New parts "Rewind"+"In the dark"+"the cottage"+"Firmly gagged" - A summer of (soccer) bondage (m/m)

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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Part 11 - 60 seconds of confusion

Alisa had left Tom and me in the hallway. Tom was cuffed to the wall. My wrists were still tied behind my back, ankles loosely tied and gagged with a ball gag. I was soaked in sweat. My soccer socks stuck to my shin guards. My cleats must have smelled like crazy. My shorts were damp and hung on to my butt like a plastic bag badly glued to a papier mache model. My pits stank.

The rope tying my wrists was also rather damp. The combination of a sweat soaked skin and damp rope, is the perfect recipe for rope burns and rope tightening. The rope dug into my wrists as I shifted and turned, back against the wall. All the while, I kept softly moaning into my ball gag. Mostly talking to myself. Cursing Tom and Alisa occasionally. I had not noticed Tom's prying eyes following my every movement.

Moving about still tied up, the feeling of the rope tightening around my wrists, trying to shift my wrists into a more comfortable position, the feeling of my ankles tied up, my soccer socks pulled up over my knees, the top of the socks tightly encasing my thighs, something started to wake up again. I looked at my own legs tied. Seeing my ankles tied up with rope, my feet in cleats, my legs in soccer socks, the shin guards clearly showing through, the socks being stretched and pulled up unimaginably high, the feeling of the rubber ball gag still preventing speech. My nylon soccer shorts soon started to show the preliminary signs of a small bulge.

A boner. Really? now?

It rose proudly from my soft nylon soccer shorts.

I shot a look over to Tom.

He did not say anything. He smiled.

I started shifting, trying to hide the growing black nylon tent from Tom's prying looks.
Difficult. It rose ever more proudly. It felt wrong and great at the same time.

"(Focus)" I thought.
"(not the time to think about sex, being granted release")".

My mind wondered off to earlier that afternoon.
In flashes, I relived parts of what came over me.
The feeling of being rendered completely helpless.
At the mercy of Tom and Sebastien.

The soft feeling of Seb's thumb rubbing the top my proud soldier.
Tom's tongue slowly moving up and down.

"(This is not helping)".

My dick was now rock solid.


"Having trouble focussing" Tom asked laughing.

"MMMppph" (Fuck off Tom).

"Excited about the prospect of kssing me?" he asked.

"mmmpph" (Fuck off) I threw him an angry look.

Then suddenly...


...The door opened again.

Alisa was back.

"Time's up boys." she announced proudly.
"What will it be?"

Alisa had put quite the dilemma in front of us.

Suddenly, my mind started racing.

"-I kiss Tom, we will both be released.
-I kiss Tom, I get to tie him up later.
-I don't want to kiss Tom.
-I do want to kiss Tom.
-This ball gag hurts like hell.
-I love these soccer socks pulled up over my knees.
-And I am tied up.
-I want to get out of these bonds.
-Confused here.
-Kissing Tom excites me as well?
-Why does my dick decide to get hard just now"
-It creeps me out.
-Kiss Tom. you'll be free.
-Alisa never keeps her word.
-What If I kiss him and she still keeps me tied up.
-She would do that.
-Tom is looking really hot like that.
-This has gone way too far already.
-Alisa has seen my boner.
-I just want to get out.

I was already way past the point caring about or being embarrassed about being found in bondage.
The real first shock was when Chris found me by accident in my room, in self bondage I could not get out of. In full goalie kit. That was embarrassing. The shock and horror I felt at that moment. I steel feel it today. And when he left me for mum to find me. With Tom tied to my desk chair.
From there it went in crescendo only.
What happened today with Tom and Chris and Seb. Being put at display in front of the entire cafeteria...

I jumped over (or was forced to jump over) several hurdles there, but it felt strangely liberating.

-(You are still tied and gagged mate") I told myself.

"Ok Boys, time's up. what will it be" Alisa abruptly broke through my chain of thoughts.
"What will it be, to kiss or not to kiss" she taunted.

"Brother dear?"

I kept my head down and softly moaned in my gag.

"What's that Mats?" Alisa asked. "was that a yes?"
"you seem rather excited about the prospect it seems" she indicated the huge boner I sported in my soccer shorts.
"You dirty little teenage boy".
"really, boys have no dick control"


She turned away, facing Tom now.


"He can't speak" Tom interjected.

Tom now spoke to me directly.

"I really meant what I said Mats, any place, anywhere, anytime."
"I am giving you my word that..."

"...oooh, how sweat, the lover boys have made some little dirty deals now have they" Alisa broke midway into Tom's sentence.

"mmpph" I moaned back.

Alisa walked over to me and yanked the ball gag out of my mouth.
It now hung around my neck, pushing against my throat.

"AAAAHH" I sighed.

"You have no idea how much that hurts!!!!" I yelled out.

Alisa knelt down and pressed her hand over my mouth.
"Shhhhh...only speak when you are spoken to" she ordered. "You got that?!"
"Otherwise it goes straight back in".
Her voice was calm and dominant. Really creepy. She was in full control.

I nodded.

So Mats, are we in agreement then, you will you kiss Tom and buy both your freedom".

"Mats, let's get this over with" I heard Tom sigh.

"Hang on boys, not so fast"

"Here is what I want you to do.
You will kiss fondly for 60 seconds. I want to see some real action here ok, tongues twisting, licking, kissing of the neck, real kissing you get that"?

She paused.

"Otherwise deal's off".

"No, no no, I heard Tom say. That is not what you said. I am not doing it. This is not ok. Mats?"


I pondered my reply for a few seconds and then replied.

"Tom, we both know this is what you really want, what you have wanted all along but are too much of chicken to simply ask, you wimp " I said sternly.

I looked straight at Tom.
Our eyes locked.
Tom froze.
This was not the reply he had expected.

I sat there, tied at hands and feet, back against the wall.
I shifted slightly, to relieve some of the pressure of my arms tied behind my back.
This made my shorts rubb against my dick, which kept it pointing straight up.

"OOOoohhh." I moaned.

I tried to look as if not distracted at all.

"You know you want this, you dirty little twat!!!" I replied angrily, arching my back against the wall, trying to get up.

"nononono" Alisa said and pushed me back down.

Holding Tom's gaze, I stepped it up a notch.

"I would not be surprised you actually cocked this up with Alisa you bastard".
"your word does not mean anything to me".

"Is that a no then Mats"? Alisa interjected.
"because really, I am not here to witness a fight between you lover boys."

Tom looked almost desperate now...

"Maats, really, no. I did not collude with Alisa. Alisa please tell him."
Alisa produced another ball gag and walked over to Tom.

"Time for you to shut up as well" she laughed.
"If you are not going to use these pretty lips for kissing, they need to be prevented from doing anything else".

Tom lashed out to Alisa trying to grab the ball gag off her.

"no, no, Maaaaats, really, Mats, help me !!"

"Pussy" I simply replied.

Alisa managed to grab Tom's free arm and twist it behind his back. Pulling it up.

"Now, bite the ball or I twist this even further"

Tom reluctantly complied. Alisa shoved the ball in front of his mouth and he took it in, sealing it in with his soft wet lips, letting out a grunt of defeat "mmmpph".She released his arm and quickly took hold of the straps, quickly trying to lock the straps tightly behind his head.


"Alisa, this has gone far enough now! " I shouted.

"STOP IT !!!".

Alisa turned to me and stopped in her tracks.

"Now we are talking..." she said.

Tom spat out the ball gag, which was not yet tied tight.

"Thank you Mats!" he sighed.

"Ok", Alisa said, "that means that..."

I interrupted her : "I will do it, but only one one condition"

-to be continued -
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Post by mrskeletor »

Amazing so far!
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Post by jone123 »

nicely written, maybe a little more description of the characters physical appearance will add to the story

great one, keep going
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Poor Mats and Tom... being blackmailed by Alisa. There are many hot scenes in this chapter, even though I do not like it when guys get tied up by or in the presence of a woman. Some examples (it seems not all the functions of the forum are working correctly):

"My cleats must have smelled like crazy." Wow! I would love to smell those cleats, perhaps even to lick them clean. I remember secretly sniffing my brother's soccer cleats when I was younger, it was a very funky smell that I really enjoyed. It's very different from the smell of sneakers. And most of the time, the synthetic material feels really nice against the skin. Especially when they were still wet on the inside.

"Suddenly, my mind started racing." and the part that follows. Amazing how you manage to capture the fast pace of thoughts running through your head in a story. I'd love to see Mats and Tom kiss!

60 seconds of confusion and you leave us in confusion, waiting for the next chapter!
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Part 12 - pressing my (dis)advantage.

Alissa had left me with quite the dilemma. To Kiss Tom and be released or Not To Kiss Tom and remain tied up for god knows how long.

My mind shifted back and forth between both options. But something had changed. Even though I was still tied up, I took control of the situation.
Tom was begging me to be released.
Alissa wanted to see us kiss.

I decided to turn the tables and get something out of this for me. I wanted revenge on Tom, and Chris, and Seb (If at all possible). And not to forget, revenge on Alissa.
Yet I knew from previous encounters with Alissa, revenge is a dish best served cold.
Right now, I needed to be set free. That was all that mattered right now. And getting some bargaining chips in the process.

Alissa was not to be trusted though. She always got her way. At home, with her friends, with me. Her good looks certainly helped. She was not very tall yet, her long dark blond hair, hazel eyes and athletic build made up for that. She was not a natural beauty but there was something about her eyes. same for me.

Some of my girlfriends had told me this before; there was something about my our eyes, the look. it would radiate confidence. A strong personality. Friendliness, characterized by an innocent cheeky-like attitude.
The kind of look that almost always forces you to forgive whatever mischief you were confronted with.

Alissa had the same. One that could command boys to do what she wanted them to do. Even me to some extent. It had no effect on Tom though, which is why she did not like him very much I guessed.

"What" Tom shouted.

"huh?" I needed a moment to collect my thoughts.

"What's the condition Mats?".

Tom's puppy eyes shone from underneath his brown locks of hair. He, as opposed to Alissa, was a natural beauty. The kind of boy who could wear anything - no matter how silly, and would always look good. For me, he looked at his best in soccer kit though. The nylon shirt softly revealing his pecks and 6-pack hidden underneath. His soccer socks highlighting his strong muscular calves. Slender yet strong. Shame he would often wear his socks pulled down. God, what I would give to see him play soccer with him wearing his socks pulled up over his knees. If only he would let me pull his socks way up.

"What is it" he repeated his question.

"Mats?" Alissa echoed, pulling me back into the conversation.

"Eehhh, okay" I sighed.

"I will kiss Tom..." I replied.

"and?" Alissa asked...

"but I do not trust you at all"I completed the sentence.

"Soooo.." she continued...

"Sooooo..." I replied, mimicking Alissa,"I will only kiss him if you untie me first."

Alissa did not reply.
She was thinking it over, clearly.

"Mmmh" she said.

"No deal"

"I want a guarantee if I kiss Tom, you will hold up to your end of the deal.
Simply put, I just do not trust you at all" I tried arguing.

Alissa was thinking this over.

I was hoping my gamble would pay off.
If she did not accept, we would be in for more of the same - being tied up.
Not a prospect I was looking forward to. Yet...


"OK." Alissa finally replied after much thought.

"I will untie you, but I do not trust you either dear brother..." she continued " how do I know that you will not simply run for it if I untie you? and leave poor Tom alone, here, with me... ".

A question I had expected.

"True" I replied. Making it sound as if she had a point. She did in fact.

"I make you a deal" I said.

"Untie me and I will let you tie one of my free hands to Tom's free hand.That way, at least we have a chance to untie ourselves in case you do not stick to your end of the deal" I suggested.

"And, ..." I added "I want you to give me the key to the cuffs before I Kiss Tom."

"mmmmh" Alissa was thinking it over.

"Also" I added. "Tom"

"Yes" Tom looked at me now.

"You are sooo MINE!!!"

"And Seb!!" I added.

"Don't care how you do it but you and Seb are MINE!!!".
The sound of my own voice scared me.
It sounded more ominous than I wanted it to.

Nevertheless, I pressed my advantage even though I was the one still tied up.

"Oh, and Alissa, "
"yes", she replied
"you help me get back on Chris".
"If not, I am happy to remain tied up and gagged for as long as you see fit" I concluded.

There. I did it. I took full control of the situation. Master of the puppets. Dance. Dance. Dance.


never get too excited... lesson I would learn soon enough....

I could see them both pondering. Thinking it over. Alissa did not need a lot of time. Nor did Tom.
Both of them agreed rather quickly.

"Okay" they both said almost in unison.

"I will untie you but only your hands for now. I will untie your feet once I tie your hand to Tom's" Alissa explained.

"You know I will" Tom spoke softly.
"I will do whatever you tell me to, okay Mats?"
"I am really sorry about what happened"
"I know we went too far".

"Too far!?" I yelled back.
"I have to Kiss you now. No time for sobbing regrets now. What good are they".
"I will kiss you but don't you get any wrong ideas!"

Honestly, I was actually more afraid of how I would react.
Scared I might actually like it. Like it even better than I liked the blowjob he gave me earlier, whilst I was tied up helplessly.
My god, that was heavenly.

"Good, settled then" Alisa spoke up.

She walked over to me and started to untie my hands.


I could feel the damp rope around my wrists being loosened.
It hurt quite a bit.
The rope had been digging into my wrists way too long.
When she was done, I brought my wrists in front of me.
Rope marks.
A lot of rope marks.
These would not faint quickly. How was I going to explain that at home.
I will worry about that later.

Right now, only my feet were still bound.

One small step away from freedom.
One Kiss more likely.

A long Kiss.

At that instance, it dawned on me.
What I just agreed to.
I froze.

Alissa felt my hesitation somehow.

She turned her hazel eyes to me and asked.
"What's up Mats"
"You want me to tie you up again??"

I shrugged my shoulders and quickly replied.
"no no, please"

Doubt was creeping in.
Was I really going to go through with this??
Kissing Tom. Really? What was I thinking.

Alissa seemed to be reading my thoughts as she brought me back to reality
"Too late to chicken out now Mats", she grinned.

With my feet still loosely tied, she helped me up and hopped me over to Tom.

Anxiety was growing.
A deep sense of discomfort.
Anticipation at what was to come or not.

With each hop, I hopped closer to Tom.
He was staring uncomfortably at me.

Tom's gaze. I could not make sense of it.
There was something he was trying to tell me.
Something words could not communicate.
Just, I did not get what he was trying to say...

Alissa took Tom's cuffed hand and put the key in the lock. She unlocked the part locking Tom's hand to the steel shackle in the wall. She grabbed my wrist and locked it in. We were now cuffed together.

I looked down at our cuffed wrists.
My head slowly turning, my eyes once again met Tom's.

We were only inches away from each other.
My shorts started to show signs of excitement again.
Alissa pushed us closer together and our bodies touched unexpectedly.
Our groins bumped and I could feel I was not the only one excited.

I could smell Tom's body odor.
Alissa pushed against the back of my head.
My cheek softly touched Tom's.
Instant reaction down there.
Alissa then suddenly shoved up the ball gag and violently pushed it back into my mouth.

"mmmppph" I turned to her as if to say..."Shut up" she said, "Just making sure you lover boys do not start early". She was really truly evil. As if I had any intention of doing so.
"And don't you dare take it out before I say so" she ordered.

Meanwhile, I could also feel Tom's growing excitement down there.

"The keys" he said to Alissa

"Oooh" Alissa said almost apologizing. "I almost forgot".

"But first I need to tie your ankles together too just to make sure you will not run away together".
"But Mats feet are already tied. Where do you think we will be running of too?"

"Good point" Alissa replied.

"mmmpph" I interjected. I tried to remind Alissa she was actually going to untie my feet.
She was not going to.

"here you go". she gave the keys to Tom, ignoring my plea.

"Now, there you go boys"
She stood back and walked over to her backpack to pick up her camera again.

"phling" the sound of the camera being switched on.

"mmmpph" I moaned from behind my gag.

"Shit, sorry Mats." she came over and pulled the ball gag back out.

"Now Kiss boys!!!".

I looked deeply into Tom's eyes. There was a moment of hesitation...

- to be continued -
Last edited by overkneesoccersocks 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I agree with Mats, Alisa is not to be trusted. But at least we'll enjoy a kiss between the guys, that's something I've looked forward to.
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Post by Tied-up-boy »

This is truly the best story I ever read here ! Please continue
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Post by Canuck100 »

Another great chapter. But the wait is frustrating! ;)
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Part 13 - 60 seconds of confusing bliss.

"Now Kiss boys!!!", Alissa exclaimed.

Let me set the scene for you.
Tom and I were cuffed together at the wrists.
My left wrist was locked to his right one.

Tom was wearing a grey sports jumper, black nylon soccer shorts and slumped down red soccer socks, showing off his tanned legs. He was wearing a pair of Nike trainers. His light blue eyes piercing through his dark brown locks of hair.

I was still wearing our team soccer kit, consisting of a red t-shirt, black nylon shorts and red adidas soccer socks, pulled up over my knees, the 3 white stripes highlighting my muscular lower thighs. I had a pair of bright neon adidas soccer cleats on. The ball gag that inhibited my speech before, was now dangling around my neck.

I looked deeply into Tom's blue eyes. There was a moment of hesitation...
I was nervous.
The predominant feeling was that of confusion.
A mix.
Feelings of butterflies.
Like the first time you see a boy or girl and completely and utterly fall head over heals in love.
Fear for what was about to come.
For what it might reveal.
Frustration for the situation I found myself in.
Frantically angry with Alissa.
Fuming at what Tom did earlier.

But in spite of all that, I was mostly excited, weirdly enough.
I sported a proud soldier down there as I waited for Tom to take the lead.
I was actually to scared to take the initiative.

I had never before kissed a boy, let alone one that I knew had a crush on me.
The experience would be completely new to me. I did not know what to expect.

Tom's free hand moved up, sliding up over the side of my body with his index finger, digging into my side, then up over my shoulder and finally, my neck. My eyes tracking his every move.

His hand was now touching the back of my neck. I let my head down, accepting his moves and offering my submission to Tom.
He slowly started massaging my neck with his thumb and index finger.
Whilst his fingers moved up and down, relaxing my neck and shoulders, he turned his head and rested his forehead against mine.

"Don't be afraid" Tom whispered.
"I will be gentle" he reassured me, as if he understood I was very anxious about what was to happen next.

"It does not have to mean anything".
"It is just a kiss" he tried to reassure me again.

I looked straight into his blue eyes.
My dick was now rock hard and proudly pointing upwards through the black nylon soccer shorts.
I could even feel some pre-cum seeping out.

When our hips touched, I felt a slight bulge in Tom's black nylon shorts as well.

"Let's take this step by step" he whispered in my ear.

I could feel his soft breathing, each exhale causing a gentle breeze, caressing my lips.

He opened his mouth ever so slightly.
All the while his fingers kept massaging my neck and I was more or less rendered helpless.
I could, would not resist.

His lips moved in and ever so briefly, touched mine.
Just touching. Softly. Gently caressing.

I opened my eyes momentarily. I met Tom's deep blue eyed look.
His breathing more expressed now, his lips kept looking for mine from every direction.

Next, he moved away from my mouth and cheek to cheek, his tongue was looking for my ear.
I could feel the soft touch of the tip of his tongue against my ear lob.

"aaah" I let out a grunt.
This surprised me. My boner was so hard now.
This was unreal. He was good.
Very good.

His cheek kept rubbing against mine.
His tongue now sliding down over my cheek, looking for my neck. His hand in my neck softly directing my head backwards.

I could feel his soft lips touching my neck, whilst his tongue was massaging up and down, twisting.

Tom gently twisted his head, his lips ever looking for a different position.

"That's it boys" Alissa broke into the moment.
"Nice" she cried out as if she was directing a movie. She moved around with her camera, taking shots from various angles.

Somehow, I did not take notice of Alissa anymore.
Nor did Tom.
We were caught up in the moment.
Momentarily oblivious to our surroundings or predicament.

It was strangely arousing to be tied to another guy, who was now kissing me.

His lips continued caressing mine softly as if he was kindly waking up a loved one.
I could taste the scent of his lips.
I could smell his sweat.
The spring-like scent of his hair.

He slow-danced his lips around mine, guiding me step by step towards a full on French kiss.
His tongue chancing a dance with mine. I responded in kind.
We were now locked in a full on tongue twister. His hand pushing softly against the back of my head, keeping our heads locked together.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled back.

I looked at him surprised.
His eyes giving me a piercing look.

"Don't tell me this is not what you..." he stopped mid sentence.

I hesitated to reply.

"Don't" was all I could muster up.

"don't stop now boys, the clock is still ticking" Alissa threw in.

"You know" Tom said.

His hand pushing away a lock of hair that covered his left eye.

Silence ensued.

Only the sound of our breathing.
In. out.
In. out.
In. out.

Suddenly, his hand grabbed hold of my neck again.
He violently pushed my head towards his, sealing his lips against mine.
I was rendered completely helpless.

I wanted to push away, but his hand prevented me from doing so.
I could feel his tongue looking for mine as he pushed my mouth open.
He forced entry and before I realized what just happened, we were tongue twisting like mad.
He was literally eating me up.

I wanted to push away but his grip on my head was too strong.
The kiss was too exciting.
I could not, would not get out.
I was his bitch now. He controlled the kiss. He controlled me.
What was this? How did this...? huh? Why is...?

The excitement of the moment completely took over. I surrendered completely.
I engaged in the violent kiss Tom forced me into and subdued to his all overpowering kiss.
We kissed as if we were a pair of passionate lovers that had been separated for months.

"Gold!!! this is gold!!!" I could hear Alissa shouting somewhere in the room.

Tom kept kissing me like mad.
Eyes closed, we kept locked in the kiss for god knows how long.


The sound of an alarm sounded loudly.

"Time's up boys"

- to be continued -
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

Mats is really confused about whether he likes it or not. But this is hot action between Mats and Tom.
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Thanks. It was a time when a lot still needed to be figured out. Too many emotions at the same time...
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Post by ziptiedboy »

This is getting really intricate and passionate! Really excellent writing going on here, excited to continue following the story!
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Post by boundforfun73 »

Great story, lover of long socks and rope!
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Post by Tied-up-boy »

Please continue ! This is so exciting !
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

thanks for the encouraging words!

I have been swamped at work so not time to continue so far. I have been writing the next chapters but still need to edit them. Hopefully will post them soon.
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Post by anolyg »

Please continue with the story. I am very curious what happens next.
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

anolyg wrote: 4 years ago Please continue with the story. I am very curious what happens next.
I will !!
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Part 14 – and now?

Utter and complete humiliation.
And shame and anger. Bitter dark anger.

The kind of anger that drives you crazy.

There is no better way to describe how I felt after Tom had released me from the kiss we just shared so passionately for all the wrong reasons. How did this get so messed up? How did this happen. Snapping out of it, I tried pulling away from Tom yet realised we were still handcuffed together.
Back to the harsh reality.

There was a tension in the room, I cannot really describe. An awkward, eerie silence. I guess Tom and Alisa felt it too. They did not dare speak. As rabbits caught in headlights. We just stared at each other. Thinking, did this just actually happen. Alissa, who just had been happy to laugh at my predicament. Tom, who kissed me so wantonly.
Neither dare speak.

“KEYS” I ordered Tom, breaking the silence like a glass bottle shattering.
He handed them to me and I hastily unlocked the handcuff from my wrist.
I reached down and pulled the ropes that were still encircling my ankles and tossed it away.
My gaze now locked in with Alissa’s. She chickened out and turned her head down. Tom… ditto.
I pulled down my socks, took of the ball gag and threw it against the wall. I picked up my sports bag and walked out.

Before violently throwing the door open, I turned around and looked at them again. They were staring at me.

“It was just a bit of …” Alissa broke off her sentence. She must have felt it was better not to finish it.

I ran out, to the bike rack.

Throwing my sports bag onto the pavement I sat down.
My back leaning in against my bike, I threw my head into my hands and started crying. My emotions took over.
I had almost forgotten what it felt like to cry, but the feeling was back instantly. Tears flooding. I was crying like a toddler who just fell flat on his face for the first time, experiencing what it feels like if you hit the pavement, hard. I simply could not stop. My whole body was violently shaking up and down, while the tears just kept coming. I do not know how long I was sat there, crying. In shock. Slowly realizing what just happened.
I was so angry and ashamed at the same time, overrun with emotions.

It was all over now. Or so I thought.

All over. It could let my emotions run free.

Still today, the rest of that afternoon is a blur. I only remember me riding home on my bike, arriving home and somehow ending up in my room.

The days after are also still a blur. It took me quite some time to get my act together again.

To process the emotions and feelings of what just had happened to me, how I reacted and how I felt about that.
On the other hand, the entire experience had, if nothing else, strongly emboldened me. Freed me somehow of a lot of my inhibitions. Freed my mind by shaking it up violently. That I did know. I somehow had experienced something really strange. Leaving the world of innocent adolescence and exchanging it for a more raw but strangely exciting new world.

Something else stuck with me too.

I wanted REVENGE.

I was set on having it.


On all.





I did not yet know how, where or when. Yet I knew I would have it.

Very soon.
I hoped.
Little did I know....

Chapter 4 – plotting revenge

-Coming soon-
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Post by NeedControl »

Thanks for keeping it real with this, and not fanticizing away the genuine effects of sudden, unexpected discoveries and changes. 🤗🤗

I'm looking forward to what comes next. 😏
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Post by Canuck100 »

NeedControl wrote: 4 years agoI'm looking forward to what comes next. 😏
Same here!

Really enjoying reading about your adventures.
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Chapter 4 – plotting revenge

Part 1 – Prelude

A good few weeks had passed since that eventful afternoon.
I really needed time to let things settle and process what happened.
I was not in the mood for any tie ups at all. Not
even my so desired revenge.
The urge to get back at Tom, Seb, Chris or Alissa had faded.

I just did not feel like it anymore.
I had had enough.

In that sense it was also good mum had taken all my bondage stuff.
It was a good thing not to be confronted with these objects. I needed distance.

Consequently, I saw a lot more of Sophie, my then girlfriend.

She had heard stories about what happened, but luckily not to the full story (she was close with Alissa but apparently Alissa did not share details).

Only that the guys pulled some hazing stunt on me and that at some point I was tied up in front of people.
She did not inquire to know more.
She asked how I felt about it if I was ok with it.
How did it feel, being tied up.
She was really caring and that was a good feeling.
And she was angry with Tom and Chris which helped me as well to avoid them.

So, I avoided Tom and Chris as much as possible.
I only saw them during training and games.
We hardly spoke.
We just played soccer.

Certainly, the first few weeks after the events, I found myself to be the centre point of quite a lot of locker room banter. I was constantly reminded of how I was embarrassingly put at display in front of the entire sports cafeteria. Tied and gagged. A picture was displayed in the locker room. Just ignorant teenagers joking around, I guess.
Today, I can put this in perspective. Back then, it really was difficult to handle. It drove me to the verge of desperation even though, I was determined not to let it get the better of me. I took me a lot of energy to handle this.

It was a constant reminder though of what had happened and somehow prevented me from really processing it.

Alissa did not help either. I endured weeks of hidden jokes at the breakfast or dinner table and hints that I was now her little slave.

“Will you play this weekend or are you otherwise tied up…”
“You should learn to shut up...”
“People do weird stuff… hey Mats..?”

Stupid stuff like that.
I do not remember very well, only that it all was very childish and to some degree unsettling.
She was smart enough though, not to push it too far.

It took weeks before the commotion somewhat died down and I for one, was extremely happy the story did not reach my parents.
Especially my mother.

That actually was my biggest fear at the time. That she somehow would find out and then...
But she did not.

Fast forwards a couple of months and the banter actually started to die down, thank heavens.
Alissa found something else to annoy me with and I started to really believe I would be able to put this one to rest.

But something else had popped up.

i could not get the image of me tied and gagged on the locker room bench out of my head.
And being teased by Seb.
The feeling was more one of excitement then disgust or anger, while I was actually trying to deal with what happened to me a few months ago.

It felt strangely exciting, thinking back to how he was in control of me, teasing me.
And I actually allowed these feelings to come in.

Similar thoughts kept popping into my head in the weeks that followed.
They did not fade away.
Instead, the feeling grew stronger.
At some point, all I could think of was Seb.
I felt a weird kind of attraction to this boy.
Some kind of infatuation.

Worse even.
I started fantasising about him tying me up or me tying him up.

It got worse when I finally saw him again.

One Thursday evening, at soccer practice, coach was giving me a personal training session while the team was finishing training.

We were focusing on reaction times.
This is where you run between the goal posts and then stop to see where the placed shot is going, jump and try to go for a save.

As usual, I must have been wearing my goalkeeper kit, consisting back then of blue adidas soccer shorts and shirt and matching blue socks, pulled up over my knees.

Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I noticed Seb watching.
He must have come to see Tom at training I guessed.
My heart skipped a beat.

It had been months since I had seen him.

He looked great.

He was wearing cut-off blue jeans, a white t-shirt, yellow crew socks and white adidas trainers.

He threw me a casual look and nodded as if to say “hi”.

I was momentarily distracted, when I heard coach scream “Concentrate Mats!!! What are you looking at”.
I jumped.
Trying to stop the shot he had launched but too late.
The ball whizzed past me.
I fell on the ground and rolled over.
My soccer socks and guard stays were pushed down.
“Sorry coach” I looked at coach and then back at Seb.
He was laughing.
I stood back up and pulled my socks up.

I could not take my eyes of Seb.
Neither could he.
I smiled at him.

“Mats, the action is here” coach yelled.

Without saying a word, I turned back to coach and proceeded with the training.

“You are not concentrating at all Mats” “Let’s stop here. I am not wasting my time on this”
“We will pick this up again next week. Time to hit the showers”.

Finishing training, I hit the showers and changed into my casual dress (nothing special, usually some designer shorts and polo-shirt and blue adidas trainers – it was late spring by now).

I ran out fast, my eyes prying the pitch for Seb but I did not see Seb anymore. He must have left.
This only made the feeling stronger.

Later that weekend, we played a home game.
We lost, 2-4.
I was gutted.
I really did not play well and the team (rightfully) blamed me for the loss.
I had trouble concentrating.
Things between me and Soph were not going well.
In fact, she told me she wanted to split up but before doing so, she wanted to talk.
That conversation played in my head like a broken record.

And Seb.
I wanted to see Seb again.
After showering, I put on my jeans, and a casual t-shirt, crew socks and my adidas trainers and walked out ready to go home.

Throwing my sports bag onto my bike, I suddenly heard a familiar voice:

(What a pity).
“T’etais vraiment un gardien de put aujourd’hui”
(You were really shit today).

I was startled.


“QUOI??!!!!” I replied.
(What’s that you say?)

“Tu l’a bien compris” he replied, teasing.
(You got that the first time…).

I froze.
Up until that point, I had fallen in love with girls only.
This was the first time I felt the same for a boy.
It hit me like a sledge hammer.
Taking me completely by surprise.
Yet it did not scare me at all.
I was ready to explore.

“Du tout” I mastered to reply.
(Not at all, whatever do you mean)

I smiled at him.

He was looking great.

He was wearing the same cut-off jeans short as before, black t-shirt this time and black slumped down soccer socks and black trainers, I remember well.

He was slightly tanned – maybe a faded tan from a late spring skiing holiday in the Alps.

“Ca fait longtemps” he continued.
(Long time no see)

“si, longtemps” I replied trying to hide my nerves.
(yes, long time).

“je t’enerve?” he asked kindly, picking up on my nervousness.
(Am I getting on your nerves?)

“non, du tout” I lied.
(not at all).

He was looking very confident.

“On a pas encore finis” he said, smiling cheekily.
(We have unfinished business…)

“eeuh,” I was lost for words at that point, also, French not being my native tongue.
He seemed so much more in control of his emotions, of the situation, of me.
He smiled and looked behind him.

Tom was walking down to the bike rack where Seb and I were stood.
He slapped Seb in the back of the head saying something like “stop harassing Mats, let’s go”.

Seb grabbed Tom in his neck, turned him around and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

He looked at me.

Or so I thought.

I so wanted that boy.

-to be continued -
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Post by NeedControl »

Interesting developments...
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Post by Canuck100 »

I like the way you describe the feelings you had while these events happened. Curious to read about what happened with Seb...
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Post by Tickler1079 »

This chapter makes wanna give you a hug because it sounded like you needed one.
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

thanks @canuck100, @Tickler1079 and @NeedControl for the kind words and feedback.

@Tickler1079, I could certainly have done with a hug back then.

Writing about what happened, seems to help me finally to give this a place in my life.
I enjoy recanting the events of years ago, albeit with some editorial freedom of course :).
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