infmed88 : 12 - Sibling Tutor Session (f/m)

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infmed88 : 12 - Sibling Tutor Session (f/m)

Post by Soraka »

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12 - Sibling Tutor Session
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By infmed88

by infmed88 » Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:28 pm

Hey again everyone. Started another story though I'm not sure if/when I'll finish it. Hope some of you like it, and as always, I appreciate any positive/negative feed back.

Eighteen year old Jacob narrowed his eyes and glared at his smug little sister, the seventeen year old blonde who stood in front of him smugly brushing the non-existent dust from the hot pink gym shorts clinging to her thighs. When his mother had told him Stacey would be tutoring him for finals any way she could, he had protested at great length and volume. With her dirty knee high gym sock violently stuffed and taped into his mouth he was no longer protesting anything.

“Ready to cooperate?”

Jacob shook his head and let out an angry grunt as his blue eyes shot to the brown rope that nearly had him mummified. His already snug jeans were pulled uncomfortably tight now that his legs were spread apart and thoroughly roped to the chair he had been forced into. Stacey watched with no small amount of pleasure as her obnoxious brother squirmed and twisted in the ropes. With nearly a decade of girl-scout training, she was beyond certain that he’d be in that chair for the rest of the day.


Cupping one hand to her ear as the other rested on her canted hips, Stacey wore a look of feigned concentration and leaned towards the wiggling boy, “Huh, did you say something?”

Stacey broke into an uncontrollable giggle fit as Jacob angrily shook his head as his muscled body strained against his bonds. As her laughter increased, so too did the humiliated boy’s struggling. The sight of his hands pathetically flapping at his sides continued to spur on her giggle fit until Stacey finally managed to regain her composure several long minutes later. Without her laughter, the room fell nearly completely silent save for the muffled grunts and squeaking of the chair resulting from Jacob’s intense struggles.

“What’s wrong Jake? You wouldn’t stop talking ten minutes ago, too busy eating my dirty sock?”


Stacey rolled her eyes and shifted her hips, “MMMPHHH MMMMPHHH! Is that all you have to say for yourself?”


“Hmmm? Didn’t think I could take charge, is that it?”


Pulling up a far more comfortable chair of her own, Stacey dumped a thick history book onto the table before crossing her legs and resting her bare feet between his thighs still helplessly tugging at the ropes tightly pressing into them. She watched gleefully as his face reddened at the realization that he was being schooled in more ways than one, and at the hands of a girl.

“That’s right big brother, I’m the one in charge now. Mom said that I had to help you study for your final this week, but she never said how to help you!”

With one hand idly tugging at the shorts riding higher and higher up her legs, Stacey propped her head against the other, her palm squishing against her cheek as she silently waited for her brother’s attention to settle back towards her. The room was once again filled only with the sound of an angry gagged boy accompanied by the high pitched squeaking of the chair he was expertly tied to. His hips wiggled and his back arched as his muscles flexed beneath the tight red shirt and yards of rope covering them with only brief and occasional resting periods filled with stifled demands.


“There’s at least two volleyball games worth of sweat in that sock by the way, how do you like the taste?”

Jacob groaned in disgust and rolled his head back in exasperation before returning his gaze downwards again towards the ropes covering his body. With no end in sight to his aggressive squirming, Stacey teasingly wiggled her toes near his face as she picked up her phone and snapped a picture.

“Oh this is going on Facebook!”


“Oh wait, I want one with both of us in it!”

Stacey smiled ear to ear as she left her own chair and sat herself between her brother’s immobilized legs and daintily crossed her own. Leaning her back into his heaving chest, she wrapped her free arm around his broad shoulders and squished his packed cheeks with her hand to hold his head still against her own. With phone held high, she took another picture and held it out for the both of them, her hand keeping a firm hold of his face to ensure she had his full attention. Stacey gracefully slid her thumb over the screen, expertly manipulating the virtual keyboard as she attached a caption to the picture before posting it. Setting the phone down, she twisted her upper body around so that it gently pressed against his.

“Tutoring session with big bro, off to a great start! I’d say that’s pretty accurate, wouldn’t you agree Jakey?”


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Jacob strained and grunted as he helplessly looked on while his sister’s newest Facebook post exploded in activity. Stacey maintained both the smug look on her face as well as her grip on her brother’s while she held up the phone for both of them to see. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling as he wiggled and twisted against the ropes and her body, basking in the mostly silent room as the comments on her posts began to pile up.


“So, now that we’ve established that I’m the boss, are you ready to study?”


Stacey released her grip on Jacob’s face and began twirling her hair around her finger, “Oh? You’d rather I stuff my sweaty volleyball shorts in your mouth instead? Well if you’d rather do that instead of studying…”


“That’s what I thought.”

Jacob shook his head back and forth as his merciless sister stood up and pushed his chair up to the table. Without saying a word Stacey planted a hand on her canted hips while pointing to the first page of the chapter in his book. Ignoring his angry flurry of gagged protests, she held her pose until her trussed and dominated brother turned his angry eyes away from her and back towards his book. She held her victory pose over him for another ten minutes, looking down on her humiliated sibling with a smug grin stretched across her face.

“Good boy,” patting Jacob on the head, Stacey reseated herself in her own chair, draping her legs over his lap and turning the pages when he’d let out an angry grunt. For another fifteen minutes the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall was the only sound in the room now that Jacob had begrudgingly accepted his fate, until his phone began vibrating in his pocket once all his friends had seen how Stacey had thoroughly owned him.

Stacey felt her brother begin working his hips around beneath her legs, and let out a long sigh, “There’s no way I’m reaching into your pockets Jacob, so you’re just gonna have to focus. But I guess if you were capable of focusing you wouldn’t need your little sister to tie you up just to study, huh?”


“You don’t need your mouth to study, so you may as well just keep chewing. Besides, I think I read somewhere that chewing gum stimulates your brain, and gym socks are pretty much the same thing.”


“Chew, or my volleyball shorts get packed in there instead, and I don’t wear panties while I’m wearing those things.”


Jacob’s hips shook back and forth against the ropes pressing tightly into them as his jaw began to slowly work up and down. Noting the wall of text present on the page she had just turned to, Stacey turned her attention away from her brother’s studies and towards her phone. Still able to both hear and feel the vibrations from his own phone, she cooed another ‘good boy’ at the roped and fuming Jacob while posting instructions to his Facebook page telling his friends all of the calling and texting was proving to be a distraction.

“I wonder what Tiffany’s gonna think about this, I know I wouldn’t want to date a guy who lets himself get humiliated by his little sister like this.”


“Oh shut up and keep chewing, and reading.”

Jacob shook his head angrily and cursed her out through his gag, his muffled protests only growing louder when Stacey pressed her foot over his face and wiggled her toes, “You just don’t learn, do you? That’s what got you into this mess in the first place, how do they smell? I bet they smell better than my sock tastes!”


“Hahahahaha! Oh come on, take a nice big whiff! Wait, stop moving your head around bro! Tell me, you like the color I chose for my nails? I like the pink but I’m thinking I should’ve gone with red.”


Stacey belted out a laugh that rang through the house, gleefully wiggling her toes and shoving them against Jacob’s nose, “You’re right, red would be more your color. Maybe if you finish studying early I can do your nails!”


“Well your phone is still going off, so it’s not like you were concentrating very much anyways,” Jacob’s violent squirming intensified as Stacey raised her other leg and pressed both feet against his face.


“That’s it, goooood booyyyyyy! You know, I told mom that tutoring you was the last thing in the world I wanted to do. I mean, why should I have to be responsible for your grades when you’re a year ahead of me!? But I’m actually having a lot of fun!"


Stacey twirled her hair around her finger as she watched her brother twist and and pull away from her feet. Years of living under him, being teased and picked on flashed before her eyes as her toes quickly pinched his nose shut and released it again. Her smug grin had grown into an open mouthed smile as she pinched his nose shut every time he began talking into his gag. For the next half hour his face disappeared under both of her feet while she recalled the dozens of times he had picked on her growing up, and every time Jacob would attempt to shout through the gym sock and duct tape her toes would pinch his nose shut and force him into an angry and panicked silence.

"Oh, and then there was the time you put your gum in my hair!And then there was that time you locked me in the closet! Have you finally managed to suck all of the sweat out of my sock yet by the way? You don't need to be able to breathe in order to chew and suck you know."

With his nose plugged for the umpteenth time, Stacey folded her hands behind her head and leaned back in her chair. She continued to rattle off all the times Jacob had wronged her as she watched his hands and feet frantically twist and flail in the air. Every few minutes or so she'd spread her toes open wide to see how angry his eyes had become before covering up his entire face with her feet again.

It was another twenty minutes before Jacob’s phone ceased vibrating and Stacey lowered her legs back across his lap, allowing him to breathe fresh air while reading through his book. Stacey could tell her brother was only pretending to read at this point, and had already decided on how to both test and punish him once he had grunted his way through the few remaining pages in the chapter….
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Jacob sat nearly motionless in the chair, his eyes angrily fixed to his sister’s. Having squirmed and struggled throughout the entire chapter, Stacey could tell he expected his lesson in both history and humiliation to end. Her legs were still casually draped across his lap, and gently swung in the air back and forth as her already skimpy pink shorts rode higher and higher up her thighs. She watched Jacob shake his head and work his jaw around the soggy sock still packed into his mouth, the sight and sound of his complete defeat something she had dreamed of for years. Though he had “finished” reading the chapter ten minutes prior, Stacey had decided to let him sit and squirm for a while to really let her victory over him settle.

“I hope you’ve been paying attention,” Stacey bounced off of her chair and on to Jacob’s lap, “because today you learned about history and girl power, and you’re gonna be quizzed on both.”


“Ssshh. Just be a good boy and keep chewing while I tell you what happens next.”


“First, I’m going to take the gag out of your mouth. But if you try talking and it’s not an answer to a question I ask, you’ll be licking my feet instead. Understand?”

Jacob twisted and meekly attempted to buck his younger sister off of his lap before nodding his head, “MMMPHH MMMM.”

“If you answer every single question correctly, then you’re free to go. And if not, I obviously need to find a better way to teach you a lesson. Ready?”

Stacey squealed with glee when her newly obedient brother nodded his head in silence. She could feel his body tense up in discomfort with her on his lap, and teased him by sliding further up his legs before slowly peeling away the duct tape plastered over his mouth before immediately clamping a hand over the sock.

“Oh, and before I take this sock out of your mouth. If you start acting like a bad, unruly student, I’ll gag you with those volleyball shorts I keep mentioning. Those things are skin-tight on me by the way, so just imagine all of the sweat they’ve been soaking up.”

Jacob’s eyes shot downwards and ran back up his own body, the image of him roped and gagged at his sister’s mercy now ingrained into his memory forever. His face flushed red, and after half-heartedly struggling to remove her hand from over his face he nodded in obedient silence once more.

“You’re being such a good boy right now! Let’s see if you can keep it up.”

Stacey pinched down on the balled up sock and plucked it out of Jacob’s mouth. As he opened his mouth to speak she pressed a single finger against his lips to preemptively shush him, “remember big brother, you only talk in response to my questions. Not a word more.”

Stacey was loving the look of nervousness on Jacob’s face as she happily bounced back onto her own chair and propped her legs up on his shoulder, crossing them at the ankles. She began twirling her hair idly around a finger with her free hand, the other pulling over the text book towards her before toying with his ears using her feet. Seeing him wiggle and twist in uneasy frustration sent her into a small giggle fit, her big toe pressing against his lips before he was able to voice a protest.

“I know boys have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that girls rule the world, but you’re just gonna have to accept it and sit still for your quiz.”
Stacey kept a foot planted over his face as she began reading questions from the book, forcing Jacob to mumble around it as he answered. Jacob’s phone would occasionally buzz and cut through the silence that was otherwise only filled with Stacey’s gleeful reading and Jacob’s short angry answers. It was becoming very clear that he had only managed to retain hardly a quarter of what was in the chapter, and his increasingly frequent squirming made it equally clear that he was aware he had gotten some of the questions wrong.

After the last history question had been answered, Jacob shook his face free of his sister’s foot, “Did I get them right or not!?”

Stacey closed the book and turned her foot sideways, keeping her foot forced over his mouth, “We haven’t finished the entire test yet, silly boy!”

“MMMMMM! Get yourmmnmm fmmoot off my moummmphhhh!”

“Next part. Why did mom put me in charge of the house, and tutoring you while she’s at work?”

“Hmmphhh wasn’t evmmphhhh the right chapter!”

The energetic blonde bounced herself free of her chair and seated herself back on Jacob’s lap, clamping a hand firmly over his mouth. The ropes wound all over his body were as taught as could be with Jacob’s every muscle straining against them, the added weight of Stacey’s body ensuring no progress would ever be made. Now that Jacob had returned to his zealous rebellion, his giddy little sister was forced to wrap her free hand around the back of his head to keep it still.

“Wrong! Seriously Jacob, you’re just really reinforcing the dumb boy stereotype, you know that right? You couldn’t even read one chapter, even after I so thoughtfully tied you up nice and tight so you could concentrate!”


“I even gagged you so you wouldn’t get distracted trying to talk your way out of it! You should be thanking me, I’m such a great sister.”


“You know, I’m starting to think you’re not taking any of this seriously.”


Stacey leaned off to the side, keeping her hand pressed tightly over the moaning boy’s mouth before coming back up with her balled up volleyball shorts in a clenched fist. She shook with another giggle fit as Jacob wiggled beneath her, “Oh yes, this is happening big bro!”


“Remember that time you told me volleyball isn’t a real sport?”


“Well the rest of the girls on the team kind of hate you after I told them you said that. So we’ve all taken a turn wearing these for a game without washing them. Get a taste of the sweat soaked into these and tell me it isn’t a sport!”

Pinching his nose shut, Stacey leaned into her bound brother and packed the heavily used short shorts into his mouth as soon as it opened. His loud disgusted groan of displeasure brought a mile wide smile to her face as she packed as much of the sweat infused fabric between his cheeks as she could possibly fit. Jacob continued to loudly groan in displeasure once he had been thoroughly gagged, the shorts trapped between his teeth with Stacey’s hand once again pressed firmly over his full mouth.

“That’s it, make sure you really taste ‘em. Next time you think to yourself, ‘gee, I wonder who’s in charge,’ “remember this moment.”


“I sure know I will,” Stacey threw her head back and the house echoed with high pitched laughing. Jacob angrily ranted into his new gag, his hips violently working back and forth in his renewed attempts at bucking his sickeningly perky sister off of him.

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“I thought you were supposed to be like, one of the top wrestlers on your team? And here you are completely bound and gagged by a girl!”


Growing tired of having to use her hands to keep Jacob from spitting her shorts out, Stacey mischieviously bit down on her lip and dangled the equally sweaty twin of the sock that had been crammed into his mouth earlier. Pulling it taught over his bulging cheeks, she securely tied the sock over his mouth, knotting it tightly behind his head.

“There, now you’re all gagged up,” Stacey stood up from his lap and planted her hands on her canted hips, “I’ve always wanted to shut you up, I just never thought I’d get to do it like this!”


“Now, do I have your attention?”


“Before I go over your next lesson plan, I figured I’d give you another heads up about those shorts you’re sucking on. I don’t think you realize that we didn’t wear panties under that thing. Just an image for you to process while you’re busy acting like a tough guy.”


Stacey’s hips shifted to the opposite side and her teeth shone with her biggest smile yet, “You have no idea how you’re gonna get it today, do you?”

The beaming blonde giggled to herself as she began to slowly pace circles around her wiggling jock of a brother. His biceps bulged against the yards of rope tightly wrapped around them and his head shook back and forth in anger, all while Stacey held her phone to her ear.

“Hey Rachel! So are you gonna get dropped off at my place and walk over to practice with me? Awesome! I can’t wait for you to get here! Yeah, he’s still like that. Hahaha, I know right!?”


“Be quiet Jacob! I gagged you for a reason. Anyways, where was I?”


Stacey’s conversation over the phone continued for another solid fifteen minutes as she slowly walked circles around the furious boy trussed and gagged at her disposal. The loudest of the muffled protests occurred halfway through her excited chat when she leaned over in front of him and gently picked a piece of lint away from the gym sock still tightly secured over his mouth.

“Ugh, my brother is so stupid. I do him a favor and he freaks out. I’ll see in a bit bestie, love you!”

Setting the phone down Stacey took up her victory pose with hands on canted hips before speaking down to the dominated Jacob, “So here’s what’s going to happen over the course of the day big bro,” the smug teenager made no effort to dull the sharp tone of condescension in her voice, “since you don’t take me, the tests, or volleyball seriously, I’m taking you to our practice tonight. Besides, mom isn’t getting back until after it’s done, and she’d be pissed if I just left you here bound and gagged by yourself.”


“What’s that?” Stacey cupped a hand to her ear, “I’m sorry Stacey? Girls are always right?”


“Maybe after some public humiliation you’ll take me seriously when I go out of my way to tutor you.”


“And you know the best part? Nobody’s gonna stop me! I’ll just tell any cops that we’re brother and sister, and that it’s just a prank, and you’ll be way too busy sucking on those shorts to say any different!”
Jacob let out an enraged flurry of curses into his gag, a series of muffled grunts being the only result. The chair Stacey had so expertly roped him to rocked back and forth, the scraping and squeaking of the wooden chair matched in volume only by the defeated wrestler’s gagged protests.

“That’s right, big tough wrestler here is gonna be all tied up in front of a bunch of girls! Still think you’re in any position to resist?”


“That’s what I thought. Oh great, mom’s calling. I need to go get changed into my volleyball shorts that aren’t in your mouth right now, so I’ll put her speakerphone while you talk to her. Oh, wait….” Stacey set the phone down in her brother’s lap and gave him a teasing pat on his head, “Hey mom, I’ve gotta go get changed for practice, but I’m making Jacob stay here and study so talk to him okay bye.” Stacey bolted out of the room and changed out in the hallway, refusing to miss a single moment of her brother’s humiliation.

“Hello? Jacob are you there?”


“Jacob stop mumbling, and you better be coopering with your sister! I put her in charge for a reason!”


“You’re really not going to speak to me like an adult? This mumbling is childish Jacob, and it’s only proving me right in leaving her in charge.”


“I don’t know what you’re trying to prove acting like this, but I’m giving your sister free reign until I get back home.”


Stacey bounded back into the room right on time wearing her skin-tight spandex shorts and red jersey top. She smiled down at her indignant sibling as she raised her foot up between his legs and began tying her pink sneakers, “I’m back mom! Don’t worry, I heard that last part. I’ll make him behave before you get home!”

“Good, I’ll see you both later tonight.”

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Jacob’s gagged demands went ignored while his sister finished tying her second shoe, his muffled curses growing dramatically more frantic when the gentle tones of the doorbell rang through the house. Every part of his body shook and wiggled against the ropes as the giddy girl repositioned his chair to face her doorway. Stacey made it a point to walk with a cocky swagger out of her room, hands on her hips as she looked back over her shoulder one last time and grinned, “That’ll be Rachel I bet, I can’t wait to see the look on her face, or yours!”

The doorbell rang again as she skipped through the house, Jacob’s groans fading away as she neared the front door. She flung it open and hugged the equally excited Rachel, wearing jeans the appeared to be glued to her every curve along with her black jersey top. Before hurrying her into the house and towards her bedroom, Stacey briefed her best friend on her greatest victory yet.


Jacob could hear the pair of giggling girls in the hall and rocked his chair back and forth in a mix of desperation and anger. He was already missing his own practice at the school, and refused to be publicly humiliated in front of an entire volleyball team, along with any boys left over from wrestling practice.

“Is that him?!”

“Am I a good tutor or what?”

Jacob’s face turned completely red once again when both girls appeared in the doorway, Stacey’s hands on her hips while Rachel doubled over in laughter with a hand over her mouth. His cheeks bulged around the sock knotted over his mouth, his jaw just barely able to work up and down as he shook his head.

“Oh my god! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! I love you so much right now!”


“Hi Jacob!”


“Let you go? I’m getting pictures!”


Rachel flew onto Jacob’s lap, sitting sideways with one arm draped across his broad shoulders while the other flexed in a mock victory pose. She crossed her legs at her thighs and gave her hips a teasing wiggle as Stacey’s phone flashed, adding one more image of his humiliating defeat that would live forever on the internet. His hands were clenched into fists, violently twisting around in the air as the ropes dug into his tanned skin, and they only twisted harder when his sister began blaring girly rock music from her computer.

“There, now we have some inspirational music for our photo shoot!”


“Would you stop wiggling?” Rachel pressed her chest against his and shifted her hips back and forth before leaning in and whispering, “Or am I making things too uncomfortable for you?”

Jacob’s face turned impossibly redder as his jeans began shrinking, his eyes darting over to his sister still focused on her playlist before they fixed themselves on the girl in his lap, “MMMMPHH.”

“Okay! Do another pose, I’ll upload all of them at once when we’re done.”


For the next two hours, the girls took turns using Jacob as a prop in their new “Girls Rule” Facebook album. With a new bulge forming in his taught jeans thanks to Rachel, Stacey kept her distance in her own pictures, choosing instead to apply a glamorous amount of makeup to his face. After an hour and a half Jacob had given up on speaking into his gag, his body still contorting itself against the ropes while he silently chewed on the shorts stuffed into his mouth. The occasional groan of disgust went unheard past the high pitched giggling and bubble-gum pop music, the foul taste of the shorts still as powerful as it had been from the start.
Stacey could barely contain herself as she stood over her brother for the final fifteen minutes of their photo op. She raised a leg up and pressed her sneakered foot against his heaving chest and let her hands rest on her hips, smiling down at her frustrated brother before pushing him backwards to the floor. The smug sister stood to his side with her foot returning to its place atop his chest, “So how should we get him to practice?”

Rachel jumped back and forth between camera angles, watching Stacey cycle through a dozen different victory poses while ignoring the angry grunts at her feet, “Should we make him hop all the way there? Or get some more girls to help us carry him.”


“I think we have a freight dolly in the garage, we could strap him to that and wheel him down the street.”


“Oh! I know!” Stacey moved her foot from Jacob’s chest to his face, pressing gently against his gag with the tip of her shoe, “There should be a big stroller in the garage we can put him in, like a baby!”


“I think I left the team gym bag at your place last time I was here, we could hogtie him and stuff him in!”

The last five minutes of the photo session were spent with Jacob’s face under his sister’s foot, the girls focused more on brainstorming for funnier ways to humiliate him. With wrestling practice winding down and volleyball practice beginning in an hour, his struggling was re-energized with the refusal to be publicly dominated by his sister. When the girls finally decided on how to best transport his roped up body into the gym, Jacob’s eyes nervously ran up their legs as they stood over him, both giggling in anticipation.
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The overtly girlish music continued to blare throughout the expansive bedroom, completely drowning out the furious grunts coming from the transformed Jacob who had been forced into a volleyball uniform. Both girls now stood over him looking at each other while laughing so hard they could scarcely speak. It had taken the victorious girls no small amount of effort to partially untie the powerful wrestler and force him into a pair of pantyhose under the smallest pair of dirty volleyball shorts they could find in the duffel bag, and the strict hogtie he was in ensured that there was nothing Jacob could do to change out of it.


Rachel struggled to regain her composure as she bent down and pulled at the hem of one of the two pink knee high gym socks forced onto the livid boy, “Oh come on Jacob, I think it’s a cute look for you!”


Stacey held her stomach and pointed with overly animated laughter at her dominated sibling, raising a foot and pressing it down on the side of his head, “Come on Jacob, you’re not gonna let a couple of girls just do this to you, hmmm?”


The hysteric blonde cupped a hand to her ear and pointed at the vibrating speakers next to her computer in mock confusion, “What!? I can’t hear you! Rachel, I think my brother said he’s ready to go into the bag!”


With his head pinned to the floor under his sister’s foot Jacob could only wiggle his hips along with his hands and feet securely bound to one another. Stacey shook her hips with the rhythm of the music, still shaking with laughter at how ridiculous he looked before releasing his head and leaving the room. She turned the music off as she left and wore a massive grin on her face as she strutted through the house listening to the angry gagged protests fading away.

With Stacey gone, Rachel sank to her knees and rolled her hogtied toy onto his back before straddling him over his muscular chest, his head trapped between her thighs, “So how embarrassed are you right now? Like, on a scale from one to ten?”


“All those times you picked on your sister and me, and you’re finally paying for it. You actually make a pretty comfy seat by the way.”


“Oh don’t even act like you don’t deserve this, I just can’t believe you made it so easy!”

Jacob twisted and squirmed beneath Rachel’s body as he arched his back and shot his hips into the air, his eyes glaring lasers at her from between her legs, “HMMMM MMMPHHH MMMMMMM!”

Rachel rolled her eyes and slid forward until Jacob’s face was completely buried beneath her. The room feel silent as his both muscle and rope bound body frantically strained and twisted back and forth while his head wiggled along with the girl’s swinging hips. His wide eyes could only barely see be seen, both of them staring up wildly into hers with his nose forced against her crotch.

“Even after Stacey gagged you with two socks, I need to do this just to keep you completely quiet. On the bright, this is way more comfortable than the gym bleachers at school. Don’t you agree?”

Rachel worked her hips around and forced Jacob’s head into a nodding motion before sliding back and allowing him to breathe. She could feel herself being raised up into the air as his strong chest heaved with every desperate gasp, “What’s that? Nothing to say?”

“NNMMMPPHH NNMM-,” Rachel slid her butt back on top of Jacob’s face, hands raised over her head in gleeful victory while her joy filled eyes locked with his angry ones.

“Girls win! Wooooo! How does it feel jerk!?” Rachel bounced up and down as she held her arms over her head, sticking her tongue out at the defeated boy bound and gagged at her mercy.

A loud crashing sound came from the garage followed shortly by excessive cursing from Stacey, “It sounds like your sister is having a hard time finding the duffel bag. Good, that gives you more time to let this moment sink in. The next time you think about being a jerk, just remember that we can put you in your place again if we have to. You don’t want that, do you?”

A brief angry grunt followed by more suffocated silence was all Jacob could manage as Rachel wiggled her hips, forcing his head to shake a “no” in response, “I think I found a way you can help apologize to all of the girls on the team. Wanna hear it?”

Rachel slid back once more and allowed the boy hogtied beneath her to breathe, his head shaking violently against her thighs squeezing against them. His jaw worked up and down on the foul tasting pair of shorts crammed into them while his eyes ran up her curvaceous body and into her green eyes, wincing in disgust as his tongue ran against another sweat soaked patch of shorts.

Rachel reached down and teasingly pinched his cheeks, cooing at him in her baby voice, “Awww, what’s wrong? Do girl athletes sweat more than you thought they did?”

Still too busy sucking air into his lungs to speak into his gag, Jacob silently thrashed in the ropes keeping him in a humiliating hogtie. The devilish girl continued to coo in her mocking baby voice at him, her hand slowly gliding across his tensed abs and further down past his hips. All it took was a few squeezes before she could feel his already straining volleyball shorts grow tighter. She waited until his renewed grunts turned from furious to half-hearted anger mixed with forced pleasure before abruptly sliding forward and pressing the butt of her jeans against his entire face. Her hand ceased its teasing and now rested on her hip in another of her victory poses.

“Girls rule, admit it.”

Rachel smiled and shook with another wave of giggles as Jacob’s head meekly shook back and forth, his hips hurriedly shifting back and forth while his hands and feet wiggled against each other. She crossed her arms and leaned forward in mock anticipation, a hand shooting to her ear, “I’m not hearing anything. Are you ready to stop being a jerk to girls?”

Despite the constant writhing and squirming by Jacob, the room remained silent as Rachel feigned seriousness in expecting an answer until Stacey returned, wearing both her own pair of form hugging jeans over her volleyball shorts and a devious smile. Being dragged behind her in one hand was one of the large team duffle bags, zipped open to reveal a week old pile of various sports bras, gym socks, and volleyball shorts. Her other hand planted itself on her hips as she stood in the doorway smiling at his suffering.

“So big brother, are you ready for practice?”

When his head finally emerged for air, his reaction to the gym bag sent the girls into another raucous giggle fit that drowned out his renewed protests. The girls held their sides and mercilessly teased Jacob as he mustered what masculine pride he had left and demanded loudly and clearly through his gag to be untied. He angrily wondered to himself what the girls had planned as the view of Rachel's ass replaced his view on the ceiling and cut off his breath, hearing his teasing sister drag the gym bag into the room behind her.
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Post by Princess_Stinkfoot »

I really hope you come back and finish these. They're amazing!!!
I'm Gabby, but you can call me Princess Stinkfoot! I am known for having super smelly feet! I like tickling others feet and watching their reactions. I am the girlfriend of Piggyboy. ^-^
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Post by sockgaggedsissy »

Good story!
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