Another random tape ripping noise appreciation post

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Another random tape ripping noise appreciation post

Post by silvertejp590 »

I recently bought a new roll of 3M duct tape (for you know… reasons) and I loooooove the ripping and tearing noises it makes as the tape is peeled from the roll. I know I’m not alone in this, but recently my obsession with this rose to another level. A few months back I tried to look online for stock sound effects of duct tape ripping, and the results were surprisingly sparse. So I decided to do it myself: I took my phone’s voice recorder app and recorded some sounds of tape ripping. It wasn’t perfect (a fair amount of room tone gets in the way), but ugh, I love playing them back. I did some self-gagging the other day but didn’t feel like doing any self-tying, and playing the sounds through my headphones helped to solidify the illusion of being taped up by another person.

I gave up trying to figure out the reasons for my fetishes a long time ago, but I’m forever curious as to why I’m so deeply attracted to these sounds. It just sounds so…. powerful. The deep, coarse tearing noises seem to literally say “You’re stuck” to my ears.

Anyway, just a pointless thing I needed to get out of my system. Feel free to contribute your own musings on the subject here lol.