Barefoot Holiday Bondage Experience (FFF/M)

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Barefoot Holiday Bondage Experience (FFF/M)

Post by rubbishmoby1980 »

Part 1:

This story happened a few years back at the end of my matric year. We were quite a tight group of friends. Sandra and I met in early high school playing squash during PE. Kate and Skye some how joined our circle in grade 11.

Being a guy, Nathan (but everyone calls me Nate), I was the odd one out. To paint the picture. I’m fairly short and well built with a six pack. I hate body hair so always keep myself clean “shaven” using hair remover.
All 3 girls are slightly shorter than I am. They almost look identical with blonde hair and differ by their eye colour. They look after themselves, so always have a tan and immaculate nails.

What was unique about the way Sandra and I met, as I mentioned playing squash in PE, is that she didn’t have the correct shoes and had to play barefoot. Having a foot fetish for as long as I can remember, this made an impression on me. Sandra considered herself bisexual. I think we always secretly had a crush on each other but neither of us wanted a relationship. Although there were time that we made out now and then.

Skye and Kate were together from when they joined our group. They were both fun to be around and we all got on great. Skye had this quirk that she almost never wore shoes outside of school. We went out to movies, dinners, played miniature golf - you name it. She was always barefoot. Her parents were pretty well off, and it did take some getting used to.

We all lived pretty close together so we saw each other quite often during our final (matric) year at school. Our last exam was on a Wednesday in the first week of December, and we started planning our matric getaway together a few months before then. We lived inland in the suburbs, so a costal matric vacation sounded pretty appealing. Sandra and Kate were already legal to drink at 18, but Skye and I were both turning 18 the day after our last exam which was also going to be the day of our drive to the coast.

Skye (aka barefoot girl) got a new BMW X5 for her birthday. Kate and Sandra both had their licenses but Skye and I didn’t yet. We did both had learner’s license so all of us could drive provided we had one licensed driver in the car with us at all times. The journey to the small costal town where we were staying was about 6 hours but had a great half ways stop. So we were all going to take turns driving Kate’s new car with me driving first.

It was the morning that we were due to leave. I walked to Sandra with my bag. Dressed for the beach in shorts, T shirt and my flip flops. Sandra was already waiting in the driveway and similarly dressed with a tank top, short shorts and flip flops with her bag all packed. “Hey Sandra, Is this early enough for you,” I joked. She responded with “Well, I was actually done sleeping. Super excited about our holiday. I wonder how much longer Skye and Kate will be. Happy Birthday, btw”, she hugged me.

As she said that we saw the navy blue BMW turn the corner. They’re here. My heart was beating with excitement at the prospect of driving the new car. Skye popped the boot (trunk) open and Sandra and I put our bag in next to theirs. So much space. As we closed the boot, using the little boot button, Skye jumped out of the driver’s seat and handed me the key: “all yours, it’s a keyless starter so you can put the key in your pocket. “Fancy, shmancy,” I responded then added “happy birthday” and she returned the wishes “happy birthday to you too”. To add to my anxiety Skye was barefoot as usual. Sneaking a glance at her toes, it looked like her nails were painted the same navy blue as the car and she had a string anklet on her left foot. Although she was a full time “barefooter”, as she called herself, she really looked after her feet.

Skye jumped in the seat behind me (on the right) and Sandra climbed in behind Kate also clad in short shorts and a tank top like the other two and wearing flip flops. I adjusted the seat and mirrors and we were on our way.

The car had GPS and was an automatic so it didn’t require a lot of concentration to drive. The roads were also fairly quiet so we could just chat all the way. So, I didn’t mention yet, but Kate is the naughty one. She was still sitting shotgun. “So, Nate, have you ever been tied up before?”. I was taken aback. Two things that have always been very turned on by is woman’s feet and bondage. I had a collection of photos and videos on my computer which Sandra once came across. Before I could answer, Sandra jumped in with “you should see his porn collection he’s a kinky little shit”. They all had a good laugh at my expense. Kate, not letting it go, “so, have you ever been tied up before”. I was blushing at this point and wasn’t my most articulate self. “Yeah, when I was in primary school, a friend of mine and I played with ropes a bit”. “Were you able to escape?” She asked. “Yeah, I kind of feel with enough struggling, I can get out of anything”. I responded. “Trust me, if I tied you up you wouldn’t get out”. I didn’t really know what to say, so I taunted her: “jeez, you’re quite confident in your ability there, but I don’t think any ropes are inescapable”. “How about a bet then?” Kate asked. “I’m always keen to test my skills”. At this point Skye came in: “I’d be careful if I were you, Nate, she’s tied me up in a few positions that I couldn’t escape from”. “Fair enough, I said, but I’m still game to give it a bash. We’re on matric holiday after all, what are the terms?” I asked Kate. “I’ll tie you up with rope in a position of my choosing, then we’ll (the 3 girls) go out for drinks. You’ve got until we get back to get loose otherwise there’s a penalty”. I was starting to get turned on at this point, but tried to keep my cool with “sounds like fun, but where are you going to get rope?”
“I’m sure there will be a hardware store or a grocery store at our halfway mark, I’ll get supplies there.”

Wanting to change the conversation before I got too carried away, I asked Skye “how have your parents been lately with the whole ‘no shoes’ thing”. I always struggled to say the word “barefoot” out loud (because it turns me one it almost feels like a sexual work).
“They’re actually pretty cool with it. I think it just took some getting used to. You should try it sometime”
“Try what?” I asked stupidly.
“Going barefoot” she said. “Kate does every once in a while. What about you Sandra have you ever been barefoot other than to the beach. Haha”
“I played barefoot squash with Nate once, remember that? My feet were filthy afterwards. I don’t feel like they ever washed those courts”. Man, was I starting to regret my choice of a change of topic.
“Yeah, dirty feet, are a side effect of going barefoot everywhere but I don’t mind it. It’s better than sweaty shoes in my opinion.”
“You’ve got a point there,” Sandra said. “I seldom wear closed shoes”
“How can I convince you to give it a try?” Skye asked. “What about at our half way stop?”
“I’ll do it if Nate and Kate do”
“I’m game,” Kate said before I had a chance to say anything. How did this conversation end up here? Because of my fetish, going barefoot is almost like going naked for me. It’s taken me years to get to wearing open shoes, now they’re expecting me to do it. Now it was three against one. Of course they didn’t know how I felt about it so I could pretend to be cool with it.
“I suppose I’ll succumb to peer pressure then.
“Yay” Skye was so elated. “I’m so glad I’ll have barefooter company. Hehe”.
I’d seen people without shoes at this stop before, on their way to the coast, so hopefully it wouldn’t be too weird.
“What if I dared you guys to ditch your shoes for the rest of our vacation? We’re going to a beach town anyway” Skye was pushing it now.
At this point I was starting to stress, it was bad enough that I agree (was coerced) to going without shoes at our stop. Now she was posing an entire vacation of 7 nights without shoes. Although the thought hugely excited me, I didn’t want to spend my entire matric holiday with a hardon.
Kate jumped in the a similar response to last time “I’m game, I only brought this pair of flip flops anyway”. I spoke up before Sandra might agree. “Jeez, Skye, we gave you a hand and you’re trying to take the whole arm”
Kate came to her defence “what’s the big deal, like Skye said, we’re gonna be at the beach most of the time anyway and it’s not uncommon at the coast to see barefoot people in public, even in restaurants. It’s the least we can do for her letting us use her car and all. What do you think Sandra?”
“I’m not sold but I suppose you’ve a point about us using her car, thanks Skye”
This was not going the way I planned. My response seems to be having the opposite effect.
“Hey guys, what’s mine is yours” Skye said. None of us ever took advantage of Skye’s parents wealth but they really didn’t mine her looking after us.
“How about I sweeten the deal. All drinks are on me for the rest of the trip, but then you all have to ditch your flip flops in the trash when we reach our pit stop”.
“Well, I’m sold” Sandra said. “Cmon, Nate, you can’t say ‘no’ to unlimited free beer can you?”.
Wow, how did I end up in this situation? If I say no now then I really look like an ass.
“Okay, fiiinne” I moaned, but then I’m having my first beer in Harrismith (our half way mark). My leg of the drive will be done anyway. Who’s next by the way?”
“Sandra can drive next and I’ll sit shotgun. Then Kate and I will drive the return trip”. Skye answered.

We were 15 minutes away from our stop. My heart was racing. This was a very twisted start to our “relaxing” trip.

Part 2:

Skye didn’t waste any time or maybe she was worried about someone backing out. So about 10 min away from our stop she said: “shoes please, everyone”.
“What, I can’t, I’m busy driving,” I said.
“That’s not a problem, if you push that little button on the left of the steering wheel with the dial on it, the car will maintain the speed and stop if there is an obstruction”.
“This one?” And I pushed it. “This is great, why are you only telling me this now?” At that point Skye had a plastic bag filled with some rubbish from the trip and was already placing Sandra’s and Kates flip flops into it.
“But I still shouldn’t take my hands off the whe..”
“Stop being such a baby,” Kate interrupted. “Lift your left leg”. Front the left front seat, she leaned over and grabbed my flip flop and gave it to Skye. “Other foot please”. I obliged. “There we go, not so bad was it. I’m glad that’s over with. Hope that you’re not going to be that much of a baby when I tie you up later”. My heart skipped a beat. I’d gotten so lost on the barefoot conversation that I clean forgot about that little bet. To make matters worse, the texture of the foot pedals made me fully aware of my new barefoot situation.
At that point the GPS signalled us to take the turn off into the service station and strip mall. I was starting to feel a fight or flight response.

When we drove into the service station area there were one or two other cars around but it wasn’t busy. I asked if we should put fuel in after noticing the needle was only about a quarter used but Skye told me it’s an extended diesel tank so there would be enough fuel to get us all the way to the coast and still have a lot to spare. I found a parking near the Spur restaurant. “Everyone good with Spur,” I asked. “They make good breakfast and should be serving beer by now”. It was around 11:00, I was hoping a beer or two might take the edge off. Everyone was in agreement. I switched of the engine.

“Thanks for letting me drive, it’s really an awesome car”.
“Like I said, what’s mine is yours, and I’m so glad that you guys are going to go barefoot with me”. My heart skipped a beat again. I almost forgot for a second. We all climbed out, BAREFOOT, Skye went straight over to the rubbish bin and dumped the plastic bag into it. Our fate was sealed. I handed her the key from my pocket and she passed it onto Sandra.
“I really need to pee,” Kate said. Everyone nodded. They padded off toward the girl’s bathroom. I could help but look at their soles. They were still relatively clean but I know that they wouldn’t stay that way. The girls looked sooo sexy barefoot. I don’t know why but dirty feet are exponentially more of a turn on for me. This was going to be tough. Then I remembered that I was barefoot too and I needed to make my way to the men’s room. I hoped that I would be too icky. I didn’t mind the idea of dirt on my soles but want too keen on standing in pee. To my relief the bathroom was well maintained. I always use the cubicle and I could resist when I was inside taking a quick glimpse of my soles. They were already starting to change colour.
The girls were already standing outside waiting for me. I feel like the novelty of them being barefoot had already started to wear off for them so they were just having random chit chat. Lucky them. I was ready for my free beer.
“Time for beer?” I more stated than asked.
Kate quickly replied with “we first need to buy the rope to tie you up with”. Wow, she was insistent.
“Spar should have” Sandra encouraged. So we made our way to the supermarket. I noticed one or two other people barefoot, which helped a bit. Kate was on a mission going up and down the isles. When we caught up with her she was standing in front of a bunch of different coloured rope which I imagined would be used for clothesline or as tie downs.
“Choose a colour” she said.
“Does the colour make a difference to its effectiveness” I responded.
“So cheaky, we’ll see what you have to say later when you’re hogtied on the floor”. My heart skipped another beat. “Hogtied” was another trigger word for me. She didn’t previously mention the position. “Based on what Sandra told us about your porn collection, I take it you know what a hogtie is”. I was blushing at this point.
“I like the red ones,” Sandra said. Skye nodded in agreement.
“Red it is”. Kate grabbed the bag of rope and the three girl headed to pay. My heart was beating like crazy now. Then I noticed their feet ahead of me. They were almost black already. I really need that beer now.

We walked into the restaurant and seated ourselves in one of the “booths”. It was a bench on either side of the table. I sat next to Sandra and Kate sat opposite me with Skye next to her. Sandra put her foot up in my direction under her thigh and I caught her dirty sole out of the corner of my eye. This was all becoming too much for me. I could no longer avoid getting hard. After not getting any service for about 5 min. Skye and Kate went to go order for us. I was having a draught beer, Sandra ordered a virgin Strawberry daiquiri to be social by she was next to drive so couldn’t have alcohol. As Skye and Kate walked off I again noticed their dirty soles and was struggling to contain myself. Sandra somehow picked up on my reaction, saw me looking at their soles and noticed my bulging pants.
“Oh my fuck, you’re hard” she said under her breath to me. “I always wondered if you had a foot fetish but didn’t want to pry in asking out right”.
I flushed red and I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t hide my reaction but decided not to respond.
“You better not let Kate find out. She’ll never let it go.”
“Why would she find out,” I asked.
“Women have an intuition for this kind of thing and we tend to look at guy’s crotches more than we’d like to admit.”
Just then Kate and Skye returned.
“Jeez, what’s got you all excited?” Kate said.
“Nothing, what do you mean?” I replied.
Sandra came to my defence. “He was getting all worked up about the poor service, but I told him to chill because he’s on holiday now”. (Nice save, thanks Sandra).
Just then the beers arrived. Well 3 beers and a virgin strawberry daiquiri. Thank fuck. We “clinked” glasses and took our first sip. I took a larger sip thank the others.
“Easy there, you need to pace yourself. It’s going to be more difficult getting out of the hogtie if you’re drunk”. There’s that word again, hogtie, my heart skipped a beet and just then Kate’s foot touched mine and she winked at me. The beer really wasn’t helping my situation. The thought of her dirty sole touching my foot sent shivers through me. Sandra glanced down at my crotch and I knew that she knew I was turned on.
“I know how to handle myself, at least I think I do. Hehe” I responded nervously.
“So what do you guys think of the barefooter lifestyle so far?” Skye asked.
Sandra replied: “to be honest I’ve almost forgotten about it already”
“Me too,” Kate chimed in.
“What about you” Skye looked at me.
“It’s different,” I said “but it helps that we’re doing it together and I’ve noticed a few other people going without shoes too”.
“Cool” Skye was satisfied with the responses.
“I just noticed that you’ve been avoiding the word barefoot, or is it just me”. Kate immediately perked up when Skye said this. She doesn’t let anything go. Just then the food arrived. (Saved by the bell). I wasn’t eating, but the three girls shared a plate of nachos. Shortly after they finished we got the bill and were on our way with Sandra at the wheel this time. Roughly three hours to go to get to our destination.

I was nervous walking back to the car because I had a feeling Kate wouldn’t let it go and she was sitting next to me for 3 hours in the back seat. We did another trip past the toilet, Sandra and Kate got some more snacks for the trip while Skye and I waited in the car. Then we were ready to go. Kate climbed in next to me with a plastic bag filled with potato chips and other assortments. Skye resumed the GPS, Sandra adjusted her seat and mirrors and we were on our way again. In an effort to avoid awkward conversation I asked if we could should listen to music. They bought into it, at least for the first bit of the trip. Everyone was kinda zoning out. I don’t know what happened but my eyes drifted to Kate’s toes in on the floor in the seat to the left of me. Her toes were painted a bright red. Her feet were tanned and immaculately looked after. I couldn’t help but stare a bit out of the corner of my eye. Then she scrunched her toes. I immediately panicked and made eye contact to see if she noticed. She was looking straight at me and winked. It was then that I knew I made a big mistake. She moved her left foot under her thigh and exposed her dirty sole to me. I knew that she was teasing me so I made a huge effort to not look. At this time the playlist had come to and end but no one immediately noticed. Kate then says “oh my god, my feet are so dirty” and she starts lifting them up and pointing her soles towards me. She then says “what about you Nate, let me see yours”. My heart skipped a beat again and I could feel myself go red. I tried to not make a big deal about it and lifted me feet to check. “Yeah, mine are also pretty dirty”. Then Skye came in with, “yeah, I did warn you guy, but feet are fully washable unlike shoes”. Fair point, I thought. There was a moment of silence and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then Kate starts with “truth or dare, Skye”. Skye chooses dare. “I dare you to take off your bra for the rest of the ride”. Skye, doesn’t back out and sticks her hand in her top, loosens the bra and slips it out. Then Kate asks me “truth or dare”. I responded with “isn’t it Skye’s turn?”
“It’s just a game Nate, you don’t need to be so formal about it. Truth or dare”. I was worried about her daring me to take my underwear off so I figured truth was a safe bet. “Truth” I said.
“Do you have a foot fetish?” My heart almost jumped out of my chest and I could feel myself going red again. She really has no filter. “You have to tell the truth Nate or face a penalty”. I was happier to sit without underwear than answer that question so I said “fine, I’ll take a penalty”. It only occurred to me after I said it that avoiding the question gave Kate her answer (she now knew about my fetish). “Last chance, Nate, do you have a foot fetish?” I was committed now so I said “what’s the penalty?”.
“Very well, you have to lick my foot”
“That’s disgusting,” Sandra said while focusing on her driving.
“Well, he didn’t want to answer my question so he has to pay the penalty”.
My heart was thumping like crazy at this point. I thought that I’d dogged the bullet but inadvertently admitted my fetish by avoiding the question and now I had to lick Kate’s dirty foot. To make matters worse, I was getting more aroused. Surely she couldn’t be serious, so I responded with “isn’t that unhygienic can’t I catch something?”
“Stop being such a baby” Kate says. “You don’t have to lick my whole foot clean, just lick any part. I’ll let you choose”. She was offering me some consolation. “Okay” I agree. She holds her dirty but beautiful sole to my face. I figured the instep is the cleanest so I go for that and lick it.
“I’m impressed, Nate, maybe you do have some balls after all” she says.
After this incident the conversation changed to some chatter about our hotel and nearby bars, clubs and restaurants. Kate tried a few things to draw my attention to her feet but I wasn’t going for it.

We were all chilling for the last bit of the journey when it occurred to me that I got so distracted with all the things going on that i never thought about asking Kate what’s in it for me if I escape her bondage. Thinking that I’ve got something figured out I ask her:
“So, Kate, what’s in it for me if I can untie myself before you get back from the bar?”. She smiled and said:
“I never considered you getting out, but IF you do and that’s a big IF, I’ll give you a blow job and I’ll walk around our hotel naked for the rest of the trip. But if you don’t get free then you have to let me practice my bondage again”. Wow this sounded like such a bargain that I didn’t even hear the second part of the deal about being tied again and I didn’t even ask how many times. I just said, “okay, wow. That sounds like a deal”. I’ll look forward to it. At that point Skye pops in with “I wouldn’t be so sure about getting out, Kate is pretty good with rope. I know from personal experiences.”
I won’t lie, Skye’s response had me a little nervous but I wasn’t really thinking properly at that point I was too turned on.
“Fair enough, but it still sounds like a good deal to me, I’ve never had oral sex before”
“BLOWJOB” Kate says slowly, “BAREFOOT, BONDAGE. What is it with you and avoiding the words?” I flush red again and then the GPS signals us to take the turn off. Thank God. I’m really out of my depth with Kate. I feel like she’s a good person that means well but just has no filter and has a very kinky side.

Part 3:
We arrive at the lock box to get the key for the hotel. From an underground lockbox. Sandra parks in an empty spot far from the lockbox. Being the guy, I get nominated to fetch the key. I’m fully aware again of my barefoot situation. Now I have to walk through the parking to the opposite end. I wasn’t going to fight and accepted my fate.
“Hurry along then” Kate says.
“You’re lucky I like you” I responded and climbed out the car. I made my way to to lockbox and punched in the code and it popped open. Then I heard the car start in the distance and I see them drive away. Im standing barefoot in a public parking lot. No phone or wallet or anything and my only ride is driving away. I don’t want to draw attention to myself by running so I walked quickly towards the car but they drive off. I’m thinking what the fuck, really. Then it occurs to me that I have a key for the hotel and they’re just fucking with me. Moments later the car drives back in and parks away from me. I make make way over to the car and decide to keep it cool. I climbed into my seat and said “Jeez, you couldn’t park and further, I was enjoying the barefoot walk”. Kate’s eyes light up immediately. “You said it! We’ll done, Nate, there is hope for you after all.” We all had a laugh.

We arrive at the hotel passing a nearby pub with a beach front view less than half a mile away. The hotel looks great as we drive into it. Using the remote on the Keyser to open the electric gate. Skye’s parents arranged it and they out did themselves as usual (“spared no expense”, I think of John Hammond from Jurassic Park). We parked in the underground parking garage grabbed our bags and walked towards the lift. This time Kate and Sandra were ahead and I walked with Skye. It was impossible not to look at Sandra and Kate’s feet as the walked ahead of us and Skye comes close to me and whispers “I’m as curious as Kate, are you sure that you don’t have a foot fetish?”
My heart skips a beat again but I decide to play it cool. I make may eyes wide and look at her and respond “you never know, hey”. I’m wondering if she bought it. She doesn’t push it further.

We take the elevator up to the floor of the hotel room. The hotel was fairly quiet. We get to the room and Kate opens the door. “Shit, Skye, your folks really are loaded. This place is great”. We have a view onto the beach and promenade and by the look of it, the hotel grounds have direct access. This is great, we don’t need to drive anywhere again so we can enjoy our drinks. There are 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms but Kate and Skye share. We all unpack and decide to go down to the beach. We put on swim suits just in case and made our way back to the elevator. We got back to the parking lot. Walked to the entrance on the other end and came to an opening with a gate leading onto the promenade and the beach. I was relieved that Kate forgot about our bondage bet but also a bit disappointed. I was also a bit disappointed that walking on the beach and into the sea might clean our feet up. I but the sexual thoughts out of my mind and focused on enjoying time with my friends. We did stand in the sea for a bit but no one ended up swimming. When we were done on the beach we found a tap to was the sand off our feet then Sandra suggested that we walk to the pub nearby. Not having had a proper drink yet, she was feeling left out. Kate immediately chimed in. “We can walk there to check it out, but Nate and I have a bet back at the hotel room, don’t we, barefoot bondage boy?”. She was really laying it on thick. “Surely one beer can’t hurt?” I asked but she looks genuinely disappointed so I fold and say “fine, bet first then beer. But we can still check it out”. Kate and Skye walk ahead and Sandra and myself walk together. I can see that there soles are getting dirty again and I’m getting super turned on and also nervous about the bondage with Kate. Sandra asks “you are good with Late tying you up right? You know that you don’t have to do it”. She was offering me a way out. I was like “Nah, I’m not stressed about it, it’ll be fun and if I get out the reward is great.” We both have a little laugh.
We have to walk over a black top parking lot to get to the pub. As we get to the door Kate says “satisfied? Can we go back to the hotel now please I know that Nate can’t wait to be hogtied.” That word again “hogtied”. I’m not getting anymore used to the word so I still blush and shudder a bit at the thought. I wonder if she knows what a hogtie is or if she’s just throwing out random bondage related words. “Fine we’ll come back just now” Skye says. Let’s go. Skye and Kate lead the way again. My heart is really racing at this point. How did I get myself into this. I’m thinking of chickening out but then decided that I’m just being dramatic. It’ll be fun, i tell myself. I have fantasised about being tied up inescapably but didn’t think it’s fully possible with rope. So this should be an interesting experiment. Just then I noticed that Kate and Skye’s soles are almost completely black again from the parking lot. This adds to my anxiety and Sandra notices my uneasiness. “Don’t worry we’ll just have one drink and come straight back to untie you”. She’d already assumed that I wasn’t getting out. I reply:
“Hey, surely I stand a chance, don’t I? If I just struggle enough”.
“Yeah, that’s true, I’m sure you’ll do fine”.
We go back into the gate, walk barefooted through the dirty parking lot again and take the elevator to the hotel room. Kate opens the door for everyone and immediately asks:
“You sure about this, I’m not going easy on you? I really don’t want to give you a blowjob and I’m not too keen on spending the week at the hotel in the nude”.
Another chance to back out, from Kate herself, but at this point I’m too horny to back out.
“Yeah, I still think it’ll be fun and I’m sure I have a chance.”
“Yay, I was hoping that you wouldn’t chicken out, do you need to pee? It might be a while until you get another chance”.
“I’m good thanks” I say.
“Do you want to change clothes at all” she asks. At this point I was only wearing a bathing suit (trunks). I wasn’t thinking too clearly with having had a day of excessive sexual excitement, so I answered. “These clothes are as good as any”.
“Great”. She gets the rope from the plastic bag and starts cutting them with a scissors into different lengths. It looks like she’s done this before. I just keep quiet and watch. Sandra and Skye move the coffee table off of the large rug in the living room. Guess that’s where Kate might tie me then. Seems like a good spot. At this point my heart is beating out of my chest and Im almost having regrets. I can’t believe that this is happening. Kate finishes cutting the ropes then directs me to the middle of the carpet. She orders: “hands behind your back, palms together”. Hands behind my back does make it more difficult. Let’s see how this goes (maybe she does know what a hogtie is, my heart skips another beat). She, almost gently, winds the rope around my wrist. It feels comfortable, not that secure so I’m hopeful. Sandra and Skye have their dirty feet up on the couch pointing towards me and I get a shock through my body. They’re eating some of the potato chips and watching.
“Can you hurry it up, I’m thirsty” Sandra says to Kate.
“Don’t rush me, I’m not giving Nate a blowjob and walking around naked”. Wow she had no intention of me escaping. To be honest I wasn’t really worried at this point. Then she did something that I hadn’t felt before when I played tie ups with my primary school friend. She wound the rope between my writs “cinching” the rope. At this point I started to wonder what my penalty would be for not getting out and I started to worry. Sandra and Skye must have noticed my realisation.
“I told you that she was pretty good with rope” Skye said.
“We’ll just have one drink and come back to untie you” Sandra assured me.
I was blushing again but relieved that my swimming trunks were hiding my hardon. I felt Kate tying a knot but far away from my fingers. The rope went half way up my forearms and was still comfortable but now completely secure. I didn’t mention before but I do a lot of flexibility training as part of my exercise routine so I can do back bends and almost the splits. This probably made things more comfortable for me.
“Sit down on the rug” Kate demanded. She then proceeded to tie my ankles in the same way as my wrists. It was about now that I believed that she knew what a hogtie was. I’d only seen it in pictures and videos but hadn’t experienced it myself. The thought of it was overwhelming. And I was struggling to keep any composure. She snapped me out of it by saying “I’m going to need you to lay on your belly”. Here it comes, I thought to myself. She attached a rope to my wrist somehow then bent my legs toward them. She then threaded the rope that was attached to my wrists through my ankle rope and pulled my ankle towards my wrist.
“And THIS is what we call a hogtie,” she said sounding quite sure of herself. “Wow, you’re pretty flexible, Nate, I can almost make you hands touch your very dirty feet. Haha” she said this as she sat on my shins pushing them towards my ankles. She tied the knot for the joining rope behind my feet and far away from my fingers. Commenting again on how dirty my feet were an what a naughty boy I was. I was starting to test the ropes when she said.
“Oh, we still need to decide on a penalty for you. So, you’ve got until we get back to get out of your hogtie. If you do then I’ll give you a blowjob and spend the rest of the time in our hotel room naked. If you can’t get out, then I’m going to make your bondage tighter and pull down you pants to expose your raging hardon then leave you to struggle for another 20 mins. Also, you agreed that if you can’t get out that I get to tie you up again.”
I did agree to that, I remember now. Maybe I still had hope. I pulled a little on my bonds but nothing gave. With that, Kate said, “right girls, let’s go get drunk”. The three girls left the room, BAREFOOT, I remembered us all agreeing not to wear shoes and i caught a glimpse of their filthy feet on the way out.. Then remembered my dirty feet and turned to glance at them. I was lying hogtied on a rug in the middle of our hotel room. I didn’t know what was going to happen. As the door closed I realised that I was alone. I rolled onto my side and started to struggle a bit (not too hard because I was still hopeful that if I gave it my full effort I’d get out). Part of me was thinking that I’ll just lay and wait. Surely one drink won’t take too long. Then they’ll come back and untie me. Then I remembered Kate saying that she’d tighten my bondage and pull my pants down to expose me for 30 min. I didn’t know how this could be much tighter but the thought of it and my hard dick being exposed to my friends made me struggle with all I had. The ropes held firm. I knew then that I wasn’t getting out without help and decided not to struggle too much more.

Part 4:
It hadn’t been too long. Longer than 20 minutes I felt but less than an hour when I heard some noise in the hallway (girls chitchat an laughter) then the door opened. I was facing the doorway and Kate was the first to walk in. She saw me in almost the same position that she had left me and immediately had a huge smile on her face. Yeah, I’d been defeated and waited for my fate. Sandra and Skye followed after her and says.
“Wow Kate, you really did a number on him. Haha”
Then Sandra, not altogether sober, walks towards me sits down in front of me and I see a glimpse of her now filthy feet. She rubs my cheek and asks:
“How’s our favourite boy doing?” I can immediately see and hear that their inhibitions have been reduced by the alcohol.
“Well, I realise now that you can tie someone up with rope that they can’t get out”. Sandra had a little laugh. Apart from a little fatigue I wasn’t too uncomfortable actually. Kate did a great job of distributing the pressure in my writs with lots of coils and my flexibility helped a lot. Skye then places a plastic bag in front of me and can’t help but giggle. I make out that the bag is from some sort of sex store. Yeah, this is definitely more than one drink, I thought. I started to panic a little. I was at their mercy and the two girls we were more likely to defend and take my side have bought into Kate’s naughty activities. No sooner than I finished the thought Kate re-entered the lounge. She must have gone to pee.
“Wow, that feels better, I can think straight again” Kate says as she walks in. Then she walks up to me and starts to check the ropes an touches my hands and feet. I think she was checking circulation.
“Wow your feet are dirty” she says.
“It’s not like I was able to clean them from my current position while you guys we away.” I answered.
She smiles, “are you ready for your punishment”. As she said that it hit me. She was going to “tighten the bonds and expose my manhood”. I had another minor panic attack and I was a bit worried about the girls being drunk and me being exposed and defenceless but I don’t think I could talk my way out of it so I had no choice but to accept my fate. Kate doesn’t waste any time. She grabbed another length of rope and started to wind it around my elbows. She moved as professionally as before but with distinctly less delicacy. Probably the alcohol I thought then started to worry that I might be in a bit of trouble.
“Jeez, that’s pretty tight, Kate.” I said. “I thought that you guys were only having one drink”
“We did only have ONE drink” Skye chimes in and giggled. “And a few shots”.
“That explains a lot” I say. I wasn’t choosing my words very carefully at this point and I think I managed to offend all three girls.
Kate then says “I think it’s time, Skye will you do the honours?”
Skye then reaches into the bag from the sex shops and pull out a ball gag. I immediately went red and started to panic.
“I didn’t mean to offend you guys, I was just saying that it looks like you had a good time” Skye then moved closer to me and says “open wide” and giggles. I shake my head a bit and keep my mouth closed.
“Stop being a baby about it” Kate says. “This is part of your punishment for not breaking out”. I looked at Sandra, my last hope.
“You did make a bet. I’m sure that it won’t be that bad”. I was alone now, but she did make a good point. Rather than fighting it, I kept my composure and opened my mouth.
“Good boy” Kate says. Then Skye places the ball behind my teeth and starts to buckle it.
“Be sure to make it tight enough that he can’t pop it out again otherwise it defeats the purpose”. Skye responded to Kate’s instruction and pulled tighter on the buckle then secured it in place. There was no way I was pushing it out. I’d never been gagged before and I felt like the ball gag would prevent any discernible conversation.
“How does that feel?” Skye then asks me.
I short of grunt in acceptance and the three girls have a laugh at my expense.
“You’re such a good sport” Kate says. “I need a shoelace”.
“Don’t look at me,” Sandra says “Skye threw away all my ‘shoes’”.
Skye gives her a funny looks then says. “I know” she stands up rolls me onto my side and starts fiddling with my swimming trunks. I then feel her tug at the drawstring of the pants an pulls the long string all the way out. She rolls me back onto my stomach and hands the string to Kate.
“Genius” Kate says.
“What’s that for” Sandra asks.
“I need it to complete the tie” Kate answered then moves to my feet and starts tying me big toes together with it. I’m feeling very self conscious and a bit embarrassed at this point that Kate is touching my dirty feet but I can’t do anything about it.
“Wow, your feet are really filthy. Your toes are very well looked after”. She kisses the top (clean part) of my left foot and I blush. I then feel my toes being pulled towards my head and she starts to fiddle with the gag. Next think I feel is my toes pulling forward and my head simultaneously starts to pull back. She’s attaching my toes to my gag.
“I’m impressed, Nate, you’re really flexible. Can I go a bit tighter?” she asks. I sort of grunt in disagreement. “I’m sure you can handle it a bit tighter”. She then pulls the last bit of slack out. My goes further back and my toes pull awkwardly.
“There we go,” she says as she knots it off somewhere out of reach.
I’m feeling quite embarrassed at this point with all the attention to me feet and also very uncomfortable. Unfortunately my cock has completely betrayed me and I have an enormous hardon. Then bondage, dispute the discomfort, made me so horny. Then add to that, the fact that there are three hot barefoot girls with dirty feet around me and my barefoot situation. It was too much for me to bear.
“Right, now for the moments we’ve all been waiting for”. Kate rolls me onto my side. And starts to pull my pants down.
“A little help, please Skye?” Skye immediately comes to assist. My head is arched backwards towards my toes and my cock is in Sandra’s direction so there is no hiding anything. There is a moment of silence as my cock is exposed then the three girls have a proper chuckle at my expense. My humiliation is complete. Insult to injury as the expression goes.
Sandra is the first to comment. “Wow, Nate, I was starting to worry that Kate went to far but now looking at thinking, I think you’re enjoying this a LOT more than you let on”. Sandra then extends her let and sort of bends my penis with her dirt feet and toes. I let out a moan.
“Impressive, she says”. Then stands up and asks “who needs drinks?”
“I’ll help” Skye says.
Kate looks at me, whispers “enjoy your predicament, barefoot bondage boy” then gets up and joins the other girls in the kitchen.
“I’ll do another shot to celebrate my victory” she says.
I lay on the floor. Unable to move. My toes are starting to feel a bit numb. I can feel my rock hard cock starting to drip pre cum.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

That is a very well written story, one of the best. I’d just have to say as a summer barefooter, even I’d draw the line at walking round a fuel stop or toilet barefoot though.

There may be more parts but I have to ask if any of the girls get tied up too? Skye has clearly been on the receiving end before.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful story! Looking forward to part 5 and beyond. :twisted:
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Post by rubbishmoby1980 »

Part 5:

I’m laying on my side in my “predicament” as Kate put it. To add to my humiliation, I’m starting to drool through the ball gag. I’ve seen this happening in bondage videos but didn’t understand how impossible it is to swallow with a large gag in your mouth until now. Skye is the first one back into the living room. After seeing Sandra do it, she pulls my penis down with her dirty toes and foot. I immediately moan. Thinking: what is this a free for all? But there’s nothing I can do to stop it.
“What are you moaning about?” Skye asks “It hasn’t even been a half hour since Kate tied you up.” I moan again. It felt longer but maybe I was just bored with them away. She had her phone in her hand and lowered it to where I could make out the clock. 29mins 32 seconds and counting. “See? Kate had me start this timer as soon as we left you tied up”. she stood up and I moaned again. Just then I drooled a bit more.
“Guys, he’s making a mess here”. I was so embarrassed but I couldn’t help my excitement. Then she stuck her dirty big toe in my drool wiped it off on my cheek. Amazing the effect that alcohol and peer pressure can have on people, I was thinking. I moaned again and struggled a bit. Sandra came into the lounge next. She noticed my pre cum dripping onto the dark tan coloured carpet.
“I see what you mean” she said to Skye.
“I was talking about the drool” Skye responded. Kate walked in shortly afterwards. She let out a laugh.
“What happened to your face?” Skye wiping her dirty toe on me must have left a mark. I moaned again. Not being able to speak with the ball gag doing its thing. Kate turns to Skye. “You can restart the timer” then says to me “your 20 minute penalty starts now”. I moaned in frustration, I thought it had already started. Wasn’t I lying here for a good few minutes in the position already?
“What are you complaining about, barefoot boy? You should be happy that I remembered the deal and that I don’t just leave you like that”
I moaned again somewhat thankful that the timer had at least started. The minutes to freedom, a shower and a well earned beer were counting down.
Then Kate said. “You don’t have to give up, you can still try to get out you know.” She turns to Sandra, “I love it when they struggle with no hope of freedom”
I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of struggling. Also my toes were hurting when I moved too much. Sandra and Skye moved outside onto the balcony.
“Maybe you need some motivation” Kate said. I was dreading the next words to come out of her mouth. She didn’t say anything. She sat down with one of her dirty feet next to my face, then without warning grabbed my nose between her big toe and second toe. Wtf, I thought, despite my fetish for feet, I was starting to feel quite humiliated again, using her dirty feet to pinch my nose was so degrading. Then I realised something. With the gag in, I couldn’t really breathe through my mouth. I struggled a bit to breathe so I pulled against all my ropes. They didn’t give and with my head tied back to my toes I couldn’t pull away from her foot.
“That’s better” she said. I struggled a bit more pulling on my toe rope, I needed a breath. My eyes went wide. Then Kate removed her foot.
“I’m just fucking with you. Enjoy your remaining 17 minutes”. She got up and joined the other two girls on the balcony overlooking the sea. They were already sipping on cocktails and started to listen to music. That last scare brought my penis down to half mast but it was short lived when I realised my bondage predicament again and I saw the girls sitting barefoot outside their dirty sole tucked backwards under their chairs, mere metres from my face. Fuck, I was so turned on right now. I don’t know how but I managed to roll back into my stomach. I struggled a bit to “position” myself a bit better. The little “breath control” episode was a reminder of how much I was at their mercy right now. All this mixed with my laying on my penis and moving around was too much for me. I tried to stop it but it passed the point of no return. Fuck. It felt so good. I tried to control my moaning and thankfully with the music playing the girls didn’t seem to notice. I had an epic orgasm. I suddenly felt really ashamed. It also occurred to me that Kate was going to have a “field day” with this one when she found out. There was nothing I could do except lay on my stomach, in my own cum, in the tightest hogtie I could imagine, and just await my fate and my eventual release.
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Part 6:
As I lay there, I have a moment of clarity. That was pretty epic. I’m guessing that I have about 10 minutes or so left. Thinking straight again: I could really do with those free beers. My toes are feeling really numb so I’m keeping my head back to compensate. I CAN make another 10 minutes. I’ll deal with the aftermath, whatever… at this point I’m not really horny at all. Just thinking how great this hotel is and recalling my experience driving Skye’s new car. It’s actually going to be a great holiday, I think. I’m staring outside and I noticed that the other girls have string anklets now too. Skye had an anklet from the start but I don’t recall the others having. They must have picked them up on the way back from the pub (Either before or after the sex store). I was still drooling a lot and my jaw was starting to hurt a bit but somehow accepted my fate. It was my birthday, and only the first day of a long anticipated holiday. I was chilling as best as I could in my position and enjoying the music. Can’t be much more than 5 minutes to go. I’m glad they set the timer at least. I see Kate stand up. Presumably to check on me. She’s obviously got experience with this and, although she’s been a big rough, I really trust that she won’t let anything happen to me.
“How’d you manage to roll onto your tummy?” She asks. I grunt in reply.
“We’re going to need to reset the timer, because your punishment involves you being exposed and right now you aren’t”. I immediately panicked, moaned and started struggling again. I don’t think I could do another 20 minutes in this position. I was only just going to make the previous mark. Surely she must know this. Is she serious or did she just want to see my struggle again?
She uses her foot to start to push me over, this time facing the opposite way. I then remembered the orgasm and the mess on the rug.
“Skye, will you reset the timer please? Nate’s cheating” she shouts over the music. At this point I really didn’t want to draw any more attention than necessary so I tried to to moan in disappointment. She was seriously going to restart the timer, what the hell. Just then Sandra and Skye turned in acknowledgment and got up to come back inside.
“What do you mean?” Skye replied as the walked in. “He was laying on his tummy, hiding his junk. But I think he’s learned his lesson. He won’t do it again, will you Nate”. I’m just stressing that I now have a full audience about to discover my accident. Just then she toppled me over. The girls couldn’t help but look at my crotch area.
“Shame, he’s gone soft” Sandra is the first to speak. “Let’s let him loose, maybe he isn’t enjoying this anymore”
Kate interjects, she notices the mess and immediately knew. “Quite the opposite actually, looks like he got a little TOO excited”. I can feel my face flush red with embarrassment but the two other girls step closer to look. There’s nothing I can do to hide it. I grunt in frustration, I’d like to be let out now but I can’t communicate it with the gag in. So I just lay there with them inspecting me.
“Do you want to be let go?” Kate asks. My opportunity presents itself. I try to respond with an “mmm” to say (yes please).
“What’s that?” Kate asks “make the bondage tighter? I don’t speak gag talk”
I couldn’t help struggling a bit at the words, the word “bondage” made my dick stir again. Really, now? I didn’t want to get hard again. Also Skye was now sitting with one cross legged near me watching the ordeal and I could see her sexy dirty foot. The dirt wasn’t superficial, it looks more “permanent” almost “polished” like it was a part of her foot and it really accentuated the shape of her sole. My penis hadn’t grown just yet but I could feel myself getting aroused again.
“I’ve got an idea.” Kate started. “We’ll start a new timer for 2 minutes. If you’re really not enjoying it anymore, just stay flaccid and I’ll untie you. If you get hard we’ll assume you’re still having fun and that you’re still too comfortable, so we’ll add to your bondage and reset the timer to 20 min. Does that sound fair to you, Sandra”. I started moaning “mmm mmm” (no) in disagreement. Bearing in mind Sandra might not know the strain I’m under at the moment. My toes and jaws are really starting to ache.
“Well, if he stays flaccid then I agree we let him out”. Sandra responded then sits down next to me and I can see one of her dirty soles.
“I’m impressed he’s handling this so well” Skye responds, Kate has tied me up similarly before and it starts to get uncomfortable after a while. Ah, my saviour. Thank you Skye. Then she goes on to say “but I agree that if he gets hard again he’s still good to go”. I moan again in disagreement.
“Cool, so we’re all in agreement, Skye please set a count down for 2 mins”. Kate says. Skye obliges and shows it to me. I close my eyes “dead puppies, dead puppies” I think to myself. “Trees growing in the forest”. Whatever I can think to distract myself.
Then I feel something touching my still flaccid penis. I open my eyes and try to look but the toe to gag string stops me.
“You never answered me in truth when I asked if you had a foot fetish”. Kate says. Oh no, I think. “So I thought I’d just like to find out for myself.” I don’t feel anything touching my penis but I can feel it starting to stir now. The other girls buy into it.
“But our feet are so dirty from going barefoot everywhere” Sandra says. Surely this will put him off. Sandra and Skye position their soles towards my face. If I close my eyes. I pretty much admit that I have a fetish for dirty feet, but if I keep them open, I know that I’m going to be hard before the timer elapses. I want out of this position so I close my eyes.
Skye gasps, “wow, he does have a foot fetish and it seems like he doesn’t mind our dirty feet. All our outings together with me barefoot must have really turned him on”.
I feel something on my penis again then open my eyes and instinctively jerk down to look. Again I’m reminded of my predicament. I see their dirty feet again and close my eyes, but this time the touching on my penis doesn’t stop. What is Kate doing? I think. This isn’t fair.
“How do my toes feel on your, not so soft, junk”. I moaned but kept my eyes closed. I was screwed and they all knew it. I didn’t think that Kate would touch my penis, but I suppose using her foot she was okay with. She was only just barely making contact but the thought of it was too my and my cock betrayed me completely. I got hard as a rock against my will.
“I guess we have our answer girls” Kate said.
“Already?” Skye said checking the timer. “It’s only just over a minute. You horny little perv” she looks at me and says. I moan again into the, now aching, ball gag and her and Sandra verify my hardon.
“So I guess he’s still good to go then” Sandra confirms.
“Mmm mmm” I say and try to shake my head in disagreement. I wanted to get out now. Although my dick was saying otherwise. What a weird anatomy we have, I thought to myself.
Kate then turned me back onto my stomach. I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I just tried to keep still to not risk another involuntary ejaculation. I really didn’t need that to happen now.
“Skye, Sandra can you take off your ankle bracelet and pass it to me?”. Kate asked. What was she up to now. I didn’t know that she could make this any tighter. Then she went on. “I just need to tighten his toe to head tether then I’m gonna to tie his naughty cock up with our anklets”. Her saying this immediately caused me to moan into my gag and then to struggle and a squirm. I was very turned on by the thought of her handling me down there but I couldn’t endure this anymore. I felt an orgasm building and stopped moving immediately”. Then I felt my head get pulled closer to my toes and moaned again and my heart beating like crazy. Then, unexpectedly the string to my toes loosened completely.
“I’m just fucking with you” Kate spoke. “You’ve really been a great sport but you’ve had enough for today”. She stated loosening the hogtie. The relief I felt was so grand, I had to struggle not to cry. Lol. I was feeling on cloud nine now. And already tasting the beer. Minus the growing discomfort and the embarrassing moments, it was one of the most epic experiences of my life. I had never been so horny before.
Next she took the ball gag out and kissed me on the clean cheek.
“How was that, barefoot bondage boy?” She asked while now untying my wrists and then my ankles. I opened and closed my mouth a few times and then my limbs just flopped to the ground.
I responded being able to talk for the first time in about a 20 min ordeal. “You really had me worried there for a second, Kate”. I let out a relieved laugh.
“Well, your dick didn’t look all THAT worried”. Kate responded. We all had a little laugh at that. Then I felt obliged to respond. “You got me good, Kate. I was just thinking to myself how the male anatomy can guys into trouble. Wow”.
“And the foot ‘thing’” Skye asked.
“Yup, ever since I can remember”. I came clean. I was sitting up at this point and I’d already pulled my swimming trunks back up. I was rubbing my wrists and ankles and observing the rope marks.
“Wow, I’ve heard about foot fetishes but didn’t realise that it was so crazy” Skye said.
“That time I played squash barefoot with you must have been torture” Sandra added. “How are you going to handle the rest of this trip with us all barefoot?”
“Well this is why I tried to avoid it in the car, but lost that fight”. I responded. “But, I’m still game to support Skye, even if it will be hard for me. Excuse the pun”. Everyone had a giggle.
“Sorry ladies, let me clean this mess up”. I headed to find a paper towel and some washing detergent.
This experience brought us all quite a bit closer together.
As I walked away, Kate reminded me: “Don’t forget, you agree to a round 2 if you couldn’t get out of the first one”. My heart immediately skipped a beat.
“I think I’ll need some time to recover. Both physically and mentally”. I responded. Everyone had another laugh.
The three girls headed back outside. It was almost sunset (which we wouldn’t see, being on the east coast). I finished cleaning up. I am a bit of a clean and neat freak so I did a good job in my opinion. Strange how I’m okay with and even turned on by dirty feet, I thought to myself. A psychiatrist might have fun with this one. I laughed to myself.
I walked outside to check on my friends.
“I’ve cleaned up. I’m just going to take a quick shower, then can we we go for a draught beer, please”. I always prefer draught (tap beer) to normal beer.
Skye responded: “I think you deserve one, and you have some catching up to do”. I’m not sure how many they’d had at that point but we actually were all pretty good at pacing ourselves.
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Post by milagros317 »

Parts 5 and 6 were a fine continuation! :twisted:
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Post by Boundguy800 »

Wow what an amazing experience you had. It’s very rare to experience inescapable bondage in our teenage years, much less with three girls and a ball gag. I only experienced it once or twice with rope and my girlfriend in my teenage years and never since. Thanks for sharing. I hope you kept Kate and these girls as friends.
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Post by uemndlr »

Yes, a great story, and very well written. Almost sounds too good to be true! :D
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Post by rubbishmoby1980 »

Part 7 A:
While I was in the shower it occurred to me that I was so thirsty for a draught beer that I forgot about the whole barefoot thing. To make matters worse, the rope marks left behind were very obvious. Even my big toes at little rings around them from the string tethered to my gag. I opened and closed my mouth a few times again. It was such a relief to be free. I had to think of a way to change to just staying at the hotel and having a beer. They all knew how much I liked my draught beer so I had to think of something convincing. After the shower I got changed into shorts. I prefer the shorter, rugby shorts, kind of style; long shorts I feel make my legs appear shorter. I put on a sleeveless top, it was a warm evening and I was quite proud of my build so I didn’t mind people seeing my arms and shoulders. I instinctively looked for my flip flop but immediately was reminded that Skye disposed of them at our stop along the way. Then suddenly had a flashback of all the events that transpired from then onwards and immediately started getting aroused again. This really was going to be hard for me. Difficult, rather. Let me not use words that can be twisted. I went outside to join the girls and it was starting to get darker already. They were really enjoying themselves by the look of it. Sipping on their drinks, chatting and listening to music on the portable JBL speaker.
“Hey you”. Kate said in a a very warm and welcoming voice. They complete opposite of how she’s been with me today but I have seen this side of her before. I think she was just being naughty. She added “how’s our favourite boy doing? I’m so impressed with how you handled the hogtie. You were such a great sport”.
“Thanks, Kate”. I said “you had me worried once or twice, especially towards the end, but I do really trust you guys. I hope that I didn’t embarrass myself too much”.
“Nah” she responded. “You couldn’t really help yourself, and beside. I love knowing how to push your buttons”. With that she put her dirty foot on my clean shorts on my crotch area. I moved away immediately and just laughed nervously.
“At least I can escape this time”. I say. Everyone chuckles.
“For now”. She adds. Wow, this is going to be a rough week I think to myself. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you owe me one”. I sort of gulp in nervousness and laugh politely.
“Enough of that” Skye pipes in. “Time for your well earned beer, Nate. It is your birthday after all and I’m buying.”
“They had beer on tap at the pub we went to earlier when we left you. I checked especially for you”. Sandra added. Wow they were making it difficult for me to turn them down without looking like an asshole. But the prospects of going out barefoot with all the rope ligature marks had me way too self conscious. Although they were starting to look better since the shower. But still very obvious in my opinion, or were they. Should I just go? I thought to myself. Maybe it’s not that noticeable. Then I remembered seeing my big toes in the shower and felt immediately uncomfortable. I didn’t look down, to avoid drawing attention to them. I was struggling to come up with something and they were expecting a positive response. Shit.
“All that ‘exercise’ tired me out a bit. I was thinking of just slumming it with a beer from the fridge”. Immediate disappointment appeared on all three of their faces. Skye is the first to speak.
“Come on, Nate, it’s our first night. It’s also my birthday and I was keen to celebrate with you guys”.
Kate, being very perceptive, “don’t worry about the rope marks. It’s getting darker by the minute and everyone at the pub will be too drunk to notice anyway”
“Is that what’s bugging you?” Sandra joins the conversation. Being a bit drunk she goes on to say. “If anyone mentions anything about it, I’ll… (she thinks) even let Kate tie me up in the same way that she did you”. Wow, I didn’t see that one coming. The thought of that sounded great to me. A great consolation for the embarrassment of someone calling me out. People, in general, are too polite to say anything anyway even if they do notice. I look down at my toes, they’re not looking so bad anymore. And I really don’t want to be a spoil sport.
“Okay, you have a deal, let’s go”.
There was a a bit of a cheer in celebration. But I noticed that Kate was looking in Sandra’s direction in disbelief. Then a saw an evil little smile. What was she planning? The girls had to do a “toilet” run and changed to different tank tops then we were good to go.
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Post by Patriots2998 »

This is a fantastic story. I hope you continue writing it for us!
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Post by Bondageboi »

Good God. I feel so like you. Where did you get friends like those?
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Post by TightsBound »

Loving this story so far! The foot lover in me both fees for you and is jealous at the same time.
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Post by rubbishmoby1980 »

Part 7 B:
The walk to the pub parking lot was relatively uneventful and gave me a chance to readjust to barefoot life. Well, as best as I could. The rest of my party seemed a lot more comfortable with it than I was. Skye kept saying how cool we were for humouring her lifestyle. And said what cool friends we were. Her excitement made my difficult situation more tolerable. It was getting a lot darker now but there was still some hustle and bustle along the promenade. It helped that we weren’t the only barefoot people.
“When are you joining ‘the club’, Nate? Skye asked me, pointing at her string ankle bracelet. “Kate and Sandra have bought into it”. I had to control my reaction because I was suddenly reminded of Kate’s threat to use them on my offending penis. Also, I didn’t like the idea of drawing attention to my bare feet. I recovered and asked: “where did you find them,” I asked, taking an interest and attempting to change the focus from myself.
“I bought them from a street vendor along the boardwalk to the pub” Skye answered. “I’ll get you one if they’re still open on our way. I wouldn’t want you to be the odd one out.”
“Cool”. I responded, I didn’t want to burst her bubble but figured that the vendor would have packed up by now and by tomorrow Skye might forget about it.
“There!” Skye shouts and starts running. I spot the vendor packing up for the day. Maybe they won’t still be selling. I’m really not getting my way today. I’m starting to accept the fact that we have very little control of our own lives. It’s also not worth making a big deal about. Of course they sold Skye an anklet, they not going to miss out on the revenue. Skye walks back to us, looking at me with a huge, and extremely cute, smile on her face. Then sticks out her hand holding a neon green string anklet. Really? I think to myself, this won’t draw attention at all. I didn’t have the heart to say anything negative. So I grabbed it from her:
“Awesome, thanks Skye” (what are the chances, I think to myself). I start putting it in my pocket.
“Aren’t you going to put it on?” She asks, looking disappointed. I’m at a bit of a loss.
“I figured I need to find out how to adjust it, I might need more light” that was the best response I could come up with.
“I’ll help you!” She says all excited again. “Give it here!” I handed it back to her. “Left or right foot?” She asked while opening the noose. Did it really make a difference, I thought. Being my over analytical self, I figure putting it on my non dominant leg might slightly reduce its exposure.
“Let’s do left,” I say.
“Perfect, lift your foot please” Skye asks. Sandra comes to steady me. Skye puts the loop over my foot, moves it into place then pulls it tight.
“Not too tight, is it?” Skye asks.
“All good, thanks Skye”, I responded very reluctantly but tried to appear enthusiastic.
It was now pretty much dark, but the promenade was light with quite soft and pleasant ambient light.
We approached the parking lot outside the pub. It wa very different from the beachy lunch time vibe I saw earlier today. The girls didn’t seem phased but I was panicking. But it was too late to pull out now. We pressed on through a full parking lot and got to the entrance of the pub. There were large glass windows and doors that were wide open and you could see inside. People were still dressed relatively casually but NO ONE was barefoot. Fuck. I had a fight or flight moment but regained my composure. Skye was first at the door being used to going barefoot and also taking charge of things (especially where spending money was involved). She asked a waitress (maitre d?), not bad looking in my opinion, for a 4 seater table. She replied saying that they’re full at the moment but we can wait at the bar until something becomes available. She assured us the people were in and out all the time so it shouldn’t be a long wait. She did glance down at Skye’s feet but didn’t seem too perturbed by it. I let Kate and Sandra go in ahead of me.
“Such a gentleman” Sandra says. I do try to be but in this instance I just wanted to “hide” behind them. I was almost forced to look at their feet as they went up the stairs ahead of me because I had to watch my own step. I got a little jolt of excitement when I saw their feet and soles ascending the stairs. I can’t help how I feel, but the weirdness of my feelings is not lost on me. I console myself, thinking it doesn’t harm anyone. And, although I can’t help look, I don’t stare, at least not if anyone might be watching.
We make our way over to the bar, I noticed that the floor appears relatively clean, although our feet are already filthy from the walk here I’m sure and from what glimpse I caught of the girls on the way in. There are 2 elevated bar stools available. Before I can be the “gentleman”, Kate jumps in:
“Perfect luck, a seat for the birthday girl and guy”.
“Nah, I’m happy to stand for a bit, you or Sandra can grab my chair” I almost interject.
“After what we put you through earlier, I have to insist that you take it”. She replied. I didn’t want to be elevated on display, but didn’t have the effort to argue so I accepted it and Skye and I grabbed the chairs. I was self conscious about my dirty soles so wasn’t sure how to sit. I tried to hide my feet in front of me but it wasn’t working so I just put my feet on the chair footholds. Whatever, I thought, can I just get a beer now?
Skye ordered: “4 Stella draughts, please”. Holding out her hand. They often joined me for a beer before moving to “lady” drinks.
The beers arrived.
“Cheers, everyone” Skye holds out her beer. “Happy Birthday Nate”.
“Happy Birthday to you too, Skye. Cheers guys. Here’s to the end of high school and a great vacation together ”. We all “clink” glasses making eye contact.
Beer never tasted this good. What an epic day.
Just then a different waitress arrived. Notice our bare feet, but ignored it. She looked about the same age as us. Pretty good looking as well, with a tan that most costal locals had. She was wearing flip flops I noticed but couldn’t look for too long out of consideration.
“Hey guys, I’m Astrid. Im going to be serving you this evening. A nice table opened near the window. You can follow me.” We grabbed our beers and went. I was last to follow and resisted the temptation to look at all the girls’ feet.
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Post by RandomName »

Absolutely loving your story. Its a great story and your writing is brilliant :)
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Post by dezz »

Awesome... I wait the next chapter('s)
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Post by Bondageboi »

Love this story. Please don’t stop.
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Post by Mark149 »

Great story. I’m guessing that the girls painted your toes red for the rest of the week. This was done to me a few years back and I was amazed at the reaction from people. Girls loved it while others mocked and laughed. For me it was a real thrill and highly embarrassing 😳
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Post by Boundguy800 »

I’m guessing both you and Sandra get tied up in a similar fashion. Please let us know.
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Post by Flyingvulture »

I'm not a foot fetishist but MY GOD, you had me on the edge all the time!

I FELT your pain, your struggle, your excitement, fantastic storytelling!
TW: @VultureLeader
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PM me for our bondage-focused discord server!
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Post by Boundguy800 »

You’re killing me , smalls! Please continue. 😁
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Post by Boundguy800 »

Paused but not forgotten. Please continue. 😁
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Post by rubbishmoby1980 »

Part 7C:

The table at the window did have a great view. It was already dark now but there was a bright moon out. It was a 4 seater bench. Sandra and I sat together with Skye opposite me and Sandra opposite Kate. Astrid took an order for shooters and left us chatting and enjoying our beers. The conversation was very general and around some plans for our holiday. Almost forgot that we were all barefoot until Skye accidentally touched my foot with hers. Then I was FULLY aware again. The rope marks on my wrists were still very apparent so I was mostly trying to keep my hands under the table, especially when Astrid returned with the shooters. Skye and myself were seated near the “service side” of the table.
“4 springboks” she said as she placed them on the table. I immediately passed Sandra’s and Kate’s onto them. As I reached for them I noticed the rope marks on my wrists. Shit. Did Astrid notice? Nah, I’m just being paranoid I, I thought to myself. I finished passing the drinks and “hid” my hands again. Even if she did notice, it would be impolite to say anything about it.
“Thank you”, I said to Astrid, smiling politely.
She offered us additional service but we weren’t ready to order anything more yet and just ended up chatting more.

I was halfway through my second beer and 2 shots down when I thought I’d ask:
“Seems like you’re the odd one out here, Sandra”
“Oh, how do you figure that?” She replied.
“Well, the rest of us have all been tied up before” I offered. Now I was being a bit devious.
“And you just assume that I haven’t?” She defended.
Everyone looked a bit shocked. Kate didn’t want to be left out of this one:
“When, how, by who?” She asked.

“When I was in about grade 4, I used to visit a friend’s house quite regularly and stay overnight. She used to do karate and had different coloured belts. We took turns tying each other up with them”
“That’s cool” Kate encouraged. “Which part did you enjoy the most? Being the “tie-er” or the “tie-ee”?”
“It was mostly kids games but I had a feeling that my friend enjoyed making me helpless. The one time she tied me up and when I couldn’t escape she said I had to suck on her big toe before she’d let me loose. Sorry, Nate”.
I blushed, but didn’t respond. I suppose they all knew my secret now. I wondered how much they’d bug me about it. Kate stood on my barefoot with hers and winked at me. I reflexively pulled my foot away and giggled nervously.

We carried on chatting in general and getting progressively more “comfortable” with each other’s company. Something the drinks probably played a part in.

Kate, not shy as always, asks me: “So, I know that you owe me one for not escaping, but would you willingly let us tie you up again?”
Thanks to the booze, I wasn’t feeling too nervous anymore so I said “I don’t see why not”.
“I thought that you enjoyed yourself a little too much to pass up another opportunity”. She smiled deviously. “Would you let us tie you completely naked this time?”
She caught me off guard, and even the booze didn’t help me not blush. “Cmon, it’s not like we haven’t seen you naked anyway”. She said noticing my shock.

Just then, Astrid arrived with some snacks we ordered. She wasn’t wearing shoes and I noticed immediately. Skye also noticed and said “You also decided that shoes are overrated? Haha”.

“Someone stood on my flip flop and it broke. I wasn’t going to walk around with just one.” Astrid defended. “At least I know you guys won’t judge me”. She was obviously not oblivious to us being barefoot.
“I convinced my friends to try it, and they all loving it,” Skye said.
“Some more than others,” Kate joked while looking directly at me and I blushed again feeling almost sober with self consciousness but, from Astrid’s perspective, it was an innocent comment.

My peripheral vision was on high alert now for Astrid walking past, barefoot. I couldn’t help but look but being super careful that my friends wouldn’t notice. Her feet were getting quite dirty but she didn’t notice or care and carried on with her routine. I couldn’t help but get a bit turned on.

Kate snapped me out of it, “So, you know I don’t let things go. I’m still waiting for an answer”.
Maybe it was the booze, I said: “sure, why not”. Skye and Sandra looked at me wide eyed.
“Apparently, you didn’t learn your lesson” Sandra spoke first.
“Apparently not” I laughed and everyone laughed too.

Shortly afterwards we finished up at the restaurant and ordered the bill. Skye made good on her promise of paying for our booze but also decided to pay for our snacks. While she was paying I noticed that Kate and Astrid exchanged numbers. We left the restaurant and made our way back to the room.

The walk home was uneventful, it was still early and we decided that none of us were at all tired yet or particularly drunk, so we decided that we’d watch a movie. Jurassic Park was on Netflix and we all liked the classic. At no point did I forget about our barefoot situation and how dirty our feet must have gotten. I was wondering if anyone would wash their feet when we got back home. I hoped not.

We walked in and everyone used the floor mat. I went to the bathroom, considered washing my feet then decided against it in case I was the odd one out. I contemplated masturbating to help with my arousel but thought that it might be obvious. When I walked back into the lounge, the girls had already made popcorn, drinks and had the movie ready. They were sitting cross legged on the oversized 3 seater sofa. I couldn’t see the soles of any of their feet without being obvious.
“We’re all ready, just waiting for you,” Sandra said
“Thanks guys, hope I didn’t take too long?” I asked. “Can you make space for me?” The girls shifted together, there was plenty of place for 4. Skye was furthest from me, then Kate then Sandra, whom I sat next to. In the shuffling I saw that all of their soles were almost black but not superficial dirt, rather the kind that would take a while to wash off. Knowing this made me very “uncomfortable” and my heart was beating excitedly. At least I made the right call not to wash mine.

We watched the movie. Me more awkwardly than the rest I’m sure. As I started to sober up, I remembered agreeing to let Kate tie my up naked. I flushed red and my heart skipped a beat. I could no longer concentrate on the movie. Just then two feet with red nail polish touched the bare part of my leg. It snapped me completely out of my thoughts. Kate had apparently fallen asleep on Skye and was stretching out over Sandra to get more comfortable. No one said anything so neither did I. I forced myself to keep watching the movie but my peripheral vision couldn’t help noticing the sexy red toes and dirty soles touching my leg. Then the feet stretched out further and rested on my groin area. I was shocked but it looked like Kate was still “sleeping”. Again, no one noticed or said anything and it was quite dark, so I kept quiet about it. I didn’t want to risk waking Kate up now or she might make a big deal about it. Her toes were making contact with my cock, through my shorts and I tried to concentrate on watching the movie so that I wouldn’t “twitch”. Maybe I could get away with being nonchalant if I didn’t react (in case Kate was awake and just fucking with me). Every now and then Kate would wiggle her toes and rub against my cock and balls, I’d peer and her direction but she seemed sound asleep. I couldn’t help getting turned on by the situation and my cock twitched like crazy, almost to the point of no return. Then all of a sudden they were gone. I don’t know if I was relieved or disappointed.
“I’m going to bed,” Kate yawned. I was making eye contact and she winked at me when she walked past. I blushed like crazy, she was fucking with me? She went past the toilet too quickly to have washed her feet so I assumed she went to bed with them dirty. Had the girls gotten that comfortable with barefooting already? I couldn’t think of anything else.

The movie didn’t finish long after Kate left and the rest of us went to bed too. Again I did notice anyone taking a shower or washing their feet. I struggled to fall asleep that night thinking about the day’s events and the new promise I made to be tied up naked. It’s one thing having your shorts pulled down unwillingly, but completely different volunteering to be nude and unable to do anything about it. I wondered how Kate would tie me and if she’d leave me any chance of escape. Eventually, fatigue won me over and I fell asleep (with my dirty feet, and thoughts).
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Post by BoundTightly »

Please continue this story, it is very good
The tighter the better
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Post by Boundguy800 »

You are an incredible writer. Love the update. Can’t wait for more.
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