A friend in need... is a friend indeed (M/M)

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A friend in need... is a friend indeed (M/M)

Post by pt92_01 »

Andy and I had been best friends when we were teenagers. Although I'm three years older than him, we spent a lot of the weekends and school holiday time in each other's company. Of course, time passed and life took us our separate ways to some extent. I tried to keep in touch with Andy and wanted to continue to hang out with him, but over time he gradually pushed me away. I loved the guy dearly, so it was hard to experience that. He got married in his mid-20s - by that time it had been so long since we'd spoken that he didn't tell me about the wedding or invite me - I found out from seeing photos on Facebook later.

The story I'm going to tell you happened about a year after Andy got married. By this point I was living alone and working as a school teacher. Andy's career was something to do with marketing. It was a regular Thursday evening, like any other. About 8 pm, my phone began to ring, and I was astounded to see Andy's name come up. Astounded, but also sort of excited, and sort of nervous. My affection for him hadn't really faded over the intervening years. After hesitating for a few moments, I answered.

"Hello, Chris?" he said.

Just hearing his voice, speaking to me, made me feel pretty emotional.

"Hi Andy."

"How's things?" he said.

"Erm, alright," I replied, wondering with great curiosity where this was going to go. "How are you?" I added.

"Umm, okay," he said, sheepishly.

I kind of just waited for him to continue at this point. After a few moments, he said,

"I know this is a really big favour to ask, but would it be possible for me to crash with you tonight?"

I certainly wasn't expecting that. My mind quickly flashed with thoughts about the possible reasons, and I had to guess he had had a fight with his wife.

"Umm, well, yeah, I guess, okay..." I sort of stammered. "Is... everything okay?"

"Oh mate, thank you so much, I really really appreciate it. Umm, I'll explain when I get there. Thank you so much, mate," he said.

"Umm, okay, no problem," I said. "Do you know where my house is?"

"Oh yeah, yeah. Ok I'll be there soon. Thanks again mate," he said. "Okay bye."

"Alright, see you soon, bye," I said, and hung up.

I just sat there on my sofa, staring absent-mindedly at the TV for a few minutes, hardly taking in what had just happened. The best friend I had ever had, who I still missed a lot, had phoned me out of the blue after several years of no contact, and wanted to stay with me. I knew there had to be some problem between him and his wife. In the short conversation, he must have thanked me four or five times - there was desperation in his voice. But I felt flattered, excited about him turning up. Maybe this would be a turning point in our friendship? A chance to become best buddies again? I really hoped so, even if the circumstances were due to something hard for him.

About an hour later, I heard a car pulling up on my drive. I peeped through the blinds of my lounge. I wasn't familiar with the car. But sure enough, the door opened, and out climbed Andy. He was wearing a light grey suit, presumably what he always wore to work. He clearly looked distressed though - his hair was messy, his top button undone and tie hanging quite far down. He definitely looked older than the last time I had seen him. He would have been 27 at this point, and I hadn't seen him since he was about 21 or 22.

I was still excited, but in this moment, as I walked towards the front door, extremely nervous. How was this conversation going to go? Should I ask him what's wrong, or wait for him to explain? Would we still have anything in common to talk about? Was this gonna be really natural or really awkward for so long. I didn't have long to consider it all, as the doorbell rung. I took a deep breath, and opened it.

"Hi Chris," Andy said.

I don't think I even answered right away. For maybe four or five seconds, I just sort of looked him up and down. His eyes looked sad. The skin around them was red - he had clearly been crying not long beforehand.

"Uhh, hi Andy," I mumbled. "Come in."

I felt sort of stupid when I realized that I had already had a bath earlier in the evening - so I was wearing nothing but my boxer shorts, dressing gown, and slippers - while Andy was wearing his full suit. I don't think he really noticed anyway.

I invited him to come in and sit down. I got him a drink. We had a bit of an awkward conversation about mundane things... the weather, football, our jobs. We didn't get into anything personal. There were clearly two very big elephants in the room - the reason he was here, and the fact he hadn't spoken to me in years. But it seemed that neither of us was comfortable delving into any of that yet. After a lull in the conversation, Andy said,

"Well, can I see round your house."

"Uh, yeah, sure," I answered.

For a few minutes we walked around from room to room. I would explain a little about how I had redecorated it from the previous owners, where I bought a certain lamp from, and other mindless small talk. Andy answered with equally mindless responses like "oh", "cool", "oh right", "yup", etc.

We climbed the stairs and I led the way into the bathroom. I turned the light on and walked through the door, with Andy following behind me. Very suddenly, he came up close behind me, and put his arms under mine. He pulled he back against himself into a tight embrace, and he rested his chin on my left shoulder. I was really taken by surprise. But I felt really warm and happy. Here was my best friend in the world, after so many years of ignoring me, giving me a tight hug. The fact he did it from behind did make it a little awkward, as I couldn't really do anything but just stand there. After a second or two, I heard him sobbing gently.

"I'm really sorry for cutting you off, man," he whimpered.

I felt emotional myself. I wanted to sob a bit too. But I fought it. I pulled myself out of his grip and turned around to face him. He looked into my eyes, looking stunned and even sadder. I think he thought that when I pulled myself out of his arms, I was rejecting his apology. But I walked forward and pulled him into a face-to-face hug. As I patted him and rubbed his back a little through his suit jacket, he squeezed me even more tightly and cried a little more. For maybe a minute we just embraced each other silently. I got the impression that whatever the reason for him being in my house that night, he wasn't quite ready to talk about it yet.

"Would it be okay for me to sleep now?" he asked, while still whimpering.

"Of course," I said as softly and sympathetically as I could.

"Thanks Chris," he said.

I showed him the spare bedroom and gave him privacy to get undressed. Since we were about the same height and build, I offered him a spare pair of my pajamas, but he declined. As he was just about ready for bed, I peeped my head around the door to say discuss what was going to happen in the morning. Despite the circumstances, I wanted to make sure he understood I would still have to go to work in the morning. He understood and said that he would have to do so too. Finally, he said,

"Chris, thanks again for letting me crash here. You've no idea what it means to me."

"No problem, mate." I answered. I thought a moment, and realized that although I still didn't know why he was here, maybe he would need to stay longer than one night.

"You're welcome here as long as you need," I said.

He nodded and thanked me again. As I was about to leave the room, I turned back and said,

"Oh, and Andy,"

"Yeah?" he replied.

"It's really, really good to see you."

I turned away and closed the door before he would feel the need to reply.

It was a sleepless night for me. I just couldn't get it out of my head that my estranged best friend was lying in the room beside me, in my care, as it were. I don't think he slept much either, as a couple of times throughout the night I could hear sobbing come from the spare room.

I got up earlier than usual in the morning, had my shower and breakfast early and got dressed, so that I wouldn't be in his way if possible. When he did get up, I told him he could use the shower and help himself to cereal. After showering, he came downstairs fully dressed in his suit again, but didn't take anything to eat.

He looked at me nervously for a moment, then said,

"Umm, actually, umm, would it be alright if I stayed here for a couple of days?"

"Of course," I replied immediately, and I smiled.

He thanked me again profusely and then left before me to go to his work.

Through the whole day at work, I couldn't focus. I could think about nothing except Andy. To be honest, I couldn't wait to get home just to be able to spend more time with him.


I was home for about an hour before he arrived. I was sitting on the sofa just watching TV when he got in. He sat down beside me and we just watched it silently for a while. After some time, I decided that maybe I should try to get the obvious conversation going.

I lifted my right arm up and put it across his shoulders. I pulled him towards me slightly into a side-on hug.

"So, talk to me Andy? What's up?" I said.

After some apprehension, he explained that his wife had discovered he had been chatting to another girl online, and had kicked him out pretty much immediately. I tried to give what sympathy I could, although it was obviously his own fault. Still, he was my friend, and I wanted to support him, not judge him.

Almost automatically, after he had finished explaining and was crying a little, I spun around to sit kind of sideways on the sofa, and I moved my right arm to wrap around his chest and pull him towards me, so that we were sort of spooning. I rested my head against his and whispered some generic words of comfort into his hear about how it would be alright, how he wasn't on his own. He thanked me again and again. I continued to him and he sobbed a bit more. We were both still in our work clothes at this time - full suits, his was light gray, and mine was black.

Then, I did something really stupid. While he was crying and my right arm was still around his chest, I took my left hand and clamped it firmly over his mouth. He squealed a little, and I just clamped my hand over his mouth even tighter. After a few seconds, I realized what I had done. At a completely, completely inappropriate moment, without thinking, I had indulged my BDSM fetish. I felt my dick rising in my pants. I quickly let go of him, and he spun around.

"Why'd you do that?" he demanded.

"Oh, I, uuh, I dunno, sorry it was an accident... I actually meant to wipe the tears off your face."

As soon as I had said that, I knew it was the dumbest, most implausible thing I had ever said. He knew he wasn't going to buy it. He was gonna be angry. He was gonna storm out the door, and I was gonna be left looking like a total fool.

"Are you into kinky stuff?" he asked me.

I was really taken aback. He'd got to the point a lot more directly than I thought he would. But he didn't sound angry... more just curious. I didn't really know how to answer.

"Umm, well, I mean, umm, sometimes I've looked at it a bit on pornhub and stuff," I replied, "but I've never done it."

"Me and Laura" sometimes did it a little bit, Andy said.

I could hardly believe what I had just heard. This was definitely not a conversation I had expected to be having. I was so stunned I just looked at him.

"You know," Andy continued, nervously, "I bet you couldn't tie me up."

He grinned just a little. It was a strange look. He looked both upset, but eager at the same time.

I had to think quickly... was he testing me. Trying to catch me out? Trying to get me to humiliate myself.

"Why don't we go upstairs and you can try," he laughed. He now just looked incredibly eager. So in the heat of the moment, I just blurted out, "Okay."

He jumped up from the sofa, and I followed him upstairs. Yes, I followed him, and not the other way around, in my own house.

He walked into the spare room, and turned around to face me.

"I, err.. found your box in the wardrobe last night." And he laughed a bit more.

I suddenly felt like a complete and utter moron. In the spare room he had slept in, in the wardrobe, I had a box where I kept some stuff purely for my own occasional enjoyment - handcuffs, duct tape a bit of rope. He had known about my interest since last night, and was only now bringing it up.

"Off you go then," he said. "Do your worst."

I grinned but said nothing.

I quickly darted forwards, grabbed him around his midriff, and pulled him onto the bed. I forced him around onto his stomach, and then gently removed his suit jacket and dumped it on the floor.

I went into the box in the wardrobe, took out the handcuffs, and silently used them to cuff his hands around a slat on the headboard. He didn't resist at all, and neither of us spoke. I went back to the box to fetch some rope. I removed his shoes, and used the rope to bind his ankles to the bottom posts of the bed.

"How's that?" I asked.

He tugged at his restraints a little.

"Yeah, not bad," he said.

He didn't say anything else. He didn't try to escape. I just stood there and looked down on him for a few moments. I became aware that it felt very warm in the room. I was sweating a lot - not surprising since I was still wearing my full black suit including the jacket. I realized that I was unconsciously clenching my fists, and my dick was rock hard.

Andy had always been my best friend in my mind, even during those years of separation. However, friendship was all it had ever been to me. Only now, in this moment, for the first time ever, did I feel an urge to touch him... in a different way.

Silently, I sat down on the bed beside him. We looked into each other's eyes without a word. Slowly, carefully, I reached forwards and loosened his tie, and removed it. Ever, ever so slowly, I undid the buttons on his shirt one by one. He didn't resist at all. On the contrary he smiled at me. I opened his shirt up, and began to very lightly stroke his chest with my bare hand. He arched his head back into the pillow and giggled a bit. I caressed his chest and stomach ever so lightly for a couple of minutes. He began to breathe more deeply and laugh a bit harder.

"I'll be back in a second," I said.

"Uhh, okay," he said.

I got up and walked into my own bedroom. I opened the drawer and lifted out my pair of black leather gloves. I slipped them on and neatly tucked them under the sleeves of my black suit jacket. I clenched my fists to test the tightness of the leather gloves on my hands. I had a bit of a leather fetish too. Wearing it makes me feel powerful and masculine.

I returned to the spare room and sat down on the bed again. Andy saw the gloves and laughed a little.

"Ah, you look like a proper kidnapper now," he said.

"Um, yeah, that's the idea," I replied.

I began to stroke his chest and stomach again with my now leather-gloved hand.

"Oh... that's cool on my skin," Andy said.

Instinctively, once he spoke I placed my other leather-gloved hand firmly over his mouth, while continuing to stroke him. He whimpered and squealed a bit, but his cries were muffled well. I could see that he was enjoying it... he was pitching a strong tent too.

I stopped and we took a breather for a minute. Then I removed his socks and tickled his feet for a while.

"The leather is really cool on my skin," he repeated.

As I tickled his feet, his laughing got louder and louder and louder. I couldn't keep my hand on his mouth while I was tickling his feet.

I went back to the box in the wardrobe, and took out the roll of duct tape. When Andy saw it in my hand, he said,

"What are doing with that?"

His eyes widened as he asked this. I knew that he already knew what it was for, so I didn't even bother answering. I removed my gloves, peeled open the roll of tape, and wrapped it fully around his mouth a few times. Again, he didn't resist at all. When I had finished, he appeared to test out the gag by trying to speak, but nothing came through but muffled whimpering.

I put my leather gloves back on and tickled his feet a bit more. He was still pitching a tent and I knew he was enjoying this as much as I was. Still, it occurred to me that we had got into this without any planning, and I wanted to make sure he was comfortable at all times. So I said quite seriously,

"Look, if you wanna stop this at any time, just shake your head back and forth like five or six times."

He looked me and nodded, so I knew he understood. For a moment I just took in the fact that I finally had my best friend back, and that his welfare was totally in my hands at this moment.

I walked out of the room again and back to my own bedroom. I wondered what else I could do. As I mentioned earlier, I have a bit of a leather fetish. I decided to remove my suit, and put on a normal black t-shirt with black jeans. Then I slipped into my black leather biker jacket. I put my black leather gloves on again, and made sure they were neatly tucked below the sleeves of the leather jacket.

I returned to the spare room. Andy's eyes widened again when he saw my outfit, but since he was tightly gagged, he couldn't tell me what he was thinking. Again I caressed his stomach and chest with my leather-gloved hands for a minute or two. He recoiled a bit when the metal zips on the sleeves of my leather jacket brushed against his skin - presumably they felt very cold.

In a fairly swift motion, I moved my right hand down his chest, down his stomach, and onto his crotch. Gently, gently, I began to massage his privates. He squealed loudly. I looked up to see if he was shaking his head, but he wasn't.

"Is this still okay?" I asked.

He paused for a moment, as if to think, then nodded.

I continued massaging him. His dick got harder and harder.

I stopped to open his belt buckle. Carefully, I pulled his suit trousers down, followed by his boxer shots. I was looking right at his dick and balls, his dick standing very proudly to attention and throbbing backwards and forwards slightly. It was bigger and redder than I had expected.

I looked up at him again, and he looked at me. I didn't even have to ask anything. He just nodded at me again.

I turned my gaze back downwards. I reached forwards with my right hand. Andy screamed with euphoria into the tape over his mouth as I wrapped my leather-gloved hand around his hard, pulsing cock.
Last edited by pt92_01 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really hoping you continue this. Looking forward to the aftermath; I have the impression that we’ll find out the reason why he had drifted apart from you.
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow that's a really brilliant start, I hope you continue with this!
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Post by fratboydanny »

sounds like it might have been fun to have grown up on the same block…you are a good friend. Thanks for sharing the story!
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Post by MaxRoper »

What a marvelous story! It's perfect as is, but I certainly wouldn't mind reading more.
Thanks for posting.
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