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Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:56 pm
by FelixSH
I am curious how people would react here. Someone rings at your door, you open it (or look through the peephole) and see someone (maybe a neighbour, in the house where you rent a flat) tied up and gagged. How would you react to that?

Please note that this is not the "What if..." section. I'm not looking for fictional scenarious, but for actual reactions of people. Reason for this question is that, for years I had this dumb fantasy of tying myself up in a way that I couldn't get out of again, and than being forced to ask my neighbours (who I don't know that well) to help me.

Don't worry, I know that this is a very dumb idea and I'm not stupid enough to go through with this. But I am curious how people would actually react here. Just call the police, without opening the door? Ignoring the person outside completely? Freeing the person, and maybe get a TUG-buddy after finding out it was selfbondage? As I said, this idea has been in my head for years, and I just want to talk about it a bit. My non-TUG interested friends wouldn't be much help here.

A story might follow, but for now I'm just curious.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:27 pm
by Nexus
Heh, good call on the "What if..." disclaimer. I'm sure many people would love to just think "I'd open the door, drag them inside and then they're MY prisoner, muahaha".

But my honest reaction? Likely to look out the windows and make sure there is no immediate danger outside, then open the door, remove their gag and ask them what happened.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:54 pm
by Dpsiic
That is the common sense answer Nexus, make sure there is no danger to yourself before opening the door then find out how they came to be tied, self tied.? Robbed? Etc.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 12:31 pm
by McMurdoPI
Id like to third the above reply, you should always be aware of a possible ambush when dealing with someone who appears to be incapacitated or in trouble. Chances are trouble is still nearby.

I think I'd regag them so that I could admonish them about safe practices if it wasself bondage. "What do you think you're doing going out into public helpless like that?" "Think if someone aweful found you?!"

Then I'd probably volunteer to be their rigger from then on for reasons of safety.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 4:09 pm
by truly_trussed
This is from real life but I remember in the news years ago. In NYC a woman opened the door of her neighbors apartment (flat) and started to walk in. Unknown to her burglars are in there. She notices her friends sitting on the sofa bound and gagged. She quickly and quietly slips out and runs to her apt. and calls 911. She was pretty savvy and street smart. In movies like that a naive character would walk in and say "Hey, what's going on here?" and the burglars would promptly do the same to him or her.

Play safe, T.T.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 6:46 pm
by FelixSH
Thanks for the replies, it brought a bit of perspective to this dumb idea and got it unstuck.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:27 am
by Sociopath3
I'd remove their gag then untie their wrists and ask what happened. Depending in their response I'd take appropriate action, for example if they were tied against their will (and robbed) call the police, if it were a prank then assure no injuries and if they are ok with it then take no further action, and if it were self bondage I'd offer to over see future sessions to assure nothing bad happens.

Re: Imagine a tied and gagged person rings your doorbell

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:43 am
by sagitarium
I would definitely help them in and first of all remove the gag and ask what happened, while trying to release the person. If it turned out it was selfbondage. I would probably have the person sit down for a coffee or something and have a nice talk about how we might help each other. If not I'd still offer the coffe but probably call the cops, so we could find out who did this to the person