle too bad. Ashley rested her head and looked down at the floor. When she saw Nora’s feet she saw something she hadn’t noticed before.

“Nora, whyehe-why do you have shohoe covers on?” She asked curiously.

“Ah, it’s a precaution we started to take after our first year open. We learned very quickly that prolonged intense tickling can have some unwanted effects on the body. We’ve had a few incidents over the years of people laughing so hard they actually puked, and even more where others lost control of their bladders. Plus you know some people can get a little “excited” from all the tickling so now we wear shoe covers to protect our feet. And speaking of feet.” Nora explained then quickly slid the feather knuckles in between each of Ashley’s toes and began sawing them back and forth. This new feeling sent the bouncing brunette through the roof, cascades of high pitched squeals and laughter pouring from her mouth as her feet and toes scrunched and stretched. During this giant fit of laughter another chilling thought crossed Ashley’s mind. It had never occurred to her that there was a chance she could lose control of her bladder and embarrass herself and she prayed that it wouldn’t come to that either. After ten minutes straight of sawing away Nora gave Ashley another needed break. “Alive down there?” The redhead grinned, giving the bottom of Ashley’s feet a few pats.

“Hehehe barely yehehes.”

“Good, don’t want you passing out too early. Now how’s about we make a little deal-y-o? I’m going to tickle your feet again, and if you can keep them relatively still I’ll let you pick where I tickle next and with what. Sound good?” Nora offered. Ashley grinned and nodded her head. Despite all the laughing and begging she was doing she was actually having the time of her life and her face certainly showed it.

“Deal, give me your best shot!” Ashley said happily. Nora grinned and cracked her neck to one side.

“Oh enjoying ourselves now are we? Well good let’s see how long that lasts shall we?” Nora teased, slipping the feathers in between all ten toes and sawing them back and forth, this time adding her nails to gently glide down her feet as well.

“EEEK! HahaaaahaAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAA! Ohohoho this is SOHOHO HAHAHRD HAHAHAhahahhahahaaa! Yohohur nahahails mahahake it SOHOHO MUHUHCH WOHOHOHRSE HAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Amanda closed her eyes and had to flip the channel. While Ashley’s stomach and navel were her weak spot Amanda’s was her toes and arches. Just watching the redhead work on her sisters feet made Amanda’s skin crawl. When she opened her eyes she was surprised at what she saw. Apparently there were hidden cameras implanted all throughout the room. When Amanda flipped the station she had brought up another camera that was focused on Ashley’s tummy. Amanda could see Ashely’s tummy flexing and heaving with laughter as well as Nora’s legs as she repositioned herself a few times. Amanda flipped through the camera feeds and saw one trained on Ashley’s face, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes as she grinned and laughed. The next just had her sister’s struggling feet which Amanda passed by quickly, and the last two showed her bouncing breasts and underarms as well as a sky view of the whole ordeal.

After what felt like forever for Ashley, Nora ceased her foot tickling. “Impressive, there were a few wiggles and scrunches but that’s to be expected.” Nora smiled, taking the table of tickle tools and rolling it in front of Ashley so she could see. “Now for being such a good girl I’ll keep my promise and let you pick where I tickle you next and with what, but better hurry take too long and you’ll lose the privilege.” Nora warned, making it more difficult for Ashley by gently tickling her underarms. Each of Nora’s skilled fingers moved in different directions and drew little patterns, making sure to use every inch of the taught canvas.

“YEHEheheeeheheheeeeheeee! Ohoho I don’t knohohow hahahahahahahaa! There’s sohohoho many-hehehehehehehe!” Ashley chuckled, looking over the plethora of tickle tools available. She knew where shew wanted to be tickled next but didn’t know what tool would bring the most laughter. There were dozens of feathers of varying sizes and textures, different sized makeup brushes, paint brushes, pinwheels, back scratchers, guitar finger picks.

“Better choose quick Ashley, time’s almost up.” Nora warned, her neon nails scratching away. Ashley’s laughter picked up, her eyes searching the table frantically.

“Uhuhum! UMM EHEHEHAHHAHAA!” Ashley groaned, trying to think back to the few tickling video’s she was brave enough to watch. That’s when she saw it, the perfect tool for the job she had in mind. “TOOTH BRUHUHHUSH! THE EHEHELECTIC TOOHOHOOTH BRUSH!” She shouted, her eyes glued on the half dozen oral appliances.

“Ok and were will I be cleaning today? And if you say teeth I swear I’ll send you home because I’m no dentist.” Nora teased, removing her hands from Ashley’s pits and taking off the feather knuckles.

“My bellybutton! Use one on my bellybutton!” Ashley chirped happily. Nora grinned and gave a giggle.

“Oooh brave miss. So we have six, they’re lined up from weakest to strongest.” Nora explained.

“Strongest! I’m tired of the nice tickles. I came here to laugh!” Ashley demanded, a look of pure joy on her face. This was just what she needed to break out of her shell, she loved tickling and damn it if she left here without screaming she would demand a refund.

“OHOHO ALRIGHT!” Nora said happily. Her favorite part of the job was seeing the hunger for more build up in people’s eyes. She adored the ones who screamed and howled with laughter only to beg for more afterwards. “Old Betty it is then. If you want to know the truth this is my favorite one too. Ten seconds of this in my bellybutton and I melt like butter, I can’t even talk.” Nora blushed, grabbing the electric toothbrush and laying on the floor. “Ready?”

“DO IT! Make me scream for mercy and Amanda don’t you dare stop her!” Ashley yelled, her eyes fixated on the tickle tool, her mouth nearly drooling with anticipation.

“Choo Choo! All aboard the tickle train!” Nora yelled, turning on the buzzing brush and plunging it bristles first into Ashley’s waiting navel. Amanda watched in shock, she had never seen her sister so excited and animated before. As soon as the toothbrush made contact Ashley completely lost it, letting out an ear piercing scream and laughing at the top of her lungs.


“I think I’m killing her!” Nora yelled over the girl’s chaotic laughter, but still she kept the toothbrush buzzing in the oval divot. She even went so far as to wrap and arm around Ashley’s back and pull her tummy down, pressing the tool even deeper and eliciting more uncontrollable laughter. After only a few seconds Ashley’s voice went silent, laughing so hard she wasn’t able to make a sound.
This is heaven AND hell! Ashley thought to herself, the feeling of the rotating brush head slowly being spun around in her navel driving her crazy. And I LOVE IT! For ten straight minutes the brown haired woman was kept in a constant state of gut busting silent laughter, the evil redhead making sure to tickle Ashley’s whole bellybutton down to the very last atom. Amanda watched her sister writhe in ticklish agony, flipping to the feed of just her face. The thirty minute mark had come and gone and now it was all up to Amanda to decide when enough was enough. She stared into her sister’s face, staring to grow a little worried as it seemed like she hadn’t taken a breath in a whole minute.

“Sorry sis, I guess this is your limit.” Amanda sighed, scooting forward and getting ready to press the button to call an end to the tickling. It was like Ashley could sense her sister’s intention, looking directly into the camera and shaking her head no before throwing it back again. Amanda couldn’t believe it as she sunk back into her seat, was this not enough? Her sister wanted MORE? Nora grinned watching the girl’s body limply swaying, her tummy shaking so hard it looked like it was vibrating.

“Ashley. Ashley can you hear me?” Nora grinned. The brunette opened her eyes and nodded her head, tears falling like rain. “Good. I can see you’re having the time of your life, and normally the other workers would just keep this up for a little while longer, but I’m not the others. I’ve been around long enough I know how to read a person. You’re enjoying this but it still isn’t enough is it? You want to laugh more, harder. You want HELL don’t you?” Nora hissed evilly. Ashley nodded her head frantically. She did, she didn’t know how Nora could do it but she still wanted more. “Alright but don’t blame me if your sister stops this.” Nora grinned, she reached over to the bottom part of the table and pulled out a long roll of tape which she used to wrap around Ashley’s body, holding the toothbrush in place. “I think you’ll like these, they’re something I came up with a few years ago.” Nora beamed, grabbing two paint rollers off of the table. “You see I attached little motors to them so now they spin all on their own. Doesn’t that sound fun?” The redhead took two rollers and taped them to each of Ashley’ legs, positioning the heads against her arches and turned them on.

“NGH OOHOHOHOHOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAH!! YEHEEHES HAHAHAAHHAAA! YEHEHEHEEHHEHEHEHEHEES! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAHA!” Ashley screamed, finding her voice again, her finger nails digging wildly into the wood and carving out new divots.

“Oh my sweet sweet girl I still have more.” Nora grinned, grabbing the next two strongest electric toothbrushes and taping them into both Ashley’s underarms, flicking them on with a buzz.

“EEEEEK HAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAAA!! NOHOHOOOOO! NOHOHOHO! STAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!! STHAHAHAHAAAHAHHAHAHAAA! AHAHAMANDAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The twenty one year old screamed, her laughter doubling again as she wailed and screamed at the top of her lungs.

“One more spot, the one I’ve been neglecting this whole time.” Nora whispered in Ashley’s ear, laying down and scribbling her fingers over the entirety of her heaving tummy, her hands almost like a blur. Ashley’s eyes bugged out of her head, the feeling of absolute helplessness taking over her body. She had asked for hell and Nora was certainly giving it to her. The constant buzzing of the toothbrush in her navel droning in her ears, burning the feeling into her mind. The evil contraptions on her feet spun at breakneck speeds, pressing tightly into her aches so there was no scrunching her feet for relief. The armpit tickles weren’t all that bad but they still did their part. And finally Nora’s scribbling spider fingers making it feel like there were hundreds of bugs just crawling endlessly across her entire stomach. The seemingly laughter slowly died away, the poor girl reduced once again to side splitting silent laughter. Ashley looked up into the mirror at her reflection, her mouth agape with forced laughter and merriment while the rest of her body spasmed and shook. This was both her ultimate fantasy as well as her worst nightmare all rolled into one. She was too busy staring at her reflection that she didn’t even notice that Nora had left the room.

“Oh hi.” Amanda said in surprise when Nora walked in. “Are you just going to leave her there?”

“Oh yes for now. I figured I’d come talk to you for a few minutes.” The tickler smiled. “So what do you think so far?” Amanda glanced back up at the monitor, her sister still writhing in agony.

“I don’t know how she can stand it.” Amanda admitted, nervously rubbing her arms.

“Oh before it was all about the adrenaline rush. Seeing how far we could push her body. That’s what drove her to crave more. Now however she’s in pure hell. I mean look at her, she’s laughing so much that she doesn’t even realize I stopped tickling her tummy and left. I honestly wouldn’t blame you if you pushed that button right now.” Nora said casually watching Amanda eye the button. “However.” She continued, “Judging by my watch it’s only been around two hours. Now I know she paid a lot of money for this experience and to cut if off now, in my opinion, would be a waste of money. Tell you what, take some time off and order something to eat. Watch a movie too. I bet you in another hour she’ll be back to begging for more. In the end however it’s up to you. Personally I’d like to explore her tummy and bellybutton some more.” Amanda looked from the button to Nora and to the monitor with her sister’s grinning face.

“Do you promise she’ll be ok?” Amanda asked nervously. Nora smiled and nodded her head.

“Trust me she’s in good hands. I’ve gone through a four hour session before with nothing but my worst spot focused and I’m still alive and kicking so I’m sure she’ll be just fine.” Amanda bit her lip and gave it one more thought, her stomach giving a little rumble.

“Ok, but just one meal and a short movie. After that I’ll check back in on her.” Amanda promised. The redhead tickler beamed happily and skipped her way out of the room.

I’m going to die. I’m really going to hang here and get tickled to death. Ashley thought to herself, the buzzing and tickling of the different devices strapped to her body continuing to put her through ticklish hell.

“Alrighty tighty Ash, I have good news and bad news for ya. The good news is you get a few seconds for a break!” Nora cheered, slowly turning off each device one by one. Slowly Ashely found her voice again, laughing and screaming at the top of her lungs. That too eventually died down however when Nora finally removed the tooth brush from her bellybutton and set it aside. “Is there any sanity left in that cute head of yours?” Nora teased a she gently rubbed the girl’s back. Ashley coughed and sputtered, taking huge slow breaths.

“My lungs.” She croaked. “They feel like they’re one fire.”

“Well forty minutes of hyperventilating and manic laughter will do that to a person. Now I gave you the good news so on to the bad news, poo! Well bad news for you at least hehe.” Nora giggled. “I popped over and talked to your sister and it seems she’s gotten a little bored with your lack of begging so she’s decided to eat a nice hot meal and enjoy a movie. Which means……..” Nora smiled and leaned over close to Ashley’s face. “I get a whole ‘nother hour at least to play with that tummy of yours.” She whispered.

“No! No I’ve had enough! I’ve seriously had enough! It was fun but I am NOT letting you tickle me anymore! Especially on my tummy!” Ashley yelled, her voice still hoarse from screaming. “Amanda! Hit the button! Amanda please! Help me!” She wheezed loudly. Nora just continued to smile and clicked her tongue.

“Silly, didn’t you hear what I said? Amanda is watching a movie which means she can’t hear you. Every room in this building is soundproof so even if you could scream she can’t hear you.” Nora grinned. This was her second favorite part, seeing the hope drain from her victim’s eyes as they realized there was no salvation coming any time soon. “Now seeing as you’ve never been tied and tickled you don’t really know.” Nora continued, laying back down on the floor and looking up at her hanging friend. “You see most people think that the big hard tickles are the worst. That laughing and screaming your head off for hours at a time is the worst it can get. But like I said before, I’ve been around the block many times and what I’ve learned is that if done correctly, even the light teasing tickles can drive someone insane.” Ashley yelped and sucked in her tummy when she felt Nora place all ten neon green finger nails against her flat tummy and slowly begin to drag them up and down from the bottom of her ribcage to the waistband of her shorts.

“EEEP! Hehehehehehehehee! No hahahahahahahha! No mohore tickling hehehee!” Ashley giggled, her tummy twitching and fidgeting under the older woman’s touch.

“Yes, lots more tickling. Like I was saying light tickles if done correctly can break people just as much as hard tickles. Like my second session here, do you want to hear about it?” Nora asked playfully, her nails slowly gliding up and down.

“Nohoho I hehehe!! I dohont!”

“Too bad I’m telling you anyway.” Nora teased and stuck out her tongue. “It was five years ago, no too long after TCC opened. There was this cougar Edith, oh she was a talented tickler! Anyway being the curious tickle lover I am I booked an appointment with her and just like you I told her upfront about my tummy.” Nora began, adding random gentle skitters to the mix while her fingers continued their march up and down, up and down.

“I hahahahahaa! I dohohon’t EEEK! Dohohont cahahahare hehehe! AhamanDAHAHAHA!”

“Shh, you’re interrupting my story.” Nora hissed, wiggling a finger in Ashley’s bellybutton then returning to the slow tickles. “Like I was saying. I told her about my tummy and the whole time I was expecting Edith to mercilessly attack my tummy. I mean I imagined toothbrushes and feathers, paintbrushes and flossers galore! But do you know what I got instead? Nails, nothing but Edith’s long tickly nails. Around and around my tummy she skittered, just like this.” Nora continued and used her finger tips to glide around the edges of the trapped tummy above.

“Nohohoeheheeehee! Stohohop! Nora p-p-pleehehhehehase! Thhihis is already torture! EEEEheheheahahahahahahaa!” Ashley snickered and giggled, her tummy dancing and flexing from the soft caress.

“This is nothing. Edith tickle me like that for hours and hours. All I could do was just giggle and laugh. I’d say after the two hour mark when she had spent an eternity tracing the VERY edges of my bellybutton did I finally feel like I was in hell. We’ll get to that part here in a bit but for now I’m going to just keep tickling and tickling and tickling all around the sides of your belly.” Nora teased, keeping a steady rhythm of light skitters and long drags. For ten minutes Ashley felt like she was drowning in her own giggles. The tickling wasn’t that intense but it was just light enough to where she couldn’t keep her reactions down and worst of all it felt like it would never stop.

“Ohhoho! Ohoho! Ohoho nohohoo hahahahahahahaaha! Geheheht away! Gehehet awahahay from my behehellybutton!” Ashley was in dire straits with Nora slowly tracing a single pointer finger around the very edge of her navel, over and over again.

“But I can’t help it, your bellybutton is just so cute! It reminds me of mine see?” So soooooft and rooooound.” Nora whispered, lifting her own shirt up with her free hand to show off her own pale tummy.

“Plehehase! Make me lahahahaugh! Mahahake me scream aghahain! Noraha hehehe! PLEHEHEHHEESE!” Ashley begged after twenty more minutes. Even after Nora stopped she could still feel her finger tracing her navel, around and around and around.

“I told your sister I’d get you to beg for more tickles.” Nora giggled, rolling away and jumping up to look at her table of tools. “So you want to laugh huh? To scream and squeal? Hmmmmmm, OH! Here it is!” Nora cheered, picking up a modified drill.

“What-what is that?” Ashley stammered, her heart racing at the sight of the power tool.

“Another one of my custom devices. This baby I bring everywhere with me. It’s my absolute favorite toy to have used on myself. You see I have a pet pheasant at home, Phil. I wanted to make a device that tickled my bellybutton so bad that I never wanted to put it down again. So I carefully pulled some of Phil’s down feathers and attached them to this cone shaped drill bit see?” Nora beamed, proudly holding up the cone of feathers. “It’s the softest most ticklish bellybutton tool in my collection. You want to beg, THIS will have you begging in a snap!” Ashley couldn’t explain it, maybe all of the tickling really had driven her crazy but she suddenly felt like she NEEDED to see what that felt like in her navel.

“Do it!” Ashley said, egging Nora on. “Do it now!”

“Are you suuuuuuuuure?” The redhead teased, attaching the head and giving the trigger a few spins.

“Tickle me, TICKLE me, TI-CKLE MEEEEE!” Ashley begged with excitement.

“Don’t mind if I diddly do!” Nora answered, sticking the soft feather bit into Ashely’s waiting navel and pulling the trigger, making the drill spin a slowly as she could.


“You love it huh? Well then you’ll really love it when I do this!” Nora grinned, slowly applying more pressure to the trigger, the drill spinning faster and faster.

“WAIT! OH NO HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA! IT’S GETTING FAHAHAAHSTER! OHOHO NOHOHOHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAA! DOHOHOHON’T MAHAHAKE IT GOHOHO FAHAAHAHSTER! NOHOHOHORA NAHAHAHAHAAOHOHOHOHO!” Ashley began to scream and buck, howling with hysterical laughter while her tummy did its best to escape the now full power feather drill.

“Told you so!” Nora sang happily, giving the drill a little twist as well. “Well look at the time! It’s total tummy tickle time!”

“WHAHAT’S? OHOHO NOHOHOHOHO! DOHOHON’T! DOHOHONT DOHOHOHO THAHAHAT! NORA! NOHOHOHORAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!” Ashley bellowed, her laughter growing exponentially louder and harder when Nora added her free hand to knead all around the tummy and her mouth to blow raspberry after raspberry.

“Tickle the tummy and never gonna stop! PFFFFFFFFFFT! Tickle the tummy and never gonna stop! PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT! Tickle wickle the tummy and neeeever gonna stop! PFFT!” Nora sang over and over again between raspberries. It had been five hours since the session started and Nora finally decided to give Ashley what she paid for, the worst tickling of her life. “Tickle the tummy and never gonna stop! PFFFFFT!” Nora sang over and over, twisting the drill and digging her nails deep into Ashley’s tummy and bellybutton while she blew countless raspberries.

By the time Amanda flipped the station back to her sister Ashley was a complete wreck. Her face was as red as a tomato and veins bulged out of her neck as she laughed even harder than before. Her hair, body, and even clothes were drenched with sweat. Her whole body shook violently from the force of her laughter. Ashley couldn’t even think let alone form any coherent words, her eyes leaking tears like a leaky faucet. Amanda spit out her drink and slammed the button causing a loud buzzer to sound in the next room. As soon as the buzzer went off Nora completely ceased her tickling, backing up and admiring her handiwork.

“Ashley! Ashley are you ok?” Amanda yelled as she burst into the room, grabbing her sister’s head and lifting it up. The twenty one year old gasped for breath and slowly nodded her head, grinning from ear to ear.

“Is that it? Is it over?” She whispered, looking up at Nora.

“It’s over. You survived five and a half hours of mind altering tickle torture, congratulations.” Nora cheered, helping untie Ashley and getting her to her feet. The young woman wobbled a little but managed to steady herself and stand up straight. “Well this is where I leave you two. You can collect your belongings and head out when you’re ready. Thanks for booking with us and-OH!” Nora said in surprise, Ashley diving over to her and wrapping her in a giant tight hug.

“Thank you Nora! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to start saving up so I can do it again!” Ashley sniffled, looking up at Nora and giving her the biggest and happiest smile she could.

“You are very welcome! It was my pleasure and I must say you have one of the most fun tummies I’ve tickled in a long time! I look forward to seeing you again someday, and who knows maybe we can make it a double and Amanda can get some laughs in too. You two take care now.” Nora smiled and walked out of the room, listening to the two girls as she closed the door.

“That was amazing! Did you see me Amanda? Did you see how hard I was laughing?”

“See? I could hear you through the walls in the other room you were laughing so loud!”

“I know wasn’t it amazing! You have to try it! Oh the things she could do to your feet-“

Nora grinned and cracked her knuckles, heading back to the reception desk.

“Well that took a while. I didn’t expect a first timer to last that long.” Roberto remarked.

“Yeah but you know what I think she got what she wanted and a whole lot more.” Nora grinned happily. “Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me get another folder? It’s only been five hours and I’m just getting warmed up.”

“Hmmm, I don’t have any others that aren’t already booked. I mean there’s always, HIM.” Roberto chuckled.

“HIM? Oh no, last time I went to HIM I ended up wetting my pants!