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Link to Canucks old storie archive

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:57 pm
by FelixSH
I guess at least the older members of the forum remember that the first forum was actually the second iteration of the TUG-story idea. At first, there was Canucks "Stories of Tie Up Games", from February 1998 to August 2006, with an archive for every month. These archives are still online, and contain a ton of stories, though in a very old format. It's just a string of text every month, without any graphics. Stories could be broken up, there parts in different months, with other stories inbetween. Internet 1.0. Also nothing sexual, as far as I remember. Back than, it was really just real childhood memories (though I'm sure more than a few were just invented).

I still have the link to the archive site saved as a bookmark. But I would suggest to put it somewhere in this forum, so that users can look through these old archives. I understand if this is not possible, as there is a ton of text and it might be necessary to actually read all of it, to actually know that there is no sexual content that this forum links to for everyone to see.

So if you want, I could give you the link, so that it can put somewhere sort of prominent. Elsewise, I would at least offer to look through the archives and post single, interesting stories in the archives subforum for everyone.

Re: Link to Canucks old storie archive

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:03 am
by Canuck100
It’s nice of you to mention the original site, but the link is already posted in the forum, in the “Archives” section. It says “Asstr website” (ok not necessarily obvious, maybe someone should change the link’s name).


Re: Link to Canucks old storie archive

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:21 am
by FelixSH
Oh, nevermind than. Thanks for the info.