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How much would you pay?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:54 pm
by BandG
How much would you pay for an hour of your ultimate bondage fantasy acted out? A ball park figure.

For example you could pick 3 women of your choice that you know or 3 celebrities to tie you up and do whatever you wanted to you. But it only lasts an hour. Would you be willing to pay 300? 500? More?

Just something I've thought about before!

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:01 pm
by David Han
Nothing. Because I don’t make a lot anyways. Maybe one travel + hotel can’t afford to pay

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:35 am
by Wrappedmouth
I mean, if it can involve celebs, and anything can happen, you're probably gonna pay like millions, realistically.

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:59 pm
by boundto
Its not that simple of a question to answer really, as firstly you have been very specific and mentioned celebs or people you know.

I don't think celebs, and certainly not 3 of them are going to be available for cash available to most people here, certainly not in the 100s, and if its someone you know then I would not expect them to charge lol.

It does seem a strange thing to ask also, as there are lots of people on here with tying up fetishes, we should be looking at how we help each other achieving them.

As for answering your question, and paying, 3 people is a little extreme, but I guess it would depend on your fantasy to how many you would want, or need to carry it out properly. For me personally I would like it to be one, but realistically need two.

I don't like the idea of having to pay for my fantasy to be fulfilled, as I feel I can fulfil others so would be nice for it to be returned. But as most people they would pay what they could afford. For an hour of my fantasy being fulfilled by a pro I would say £100-£250 I guess depending how good and how many I needed. And I guess its all relative to what a person can afford, if someone is struggling they would not be able to afford something like that, but if someone has a lot of spare cash, they could probably easily afford something like that, monthly or every few months

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:16 pm
by RopemanSteve
Well, if I could do the opposite, I would, assuming I could gather up the $$ needed, up to $1,000 if I could tie up a certain mother and her two daughters I've talked to online, OR if I could tie up Debi Moore and any two of her daughters, OR if I could tie up this one girl I actually know ( :) ) and her mom.

Pretty sure I'd be killed if I actually brought this up with any of them :) :) :)

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:50 pm
by Nexus
Heh, between hotels and losing wages from calling in "sick", I've already paid several hundred dollars to indulge in bondage play.

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:07 pm
by Dpsiic
Interesting question. I have often thought of asking a friend/colleague how much she would want to allow me to tie her up.

Just wish I was a billionaire and money was no object so I could make my three favourite celebrities offers they could not refuse.

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:05 pm
by Nexus
It's funny how often this question applies to me. Upon talking to potential playmates, some of them don't perk up until you offer some money and call it a photo shoot. Some may think it wrong or weird to pay for a bondage experience, but if everybody comes out happy whats the problem? I just shelled out quite a bit of cash to play with a girl I've known a long time and always wanted to tie up. She got paid well, ended up having a lot of fun, and has suggested involving her friends and lowering her "rate". I'm happy to pay these girls in order to live out multiple damsel fantasies. Anyone following me on fetlife keep watch, good stuff on the way :)

As for the original question, obviously it varies person to person, and depends on how much money they make/how much disposable income they have. I'm lucky to have a well paying job where I can afford to indulge in expensive bondage from time to time.

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:20 pm
by Bondage passion
$500 or more absolutely!!!

Re: How much would you pay?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:24 am
by sami200456boyfriend
I pay 500