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Commissioned art

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:25 pm
by TheBoundArtist
Hey everyone! So I’ve been on this board for a while now. I join as I could show case my art and get feed and grow my talent. Like many people right now as the world is ending I find myself out of work from my day job. Now while I wish I made enough from my art to support myself I said have to rely on that day job to make ends meet. That being Said, If anyone on here would enjoy and kinky drawing I am open to taking on commissions and it would be a huge help to me in this difficult time. I know a lot of people are in the same situation as me and can’t really spread a lot of money now and that’s perfectly fine, there’s no pressure from me. I’m just putting it out there, that if you have a desire to see someone bound and gagged in some kinda way I’d be more then happy to help with that. Just shoot me a PM and we can talk about it In note details.