Tickle Terror (MF/M)

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Tickle Terror (MF/M)

Post by joanneb1980 »

Here is a story I would like to share, maybe more of a description of events, I have mentioned to a few people I have chatted to, and its an interesting one, it is true, and I felt a little uncomfortable as it happened, hopefully I can get some feedback as I want to develop my skills writing both fiction and non-fiction. I have changed all of the names, and descriptions (only slightly on the descriptions) as I believe a couple of the people may still be active on here, TMF or fetlife (where I met them from). Its a long one, so I hope you enjoy!

So, the story essentially starts 6 months before it happened. I got talking to someone from TMF(tickling media forum) who was also on fetlife and here about tickling. I was kind of new to tickling as an actual fetish but I was very curious about it. So Emma, probably a few years in front of me with developing her tickling fetish, and she was 33yo at the time, average build, 5'5ish, very pretty IMO, thought she was very modest about it and like strawberry blonde hair colour, shoulder length, though she seemed to insist she was a redhead, though I am going with a more blonde, and with the absence of freckles I am sticking with it.

I spoke to Emma for a good few months, share tickle/bondage fantasies/experiences, and although I didn't feel quite ready for a full-on session just yet as wasn't sure if I was too ticklish etc and wasn't sure just yet it was for me. Emma invited me to one of her sessions, where she would be meeting up with her tickler Aaron along with some other first timers, Joe who was another tickler looking to experience tickling someone for the first time, and two other curious ticklees Charlotte and Leah.

I didn't know these people at all, I had only spoken to Emma, albeit on the phone and online etc, however she was the only one I knew. Emma was married to a guy who was not into the fetish stuff but was happy for her to do this, Aaron and her seemed very close, a lot of her stories was about him tickling her, Joe again someone she knew and discussed tickling with but they hadn't met. Charlotte and Leah were like me, although a bit younger than us all, but the same in the way they were new to it.

We had met up in a lodge they had rented for the night, when I arrived everyone was there except for Charlotte, there was a bit of talk about her not coming, Emma has said she had a few messages but felt she was not going to be there. On going into the lodge, it was a huge one, pretty much open plan, but the bed appeared to be big with some restraints already set up. Emma introduces me to everyone. First off Arron, wearing jeans and a vest, quite tall slim, I didn't know his age, but if I had to guess, I would say around 30, short messy hair with a bit of a beard, not particularly a tidy one. Joe, seemed quite smart, again I didn't know his I would guess late 30, tall, overweight, still attractive, smart tidy beard well presented, wearing smart jeans and a t-shirt. Leah, early 20s slim, long black hair very pale skin, beautiful girl, and very quiet, seemed to dressed for the occasion in a crop top and trackie bottoms. Emma as I had already described was wearing a vest top and leggings. I went for the leggings look with a long t-shirt, as I wasn't sure what to expect.

When I initially arrived, I did detect a little bit of an atmosphere, so after the introductions it appeared the issues was between Aaron and Joe, but without going into the full details, it was about tickling Emma, Joe wanted to tickle her first, but Aaron was saying he would be tickling her first for everyone to watch and we would take it from there. This then got a bit heated, it appeared to me Joe and Emma had discussed something, but it felt like this was Aaron's show if you like. Joe then said to Aaron, ill tie you up and then I'll tickle who I want, he grabbed Aaron by his arms and pushed him back on to the bed, and they proceeded to struggle, Emma was by the bed as they struggled and initially tried to stop them, I was further back with Leah, I kind of then pulled Emma back a little and said let them wrestle, I mean they wasn't punching or anything, I thought it would be fun to watch.

So we left them to struggle away, a bit of rolling round, Joe was clearly getting angry. Emma was clearly anxious about the whole situation! The struggle, although Joe looked in control, Aaron seemed to start frustrating him, and Joe being overweight he was starting to breath heavy, at this point Aaron had got him off him and was now on top of Joe, he continued to struggle but was out of breath and weakening, at this point Aaron was sat on top of him and had his arms pinned to the bed. This point kind was kind of a rest-stop where everyone kind of paused a minute to think about what was happening here. Joe was pinned down, he was still struggling a little but not much he was clearly out of energy, breathing heavy, whereas Aaron on the other hand didn't look like he had broken a sweat. Me, Emma and Leah kind of stood back watching, Emma was during this struggle passing comments between both Joe and Aaron, and at this point I remember Joe angrily telling Emma to "get him off of him", Emma kind of didn't know what to say, I do remember her saying something along the lines of your now pinned down, probably a good idea just to calm down.

These few minutes felt like ages, but without warning Aaron let go of Joe's arms, sort of crouched up a little grabbed one of his arms and quickly flipped him over to his front, kind of happened in a second or two, none of us were expecting it, least of all Joe. Aaron now sat on his back, asked Emma to get some handcuffs from the bag, Emma duly obliged. Emma now at the other side of the bed holding some metal handcuffs, the struggle continued, though quite one sided, and involved Aaron having both Joe's arms behind his back, but as soon as he let go of one to try to handcuff him, he kind of tried to get an arm free. In the end Aaron held them in place and Emma secured the cuffs around his wrists. Now Joe is cuffed up, arms behind his back, like I said previously a little overweight which made it quite difficult for him to struggle, kind of like a beached whale (trying not to be offensive) but that is what I thought, kind of just stuck, unable to struggle really, stuffed. Cuffed & stuffed is probably the way to describe Joe at this point. He seemed angrier at Emma than Aaron, and he did seem pretty angry, he had a little argument with Emma, which essentially, he was complaining that he was here to tickle and was locked in handcuffs. Aaron shut the argument down, when he said that he was out of order and needed to be taught a lesson.

The next bit happened very quickly, in fact, this who bit from Emma getting those cuffs out happened quickly, but next then Aaron and Emma pulled off Joe's jeans and each of them attached an ankle into the ankle restraints on the bed. Now Aaron pulled a chair over to the bottom of the bed, and put some cream or oil (no idea what it was) on to his hands and rubbed it over Joe's feet. He said something to Emma, and stuck a bag by the chair and said, I'll just let that absorb and we are good to go.

Leah & I sat on this sofa by the window now, watching, neither of us knew what to say, I really wasn't sure of what was happening, how we had got here, if what was happening was ok. Not sure how I felt about it. Joe was angry, kind of really mad at Emma, several times he told her to undo the cuffs/restraints, she wasn't a dominant woman that I could see but seemed very clear that he was staying as he was, which just frustrated him and made him angrier. It was strange too, as you could clearly hear the anger in his voice, but how he had been tied he literally couldn't move apart from his head. Leah I remember asking if I thought he was ok, I replied, not sure exactly what I said, but it was to the effect that, yes physically, but humiliated as hell as I believe he wanted Emma tied up for some tickling and he is in this predicament and she is walking round with the keys to the cuffs. I get the struggle and him being pinned, but for me that is as far as it needed to go, part of me wanted to say, the other part was kind of turned on by the alpha existing his control, Emma clearly was!

Next thing a knock on the door, Charlotte was finally here, Emma let her in. Again, young girl, early 20s a bit more dressed up, smart dress, shoes and jacket, hair done, beautiful brunette, very bubble and lively. Went straight over to the bed where Joe was restrained, and said you started without me, then looked at him asking why he was like this as she thought he was a tickler, no one quite knew what to say, but Emma kind of gave an explanation of sorts, and Charlotte was like ok, hope you're not too ticklish, and joined us on the sofa.

Now for the tickling.

Aaron asked him if he wanted to apologise to everyone and beg for mercy or if he needed to be punished. Lets just say, the reply wasn't pleasant and ended in he wasn't going to beg anyone. Emma suggested the tickling might be too much, still angry and just called her a bitch.

So to paint the picture, Joe is on the bed, arms cuffed behind his back, still wearing his top and boxers, jeans, socks and shoes have been taken off, and his ankles strapped to the opposite corners of the bed, Emma is now kneeling above Joe's head, (Aaron has asked her to hold him down if he struggled too much when tickling) his head being the only thing that could move. Not sat on his head, but like above. Leah, Charlotte and me watching from the sofa, and Aaron sat on a chair at his feet.

The tickling began, Joe literally squealed like a 5yo girl, I have never heard a noise like it, like a combination of screaming, laughter, giggling and general squealing. I have to say it did feel a bit uncomfortable, he clearly couldn't handle the tickling and clearly humiliated by the predicament he found himself in. I don't know what Aaron put on his feet, but it seemed to make him extremely ticklish. The tickling went on for a few minutes like this, Aaron went from complete tickling on both feet, to easing off to light touches on one foot, and back to tickle torture. Emma literally did have to hold him down at points as he was bouncing up and down, I guess to stop him hurting himself, at first her hands on his shoulders and her knees at one point. To be fair to Emma, she did keep checking on him, and asked Aaron to stop for a few minutes as he was completely out of breath. As he got his breath back, he was literally begging and saying sorry, not quite sure who he was apologising too or begging, mainly seemed to be Emma, as she was closest, I guess. The tickling then continued, at a much slower pace, Aaron asking Joe to say things and submit to him. He made his submit to him, made him say that he was the best etc etc, all whilst he managed to find a couple of tickle spots, on inner thigh and back of his knee.

By this point, I am thinking they are maybe going too far, not sure what was being achieved now, then Aaron asked Emma if she wanted to tickle him, I am thinking, that isn't right, maybe I am wrong, but I felt that was too much, I think he had been humiliated too much by this point. I kind of made up an excuse and left. Part of me enjoyed it, but it just didn't fit comfortable with me.

To end this, I did message Emma a few days later to asked her, well WTF, as it really wasn't what I was expecting. She did explain that Joe was getting over the top with wanting to tickle her and it ended up being a battle between him and Aaron, which she said she wasn't comfortable in end, she did accept they perhaps went too far but got caught in the moment. She said that Joe was taken to his car still cuffed up as he essentially wouldn't calm down, he looked kind of broken and submitted when I left. Emma said she did tickle him, not sure why she felt the need to do that, her being a ticklee and him a tickler, but who knows. She said all of the girls got tickled, so maybe I missed out I don't know. I did intend to meet Emma again, on our own, however COVID happened etc and it just never materialised.
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Post by JulieG »

Its a missed opportunity perhaps. Have you ever been tied up.and tickled?
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Post by GirlBondage »

hello jo my bondage friend,

I am glad that you have now also started to write stories. The best part of the story I like of course the part with the overwhelming. you know me ; )

Can you please write a story about your experience in bondage wrestling? : )

Thank you very much
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Post by radarlove67 »

I'm a bit conflicted about this, because it seems like there wasn't much consent about what happened. We all like to pretend about things in roleplay, but it's a bit of an uncomfortable read in places because it comes across as not play. I'll have a re-read [mention]joanneb1980[/mention] because I did enjoy it, I'm just guilty about whether I should like it.
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Post by Goss1015 »

Great Story!
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