Ellie, Lauren and me m/ff

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Ellie, Lauren and me m/ff

Post by Bandit666 »

Firstly this is a true story, so certain names have been changed to protect the innocent. Or maybe in this case the not so innocent. However the ladies in question have remained close friends of mine and I do know they visit the site. As such I did get their permission to post this tale of ours. It will no doubt take quiet some telling and for those who have seen my other true stories, both at the old site and one here (which I will get back to) cake after I split with Amanda my first real girlfriend and bondage partner, having left for university.

I’d first met Ellie when we attended the same college, (here in the UK, for those that don’t know we have school, then college, and then university). She was a beautiful tall, just touching 6” without heels, blonde that if I’m honest I found incredibly attractive, but it was never to be the case that we got together. For you see Ellie loves other girls, loves Lauren. Now back then being a lesbian or gay wasn’t something that you showed, oh how times have changed thankfully. Anyway that’s probably why most seemed to keep their distance from her, but I’d had to travel to do the A levels I needed so I was coming in from a distance. I’d never attended her school, never met her till we shared a few classes. But maybe more importantly I didn’t care if she was attracted to other girls, didn’t care if she was a lesbian, didn’t have that twisted idea of wanting to watch what two female lovers did when alone. To me she was a friend, wasn’t as some people seem to think all butch and masculine, and by the way neither is Lauren. Although Ellie is the bossier of the two, (sorry Ellie but you are).

Anyway, back then Ellie wasn’t with Lauren, she was single, as I guess you could say I was as well, things had died off between me and Amanda by then and sad as it is to say love was no longer in the air. So as I got to know Ellie better, even knowing she liked other girls the topics of conversation got ever more intimate, or should I say honest. To the point that one Friday she blurted out how she’d always wanted to be bound, wanted to be gagged. Well what was I to do, I offered to help, offered to bind and gag her, admitted I’d been involved in bondage for a good three years by then. It was an offer that while blushing Ellie accepted, and that was the start of two years worth of bondage fun between us. But I’m not here to tell you about that, about some of the things we did, not this time anyway. For now we will skip forward a little over three years, skip forward to the first summer after we finished university.

We’d kept in touch, talked on the phone, as it was before the days of mobiles, at least once a week, I knew about Lauren, knew that they’d met when in their second year, knew that they were lovers, knew they’d got a place of their own. For while I’d moved away, travelled for my education, Ellie had been able to remain at home, well until Lauren came along anyway. So it wasn’t a great surprise when within days of my return I heard from the pair of young lovers, when the asked me to meet up with them in Newcastle for a drink or two and a chat. But I should say now, if I’m being honest I could have done with saying not now, maybe next week as I hadn’t even started to sort all the things that had returned with me. Yet you’ll soon see why I’m pleased I didn’t, why I’m pleased I said yes see you tomorrow, why I rushed around trying to get sorted out. As it was a meeting and a few drinks that certainly changed the course of my summer and time after that.

That morning had started like many others before whether at home or at university, my sleep being disturbed only by the sun streaming in through the curtains. Just like most mornings before it was with reluctance I got out of my bed and showered. Changing into a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Before breakfasting and heading out for a trip on the local metro system, that soon found me sitting in a bar waiting for Ellie and Lauren to join me, and join me they did. Both looking stunning I should add, for if there’s one thing about summer it’s how little ladies wear. In Ellie’s case a pair of tight little faded blue denim shorts and tight yellow tank top, in Lauren’s case a short flowery summer skirt and tight plain white t-shirt. (Oh and for those who’ve not read my previous true stories the reason I can be so detailed is simple, I have always kept journals of my bondage adventures). So back to the bar. There we sat two old friends and a still fairly new one.

For a while it was just small talk, was a chance to catch up with each other, talk about our plans for the summer and future. Yet the whole time I wondered why they were so keen to meet when we did, wondered why they didn’t want to wait a couple more days, and then it came. Then as we started our second drink, Lauren, not Ellie blurted out the reason for our little get together. It seemed like she couldn’t wait any longer, she had to get it out in the open, wanted me to know Ellie had told her about our little bondage sessions, sessions that they wanted to start up once more and preferably the very next day.

Well to say I was a little shocked, after all why would they need me to be involved, would be an understatement. Not that I was against the idea of course. So I listened while almost turn they tried to explain. Ellie explaining how she’d always loved our times together, how she’d always appreciated they way I’d respected her and her sexuality, how she’d always trusted me and still did. Lauren explaining how she’d heard all about our time together, how Ellie had become so comfortable with me that being naked, being sexually stimulated with toys stopped being an issue. Which was true as it had been her choice to work up to that stage. Back and forth it went, one explaining how they’d tried to relive some of those days, how it simply hadn’t worked as neither could bind very well. The other explaining how they’d both really like to be treat in such ways at the same time. On and on it went till finally they got to the point, they wanted me to be involved. In fact they want me to be in charge, wanted me to be their bondage boss. Not master by the way, they didn’t need that, they were and still are strong independent women in love.

So there it was out in the open, the really reason for our meeting, why it was so important it couldn’t wait, they’d made their decision and wanted to get started and I wasn’t going to drag it out. After all would any of you, would any of you turn down such an amazing, unexpected offer, I know I wouldn’t and didn’t. The more we talked about how it would go, how it should start, the more I discovered they’d been busy, had bought a whole load of bondage and sex related supplies, all in a bid to get it they way they wanted. They even gave me a list along with a key to their little apartment, and let’s just say the list was impressive, better than anything I had at that time anyway. We must have stayed there and chatted, eaten and drank for a good few hours after they told me why we’d met. It became they’d not set limits, as Ellie knew how I worked, how much I respected their sexuality and would stop anytime they said. In the end all that was left to do was bid each other goodbye, share a peck on the cheek and head our separate ways, Ellie and Lauren to their apartment to sort the supplies and wait for my call, me to my parents to think about how it should start and start it did.

For come the next morning, I was up surprisingly early, early enough to share breakfast with my parents, to explain I was meeting friends for the day, would get dinner when I was out, up early enough to see them off to work. A quick shower followed before I dressed and made the call, the call that was answered by an excited sounding Lauren after only three rings. I told her I’d be leaving the house in less than five minutes, told her it would take me about an hour to arrive, told her just what I wanted to find when I did so. I kept it simple, kept it respectful, for while it was true I’d seen Ellie naked more than once, had bound, gagged and sexually tormented her when naked, I’d never done the same to Lauren. So my instructions, well they would require them both to be dressed in one piece swimsuits, which I established they had, which if I’m honest I love to see a helpless woman wearing. Would require them to use four sets of handcuffs, out of the six they owned, would require them to use both of their ball gags and finally their two black leather blindfolds. (Well I did tell you they had an impressive list of bondage supplies).

Once happy they understood what I wanted, once happy in the knowledge they would willingly do as I said, once satisfied they too were happy I hung up, and, well let’s just say rushed out the door for the metro ride that would drop me only 10 minutes away from their apartment. It was a journey that couldn’t be over quick enough, was a journey that made me wish I’d taken my car, as it would have taken half the time. Yet at the same time it was also a journey that just added to my own anticipation and excitement, that made me want to admire the view that would greet me. I must have cut the walking time down by half in the end, for it was just after 10.30 when I pushed the key into the door lock, when I opened the door to find Ellie and Lauren sat side by side on the settee. Sat side by side with their lovely bodies clad in shimmering, shiny swimsuits. Ellie was on the left, her swimsuit a lovely shade of dark blue, her swimsuit highlighting her large bosom, her swimsuit showing an impressive cleavage that many others would kill for. Lauren was, as expected sat close beside her, also in a swimsuit, in a maroon swimsuit, a swimsuit that like Ellie’s displayed her wonderful figure.

Both were restrained, restrained as I’d instructed, their wrist cuffed together, together behind their backs, their ankles cuffed, cuffed closely. They did in fact have ankle shackles, you know the type I mean, the once’s with cuffs on either end and a short chain, in the case of the ones they owned, an 18” chain, but I didn’t want them walking around, as if the could. For they’d been good, had finished off their helplessness with firstly the ball gags and secondly with the blindfolds. So there they sat, aware of the fact someone had entered their home, subconsciously aware that someone was admiring how they looked, wondering if that person was me, that I’d speak. Which of course I did, once I caught my breath, for they both looked, (and they don’t mind me saying this), incredible.

I would in fact, learn later that within 10 minutes of the phone call they’d changed and restrained themselves. Or rather they’d changed and Ellie had helped Lauren by cuffing, gagging and blindfolding her, taking the opportunity to kiss and caress her all over, and I mean all over before restraining herself. An action that would certainly explain a few things at least, would explain why their bodies were covered by goose bumps and seemed to tingle, why they both had drool dripping down between their breasts, why they both seemed to be fidgeting.

It was a scene that couldn’t be ignored, and if not for the circumstances I would have taken advantage of, (as they know for there’s no secrets between us), but of course I didn’t, choosing instead to leave them in anticipation for a little longer. It was, to be fair, fun to leave them there like that, to leave them wondering, wondering what I was going to do. To leave them alone together while I examined their supplies, supplies they’d left on their tired looking dining table, supplies that basically covered the tables top. At first I thought they’d bought everything from the adult store situated on the edge of Newcastle, for they appeared to have it all, appeared to have everything, including a few things I’d never seen before. Things I would use in time.

But in a way, that was the point, time was passing us all by, before I even knew it 11 o’clock had arrived and slipped past, and still Ellie and Lauren sat cuffed, gagged and blindfolded side by side on the settee, something that just wouldn’t do. Something I had to deal with, and deal with it I did. Starting with Lauren, the keys to her handcuffs, four lengths of soft white cotton cord from the table and a plan. A plan that, required Lauren to be the first to be moved, the first to experience a different position, even if only new by what was to happen. For you see she was or rather is shorted than Ellie, stands at only 5’ 6” in height, which would make getting her in the middle of their double bed much easier.

Carefully and clearly, as I knelt before Lauren, as I unlocked the cuffs around her ankles, I explained to them both how I’d been leaving them blindfolded and gagged while I worked, while I got them positioned just how I wanted. Explained how it was to be a surprise for them both, a surprise, having seen what lay on the table top I was convinced they’d love. I openingly asked if that was ok, if they trusted me enough to continue, if they trusted me enough to take Lauren away first, if she trusted me enough to go first. Thankfully she nodded her agreement, thankfully they both did, thankfully they both trusted me, a trust that I wouldn’t break, not then, not ever. (Hence the reason why they know about this, and have read it through before posting).

So, once it was agreed, trust was shown, off we went to the bedroom, me guiding Lauren, and yes, as they know, taking the time to admire her small but lovely round butt and more than ample breasts squeezed inside the swimsuit. It only once inside their bedroom, once the door was closed to ensure Ellie couldn’t hear what was happening, that I removed the cuffs hold her hands together behind her back. Knowing she wouldn’t remove the blindfold, wouldn’t remove the gag. Asking if she was ready, if she would mind lying in the middle of their bed I stepped back, smiled as she nodded her agreement, grinned as I watched her climb onto the bed and position herself.

It didn’t take me long to get her bound tightly, spread eagled to the bed, it only took the four lengths of cord to render her helpless once more. Her short but toned legs, toned from her keenness for sport, for running especially, spread wider than I imagined would be comfortable, but comfortable she was. More than once I walked around and adjusted the ropes till she was pulled taught, till her movements could be measured in millimetres rather than centimetres. I was almost done, as it wasn’t till Lauren lay stretched out before me, as she lay so tightly spread eagled, that it dawned on me I needed one last coil, one more binding to make my plan work. So quietly I slipped from the room, without word I walked past Ellie as she sat alone and restrained on the settee, swiftly a grabbed two things from the table top. The first, the coil of rope I needed, the second the largest of the three vibrators.

Once back in the bedroom, once the door was closed again, in silence I quickly wound the rope around Lauren’s slim waist. With applied force I pulled it tight, with an apology for where my hands went, I passed it between her legs, between the lips of her pussy. I didn’t know if she’d been crotchroped before, if it was a new sensation, but I did know she liked the feeling. The way she tried to work her hips, the way she tried to get extra from the new rope was one hell of a sight to see, and yet that wasn’t why she was wearing it right then, for it had another purpose, a purpose that would explain the long ends left lying, would be explained once Ellie joined us in their bedroom, and talking of Ellie it was her turn now. Or at least it was once I put the vibrator to one side for later.

Back into the living room I went once more, back to the cuffed, gagged and blindfolded tall blonde I went. She hadn’t really moved, had simply sat patiently awaiting my return, and as I say return I did. Sadly my hands on her shoulders made her jump a little, made squeal past her ball gag. But she soon calmed once I spoke, once I told her that Lauren was sorted and comfortable, once I told her it was her turn, once I helped her to feet. Unlike Lauren before, she didn’t feel the relief that came with the removal of the handcuffs holding her ankles, unlike Lauren before her she didn’t get to walk around. Instead she hopped, hopped the short distance from the settee to the dining table, hopped to where they’d left sell the supplies and toys. Supplied I almost instantly began to use, starting with one of the longer coils of cord that remain. Around her arms and body it went, just below her large ample breasts it went, just above her large ample breasts it went. By the time I was finished, by the time only the ends remained, by the time I clinched it off, her arms had been pinned in place, had been pinned to her side. Her cuffed wrists had been pulled away from her butt, had been forced to move outwards.

Another couple of coils would soon take care of that, would pull them both together, would pull them back against her plump round butt. The first, well that replaced the handcuffs, was used to bind her wrist so her palms faced each other. The other, well that gave her the same experience and feelings as the last one tied on Lauren, for it crotchroped her, for it pulled into her pussy, for it stroked her sweet spot every time she moved her wrists to get more comfortable. Her legs were next, from her ankles to her thighs I bound them securely, wrapped not one or two but four coils of rope in place. Just like her wrists the handcuffs were replaced, replaced with soft cotton cord. By the time I was finished she’d felt the kind of bindings she had with me many times before, by the time I was finished she knew she’d have to hop to their bedroom, to their bedroom where her lover waited.

It was, in all fairness only a short distance to hop while I guided her and made sure she didn’t fall, was in all fairness a short hop that ensured that the crotchrope worked its magic. For by the time we arrived, by the time the bedroom door was opened, by the time she got inside, her breathing was already broken into short gasps. She’d already been aroused, as had Lauren, but now, now she was being pushed and pushed hard. But I wasn’t quite finished, still had a few more things to do, including helping her, to lie down on top of her spread eagled lover, lie on top with their crotches pushed firmly against one another. Including placing her in a nice tight hogtie, including using the ends left over from Lauren’s crotchrope to hold them tightly together in just the right position, including edging the vibrator hard against their pussys, including turning it up high before whipping off their blindfolds and leaving the room.

So there you have it, my memories of a wonderful time with an old friend, an old bondage companion and her girlfriend. It was only the first thing we did that day, was only the first of a fair few bondage adventures we had that summer, and who knows if enough of you enjoy it, enough of you want to hear more, the girls may just be willing for me to tell you. As always let me know your thoughts and comments

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Post by WyattW5 »

Very good story hope to read more.
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Post by redtogo »

great story
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you both for you comments, I have had a lot more times with Ellie and Lauren so there’s an option for a follow up story or two if that’s what meme era say they want
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Post by gagged86 »

Once again, thanks for sharing your experience, my friend :)
As always a great work :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you my friend it’s good to know you’re still enjoying my writing and enjoying my memories of days gone by :)

Hope there’s a few more out there that are and will let me know if they’d like to hear more :)
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Post by Zaphod »

This was a great story, and I'd really like to hear of the continuing adventures of you, Ellie, and Lauren. Thanks for writing!
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Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Great job, and yes, we would be willing to hear more of your wonderful adventures with Ellie & Lauren :D
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you both for your kind comments, I will indeed add more about my time with Ellie and Lauren, in fact I already have an idea in mind. :)

But in the meantime I’ll soon be adding another tale from my memoirs, from journals features the true events of my first night alone with my first real girlfriend, I hope you’ll all enjoy that
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Post by bellamanda »

Sounds like an enjoyable experience for all involved and I thought it was well written too
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Post by slackywacky »

I would definitely want to read more about the group. Enjoyable read.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Grifter »

@Bandit666, this was a greatly-written and detailed story. I think your bondage jourmal is a treasure trove of experiences. I hope you can share more of what happened that day as well as your other bondage sessions with Ellie and Lauren. [mention]Bandit666[/mention]
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you Grifter. I hope to get back to writing very soon and will certainly be look at telling more about my time with Ellie and Lauren amongst others
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Post by Grifter »

Bandit666 wrote: 5 years ago Thank you Grifter. I hope to get back to writing very soon and will certainly be look at telling more about my time with Ellie and Lauren amongst others
Looking forward to those. :)
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