Bound to the Bunk (f/m)

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Bound to the Bunk (f/m)

Post by ludwig »

I'd like to relate an episode from my teens when I not only got to bind and gag a girl for the first time, but also got inescapably bound by her in return.

As a preamble, I've often wondered just why I developed an obsession with feet, bondage and tickling.

It seemed to start surprisingly early in life. I vividly remember having my wrists bound with string by my sister during a game and left in the garden shed. It felt especially exciting, and I remember feeling very disappointed that it was so easy to break out of my bonds ; already I wanted to be helplessly bound, it seems. I would play around with my toy handcuffs, but there was always something unsatisfying with that, knowing that all I had to do to free myself was use the safety release. As the years passed by I would often indulge in self bondage, tying myself in various positions. The first time I figured out I could bind my wrists and feet together behind me - a hogtie - was an exciting day ! However, the self bondage, for obvious reasons, couldn't be fully effective, and I found myself fantasising over what it must be like to be completely bound, gagged and helpless.

I also developed a foot fetish at a young age. One memory I have is of being encouraged to walk around barefoot in a pair of rolled up jeans. Again, for some inexplicable reason it felt really good, and from that point onwards there was a real excitement at being barefoot while fully clothed. That might sound odd : what I mean is that being barefoot in pyjamas seemed simply normal, but being barefoot otherwise during the day seemed somehow exciting and illicit, so much so that I would've felt embarrassed to have to remove my shoes and socks for others - say for a school play. The upshot of this was that when I tied myself up, I would be fully clothed and barefoot.

My first experience of having an orgasm, perhaps bizarrely, came from dangling from a climbing frame, the result of trying to make my way across a set of monkey bars. I remember imagining there was a huge drop below and I couldn't afford to fall, and suddenly began to feel a wonderful sensation down below. The more I squirmed about, imaginary panic rising, the more the feeling intensified, till I suddenly orgasmed. I fell into the sand pit below, shaking from head to toe. I quickly looked around to see if anybody had seen me. The park was pretty full, but it wasn't obvious to anybody what had happened. I collected myself together and simply carried on playing.

I soon realised that if I squirmed around sufficiently while bound the same effect could be had. This made my games of self bondage all the more delicious.

At first, I only had an obsession with my own feet, but as I hit puberty and started to feel attracted to girls, I found myself also fantasising about seeing them barefoot. This was before the age of the internet, so to indulge my fetish I would collect pictures of barefoot women from newspapers and magazines.

As regards tickling, I found that when my feet were just out of their shoes or trainers, they would be especially sensitive to the touch. I enjoyed removing my socks, crossing my ankles, tying them that way, and tickling my own feet. By being crossed it seemed to make them more ticklish, with the brain having to work out which foot the sensations were coming from. And so an additional element entered into my fantasies of being bound and helpless : being tickled on my barefeet while tied.

By now I would've been around 14. I'd been pretty fat as a kid, but with puberty - and a growing interest in girls - I'd started to feel embarrassed about being big ; so I started to diet. It was a bit of a slog, but I eventually started to shape up. Playing plenty of football in the park at every free moment also helped, and it was there I first noticed Michaela.
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Michaela was a couple of years older than me and the sister of one of the boys I played football with. I say 'first noticed' her. That's not quite true - I'd seen her around before, but never felt any particular attraction ; yet something just clicked on this particular day.

She was petite with raven black hair and gorgeous blue eyes, which made a startling contrast. She was at the park with a few friends, mucking around on the swings and climbing frames. Maybe it was the fact she was clambering all over the very same set of monkey bars where I'd first orgasmed ; or the fact she'd removed her white plimsolls and was totally barefoot in just denim shorts and a black vest top. Whatever it was, I was utterly transfixed. My defending went to pieces as I found myself stealing quick glances over to the play equipment. At one point she'd hooked her knees over the climbing frame and was dangling upside down, her long dark hair cascading down. Then she'd be dangling from the monkey bars, kicking her legs. I couldn't help notice she had the cutest little feet, the nails of which were painted cherry red. Catching a glimpse of her soles, they looked pink and wonderfully meaty ; I couldn't help wondering how sensitive they might be.

Just before she and her friends left the park, she came over to give a message to her brother : 'Mum says don't be late for dinner.' She was still barefoot and carrying her plimsolls. I felt my eyes going out on stalks, and couldn't help but stare as she put her plimsolls back on. She gave a little smile, turned and walked off to join her mates. I continued to stare and noticed the cute little folds at the back of her ankles.

I was totally smitten. From then on, whenever I was in the park I'd hope to see her there, and would feel utterly crestfallen if she was absent. I wasn't particularly firm friends with her brother, but would ask him how she was, whether she'd be coming to the park, trying not to make it obvious I had a huge crush on her. All too infrequently she'd turn up in the park, but when she finally did, most of the time she just sat around with her friends, chatted and mucked around. Almost invariably though she would end up barefoot, since it was summer and she was mostly in flip flops. On one magical occasion, the football rolled over to them. I ran over to collect it, my heart pounding. Michaela was sitting with her legs stretched out on one of the frames, her bare soles clearly visible as I approached. As I got near, she suddenly crossed her hands and feet to the bars and said to one of her friends, 'you could tie somebody up to this.' Her friend simply grinned.

I nearly fainted !

I stood there for what seemed like ages, not quite believing what I'd just heard. She simply got up, jumped down and joined her friends. I snapped out of my trance, collected the ball, and headed back to the game in a daze.

Could it really be Michaela was into tie ups, as I still called it then ?! Just the thought she could be made my heart nearly leap from my chest !
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Not surprisingly, given me and my mates were all at that age when we start to take a sexual interest in others, the two groups of girls and boys began to mix. Only a couple of years before I would've been majorly irritated that our footie match was being ruined, but now I mostly had other things on my mind. Perhaps because she was that little bit older, Michaela wasn't always there, much to my chagrin. I tried to work up some enthusiasm for the other girls, but 'M' had stolen my heart. ( I scratched 'M 4 R' into one of the park benches, but one far enough away from where we played in case somebody saw it and put two and two together !)

Then it happened.

One day, the group of girls and boys left the park together. Michaela was absent, but her house was one of the nearest to the park, and her brother invited us back for drinks. I was still pretty shy and self-conscious, and nearly made the stupid mistake of heading off to my place alone, since I felt uncomfortable in such a big group ; but instead I tagged along with the others. When we got to my mate's house, he went inside to prepare the drinks while we went around the side of the house to the back garden. Out came the drinks. A little while passed. The sun was bright in the garden and it was dark in my mate's lounge. I kept looking in to see if I could see Michaela in the gloom, but it seemed empty inside. I felt really thirsty and asked if I could have another drink. My mate said sure, go inside and help yourself, so I did. And as I came out of the garden and stepped into the lounge - well, I nearly dropped the glass ! Michaela was there all along ! But she was lying on her tummy on the floor in the shade, watching tv. She was again in her denim shorts and black vest top - and best of all, barefoot.

I felt myself starting to shake and quickly moved into the kitchen. I nearly spilt half the bottle of juice and tried to catch my breath. Then I heard her call from the lounge : 'Can you get me a drink too, please ?' I started hunting around for the glasses, opening up one cupboard after another, becoming totally exasperated that I couldn't find the damn glasses. Finally I found them, and made up two drinks. When I went back into the lounge she was still lying there on her tummy, but she started to raise each leg up behind her, then together, showing off the soles of her feet. She then raised herself up onto her knees, shuffled round and sat cross legged. I stood stock still and must've looked really stupid, just staring at her with the two glasses in my hand. 'Thanks', she said, and lifted herself up a little to receive the glass. I woodenly handed it to her.

'Your Mikey's friend, aren't you ?'

'Yes', I said.

'You've lost weight', she said.


I had my trackie bottoms on, trainers and a t-shirt, sweaty from playing football.

'I've seen you looking at me' she suddenly declared. I felt myself starting to blush. What could I say ? What should I say ?

She could obviously see my discomfort, since she quickly added, 'it's okay, I don't mind. In fact, I find it flattering that one of my brother's friends has a crush on me.'

I went even redder.

And then she uncurled her right leg from under her, pointed her foot at me and said, bold as anything, 'And I've noticed you looking at my feet a lot : do you like them ?'

'Yes', I stuttered.

Just then one of the girls came in. Michaela lowered her leg.

The group was moving on, it seemed, including Michaela's brother. Was I coming ? Before I could say anything, Michaela replied.

'No, I think he's staying here. You are, aren't you ?' She looked at me and grinned.


'What, you're staying or going?', she teased.

'Er, staying'.

'There we are then', she simply said.

So there we were then, alone ; and I couldn't believe it, and still couldn't understand how the hell she'd picked up on either a) me liking her or b) lusting over her feet.

Michaela stretched her legs in front of her and leant back a little, slowly flexing her feet. I was pleased to see she'd gone to the trouble of painting her toenails that gorgeous cherry red.

'I really like my feet too, as a matter of fact. I think they're definitely my best feature. I'm a little self-conscious about other bits, so to speak, but I think my feet are cute. I also like how it feels when they're touched.'

I SERIOUSLY couldn't believe what I was hearing. And then she said, 'And what else do you like ? Are you into any sort of games ?'

'Games?' I replied, puzzled.

'Yes, games - not like football. Here, let me show you. It'll be fun.'
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Michaela left the living room and I followed behind.

Out into the hallway, she turned and started upstairs.

As she took each step, she did so on her tiptoes.

Once onto the landing we entered a small room in which most of the space was taken up with a bunk bed.

'This is my little twin-sisters' room' she explained. 'They have to share, as me and Mikey do. The place isn't big enough for us all.'

I must have looked a bit puzzled.

'It's the bunk we need', she said.

With that she took hold of the pillows from the top bunk and threw them out into the hall. Then she grabbed hold of the small mattress, tugged it off and dumped that outside the room too. I could see that the top bunk had slats running from end to end with gaps in between through which somebody could place their hands. Then Michaela disappeared briefly. When she returned she was carrying two dressing-gown cords. She tossed them onto the bottom bunk and then danced off merrily downstairs. I heard a couple of doors go, and then heard her running back up the stairs. She now had hold of a roll of thick white tape, which she placed with the cords.

'Ok, so this is the game we're going to play', she said. 'It's a tie-up game, and I think you'll like it. You need to tie me up to the bunk, hand and foot, using the cords. Then you can gag me with the tape by wrapping it around my head three or four times. I'll then try to get loose. But if I can't - and this is the bit I think you might like - you can tickle my feet as a forfeit.'

With this she handed me the cords and tape, sat down on the bottom bunk, and scooted forward so her feet were beyond the vertical bars that were at either end of the bunks. She then put her hands through the slats above her.

'Tie me up like this.'

It was the position she had taken on the climbing frame in the park.

I took one of the cords and started to tie her wrists, but I was so excited I couldn't stop shaking and was making a bit of a hash of it.

'Don't forget, if I can get free, you won't be able to tickle my feet, so make it good.'

I finally finished tying her hands and she started to tug at the cords and feel for the knots.

'I don't think that'll be tight enough ; and I can reach the knots. Untie me and try again.'

So I did, and this time, by following Michaela's instructions, managed to bind her wrists tight enough to make escape impossible. Or, that's at least what I hoped !

'Now tie my feet', she said.
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Post by ludwig »

I took the other cord and went to the end of the bunk.

Her feet looked gorgeous and I started to shake again. But, tying her feet seemed easier for some reason. Once again, I noticed the cute folds in her ankles and her beautiful little toes painted red, which she began to flex as I tightened and knotted the cord. I also noticed she was already tugging away at the cord binding her wrists, and now she started to pull at her feet.

'Yes, that seems effective', she said.

'Now you can gag me.'

I took up the role of tape and lifted her hair gently from the nape of her neck.

'But before you do gag me, I'd say give me around 20 minutes or so to try and get loose. And if I can't, then tickle my feet.'

She closed her mouth tight and I applied the tape across her lips and around her head a few times.

Michaela started to tug again at her bonds and mmmmmppphh through the gag as she really started to struggle hard. I started to worry that I hadn't bound her securely enough, or that the slats above her might break, but after around five minutes or so it became clear she probably wasn't going to be able to free herself.

And then for some reason the thought entered my head to verbally tease her.

'Well, Michaela, looks like you're in a right pickle, doesn't it ? Bound tightly hand and foot, and with your sensitive feet exposed to tickling.'

Her eyes narrowed, her nose wrinkled up, and she seemed to curse at me through her gag. Her efforts to free herself redoubled, and she began to try and lift herself off the bunk.

I took the opportunity to watch her struggles from various angles. I watched her from behind ; then at the foot of the bed ; and then I came to the side, crouched down and observed her from slightly below.

Then inexplicably I started to worry somebody might come home and catch us : Mikey perhaps, or even his parents. I left the room and went to one of the upstairs windows that looked out onto the front. There was nobody about, so I went back. I was still worried though.

'Is there any chance somebody will come back ?' I said to Michaela. I realised immediately how dumb it was asking anything other than a rhetorical question to a gagged girl. She shook her head and I think I heard a mumbled 'no, I don't think so'.

I'd lost track of how much time had elapsed, but I couldn't wait any longer to tickle her feet. I made my way slowly round to the foot of the bed and knelt down at her feet. They smelt gorgeous !

'Tickle time !' I said, and Michaela shook her head.

I started out with light tickles on both her bare soles. Her immediate reaction was astonishing. It was like a bolt of electricity had gone through her, and she started to toss her head back and forth. It seemed to me that she was starting to have trouble catching her breath, so I asked if she wanted me to stop it. 'No, don't stop', came the mumbled reply. I alternated between soft tickles and harder tickles, and gradually worked my way over the tops of her feet, soles, and toes. It soon became obvious from her reactions that the pads just under her toes were especially sensitive, so I concentrated my efforts there.

And then an amazing thing happened. She started to snort, her breathing seemed to get heavier, and she visibly became redder and redder in the face. I started to worry again and repeated whether I should stop, but she just shook her head, so I carried on. Finally she began to twitch, seemed to spasm and went limp in her bonds.

Some instinct told me she would probably want to be untied at this point.

'Do you want me to release you now', I said.

Michaela nodded.

It took me a while to work the cords loose, but as soon as her hands were free she started to gingerly remove her gag, wincing every now and again when it caught some of her hair. She balled the tape up and dumped it on the ground, shaking her raven-black hair out.

'Thanks', she said, and smiled at me.

'Now, get your trainers and socks off : it's your turn.
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I did as she said and took my trainers and socks off.

'Ok, now lie down on the lower bunk and put your hands and feet through the bars at either end.'

As the bunk was for small kids, even though I wasn't at my full grown height, I was still too long for the bunk once stretched out.

Michaela went to the head of the bed and began to bind my wrists with the dressing-gown cord. I quickly felt that this was not going to be something I was going to find easy to escape from, and my heart began to race. She then walked on her tiptoes round to the other end of the bunk, raised my tracksuit bottoms a little, and began to tie my ankles together. Once she'd finished with my feet, she gave them a little tickle. Just out of my trainers and socks, they were delightfully sensitive : it felt incredible !

My hands and feet were tied in such a way that I couldn't pull them past the bars through which they protruded.

'See if you can get loose', she said.

I began to tug at my bonds, looking up at my wrists and then down to my feet. Michaela had done a really good job and with delight I realised I was TOTALLY helpless, AND at the complete mercy of the lovely Michaela. I thought my heart would burst with pleasure ! As I squirmed around I began to feel more and more excited, shall we say. Michaela moved around, admiring her handy work.

'Well, doesn't look like you'll be going anywhere soon, does it ?'

'No', I feebly replied, thoroughly enjoying my predicament.

She came closer, and then to my delight, hovered her bare foot above my face. I caught a whiff of her sweaty sole.

She pulled it away and then picked up the roll of tape.

'Now for your gag, young man'.

With that, she took up one of my socks, jumped onto the bed and straddled my chest.

'Open your mouth'.

I did.

She stuffed the sock in and then started to wrap the tape around my head in a sort of cleave gag. She was only small, but feeling the weight of her on my chest was hugely exciting. She then started to dig her fingers into my ribs.

It was excruciating, yet at the same time intensely pleasurable. I started to buck, trying to get her off, but she just hung on. After a minute or so she climbed off.

'Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back.' She winked and sidled off.
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When she returned I noticed she was carrying a hair brush, but she also had a funny looking thing that looked like a kitchen utensil of some sort, and another something that looked like a little hand on the end of a stick. She laid those down at my feet, and then I also noticed her drop something else onto the floor from her clenched fist, but I couldn't see what it was from where I was bound.

Of course, years later, every time I saw a basting brush or back scratcher, I would immediately think of Michaela and get hot and bothered.

She picked up one of the implements and started to play it over my soles. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't really very ticklish either. It turned out to be the basting brush thingy, which had lots of metal-type filaments.

Michaela quickly realised that wasn't working, so she switched to the back scratcher. Now that was interesting. I immediately started to twist in my bonds and tried to pull my feet back, but it was impossible. Being unable to stop the sensation gave me a peculiar feeling of both pleasure and pain, though it wasn't painful. But, it was difficult to endure. I tried to gag talk, but it was a load of helpless gibberish.

'Oh dear, is it too much for you ? Well, tough ! I've just started !'

That was like music to my young ears.

Next came the hairbrush, pushed hard up and down both soles where my bare feet met. The sensation was different again, but equally excruciating and just as exciting to feel.

Then Michaela stopped, put down the brush and picked up whatever she'd earlier dumped on the floor. She stood up and came to the side of the bunk and crouched down. She opened her clasped hand and I suddenly saw she had a handful of the pointy tokens from the board game Frustration. She began placing them on the ends of her fingers.

'I'm keen to see how you react to these,' she said.

Even before she reached the foot of the bed and placed the remaining tokens on her other fingers, I could feel the nerve ends in my feet starting to go. She knelt down and started playing the pointy counters over my soles, toes, sides and tops of my feet. It felt the 'worst' on my soles between the pads and heels, and Michaela spared no effort to scratch as hard as she could at that very point.

Then, with absolutely no warning, I felt myself orgasm. I moaned into my gag and twitched about.

Michaela looked at me and smiled. My head sank back on the mattress.
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Post by Canuck100 »

This is really 🔥! Loving your story, thanks for sharing it. Hope you have more stories to tell!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

Wow! Thanks foor sharing! Hope to read more of your stories!
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