Jon (McA) : Tying Up Jill (mmF/f)

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Jon (McA) : Tying Up Jill (mmF/f)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

(Reposted from the original site. Enjoy!)

This is my first experience of tying a girl *effectively*. Like most of the postings here, it happened when I was a kid. I was about 10, my friend Bob was 11 and his sister Jill about 12 (all names slightly obfuscated). Bob was a really close friend for several years; we were at the same primary school and were 'best friends' until his family moved away. Together, we used to do the usual sort of kids' things, we rode our bikes together, he taught me chess or we just watched TV together. With Jill around, we tended to be more boisterous and (yes, I'm getting to it) one of the games was tying each other up and seeing who could escape.

The rope we used was my Mum's old washing line. It was a smooth white PVC coated cotton rope about 5mm in diameter. It was also getting rather stiff and brittle and had broken in several places (which is why Mum had discarded it). The problem was that knots were quite difficult to tie securely - especially for small fingers. The upshot of this was that although Jill could tie Bob or me up quite effectively and inescapably, we could never do the same to her.

This difficulty became the source of a certain pride on her part and frustration on ours. Jill was not, however, averse to us trying to tie her up from time to time and quite enjoyed showing off her escaping skills. The tie-up we used was a fairly standard as-seen-on-TV approach. We would tie Jill's wrists behind her back with a short length of rope, probably going round about three times and knotted off with a reef knot (square knot). We would similarly tie her ankles together and tie her legs just below the knees. Lastly we would wind a length of about 12 feet round her arms and chest and knot it off in front. She invariably managed to work her wrists loose within a few minutes and could then wriggle out of the arm binding and untie her legs.

After escaping, Jill usually demanded a return match and tied one or both of Bob and me up. One one occasion after doing this, she left Bob and me tied up in the back garden and went off to do something else. We worked hard at it, but could free neither ourselves or each other. Eventually Bob and Jill's Mum found us and untied us. She was aware of these occasional tying-up duels and was quite amused by the antics.

After seeing a tying up incident on TV (independently - we compared notes later), we concluded that a different technique might be more effective on Jill. Firstly, if we tied her to a chair, we would only have to work on one limb at a time. Secondly, we concluded that wool scarves might be easier bonds to use (a quick experiment confirmed that I could tie Bob's wrists with a scarf so he couldn't escape).

As usual, Jill was quite willing to be the subject of our experiment, but was slightly surprised at the different equipment we proposed to use. We had found an old, rather battered chair in Bob's parents' garage. It was a heavy wooden dining-room chair with a somewhat broken cane seat. It had one arm, the other having been broken off years before. (Bob's father kept it as something to stand on while doing house maintenance jobs.) We had set it up in the old scullery to their house, which was used as a sort of extended back porch, containing gardening tools, Wellington boots and most of Bob's family's outdoor wear, including scarves. (I had also made sure I was wearing a scarf when I had left home that day.)

We sat Jill down on the chair. If I remember rightly, she was wearing quite a thick cotton dress with a wool sweater on top and wool tights (fairly standard winter wear for a girl in Britain about thirty years ago). We had discovered in earlier games, that although the PVC-covered rope we has been using was quite smooth, it could still cause some discomfort through friction and adjacent coils could pinch the skin quite painfully. Accordingly, we made sure that all skin at risk was covered by wearing gloves or mittens and in Jill's case, she generally also wore a pair of thick socks over her tights.

We started by tying a long scarf around Jill's waist and the back of the chair. It was long enough to go right round twice. We then tied Jill's right wrist to the chair's one remaining arm wrapping it round probably three or four times. Tying the other wrist was more problematic. As there was no arm that side of the chair, we had Jill's arm pointing straight down and tied her wrist to the vertical which formed both the back leg of the chair and the side of the chair's back. However, Jill was able to free that wrist immediately either by pulling her hand out of the loop of scarf or by wriggling it out of her mitten, leaving it behind. Because we were using wool scarves, we couldn't get enough tension on a bond like this to get it to hold.

It was at this point that Bob and Jill's Mum happened on the scene as she came in from the garden. While she took her coat off, she stopped long enough to see that we had a problem and then disappeared into the kitchen. A few moments later she came back and studied the situation critically. She pointed out that if we also tied Jill's elbow to the side of the chair, then she would not be able to bend her arm to pull the wrist free. We did as she suggested, and it worked. Bob and Jill's Mum looked at the other arm and concluded that although it was more secure, Jill might still be able to get free following the same line of attack, so she took another scarf and tied Jill's arm to the side of the chair back, just above elbow level. Bob and I looked at each other; we weren't expecting another participant in the game.

Bob and Jill's Mum then asked Jill to see how far forward she could lean and decided that the foot or so of freedom there could leave enough scope for Jill to wriggle her arms free. She rectified the situation by looping a scarf through the top rail of the chair back, which came just above Jill's shoulder level and passing the two ends of the scarf down in front of Jill's shoulders, under her arms, between the bars of the chair back and then knotted it beind Jill's back. This was clearly effective; Jill could not move her body or either arm at all now. Bob and Jill's Mum left the scullery again, going back into the kitchen and told us that she would come back to see progress later.

We turned our attention to Jill's legs. Our plan had been to tie her ankles to the chair legs. Because Jill was quite short for her age (only about 4'10"), her knees did not come right to the front of the chair seat, so any attempt to bring her ankles down to the chair legs would be painful. (She was also held back at waist and shoulder level, so she couldn't just slide her bottom forward on the chair.) We settled for just tying Jill's ankles together, even though we would have preferred her not to be able to kick. We had just done that when Bob and Jill's ever-helpful Mum came in again. She suggested that we have Jill cross her legs on the chair seat and tie them in that position, and then she went on her way out into the garden again. We untied Jill's ankles again and re-tied them with her legs crossed fakir-fashion. We discovered that Jill still had some scope for bouncing her bound ankles up and down and were wondering what to do when Bob and Jill's Mum came back. She took one look and tied one end of a scarf to the one encircling Jill's waist, looped it once round the bound ankles and tied it off to the rail that joined the front legs of the chair half way up.

The three of us concluded that we had now immobilised Jill quite effectively and stood back to admire our handiwork. Jill had been testing her bonds all through the tying process and was clearly making no progress. She appeared to be slightly annoyed at the prospect of not being able to escape. 'What now?' she demanded, 'I suppose you're going to gag me too.' Bob and I looked at each other - this hadn't occurred to us, but it seemed like a good idea. While Bob and Jill's Mum returned to the kitchen, Bob fetched a clean handkerchief and then cleave-gagged Jill with it. As a gag, it proved to be disappointingly ineffective, even though it looked just like the ones we had seen on TV. Bob went and asked his Mum for some advice and came back with a duster (in Britain a 'duster' is usually a thick, slightly fuzzy, cotton cloth about 18 inches square and almost invariably yellow for some reason). Folded diagonally and rolled up, the duster formed a satisfyingly thick cleave gag.

Bob and Jill's Mum came back at this point and nodded admiration at our gagging of her daughter. 'How about a cup of tea boys?' she said. As we turned to go into the kitchen, Jill started making muffled shouts from behind the gag. Her Mum ignored this but said, 'It's quite chilly out here.' and picked up her own knitted hat which she pulled down over Jill's head to below chin level. And we went off to enjoy our tea.

After about half an hour, Bob and I went back to free Jill. We found that she had managed to work the gag down below her chin, but she was still securely bound, still had the hat right down over her head and was now fast asleep! We gently woke her and untied her, thanking her for being such a good sport.

Tying up games involving scarves happened a few more times after that, sometimes also involving Bob and Jill's Mum. It never occurred to Bob or me to wonder just why his Mum was so expert at tying up. I guess I'll never find out now.

The End
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Post by Cleavegagger »

Now that's a Nice experience, glad you had some help to get her tied properly
a girl, neatly tied up and gagged is a beautifull sight. a girl, enjoying being tied up and gagged is the most beautifull thing i've ever seen. If you want my kik just ask.
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Post by MaxRoper »

I'm a big fan of early experiences and this is a good one. Well written and a fun read.
Thanks for posting!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago I'm a big fan of early experiences and this is a good one. Well written and a fun read.
Thanks for posting!
No problem. There are more stories like that , so stay tuned!
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