Near-Miss Bondage Experiences?

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Near-Miss Bondage Experiences?

Post by Charmides »

Hi, friends! So, I was thinking recently about this one time when I was in grade school. I went over to a friend’s house for a party; it was mostly guys there, creating a slightly cringe-worthy atmosphere of macho pre-pubescence; one thing led to another, and eventually one of the kids I didn’t know too well was tied up hand-and-foot with duct tape and forced into a closet. (I tried to covertly suggest that the guys doing the tying should put some tape over his mouth, but no one took the bait.) It was all in good fun, and the closet-captive seemed to be having a good time.

Later on that night, while I was wandering around the basement, a couple kids threw a blanket over my head. In retrospect, it probably would have led to a bondage situation not unlike what that other kid had gone through. But in the moment, I was just sort of freaked out and indignant. I was able to fight free from the blanket and keep my would-be captors at bay, and when it became clear we’d hit an impasse, all of us just kind of awkwardly dispersed, never to speak of it again.

With the benefit of hindsight, it might have been fun if I’d had the courage to just play along; offer the other kids a little resistance, but let them do their worst. Outside the bedroom, real-life bondage is such a specific event, and opportunities don’t come around often. I was just wondering, has anyone else had that sort of near-miss bondage experience? A moment that could have led to a fun tie up, but for some reason, ended up just slipping by? (Sorry to launch a slightly bittersweet question into the forum, but in truth, I’m genuinely curious.)
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Post by Kyle »

I don't know for sure, but one experience in my childhood stands out to me as a possible missed experience. I don't remember my exact age, but I had to be somewhere around 8-10. I was with my mom and visiting relatives, and some of my distant cousins I hardly knew happened to be there, 4 girls. They had a game of "school" going when I got there and told me I could be a student and not to talk. I got in trouble almost immediately, at which point the oldest girl playing the teacher told me I had to be punished in the "electric chair" (don't ask me, I don't know why they called it that). They took me into another room and had me sit down on a chair. One of them went behind me and was seemingly about to do something, but we got interrupted about that point by the parents and I never did find out what they were going to do.

It's very possible it was just my imagination running, and they were going to do something else, but it very, very much could have been some setup to tie me to the chair. I was the outsider, the only boy, at least 3 of the girls were older than me, and I seem to recall being set up to get in trouble for talking, which means it could definitely make sense they wanted to get me out of the way for their game. There is one major thing that lessens the chances that's what they were going to do: it's hard to see how they could have planned it out. I wasn't there that long, which means it would likely have been something they did normally as part of the game. I definitely got the impression they were singling me out for the punishment, whatever it was.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

I was invited to get-together with a bunch of friends. It was me, three girls, and about 5 other guys. 3 of them were brothers, and I low-key still think about them from time to time, even though we don't speak anymore.
As the night went on, the guys (excluding myself despite everyone's constant urging) "lost" their shirts. We started a hide-n-seek game (in our teens because we are all mentally 5). One of the girls was a seeker, and I hid with my (now long ex-) girlfriend. We got found pretty quick, so we began helping the seeker running up and downstairs looking for the others.

I and one of the other guys went into one of the bedrooms and checked the closet. The girl's whose house this was, her room was really messy, so there's were plenty of miscellaneous piles to hide in. We found one of the brothers in the closet in one of these piles. He played around in the clothes pile, I guess waiting, and found a scarf-thing and tied it around his mouth, pretending like the girl seeker found him and tied him up. Not a real gag, more akin to the kind of gag you'd see on a children's comedy.

I quickly took out my flip phone and "jokingly" took a picture. Sadly, I don't have that phone and the picture was incredibly blurry. I've gotten much better w/ tech since then.

He was one of the last to be found, and he continued the bit for short time. He came out of the closet (hehe XD) with the scarf still tied around his mouth. But he had his hands behind his back, pretending they were tied. There were so many things I want to do. Looking back, I think I could've played along with the guy's bit and flipped it around on him. He came right up to me and started making "mmph! mmmph!" noises into his fake gag. I thought about taking his scarf off his mouth and tying his hands behind his back for real. He wasn't really skinny like his brothers, whom I like more, but he did have nice arms. And him being shirtless, too!

I wanted to snap another photo or even record it, but I was really insecure about people (even my friends) finding out about my kink. It was still a new thing to me - I'd imagine stuff before, but then it became an actual kink, and I was really confused. Especially since my girlfriend at the time was around, and my heart was practically beating out of my chest just taking that one blurry photo. Instead of playing up the joke, I forced myself ignore it all, and eventually we all went back upstairs to watch tv/play games. I had such anxiety over keeping things to myself - I still do a little.
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Post by Solarbeast »

There are a few instances I remember when I was a kid that I wish included tie-ups or did include tie-ups just not the way I wanted them to.

The first before the 5th grade here in the US, and we had our annual street party happening so my parents were at one of the parents on the street's house and were partying or talking. I was playing videogames with the only friend that was available at the time, but this was also after having a sleepover with him. And at some point, we get "invited" up to the same house that our parents were at, but to go hang out with the girls. My friend and I both have sisters, and there are about at least 3 other girls living on the street who will be in that room. There are many more girls that live on the street, but they weren't up to that way. So, in the end, the "invite" was a trap to have both my friend and me trapped in the girls' room so they can put perfume/makeup on us. Unfortunately, we made too much noise and were kicked out of the house by the parents, and it never got into any tie-up situation, but if the parents weren't there who knows what would have happened. I also probably would have suggested a tie-up situation if I didn't have a sister, as she is the one that can't keep secrets and this is a secret I want to keep from my family.

The second was when I was older and a new family had moved into a house down the street. There was a boy a year younger than me that I became friends with and he had 2 sisters that are roughly the same age. The boy and I would always hang out with another boy who lived across the street from him that is a couple of years younger than he is, and occasionally 1 or both girls would join in as well. There were three instances that stand out to me. The first being we were playing in his backyard at the time and I don't know what lead to this but I ended up finding myself lying on my stomach on the ground with both sisters sitting on top of my back. Every time I tried to get up they would have a friend come sit on me as well, so I just ended up giving up after a while. I don't remember how long that lasted, but it lasted a while.
The second of these three stories was during winter and we got a very large storm the day before that had dumped about 5 feet of snow in the neighborhood and I think either canceled school or it was a weekend. So it was both my guy friends, 1 of the sisters, and me all playing in the snow/ in the yard and the sister constantly was suggesting to bury me in the snow. I constantly said no as I was only in jeans and my winter jacket, but had my wallet, my phone, and my iPod touch all of which I didn't want to get wet or dropped anywhere in the snow. So it never happened at the time she wanted it to, but we soon had a race to go inside and the classic whoever gets there last is a random name. So I had what I thought was a great idea to take a shortcut through the snow, but I'm a tall guy with long legs and apparently, the snow was a bit more packed than I thought it was. So I ended up getting stuck in the middle of that little area and the sister ended up following me and burying me with snow. I stupidly ended up having them tell her to go inside, but now I wish I didn't do that. I could either have gotten revenge on her or been actually buried in the snow.
The last of these three stories actually involve us actually tying the hands of the sister who buried me in snow but it was during mud season. I found out that day that my friend actually did that to his sister a lot and she always got out of it like she did this time. It was a guy vs girls game with the sisters having friends over, but again, I wish I had done something in the way of getting tied up by the girls, but yet again it was at a time that I didn't want anyone to find out.

The last one "close experience" was during a track practice at my high school. Our track team had 3-4 main coaches and one of them was our resource officer, which meant that sometimes he was in full police gear at practice. So what ended up happening was that one of the girls wanted to know what it felt like to be handcuffed so she ended up getting handcuffed with her hands behind her back. It didn't last long, but he did ask the group if anyone else wanted to try it and of course, no one did, but that might have started my fascination with handcuffs.

Update - I remembered another one in the short time this was up. This time it happened during our annual extended family reunion at a lake house we rent every year. It was me, my youngest girl cousin, and her step-sister at the time that didn't end up becoming family at all. I was swimming/ gliding around a giant rock in the lake by the dock all the parents were lounging on when my cousin suggested to her "step-sister" that they tie me either to the rock or the raft, I can't remember. I never let them get that chance since I enjoyed the chase and forgot about the end result. But also I didn't want the parents to see this. I do wish I stayed in touch with the "step-sister" because it always seemed to me that she might have enjoyed the bondage scene.
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Post by Smiley »

Yeah, one of my biggest regrets ever. I was 20 and living in a houseshare with my 2 best mates. House was empty and I was in my room, making out with a cute girl I had been seeing.

Time comes for her to leave and as a joke I went to my bedroom door where a set of cheap gimmicky plastic handcuffs were hanging from the handle. They were there as a joke but also to kinda gauge people’s interest. I brought them over to her which was a bold move looking back. She laughed and said “thank god I thought you was going to lock me in”. Coincidentally that was the day I realised the troubles women have to put up with around men they don’t know too well. I laughed it off and said something like “but now you know it’s only handcuffs you’re not worried?” That’s when she made my jaw drop in a way it’s never been quite right since - she said something along the lines of “well you’ll need something stronger than those cheap things, and they’re not going to stop me from running away from you or screaming or help, you’ll have to think of something...but now I have to go”

She left and that subject was never brought up again. FML.
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Post by Nexus »

When I was around 20, I was still pretty reserved about my fetishes, and had only acted on/discussed them with my only girlfriend who I had dumped the year before. A buddy of mine introduces me to a new circle of friends. One girl, who we'll call "Katie", started flirting with me, to the point of leaving a suggestive hand-written note with her email and phone number on it in my pants pocket. Now, Katie happened to be an ex-girlfriend of my friend, but being young and opportunistic as I was, and having never had a girl show such interest in me, AND I should mention that Katie was/is hella attractive and to this day remains the hottest chick I've ever slept with...well I just got ahead of myself. We started a fling where I would go to her place and we would have sex. This lasted a month or two before guilt and weirdness between me and my friend got the better of me and Katie and I stopped fooling around, and she even eventually got back together with my friend.

This is getting more long winded than I had planned, but here comes the TUG part. One night not long after calling off our fling, Katie and I were chatting on msn messenger. For you youngsters out there, MSN messenger was kinda the first version of texting that had to be done on your computer. Randomly, she sends me a gif image that cycles through a handful of BDSM images, of women bound and gagged. I am shocked. Still trying to act "normal", I ask "who's what's that?" To which she replies something like "I dunno, I'm kinda into that stuff." Again, I am floored. At this point I drop the veil and confess that I too am into bondage, and if only I had known while we were fooling around! She merely shrugs it off and says oh well, but man I STILL see it as the biggest wasted opportunity of my life. :(
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