Two Faces of Jess (M/F)(CD)

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Two Faces of Jess (M/F)(CD)

Post by Brez510 »

I've always been into role play and tie up games, and I've been lucky. Many relationships I have had with women have included both. One of my strangest encounters though involved neither a woman or a private role play. As a matter of fact I was only an observer, but what an observation it was!

What I will tell you is totally true and amazing. It happened a few years back so some of the dialogue I filled in because I forgot what was said word for word, but again the story is 100% true.

I was a youth group leader for many years. I was 21 at the time while the majority of the kids I worked with we're in the 15-18 year range. Twice a year the group planned youth run conventions. Leaders we're chosen and planned events for many months. Over 250 would attend these conferences held at a hotel in the mountains. The four day conventions would feature leadership sessions, social action projects, sports, arts activities and plenty of time to just hang out with your friends.

One event at a convention set off a series of events that I will never ever forget! One of the fun events planned for the club room stage at the hotel was a role reversal contest. A guy and a girl would partner up and form a team with the male dressed as a female and the girl as her male partner. The winning team would win a prize.

This particular contest evolved into just what you would think. The girls dressed as guys in messy clothes, grabbing their crouches and over exagerating the role.The guys were even more extreme battling each other for who could be dressed as the worst looking girl, with the hariest legs and biggest gigantic artificial boobs. One team did stand out though. While Tina the girl did a terrible job at imitating a guy, her partner Jess, well he, how can I explain this, role reversed into a female that was believe it or not the hottest, smokingest, “girl” at the convention!!

As a guy it's hard to describe another guys appearance but i’ll try. Jess was pretty decent looking. He was 18, about 5’7 and had shaggy light blond hair. He was in great shape and a basketball standout in our youth league. He had a hairless body I remember and was on the thinner side with no body fat with well shaped legs. Again, pretty tough for a guy to describe another guy. Lol

Jess’s contest partner Tina was his long term girlfriend and they were one of the most popular couples around always sharing center stage at youth group events. They loved to have fun.

So back to the contest. Tina came out on stage first. The MC asked her in her male role some quick questions and then requested she introduce her “female” partner. Tina, said “ I want y’all to meet my girlfriend Jess. He came out from behind the curtain and what appeared is not what anyone in the room of 250 expected…for sure!!

Jess was wearing a tight black shiny latex mini dress that came up to just below his neck with sheer pantyhose and stiletto heels. He wore perfectly crafted artificial boobs. His blond hair which was shaggy as I mentioned had a style that fit either a male or female equally. Jess was wearing makeup with red lipstick. His legs with the enhancement of the heels made them as sexy as any female movie star. The girls in the room screamed, applauded and laughed with amazement while most of the guys at first just stared in disbelief. His uncanny resemblance to a beautiful woman was all the more convincing due to his normal lack of body hair. He was smooth skinned and hot looking. After the initial shock wore off guys started whistling at the female version of Jess.

The MC spoke to Jess and in addition to his physical look he answered questions with a smokey sexy voice. I thought to myself that many guys in the room had to have interesting feelings about seeing Jess dressed and speaking like this. My suspicions were confirmed when Len, another youth leader sitting next to me said “I think every older guy in this room is pretty hot and bothered now” That statement was probably true!

Obviously Jess and Tina won the contest hands down. Later in the evening during a snack session the female Jess transformed back to the good old male Jess that we all knew. But you know, I still think many of the over 110 guys in attendance in some little way were hoping that Jess would have stayed in “costume” just a little while longer. That bitter disappointment would come to an end the next night though when the female version of Jess would amazingly return as a Damsel in Distress.

On day two of the youth convention, programs were scheduled to take place all day and night. I was dubbed the staff video guy since I filmed and edited many of the sessions going back to when I was also a participant in the program. One of the greatest enjoyments of convention goers after lights out was to sit in their rooms and watch CTV, Convention TV. A number of years prior some staff members figured out a way to play around and plug into the cable system in the hotel to broadcast our own channel. As technology evolved the hotel was able to do this on their own and had no problem with us broadcasting CTV since there were no other guests beside the 250 youth and 20 staff in the hotel. A variety of programs were created by the youth from talk shows, to comedy skits to re-creations of existing cable and TV shows. The channel operated the three nights of the convention.

One of the most popular shows produced was a version of Charlie’s Angels renamed Glenn’s Angels after the youth group member who was one of the stars. The script was written and acted out by youth group members. The show was sort of a comedy version of Charlie’s Angels with a crime committed that the Angels had to solve. I loved being the video guy for this show each year because as I mentioned, I admit that I enjoy a good innocent role play and tie up game. As a matter of fact my girlfriend, who became my wife, then ex-wife, got involved in one of the Angel scripts as a youth leader which lead to her being tied up and gagged. I'll tell that true story some other time!

Over a few years, Glenn’s Angels, being a takeoff on a crime drama, had in addition to my ex- wife many youth actors and female staff tied up, with no complaints from me! Lol. I was actually disappointed when a script didn’t have a tied up character.

For this episode, casting was called for at 10 with the show to be shot between 1:30 and 3:30pm to be played later that night. The parts of the Angels were etched in stone. The females who played these roles had the job until they left the group at 18 and then a younger girl would take over the part. They were sort of regarded as convention celebrities.

At 10am a number of kids were in a conference room ready to tryout for parts. The lead Angel Tina, whose boyfriend was Jess from the famed role reversal stage show the night before explained the script to the would be actors. It was the usual dumb script that was presented. An organized gang was stealing snacks during breaks in the convention and selling them later at black market prices. I told you it was dumb! A witness who caught them in the act calls the Angels to report the crime. The witness disappears and the Angels have to find that person, the gang and the snacks to solve the crime.

After all the parts were given out for Gang members and other small roles, the part of the witness remained open. There were no other kids to tryout and that created a problem. Jess was in the room to offer his moral support to Tina. With no one else for the part Tina asked Jess if he would help out. Jess said he couldn’t since he was schedule to play in a convention touch football game during the filming. Everyone was thinking of who could play the witness role when Lori, one of the Angels said how cool it could have been if the male Jess would have played the role as the female Jess version from the night before. That suggestion turned on a light bulb in everyone’s head who thought that was an amazing idea! Bring last nights star back tonight for another appearance! The group begged Jess to do it. Tina told him the part was small and easy to play. At first he said no but you could tell he was thinking about it.

The role called for the witness to be kidnapped after calling the Angels to report seeing the gang in action, and then ends up tied up in the candy thief gangs hideout. In actuality, like Tina said, it was only a very minor role.

A script with someone getting tied up, perhaps the female version of Jess has me feeling like one happy fellow. It was not a minor role to me!

As the video cameraman for the show the group asked me what I thought. Although I could never let on that the idea of the female version of Jess kidnapped and tied up turned me on in a weird way it was totally up to Jess to make the decision since he had the prior football game commitment. I believe Jess himself really felt somewhat sorry for his girlfriend Tina and said he would do it! The cast was happy all the roles were filled, everyone left and as planned regathered at 1:30 to shoot the episode.

Jess and Tina came in a couple of minutes late, but well worth the wait. Jess seemed even hotter then the night before. Same tight full black shiny latex mini dress filled with make believe tits,same shinny stiletto heels, makeup, lipstick and sheer panty hose. But in my mind all the hotter knowing he would soon be tied up in one of the scenes. Who would have imagined that last night! The filming began but l won’t bore you with each scene that was shot. I’ll only talk about the scenes Jess was in.

In the first scene for Jess he was to be on the phone from the hotel lobby talking to a convention participant. He was to say he was sorry for being late to a meeting and would take a short cut through the snack room and be there in just a few minutes. Tina, in addition to being an Angel also directed the show. She told Jess to sit on a chair in the lobby and act like he was making the call. Jess sat on the chair with his legs tightly crossed to call. Jess with the sheer pantyhose, stiletto heels and shapely legs looked like a true female movie star when he crossed them. I started filming,Jess made the call and Tina said cut, the scene was done.

The next scene for Jess was to catch the thief’s in action. Tina told me to take a long shot of Jess walking down the lobby hall into the snack room. It was amazing that walking down the hall and with the heels on, he moved in a more sexy way then many women. The heels clicked with each step which I found kind of erotic. Tina said cut.

In the next scene Jess is in the room and spots the gang loading cookies, power bars and drinks into bags. I told you it was a sorry plot. lol Jess thinks the gang did not see her and quietly leaves the room. Tina cuts the scene.

At this point, although I can’t admit it to the cast, I am getting kind of antsy for the scenes that will find Jess as our male turned female Damsel in Distress. Just when that’s about to happen Tina calls for a 10 minute break. So close and yet so far!

After a short 10 minute production break, I thought it would be time for the first interesting scene featuring Jess to begin. But my need for instant gratification was thwarted when Tina decided a number of other scene with Glenn and the Angels should be shot first. I played along like it didn’t bother me. What was I to do? Tell Tina I couldn’t wait to see her boyfriend tied up as a beautiful hot woman first? I decided to put my 21 year old hormones into check a little longer.

Finally, after a half hour of other filming we were back to a Jess scene. If you remember Jess spotted the candy thief gang in the snack room, thought she wasn’t seen and quietly left. Tina set up the next scene to take place in a hotel alcove. To the back of the alcove to the left was an entrance to a service area. The scene called for a close up of Jess on the phone calling Glenn’s Angels to report the crime. Tina told Jess to say that the candy gang was spotted in the snack room and to try to get here quickly to apprehend them. Jess was to say that he would wait in the alcove until the Angels arrived. The scene would end with one of the gang placing their hand around Jess’ mouth. I started videoing the scene with the closeup Tina requested. When I set the scene up I was amazed in the closeup the you truly could not tell if Jess was a man or woman with the make up and lipstick. Jess started speaking into the phone in a smokey, sexy whisper so as not to be heard. If that wasn’t enough to get the juices flowing the best was just around the corner. Jess ended the call, put the phone at her side and suddenly Dave, playing one of the gang members came out from the back of the alcove and clamped his hand around Jess’s mouth. It seems like the gang actually saw her snooping. Jess made hand gag noises the were beyond sexy. Tina always kind of a frantic person said to cut, and that the scene was fine. Then unexpectedly Jess asked if the hand gag part could be done again. He felt Dave didn’t tighten his hand hard enough against his mouth and it wasn’t realistic. Tina said she was happy with the scene, the script was suppose to be as lighthearted as possible and didn’t need to get violent, especially with a teenage audience, but Jess asked if I could give my opinion. Of course I wanted the scene to be reshot to see Jess hand gagged again, but being the diplomatic staff member I was I said it was the directors decision and crossed my fingers for the best.

Tina to not waste time on a drawn out discussion agreed to reshoot. She spoke to Dave and told him to perhaps give it a little more effort. To add to Tina’s angst she needed to fix Jess’ red lipstick which was messed up from the first hand gag. I reshot the scene only this time Dave clamped his hand around Jess’s mouth extra tight pulling his head back with force towards Dave. Jess’ head was resting on Dave’s shoulder. Jess increased the intensity of his hand gagged mmmmming and attemps to scream. Tina said cut and sarcastically asked Jess if he approved. Jess said it seemed more realistic and was happy.

While Tina was figuring out the next scenes we took a quick break. I was talking to a few of the kids in the cast and out of the corner of my eye saw two of the hotels kitchen help talking to Jess. One of the guys was looking at her up and down while talking. Their conversation ended after a couple of minutes and Jess came laughing to me. He said “Do you know what they wanted?” I said no and he told me that one of the guys wanted his phone number to go out on a date. He asked me if he should tell Tina. I told him to let it be. It might get her upset that her boyfriend was being hit upon as a girl for a date! Jess found that pretty funny.

After figuring her plan for the next few scenes Tina’s requested we moved all of the cast and equipment up the elevator to one of the hotel floor hallways. When we were all assembled Tina told us that we would shoot 3 scenes, one in the hallway and the other 2 in a conference room. The first would be the gang moving the kidnapped Jess down the hallway to the conference room that would serve as their hideaway, the next scene would be in the room with Jess tied up as the kidnap victim with some of the gang members keeping guard. The final scene would be the big climatic fight to save Jess and defeat the Candy Theft Gang. Then, as earlier for some reason Tina decided to film some other scenes first in another part of the hotel. As annoyed as I was, Glenn’s Angels were the true stars of the show. The whole show really revolved around them. I told you earlier I wasn’t going to go through each of their many scenes only the ones with Jess. Jess in reality was just a small part of the video. A kidnap victim with very few lines. Maybe a total of a couple or three minutes out of a parody video that would end up being around 30 minutes long. I get it and still knew the good stuff with Jess would only be delayed for a little while longer. Tina and I took off with the cast members to shoot the scenes while everyone else took a break in the conference room.

While we were filming the non Jess scenes that Tina wanted to get out of the way I was a little distracted at the camera with the thought of Jess dressed like a hot girl, stiletto heels shiny latex mini dress, and sexy voice now just a few scenes away from finally being tied up by the Gang. Finally we finished shooting those scenes and joined up again at the conference room. Tina spoke for a few moments reminding up that we had to conclude shooting at exactly 3:30, about one hour away. I was concerned that if we were starting to run out of time Tina might start cutting corners which meant to me that Jess could end up being a non tied up hostage to save the time needed to set that up.

Tina then asked Candy Gang members and Jess to go out into the hallway. The scene was set to show the elevator door open to the hotel floor hallway with the gang taking Jess off and moving her to their hideout in the conference room. We quickly,in our race against the clock, to get the filming done practiced the scene. It was kind of haphazard and sloppy. Jason, one of the gang members said to Tina that maybe Jess should have his hands tied behind his back since dragging him down the hallway like we were practicing might allow Jess to start screaming and escape. Again, as in the past Tina said the show was lighthearted and didn’t need every microscopic detail put into the kidnap scenes. It was not by any means the most important part of the show. Tina reminded us that we were running out of time and had to move along. Tina asked Jess what he though and he agreed with Jason that having his hands tied would look more realistic. Frustrated, Tina asked Lynn, one of the Angels who also helped Tina with the production, to go to the conference room and get some rope that was going to be used to tie Jess up. Lynn made a mad dash for the room. I was obviously delighted. Jess was not suppose to get tied up in this scene, just dragged down the the hall, but like Jason said it looked really lame.

Lynn quickly returned with the rope. Eric, another gang member was given the white rope and told by Tina to tie Jess’s hands behind his back. Tina pressured Eric to hurry and then told the gang to practice the scene again. The elevator door opens and the gang started to move Jess down the hall. Unfortunately the rope was so loose around Jess’s wrist the it literally uncoiled and started flopping around. I guess Eric was too flustered to do it right with Tina’s pressure.

Tina was panicking about the time and I was sure she was going to go for plan B with no tie ups at all. It might just end up being the earlier hand gag with Dave and nothing else tied up related. Another gang member Mickey, getting impatient by what was going on decided to take control of the situation. He said “Let’s do this right so there are no mistakes and we can go on to the last scenes.” Mickey took the flopping rope pulled Jess’ arms tightly behind his back and tied his wrists together. He took another rope from Lynn and tightly tied Jess’s elbows together. Jess’s false tits after Mickey tied his elbows, pushed out into the latex dress making him look all the more like a sexy bound woman. Mickey asked Karen, another of the Angels, to give him the silk scarf she was wearing. She handed it over, Mickey quickly tied a big knot in the middle of the black scarf and told Jess he was going to be gagged. Jess told Mickey to make it tight so there was no chance of it falling out during the scene and getting Tina more upset. Mickey obliged placing the knot in Jess’ mouth and tying the scarf extra tight behind his head. Jess had perfect white teeth and gagable lips with red lipstick on, and to see the black knot fit in perfectly and tied so tightly was an amazing visual to soak in. I was thinking to myself that whether you were into tie up games or not the sight of Jess dressed as a hot woman wrists bound, and tightly gagged had to be a hot sight. Mickey, who certainly did the right thing, said to Tina and everyone, “ he’s tied and gagged tightly, now let’s go just shoot the damn scene and move on!” I really don’t think that Mickey got hot and bothered or any sexual satisfaction tying up and gagging Jess. He was just frustrated and wanted the scene shot. Tina, while upset that she lost some control of the situation was quietly relieved that things were now moving along.

I got the camera ready. The gang took Jess into the elevator and got ready for my signal for action. I started filming and the gang escorted the bound and gagged Jess down the hallway. The sight of Jess being escorted with a gang member holding each arm while he struggled to get out of their grasp along with that tight gag in his mouth his equally as tight latex shiny mini dress and stiletto heels with legs that any woman would be envious to have was beyond amazing. The whole scene done right lasted only 15 seconds but it created a life time of memories. Tina said cut, was pleased, and thanked Mickey for taking the bull by the horns and moving thing along.

In the conference room to set up the next scene Tina made another disappointing announcement Tina said the scene about Jess taken into the hideout and tied to a chair had to be dropped. Too much hassle and no time to do it. The fight scene would be the climax alone. She wanted the audience to assume that once Jess was brought into the hideout he was untied by the gang and stood on the sidelines rooting for the Angles to win the fight scene and save her. She asked for comments. Jess who was still gagged from the past scene tried to talk. Eric with a little struggling got the knot out of Jess’ mouth. Wanting to finish the video right, Jess suggested we just keep plugging away to avoid any mistakes or retakes. Again, as a staff member and cameraman I was asked for my opinion. Obviously wanting to see Jess tied and gagged to the conclusion, I said that a lot of work went into the story and we should see it to the conclusion. Everyone in the room agreed and Tina relented. It was time to get back to work.

Tina emptied the conference room except for the Gang and Jess and that since we filmed Jess being taken from the elevator to the room the first shot would be the gang with Jess entering the inside of the room. Jason and Dave as Gang members and Jess as the kidnap victim took their places by the door. Dave was ready to pull the gag up Jess’s neck and place it back in his mouth. Jess objected. Immediately. I envisioned another crisis to prevent me from seeing Jess gagged again. In reality Jess actually wanted the gag removed and re tied even tighter. He felt the knotted black silk scarf was getting too loose from being taken out a few times and put back in. Dave removed the gag from Jess’ neck, straightened it out and tied it tight like Jess requested. The scene called for Dave and Jason to hold Jess’ arms and move him from the door towards the chair where the other gang members were waiting. The three practiced a few time and it looked great! Tina was actually pleased and told me to start filming I gave the cue, Dave and Jason each tightly held one of Jess’ arms almost lifting him off the ground. They moved away from the door and took steps towards the center of the room. Jess was struggling mightily with his arms pinned behind his back to try to get away and gave sexy mmmm’s through the gag. After walking a few feet towards the center of the room Tina said cut.

The next scene to film was the gang members pushing Jess into the chair. Two of the gang members were to hold down Jess’ shoulders while the other two continued to hold his arms while he struggled. Mickey in his part as a gang member was to tell Jess to calm down or things would get worse. We rehearsed a few times then we were ready and started to shoot the scene. All went as planned. Jess’ version of a female struggling was sexy and hot. Jess continued to struggle and moan and mmmmm through the gag as he was pushed into the chair. The scene faded out and Tina said cut.

Tina looked at the time and was finally convinced that we could finish on schedule. The next scene was to open with a closeup of Jess tied to the chair. It then would go to a wider scene of the Gang playing cards next to Jess. Some preparation was needed Tina told the guys in the Gang to move a table and chairs near Jess and set up the props for a card game. Tina asked me to tied Jess’ ankles together. Tina said she was going to go into the hallway to talk to the Angels in the cast about the upcoming fight scene finale. I moved over to Jess seated tied up and gagged in the chair and asked him how he was doing. He nodded appearing to ask me to take the gag out for a moment. He had his legs crossed in the chair trying to relax. Looking at those crossed legs in his stilettos made me flush.

I tried to get the cleave gag out but it was so tight it took me quite a while to accomplish. When I finally took the gag out and laid it on a table Jess said he was doing fine. I gathered up the nerve to ask him in a laughing manner if he was ever tied up before. He said never but it is a cool experience so far. He said when Dave handgaged him the second time he planned to try to scream to make it more dramatic but he did it so hard he could hardly get a sound out. Very realistic he said. He said Mickey did quite some job tying his wrists and elbows. Extremely tight but comfortable. He said with a laugh “now let’s see if you can do the same with my ankles.” I was almost embarrassed to tie Jess’ ankles together though. The idea of touching a guys ankles who had the shapely legs of a beautiful woman was kind of intimidating. I went to get a piece of rope. When I came back Jess’s ankles were already crossed waiting to be tied. I guess that’s the way he wanted it. I started the process to tying them and thought I would pass out. The high heels, stockings and shiny latex mini skirt were driving me crazy while trying to finish the job. Jess told me jokingly using his smokey, sexy female voice “to tie them tight and not to worry that he would break me.” I finished the job and tied them tight like he asked. I then asked myself was Jess doing this for the sake of realism or did he really enjoy this more then I suspected?

The Gang finished setting up the table and all we needed now was for Tina to return to start filming. While we were waiting Eric told Jess that he was a great actor… or actress. Everyone laughed hard at that one. Jess said it was easy to act so well. Since his few lines at the beginning of the video the rest of the time he has been either gagged or hand gagged. He said he should win the Emmy Award for an actor or actress gagged for the most time in a program. Jess again using his sexy female voice whispered to me and said “speaking of gags would you put mine back in. Also can you check my wrists and elbows to make sure they are still tight? Again I became flush. I went behind Jess and looked at his wrists. He was wiggling them but the rope was still very tight. The same for his elbows. “All good Jess” I said. “Please gag me now” Jess requested. I didn’t gag Jess during the entire filming and now it was my turn. Jess said with a smile, “Dave hand gagged me tight and Mickey tied me very tight, can you match them? Still standing behind Jess I took the silk gag and placed the knot in his mouth. He grabbed it with his teeth and I started to tie it behind his head. I don't know. I think at this point Jess knew I was aroused seeing him tied and gagged and played it for all it was worth whether he enjoyed it or not.

Tina re-entered the room and was happy we were all ready to shoot the scene. Tina said action and I starting the camera at Jess’ high heeled feet and did a very slow pan up his hot legs, to his waist and chest and finally to his beautifully gagged mouth as he bit on the knot. All the while Jess was struggling like there was no way he would get loose and mmmmmming through the gag moving his head slowly from side to side. It was ultra hot. Tina said cut and asked for the shot of Jess and the Gang. I told the guys to take their places at the card table. The scene started with the guys playing cards with the bound and gagged Jess struggling next to them and making moaning sounds. After a moment Mickey gets up out of his seat and stands next to Jess. He grabbed her by the chin, pushed her head back and tells her to calm down. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door and the Gang looks nervous. Cut Tina said. “That was great. I don't know what was better your guys performance or getting through another scene with my boyfriend tied and gagged. At least I know where he is all the time.” All the guys laughed. Jess talked through his gag and barely mumbled “Wait until I get loose.” With the door knock we are up to the final scene at last. The epic fight finally where the Angels bring the Gang to justice and free the kidnapped Jess. Tina goes to the door and calls in the Angels who were waiting patiently in the hallway. “Guys lets rehearse this a few times’” Tina requested. The fight scene was pretty funny and very well choreographed. Some great lines between the Angels and the Gang and some wonderful fake fighting.

After the first rehearsal though, Tina realilized that some furniture in the conference room needed to be moved so there would be a little more room to fight. The Gang helped move things around. Tina though for a minute and said “to make this look right we need to move Jess to the corner by the white board. Being tied up hand and foot created a problem. We could have Jess hop over or be carried. Dave volunteered to carry Jess while Mickey said he would move the chair. Dave lifted Jess off the chair and put him in a carrying position in his arms and walked him across the room. Even though it wasn’t a scene, the tied up and gagged Jess being carried across the room in that shiny latex mini dress with stiletto heels just might have been my favorite part of the entire day!!!!! Too bad I couldn't film it.

With everything now in place Tina who in addition to being director was also an Angel, turned the duties over to me. She said at the end of the scene she will walk over to Jess un-gag him and act like she was starting to untie his arms. The scene will fade. Everyone took their places for the final scene. My only worry when I said action is that I would have the camera fixed on Jess bound and gagged the whole time and miss filming the action! Lol

I behaved myself and the closing fight scene went even better then expected. I said cut and that was it. All over. Everyone was getting their things together. Dave and Justin untied Jess. We all left and I went back to my room to edit the show to be played on Convention TV at midnight. The dinning room was open at 7 for dinner. I finished editing andI sat with Tina and Jess. He was back in his normal guy clothes again. They were taking about how great the video would be. After dinner I showed Tina the final product. She was really happy and kind of ignored the Jess scenes. To me it was so important but to her, even though he was her boyfriend he was just a minor walk on character who gained notoriety the night before in a role reversal contest. Funny how you look at things from different prospectives. In actuality Tina was right. All that time in person seeing Jess in peril and seeing him tied hand and foot with rope, gagged with a tight scarf and hand gagged amounted to, after editing, a total of only around 3 minutes of the videos actually 35 minutes. Just a fraction of time. Although I thought of it as a tie up movie in my own mind, to the viewers later that night Jess was actually was just a flash in the story. The video was shown like I mentioned at midnight. I wondered what the guys watching were thinking. Were some hot and bothered like me seeing Jess as his female version tied and gagged in almost every scene he was in, or just looked at Jess as a novelty character with a brief appearance? The next morning a lot of the convention participants came up to me and thanked me for doing the video. They loved it. Not much was said of Jess. I don’t think many people wanted to admit publically that the whole thing perhaps turned them on or the part Jess played was so small it didn't warrant comment.

I never had the nerve to ask Jess intimate questions about the experience.

Did he enjoy dressing as a woman or did just do it for laughs? Did he know how attractive he actually looked? Did he like getting tied up and gagged? If not why did he always ask everyone to make his ropes and gag tight? Was it just for the sake of realism or was it something else? What did he really think about the kitchen guy asking him for his number? These are all questions I will never know the answers to.

I kept the video and all the individual cut scenes for many years and watched it hundreds of times. A year or two ago I misplaced the video on a move to Texas. Pretty tragic. I know I didn’t throw it out, just misplaced it. Sometime when the hormones get going I literally tear down the house looking for the lost video. But you know all in all, although I don’t currently have the location of the video it’s still etched in my memory forever. Aaaa
Last edited by Brez510 4 weeks ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Z-Man »

Great story! Sounded like a fun experience to witness, I'm jealous lol.
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Post by PepperFugita »

Amazing story!

The sexual tension presented thorough the whole situation was really interesting to read, really liked the whole scenario. If this kind of youth groups existed in my country, and I was part of one, I would totally be in Jess place.

I need really badly a tight black shiny latex minidress tho, it's in my wish list of acquisitions quite a long time.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Don't forget to gender tag this story and any in the future you want to share with us.
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