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Advice for roleplay

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:24 pm
by Feet20
Was looking around to see if there was a post that gave advice for roleplay on this site, but found none. So I would like to ask: What are some advice you can give for roleplay?

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:57 pm
by Vixen
Hey! I've been roleplaying since i was the size of a stack of apple and consider myself rather decent at it by now so here's my little and simple advices for you if you want to make a good roleplay:

1) - Always plan Ahead |

If you're not good/ used to roleplaying with a partner (especially a new one) always discuss the scenario and scenery first.

- Charachters: "who will you both play out"
- Places: "here there then!"
- Expectations: " I would like to do this" "none of that please" "lets try this"

That's already a good security and assurance you'll have a good roleplay.

2) Literacy |

Without going to extremes it's important to keep it fluid and consistant. For exemple dont simply whrite yourself doing the action. Be descriptive as its more enthicing to read and exciting.

That's my two short advices i am getting sleepy... zzzzzzzz*

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:11 pm
by Feet20
Thank you for the two pieces of advice. Get some sleep

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:20 am
by Amberbound
I agree wholeheartedly with vixen there, and if I may add one bit of advice, is to try not to be too repetitive. For me personally I lose interest pretty quickly if it comes down to "I tickle you" and "I struggle." Just try to keep it interesting, and throw some Ideas out there if you think they sound fun :D

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:59 pm
by Dpsiic
Good advice Vixen, planning ahead ensures everyone knows what to expect. What is and isn’t acceptable.

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:47 pm
by Gagfan
Be detailed, details make for much more interesting reading than “I tie your arms” being your only response

Also talk out interests ahead of time, you and your partner can be the most talented writers on the planet but if your tastes in a roleplay completely clash no one will have a good time

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:07 am
by KonguChannon65
thank you for the advice vixen, feet, and

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 6:48 am
by Deleted User 9532
"yes, and" is a wonderful phrase in improv. You build off of the statement the other actor just made, paying attention to the direction they seem to be taking the story, while further clarifying.
In light of that, also set your partner up for success.
I was doing an rp, where the sub had some dialogue, that of his own accord, he cut off. This gave me a couple options (gag being the obvious one) while also focusing the direction of the story somewhat. It was honestly excellent on his part.
I also recommend having a separate chat, where every once in a while, the parties involved can say "hey, how is this going for you?" Keep everyone on the same page

Re: Advice for roleplay

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:22 pm
by wolfman
I would recommend, setting limits up front and establishing what both parties want to get out of the rp.

Set safe words and signals up front (hum happy birthday, click fingers etc), things that are easy to remember and work whether gagged or not. This allows the submissive to signal that there is a problem without breaking character.

A separate chat is a very good idea and can help maintain the quality of rp without breaking it's flow.

Regularly check that both parties are having fun.