Blocking the Ex Boyfriend M/F

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Blocking the Ex Boyfriend M/F

Post by Snidely »

This is a factual story from a few years ago, while at University when I lived in Sydney Australia. I had just started dating a girl from my faculty; quite a popular girl from all the guys who wanted to go out with her. My trick was (seemingly) casual persistence. Anyway, we had been dating for about three weeks when we were invited out on a camping trip with a girlfriend of hers and her boyfriend. When I pointed out this might not be a great idea as he was also my girlfriend's ex (things get pretty incestuous on campus), she replied casually;
"Oh, he's way over me". From the way he interacted with her at Uni, my Spidey-sense said otherwise.

We arrived at the campsite (lovely place by a lake), pitched the tents, and enjoyed the autumn afternoon in the bush. At dinner I intercepted a few pointed looks from my girlfriend's ex, which got my senses tingling again. But I thought, perhaps it's just me? Both girls didn't seem to notice anything, and the guy's current girlfriend was the jealous type who you would expect to be hypersensitive to the slightest clues.

We retired to our tents, and the last look the ex gave my girl hardened my suspicions. As we undressed and prepared our sleeping bags I said to her;
"Look, this guy is going to try something tonight. It's been building up all day." She replied she thought I was being ridiculous, but I could tell by the look in her eye she had noticed something too.
She said; "What if he does, you're here to protect me right?".
I answered; "It might be hard if I'm asleep." That got her thinking. Her ex was wound up a little tight.

When were in our bags I reached over to my pack and pulled out a package of black zipties (very handy for camping, if you're wondering why I had them). I didn't mess around, and said;
"Hold out your wrists." She was too surprised in the moment not to do anything but instinctually obey. I looped a tie around her wrists and pulled it tight until the ratchet would go no further.
"Why are you tying me up?" she asked. I answered right away:
"A precaution. We've only just started to date, and it was really hard getting this far with you, and I don't want to lose you. When I'm asleep I can't be certain this guy isn't going to come over and try something."
"Don't you trust me?" she asked, experimentally wriggling her wrists. Surprised how little she could move them.
"Not 100%, I have to say."
I could tell my honesty took her aback. She obviously hadn't really thought of what she might do if her ex did come knocking, and if she still had feelings for him. I unzipped the side of her sleeping back and tied her ankles together as well. Tight. Then zipped her bag up again. I regarded my handiwork: from the outside her head was the only part of her showing and she looked completely natural. Apart from the fact she was quietly struggling in the bag, instinctually trying to get free.
"Why have you tied me up so tight, it hurts" she said.
"The point of tying you up is so you can't get free, correct?" I replied. She couldn't refute the logic of this, and didn't say anything else, seemingly resigned to her predicament. I kissed her goodnight and we both fell sleep, she snuggled close and in my arms for protection.

I woke up in the middle of the night. If anyone has ever camped in the bush on a cloudy, moonless night they will understand just what pitch black is. It's a cliché, but you can't see your hand in front of your face. But I could hear perfectly well; my girlfriend's ex was speaking at the fly-screen of the tent. His intentions were clear, he was trying to persuade my girlfriend to 'just come for a walk to talk'. She was saying that no, she couldn't. But from the tone of her voice I couldn't tell if it was because of loyalty to me or because she was a captive in her bag. A faint light glowed; the ex was holding his hand over an electric torch. My girlfriend stiffened, and snuggled deeper in her bag, afraid he might see her tied hands. I pretended to sleep, waiting to see what would happen. The ex held out his hand, wanting for her to take it and leave with him. But she couldn't even is she wanted to. Finally, discouraged, he turned off the light and walked away dejectedly, crunching dead leaves on his way back to his own tent.

I turned over and turned on my own light.
"Would you have gone with him, if you could?" I asked.
"Honestly, I don't really know." she replied, uncertainty on her face. "But you made it so I had no choice, didn't you." It wasn't a question.
I didn't answer. We lay like that for a while, then she snuggled close again, wanting me to hug her again. She then said, breaking the silence;
"I'm glad you tied me up. But can you untie me now? You tied these tight."
"No", I replied. "Maybe in the morning, let's see".
And I did.
If the Bindee can reach the knots with her fingertips the Binder has done a poor job.
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Tights tights tights
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Post by Tights tights tights »

Hey! Noticed that you only joined 2 days ago. Unless you were part of the old site.. welcome to Tugs!

This was a great story, well done on your first post ☺

I loved your method of keeping the girl you love close to you and away from another guy.. it is definatly one way of doing it! 😅

Thank you for posting, I look forward to seeing other posts from you very soon.
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Nice story. Loved the first sentence of the second paragraph: we arrived at the campsite and pitched tents. Ha. I bet you did. Ha.
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Post by Snidely »

No, 'that' occurred about 2 minutes after the conclusion of the story!
If the Bindee can reach the knots with her fingertips the Binder has done a poor job.
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