ducttapegagged : A big step forward ff/self m/ff

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ducttapegagged : A big step forward ff/self m/ff

Post by Soraka »

By ducttapegagged » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:58 pm
Edited by Soraka
Editors note: This story has never been finished. It was posted in very small parts (topic was > 100 posts, so there might be some mistakes in partitioning this story. This story has not been finished and some parts are missing but have been summarized in the author's notes. I still decided to post this because the story was quite long and nice to read.)

As I sit here writing this, I still can't believe what just happened, and that the story I'm telling actually occurred, that it wasn't just a figment of my imagination. The things that went one that fateful Sunday shall be forever etched in my brain. What happened that day was beyond my wildest dreams, something that I thought would never happen even in the most welcoming of circumstances. But it did. And with everything I've done in my 16 year old life bouncing around in my brain like little memory balls, there is one moment that will stand out of all of them, one time that filled me with joy and excitement and amazement that I will never forget: the day when Jasmine took the big step forward.

It was a pretty normal summer Sunday afternoon, the family had just gotten home from church, and I had invited Jon and Amanda to come home with us to hang out, which they accepted. At the time, it was just me and them present at my house, as my sister had a band thing that my parents were also attending and Jasmine had not come with us to church earlier that morning, for reasons which we did not know. It was the first time in a while that she had declined to come with us to church, but we just figured she had something else that needed to be done that day. As I already mentioned however, she is involved in this tug, so it doesn't matter whether Jasmine was present with us at this time or not, she is going to be there eventually. But it wasn't her that joined us, it was us that found her.

Around 2:00 in the afternoon, about an hour after we had gotten home me, Jon, and Amanda had settled down after a game of UNO and were calmly watching television. At the time we still hadn't changed out of our church clothes (being lazy teenagers and all) so the three of us still had on what we wore to church that morning: A dark blue shirt and blue plaid cargo shorts for me, tan shirt and white cargo pants for Jonathan, and a sleeveless short blue dress with a loose skirt for Amanda. She was also wearing red strappy high heels (no pantyhose though :( ), while Jon and I both had plain tennis shoes on our feet. A couple of minutes into the hour the phone rang, interrupting our program. Naturally, being the only person present that lived in the house we ere in, I picked up the phone and answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Micchl, is tht you?" A garbled, yet particularly young voice replied. (Yes, if you can read you now know my name is Michael. Whoop-de-doo.) "Yeah" I said, "Who is this?" "Its Jsmne" The voice replied. "Lsten, I need you to cme ovr to my huse and get smthng frm my rmm." After being confused for a few seconds, I finaly got the message and asked "Okay, what do you want me to grab? And why are you talking so weird?" "Jst cme ovr her, the drrs opn!" was the reply, and then she hung up. I turned to my two friends. "Uh, Jasmine wants us to come over to her house, I think? She was kid of hard to hear over the phone." "Sure" Jon replied. "Not like we got anything better to do." I reached over for the remote, turned the TV off, and followed Amanda and Jon outside. We ventured across the street to where Jasmine lived, and Jon knocked on the door. After a few seconds of no one answering, I said "She told me the door was open, maybe she's just not here" and turned the knob. The door opened easily. "What now?" Amanda asked me. "She said I was supposed to get something from her room" I replied. "I don't know what or how I'm going to know what it is, but I guess we're supposed to go there." I turned to Amanda "She's probably trying to prank us or something. You go first." I said with a grin. Amanda rolled her eyes. "Fine" she said with a sigh, and started upstairs to Jasmine's bedroom. When we got there, we noticed one of two things. First, there was a bunch of cardboard boxes stacked on her queen bed, ranging in size and shape. Second, her floor was a mess. Shoes lay everywhere. Sandals, flip flops, tennis shoes, heels, every singe pair of shoes she owned seemed to be sat on her carpet. And then we noticed a third thing. A very light "thump". Another one. "What is that?!" Jon says. "It's coming from her closet" Amanda replies, and walking over, pulls the wooden double doors open. And there, lying on a box free floor in a shoe-free closet, was Jasmine. she was sitting against the closet wall with her legs in front of her, dressed in a short pink sleeveless dress, the loose skirt bottom barely touching the tops of her kneecaps, her legs adorned in sexy suntan stockings with a pair of 4 inch pink high heeled stilettos to complete the look. Oh, and one other thing: she was very tightly and very thoroughly tied up and gagged. Her nylon clad legs were bound with loops of white rope at the ankles, knees and thighs, each loop crinkling the nylon hose more and more. Her arms had followed suit, rope lashed tightly around her wrists, more looped around her breasts and waist, pinning her arms securely behind her back. Lastly, a pair of what looked to be white tights had been stuffed in to her mouth, another pair tightly tied through her teeth, not silencing Jasmine completely, but it was good enough to do the trick. We stared at her wriggling on the ground, dumbfounded at the sight that lay before us. Jon finally broke the awkward silence with the question that we do doubt all had running through our heads. "What the heck?!" He said.

Jasmine stopped wriggling and looked up at us with a disdainful look in her eyes. "Hlp mee!" she garbled through her tight gag, banging her heels on the hard ground. "untie me!" "Okay, okay" Amanda said. She leaned down and carefully untied the tights pulled firmly through Jasmine's teeth, then reached into Jasmine's mouth and pulled out the second pair of nylons stuffed in there. "Who did this to you?" Amanda exclaimed after Jasmine could once again talk. "I'll tell you in a minute, just untie me right now" Jasmine said. She turned her back to us and gestured with her wrists. Amanda quickly got to work on those knots, while Jon and I started freeing up the legs. When we loosened the ropes holding her thighs together noticeable creases in her stockings appeared where the ropes used to have been, as well as marks on her skin underneath the nylon. Whoever had tied her up had done it nice and tight, I thought. They knew what they were doing. After we took care of the legs and Amanda had freed Jasmine's wrists she slowly got to her feet, teetering a little in her heels, and said "Thanks guys" she said. "I owe you". "What you owe us is an explanation" I said "How can something like this happen?" "Who left you here like this?" Jasmine sighed and looked down at the ground for a moment before looking back at us."The truth is, um, I uh, (sigh)... I tied myself up guys."

Shocked would not describe what I was feeling at that moment. Dumbfounded wouldn't either. Rather, I was astounded beyond words. Jasmine, who had just been introduced to actual bondage just a few months ago, had taken the big step forward: self bondage. She'd probably never even heard of the phrase before, yet here she was, admitting to tying herself up and not being able to escape on her own. Self bondage at its best. At this point in time I had assumed that I was the only person is our posse that was actually into bondage, unlike the others who were just passing the time by tying each other up for fun. I doubted any of them did anything else bondage related outside of our little "games". Evidently I was wrong. Jon spoke first. "Why the h- would you want to do that? That's just,...why?" Jasmine shrugged with embarrassment. "I don't know...I just wanted to try it, I guess, I mean, yeah, I was bored and I thought it was a good idea at the time, but then my arms got stuck so I had to call you guys" She rubbed her arm. "Thanks." "Oh, it's fine" I said. "No problem." " Yeah. But you seriously tied yourself up Jasmine?" Amanda said. "How?" "I don't know, I just got bored and looked up how to do it. I tied my legs the way we always did it, but the other stuff I found online", Jasmine replied. Don't worry, my mom won't find out. I deleted my history ." She added. This girl had been looking at bondage videos! Not even I did that very often. Needless to say, I was surprised. "They teach you how to tie yourself up, online?" I asked. (I obviously knew the answer to this question, but they didn't need to know that. ;) ) "Yeah, you can just look it up, there's a lot of them out there.", Amanda replied. Then, realizing what she had just said, quickly added "Not that I've looked at them or anything, but,...fine, I've searched it before, but never watched the videos, I swear." Jon turned to her. "Have you done this?" He said, gesturing to the ropes on the floor around Jasmine, still

Now it was Jasmine's turn to be surprised. "Wait, what? You do this too?" She asked. "Yeah", Amanda said with a sigh. "I mean, not like this but, I mean, when we have these tie up games they're so much fun, and I never want them to end, but they do end, and then sometimes I get bored at night and tie my legs up or something like that, so I can feel that...fun again." She looked down with embarrassment. "Sorry,Jon." Jon laughs. "Sorry? You don't need to be sorry, this is awesome! I can't believe you two have actually been tying yourselves up!" He laughed again. "I mean seriously, it's a little weird, but it's interesting! So you both tie yourselves up, right? And you like doing it?"Both girls looked at each other and then nodded. "I have so much fun in our games." Jasmine said, "I really like...the feeling of being tied up, I guess. So I decided to try on my own. I've done it before. This is the first time I couldn't get out." She scratched at a mark on her arm. Amanda's expression showed that Jasmine had pretty much taken the words out of her mouth. "Same." she added. "Well then" Jon said with a smirk. "You said you liked being tied up by us, and we're right here, you want to get tied up for real now? Not having to do it by yourself this time?" A moment ago the girls expressions were that of embarrassment and nervousness, but in the next their faces completely changed. And the new look said it all.

Jasmines face lit up. "Really? Oh, that would be awesome!" She was practically jumping for joy. Amanda looked excited too, but then her expression changed. "Yeah, that'd be great, but I'm not exactly dressed for it." She said, indicating her bare legs and heels. "Oh, it's fine, I'll find some nylons for you, you're all good. Look at my shoes if you want too." Amanda got excited again. "Oh my gosh, that's a great idea, thank you so much Jasmine!" Jasmine smiled. "No problem." She opened her a drawer in her dresser and handed Amanda a pair of shiny white nylons, (YES! :) :) ;) ) similar to the ones that she had used as a gag. "These will look good on you, now hurry! Amanda thanked Jasmine and exited to the bathroom. "Man, you guys are excited" I said, a little bit humbled. Jasmine turned to me and said "Well, it's weird, but I enjoy it, so screw off normal people!" We all laughed at that one. At that moment, Amanda walked back into the room, looking exactly the same as she had been except her heels were now in her hands and beautiful white stockings were now gleaming on her legs, toes showing slightly through the soft fabric (It looked amazing.). "These fit great," Amanda said. "But what about heels?" "We wear the same shoe size right?" Jasmine replied. "Look around, I don't care which ones you choose, just find a pair and put em on!" Amanda looked around. I was secretly hoping for the 4 inch black ankle straps or the 3 inch slingbacks,but instead she went for some 3 inch black and white t-straps instead. (They were okay, but I guess I couldn't have gotten everything my way that day.) She slipped the shoes on and then said "OK, I'm ready now." There was a hint of enthusiasm in her voice. "Ready too!" Jasmine added. "Then let's get started", I replied with a grin, something I just couldn't hold back anymore.

I turned to the sexily dressed girls. "Do you want to do some sort of role play or do you just want us to tie you up and let you struggle?" I said. "Oh, role play, I want it to feel really realistic" Jasmine replied. "Me too" Amanda agreed. "It's a lot more fun that way." "Well okay then" Jon said. "Go outside and figure something out, then come back in and we'll grab you then. Sound good?" "Yep!" Jasmine replied, an obvious hint of excitement in her voice. "Should be fine." She and Amanda walked out the door. I turned to Jon. "Where do we hide?" asked. "I don't know" He said. "But I can't believe we're doing this." He grinned. "I know, what luck right?" replied. "Yeah" was all he said back, but when I stared back at him, neither of us could resist a boyish smile. "I'm going to hide in the closet" I said, back in business. "Alright,I'll get behind the dresser then" Jon replied, now also serious. "We're ready!" came a call from outside. I hurriedly jumped into the closet and closed the door, leaving a little bit of space so I could see out. Jon crouched low and moved behind the large dresser where he couldn't be seen. "Come in whenever then!" Jon then shouted back. A couple seconds passed, and then Jasmine and Amanda walked through the bedroom door,both looking as beautiful as ever. I couldn't hear much through the closed door, but Jon later told me they were they were talking about a party, apparently one they had just left. I wasted about five seconds, then jumped from the closet in front of them, scaring the absolute crap out of Amanda. "Well, what do we have here", I said, trying to sound sinister. Jon emerged from his hiding place (behind them), and said "Looks to me like two young ladies who found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. We didn't invite guests to this robbery, did we Michael?"Surrounded, the girls looked around in vain, looking for a way to escape. "No, I don't think we did." I said with an evil grin. "Guess we'll have to get rid of them.

((NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Okay, so the next part got lost because the site logged me out, and it took me about a half an hour to write, so I'm not typing it out again. It wasn't much anyways, just the tying of their arms. I'm sorry it got lost guys, but I'll summarize and then continue writing. Currently both girls are still standing, and both have ropes wrapped around their wrists and arms, pinning them to to their backs and creating a breast harness as well. No other tying has been done. I'll start where the last part left off.))

I turned to Jon. "I'm getting tired of hearing these two whine, you have anything to shut them up?" I said. Jon handed me a big bright roll of pink duct tape that he had found in Jasmine's desk earlier.The color was very similar to that of her dress. "Oh, this will be perfect.", I said with a grin, then gagged Jasmine with five or six strips. "Wait!" Jon said, rummaging around in one of the desk drawers. "Yes! I knew it would be in here somewhere!" He exclaimed, pulling out a roll of light blue tape as well. Then quickly getting back in character he added "I saw it when we were searching the place, now they both match." and placed a couple of strips over Amanda's mouth.

Both girls moaned in protest through their color-coordinated gags. It did no good. "Get on your knees." Jon said to the pair. "Don't make me do it for you." Both girls complied reluctantly, arms still tied tightly behind their back, their sexy skirts riding up a little. They stared up at us with terror in their eyes, whimpering under the layers of tape covering their mouth's. Pleading with us to let them go. (That sure wasn't going to happen.) Jon then pushed Amanda down so that she was completely lying on her stomach, doing the same for Jasmine as well, and making sure that both didn't fall forward and get hurt in the process. Both damsels now lay at our feet, their hosed legs straight out behind them, arms wiggling around, "trying" to escape. I grabbed a hold of Jasmine's nylon covered legs and started tying her ankles together, just above her shiny patent pink stilettos. I did three loops around, tightening the rope as I went,before cinching it off with a knot. I then continued, doing wrapping rope around her thighs and knees, and a quick glance to Jon told me that Amanda was receiving the same treatment. Black pantyhose blindfolds were then added to finish the job, and we finally stepped back to admire our handy work. Needless to say, we weren't disappointed.

At our feet were two of the most beautiful young damsels in distress you can imagine, both dressed in very sexy clothes and stockings, and each bound from head to toe. Jasmine's pink skirt had ridden up substantially, more and more of her nylon covered legs exposed. Her heels banged into the carpeted ground as she struggled to get loose, constant mmph's and whimpers coming from her colorfully taped mouth. Amanda was just as amazing, her tightly bound stockinged legs shimmering as she strained to pull them apart, lifting her t-strap shoes completely up in the air to try and grasp the ropes with her fingertips, but to no avail. Moans escaped from her brightly gagged lips as she desperately struggled against her bondage, but there was no way out for either of them. You could say they were trussed up more than Thanksgiving turkey's ;) .

After about 10 minutes of whimpering and struggling against their bonds (in front of a very entertained audience I might add), Jasmine and Amanda started to tire a little bit. They were definitely still enjoying themselves, just not as actively. Still, I had an idea in mind. "Now that they've had their fun, I think it's time we had a little fun of our own." I said. Both sexy damsels heads immediately turned to me;even through they're blindfolds they were listening. "Are you two up for a little bit more role playing?" I whispered to the sexy captives. They nodded immediately. "Okay then!" I said, a bit more loudly. "Here's what's going to happen ladies. We've gone through this place and realized that there isn't much to steal and sell here at all. It seems like we'll have to find another way of getting our money. And I think you two would fetch a fine ransom, wouldn't you agree Jon?" He grinned. "Yep, I think we're going to have to keep you two here for a while. You will make us a lot of money." Both girls started whimpering again. "But just sitting here is going to be a bit boring, don't you think?" I replied. "I mean, waiting here for hours,doing nothing, I'm sure you don't want that!" I took a deep breath, quite unsure of what the reaction would be to what I was about to say. "So here's what we're going to do. Since you seem so keen on tying yourselves up, I wonder how good you'd be if you tied up each other." I turned to Jon. He was looking at me like I was his hero. No responses from the girls. I dropped the act for a second, wanting to make sure they were okay with it (as always). "Cool with you two?" Jasmine nodded her head first, and after a few seconds Amanda followed. "Good, so we'll untie you and then go from there" , I sad with a big grin. "Now don't try any funny business. We wouldn't want to have to lock you in the closet. Both girls nodded their heads as we started to untie them.
We had tied the ropes tight, so it took some time to remove them all, especially the ones binding their legs. (Or maybe I just spent more time there on purpose ;) ). After they had removed their blindfolds and gags and gotten up to stretch, I was about ready to start again when Jasmine issued a very unusual question. "Hey, can I uh, can I go change? These are really nice clothes and I don't want to ruin them." She indicated to her rumpled dress. "I don't know" Jon said. "What would you change into then?" Without missing a beat Jasmine responded simply "Trust me, you'll like it." "Well, I guess that's fine then." I replied, attempting to hide my newfound excitement. I turned to Amanda. "Would you like to change too?" Amanda looked at Jasmine, then at me, back at Jasmine, sighed, then said "What the heck." Jasmine cheered. "Have at it then. I don't care what outfit you choose, my dresser is over there and my closet is there" She said, unnecessarily pointing to the locations. "Thanks!" Amanda responded, and then turned to us. "You guys might want to leave." I laughed, and we both went downstairs to leave them in privacy. About 30 minutes later (Man, girls take a long time to get changed), Jasmine shouted down "Okay, we're ready!" and Jon and I ventured upstairs. The door was closed. "Interesting..." I remarked. Jon opened the door, expecting to see two young ladies in jaw-dropping outfits, but instead there was seemingly no one in the room. I walked in carefully, wondering if they were foolishly trying to take me and Jon by surprise and capture us instead. But Jasmine and Amanda weren't anywhere in sight. The room was empty. We walked in. "Where did they go?" Jon asked. "I have no idea!" I responded. "What do you-" My next sentence was cut off by a loud thump, then another. *Thump, *Thump. I immediately realized where it was coming from. "The closet!" I said, and we quickly made our way through the piles of shoes to the double doors. The thumps got louder, and we could now hear soft mmphs as well through the wood. Jon opened the doors.

And there, sitting on the floor bound and gagged, were Amanda and Jasmine. It was one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Jasmine was right: I liked what I saw, a lot. She had exchanged her tight, pink dress for the outfit that I had dreamed about seeing her in again: the outfit she had worn last Halloween.

Last year, on Halloween night, Jasmine knocked on the door to our house, and I had answered it, expecting to see her dressed as a witch or something casual like that. Instead, I was greeted by a girl who looked so beautiful I hardly recognized her. Her sailor's costume was about as close to acceptable as you could get without being called inappropriate. It consisted of a short blue sleeveless dress with a striped neckerchief, golden buttons on the torso, and an anchor sewed on just below the breasts. The red white, and blue skirt hem was well above her knees, and a pair of white tights and black flats had completed the look that wonderful night. We had jokingly called her "The Sexy Sailor" while trick or treating, because she looked amazing in that thing, just like she looked currently. Only now she looked ten times better. Long gone were the childish tights and flats, white pantyhose and 4 inch blue heels had replaced them for the better. Good gosh, it was for the better. And on top of the dress, nylons, and heels, she was also very thoroughly bound and gagged. Her hands had been bound behind her back, held in place by more rope around her waist. Loops around her arms and chest had followed, bringing her elbows at just a small lengths apart. Her long, hosed legs were crossed and bound at the ankles, knees and thighs with three separate strands of rope, similar to what had been applied to them before. Her mouth had also been properly taken care of, as strips of bright blue tape now covered the lower half of her face. All in all, she looked gorgeous. I think I stared at her siting there for at least a full minute. A tied and gagged damsel wearing a sexy outfit at my feet tends to gain all my attention. But then I saw Amanda, and most of that attention soon turned to her.

The sailor costume was amazing on Jasmine, and I was loving every minute of seeing her squirm and struggle in her tight bonds. But Amanda got my attention once I turned to her. (See if you can guess who she was dressed as.) She was also prepared for Halloween, and though this was a costume I had never seen before in person, I definitely still recognized the character she was portraying. And why wouldn't I? With the green headband and ascot, tight purple long-sleeved dress along with glossy pink tights and 3 inch purple ankle-strap high heels, there was no question that she had picked Daphne from Scooby Doo, a prime candidate for a hostage. (If any of you have seen Scooby Doo, then you know what I mean. She literally got kidnapped almost every episode. Even in the live-action films.) Point is, Amanda looked absolutely stunning. The fun wasn't over yet though, because just like Jasmine "Daphne" was also bound from head to toe in tight, inescapable ropes. Her arms were pinned to her back with multiple loops of rope around her torso above and below her breasts. Her shiny pink legs had then been bound exactly like Jasmine's with three loops of rope wrapped separately around her ankles, knees, and thighs, keeping her legs firmly lashed together. Lastly, what seemed like a pair of tights had been stuffed into her mouth, with another pair wrapped tightly around her head and between her teeth, holding the first wad of nylon firmly in her mouth. The restricting gag bit into her cheeks as she struggled to cry out, thrashing in her bonds to no avail. I looked over at Jasmine in her sexy sailor outfit. She was still struggling as hard as she could, mmmphing loudly as well. Amanda's heels banging on the carpeted ground brought my attention back to her. Jasmine reclaimed it when she let out a long, desperate moan. I couldn't decide who to keep my eyes on anymore, but I did know one thing- I was in heaven.

After a few more minutes had passed the girls started to tire, and soon they had stopped struggling altogether, now only occasionally flexing against the ropes or letting out a small "mmmph" every now and again. It was definitely time to spice things up. I turned to Jon. "Heroes or villain's?", I asked him. He replied by giving me an evil smirk. "Villains it is then!", I said, and hauled Amanda out of the closet by her arms, Jon and Jasmine soon following suit. We set the two damsels up against the side of the bed and immediately began reinforcing their bonds. (Aren't we awesome friends?) After tightening the ropes around their torsos and arms, even more was added around the elbows, pulling them within just inches of each other. After that was finished, we added loops of rope around their thighs and calves, and, noticing that Amanda's hands were not tied like Jasmine's were, I soon corrected that as well. We decided not to mess with their gags, since they had done a really good job at making them tight, but we did add pantyhose blindfolds once again to finish the job. As we stepped back to admire our handiwork, the girls started to struggle again, both restricted now more than ever. They was also more amazing to watch than ever before. Believe me when I say this: both girls were absolutely breathtaking to look at. The bright sunlight streaming into the room beyond the curtains had caused their stockings to gleam as they struggled, the nylon broken by bands of white rope wrapped around each girls legs. Even more rope framed their breasts, pulling them taught against the fabric of their costumes and holding their arms firmly behind their back. Quiet moans and whimpers came from their throats as they tried desperately to speak through duct tape and nylon. Amanda's cheeks grew big as the white stockings bit into her skin, letting no words come out. Jasmine must have had something stuffed in her mouth behind the blue tape too, because her cheeks bulged as well.


The resulting sight was a beautiful mashup of adolescent sexiness and and adult fetish. I was witnessing something that 99.9% of all individuals my age would never lay eyes on in their life time- the big step forward in a teenage tug. You see readers, it wasn't just a childhood game where you tied your babysitter up to a chair or wrapped your friend in plastic wrap for the heck of it, no this was something different. Way different. The four of us had ventured into the next level of tugs, the place where people like us on this site, and on other sites are all at in our lives, when tying up someone actually starts to mean something more than a way to pass the time or screw around. The place where hormones start to get involved. In front of me were two teenage girls, tied up almost as securely as possible, dressed in just about the sexiest clothes imaginable on on older female teenager. As I said before, something 99.9% of all males my age will never see. It wasn't just a game anymore, it was becoming intimate. The events that happened that day and the other days would stick in our heads for eternity, and I think at that moment it hit us that this was more than just messing around, and that because of this"game" we all played our friendship would last for a very long time. I sit here as I write this wondering what will happen next, next year and beyond. Who knows how long our adventures in tugs would go on for, (who knows how long your tugs will go on for)? None of us will ever know the answer to that question until we die. But what I did know is this: that we had started something that would bring us closer than ever before, something that was intimate enough to link us together like nothing else had ever done or will ever do. And it wasn't over.

After about 10 minutes, it had quieted down again, and the girls were now just silently enjoying their current situation. Around this time, we heard the doorbell ring, which pf course that got our attention. Jasmine signaled to me with a shake of her head to take her gag and blindfold off. As I pulled the tape off her mouth and a wad of black nylon came out, she spoke: "Ly prnts aren't spposed to be hmm untl later!" She garbled. (I have to admit, I laughed. Watching a person try to speak after being gagged for an extended period of time is hilarious.) Swallowing and trying again, Jasmine said "My parents aren't supposed to be home until later. I have no idea who is at the door!" I turned to Jon. "Untie them, I'll go downstairs and find out who it is." Jon nodded, and started pulling at the ropes around Jasmine's wrists. Meanwhile I went to see who was (still) ringing the doorbell. When I opened the door,I immediately recognized Jasmine's next door neighbor, who explained that she had been asked by Jasmine's mom to check up on us. After assuring her that everything was fine and that we were just hanging out and watching TV (Well, we were watching TV ;) ), the visitor left and I ran back upstairs to see that Jasmine was standing completely free of restraints, whereas Amanda was currently still sitting down and untying her legs. Jon sat in a chair nearby. "It was just (neighbor) checking up on you" I said, and Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief. Amanda finished unraveling the rope around her thighs and stood up, wobbling a little in her heels as she smoothed her tight purple skirt down. Crisp marks on each girls legs shone though their stockings, perfectly illustrating how restricted each had been tied. We had done a really good job. "I say we go down and eat some lunch.", Jon said. "Agreed" his sister replied, and although we wanted to continue with our game we went down to the kitchen and had a much needed break.

No sooner had the girls finished their sandwiches and sodas when Jon and I grabbed them again. We had talked just a minute ago and knew what we were going to do next. "Alright ladies, you've had your break, it's back to being quiet now.", I said as stuffed a wad of nylon into Jasmine's mouth, then took another pair of stockings and tied them tight between her teeth, cinching it off as well. Jon was doing the same to Amanda nearby. Both girls took the hint and started struggling again as we bound their wrists behind their back and started pushing them towards the basement door. Jasmine shook her head and moaned though her gag, but her eyes told me she was very excited. "That's right, we're going down there",Jon told Jasmine. "Hope you two aren't afraid of the dark." He let out an stereotypical "Mua Hah Hah!" Amanda snorted under her gag, breaking character for a split second to laugh at her brother. "Quiet!" I snapped, and with some effort regained her composure. Since both girls legs were free they could still walk down the basement steps, although tied as they were it was still difficult to do so, but eventually we made it downstairs. "Up against the poles" I growled, motioning to the two nearby support columns in the middle of the room. Both girls "reluctantly" obeyed, standing straight up with their backs touching the columns. Then Jon and I got to work immediately restraining them like we had planned, so that they weren't going anywhere. We started by untying their wrists, wrapping them around the column and securely binding them again, so that both girls were now attached to the poles by their arms. After that even more rope was added, this time around their torso's, elbows, and shoulders, and waist's, effectively now completely pinning them to the pole. Both girls breasts were strained against their fabric of their costumes now, the restricting thick ropes above and below them holding fast. After this, it was time for the legs.

((NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Guys, I'm really upset right now, because I just lost about two hours of work to the site logging me out AGAIN! Forgive me, but I'm not going to type it all out on a DSi again, so I'm just going to give you the basics. Both girls are completely immobilized, rope pinning them to the poles from head to foot, as well as strips of nylon wrapped around the columns and through their teeth, so that they can't move their head's either. Tape over each of their mouths (but not around the poles) have been added to finish it off, and both girls are loving every second of it as we sit back to watch. Again,I'm really sorry about the lost part guys, but there's really nothing I can do about it now. I really hope this suffices, ad I'll update again as soon as I can.))

Standing there, tightly wrapped head to toe to adjacent poles, were again two of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. Jasmines long, white nylon covered legs shimmered in the dim light as she moaned, wriggling as best as she could, her colorful skirt lashed securely to her waist. Nearby Amanda, in her tight purple dress, pink stockings, and purple ankle-strap heels, straining against her bonds, soft moans escaping from her tape and cleave gagged lips as her eyes gazed around in despair. Amanda and Jasmine both knew that they weren't going anywhere for a long time, and both knew that they were also loving every minute of it.

Jasmine, dressed as a sexy sailor, wrestled against her bonds as she let out a loud "MMMPHH!", desperately trying to break free. Her nylon encased legs in those gorgeous blue heels lashed to the pole by her ankles, knees and thighs were breathtaking to look at. Her head, pinned to the column by a pair of stockings between her teeth, lips straining through the tape against the nylon gag made it even better. Amanda stood nearby, looking like a cartoon goddess roped to her own pole in her purple dress, pink stockinged legs broken by wide loops of white rope, the last band stopping just above the ankle-straps of her sexy purple stilettos. She let out a moan into her identical restricting gag, her lips pursed against the tape. She no doubt looked amazing as well. We had created masterpieces.

We let them stand there for 30 minutes, 10 minutes longer than we had planned to. (Can you really blame us for losing track of time?) After both Jasmine and Amanda were completely untied, Jasmine said with a deep breath "Wow. That was amazing." I grinned. "Well, I'm glad you liked it." I replied. "What's next?", Amanda interjected, looking at me earnestly, kind of like a kid on Christmas day. (I have to admit, I was a little humbled.) "Yeah, what now?" Jasmine added. She had taken off her heels and was rubbing her nylon covered soles, to massage some feeling back into them she had told me later. I looked at Jon. "He shrugged. We didn't have anything planned really. But then I got an idea. A really awesome idea. "Well, how about this." I said. "We've tied you guys up a lot, right?" Both nodded, unsure of where I was going. "But when we've done so, you've never had a say in how we do it. So the question is: What scenario would you guys like to be tied up in?"Their eyes widened, and you could tell they were already thinking about their answers. "And as an early Christmas present", I said, feeling more and more confident as I continued, "We'll let you live them out. How does that sound?" A quick glance towards Jon told me that it was an awesome idea. Looking back at the girls I said "So, any ideas?"

Jasmine spoke up almost immediately. "I've always wanted to be kidnapped, like felt like I'm being kidnapped. Walking into my house and being grabbed and held hostage or something" She said with a slight look of shyness. "So, like as realistic as possible, or do you want it to be friendly?" Jon replied. Jasmine humorously glared at him. "Are kidnappers friendly? I want it to feel real." I wasn't surprised, Jasmine was never one to be wary when it came to our games.She almost always wanted the full extent. "What about you?" Jon asked Amanda, obviously interested in what his sister had to say. "I don't know, superheroes I guess." I had expected an answer like that, (Marvel is Amanda's prime addiction, she loves Iron Man) and I was prepared. "I think that's obvious, but give us something specific."

"Um, like I'm a superhero, and one of you is the bad guy, and one of you can be the hero. (She looked at me as she said this :) ) Getting more confident as she went on, she added "And I can be captured trying to stop you, and then the hero can come save me from the villain, but not too soon Michael." She finished, pointing to me at the last part. ( :) :) :) ) "Sounds awesome, I said after thinking it over. "Who's going first?" Jasmine turned to Amanda. "Can I? You can go if you want to, but-" "Yes, you can go",Amanda said. I don't mind waiting. Plus, I want in on yours, if you'll let me." "Oh, that would be awesome!" Jasmine squealed, and we all agreed. "Then what are we waiting for?", I asked.

After we walked back upstairs, I looked at Amanda and Jasmine, still wearing their costumes and heels, and asked a little nervously "Do you guys need to change or something? You clothes are getting kind of wrinkled" "Jasmine shrugged. "Yeah, sure. I'm bored of this outfit.", she replied nonchalantly. "Come on Amanda, let's go find some perfect kidnapped clothes." She said, ad the two walked off to get ready. While they were upstairs, me and Jon went over the plan of what was going to happen. We decided to grab Jasmine first then later Amanda, and tie them up in the basement again until the "ransom" was paid or whatever. There was also a couple of other ideas thrown in there that we were going to do, but I'll let you find out about those later. Trust me though, Jasmine wanted a realistic as possible kidnapping, and we were going to give her one. I could hardly wait.

About five to ten minutes after we were done planning, we heard the girls walk back downstairs. When they stepped into the kitchen, I was yet again practically overwhelmed by the beauty. Jasmine was dressed in a very form-fitting dark red/bergunde dress, her identically tight skirt hugging the tops of her thighs, which were encased in pair of black opaque pantyhose and dark red peep-toe stilettos.

She had also decided to add a small amount of jewelry to her outfit this time around, which consisted of a jeweled golden necklace around her neck with a matching gold bracelet over her left wrist, and silver studded earrings. She twirled around with her arms out. "Well, how do I look?" "You look like someone who could get kidnapped." I said with a smirk, though underneath I was thinking "My gosh, she looks AMAZING!". She laughed and gave me a thumbs up. "I think Amanda looks better though", She said, gesturing to her friend and soon-to-be fellow damsel :) And while Jasmine had hit yet another grand slam with her outfit of choice, this time I had to agree. Amanda had donned a short, sparkly black cocktail dress, slightly shorter than Jasmine's, paired with sexy black stockings and 4 inch sling back heels. The top of the dress below the neck as well as the shoulders were sheer black, so that you could slightly see the bare skin underneath it. She was also wearing a twin golden bracelet on her wrist and golden studded earrings, but no necklace. Amanda spun too, smiling with slight embarrassment as she did so. "Okay!" Jasmine said, clearly excited. "What happen first?" "First you two need go back upstairs and hang out for a few minutes" I said. "And no funny business like last time!" I added. Both girls giggled and ran up the stairs, their high heels clicking on the hardwood floor as they left. Jon looked at me and said "Let's have some fun."

We got into position and arranged everything so that we were ready. "Here we go.", I whispered to Jon, and he nodded. I started banging loudly on the front door, the thumps echoing throughout the house. "Nobody home!" I said rather loudly to Jon. "Good, we can break in from here then, and after a few seconds proceeded to smash the front window through.

Well, that's what it was supposed to sound like what we were doing anyways. In reality I had just pulled up the effect on my phone. Nonetheless, it did the trick, as we heard a "What the heck" coming from upstairs. Perfect timing. "Did you hear that?" I said. "Sounds like we aren't alone after all." Jon nodded, and together we walked up the stairs. Opening Jasmine's door, we saw no one there. "Ah, they're hiding." I said. "Makes it more fun." Jon replied. (I completely forgot to mention, we has ski masks on at this time, and our voices were disguised as well. Sorry!) It didn't take long to find them, as there were only a couple of places to look, and the closet was our second guess. They were sitting together still dressed in their tight clothes and hosiery, staring at us when we saw them. "You girls look good" Jon said. "Too good to just leave here", he added to me. "Oh yes, you two will be perfect damsels" I replied, still staring at the frightened faces. "They'll bring in a good ransom for sure." And with that we dragged them out of the closet, rather roughly too. Jasmine said she wanted it rough, and we were going to make it rough. They were in for a ride.

"Get on your stomachs!", Jon ordered, and the girls obeyed, lying on the carpet with their nylon legs stretched out, the tips of their heels pointing up. "Please don't hurt us,"Jasmine pleaded. "You don't need to tie us up, I prom-"Quiet!" I shouted. "Shut that mouth of yours or you'll be sorry." Jasmine kept pleading "No, please don't take us away, my families rich and I can give you the number to the saf-"That's it", I said, and walked over to her with a wad of nylon in my hand. "Open up." She shut her mouth and turned away, obviously wanting to be silenced. I turned her head back towards me. "Open up!" I repeated, and this time she "reluctantly cracked open her mouth a tiny bit. I grabbed her jaw, opening it up all the way, then stuffed the nylon ball in and tore off a gray strip of duct tape from a nearby roll, smoothing it over her cheeks before adding four more. "MMMPHH!" Jasmine protested, enjoying the gag.

I looked over at Jon. "Why don't you shut her up as well, 'case she tries to talk too." Jon grinned through his mask, and quickly stuffed a pair of pantyhose into his sister's mouth before cinching another tightly between her teeth, cinching it off with a sharp tug behind her neck. Amanda groaned as the nylon sunk into her cheeks, biting against her lips. I grabbed Jasmine and, yanking her arm behind her back, started to tie her wrists together with thick white rope. She of course tried to resist, but it was to no avail. After binding her wrists, arms, and elbows (Jon was nearby applying the same to Amanda), I wound rope above and below Jasmine's now perky breasts, pinning her arms behind her. After that, her sexy opaque stockinged legs followed, generous strands of rope wound around her ankles, knees, and thighs, as well as loops around her feet to make sure those heels stayed put. After Jon was finished doing the same we blindfolded them, and stepped back. As always, they looked stunning, wriggling a bit now and then, sunlight glinting off of their legs. But I unfortunately couldn't watch for long, because it was time for our next, and most risky, surprise.

Leaving the room and letting Jon gaze over our lovely bound captives, I ran out the door back to my house across the street and got my car, driving it back before opening Jasmine's garage and guiding it inside, closing the door again as well. (Jon told me later that the girls had heard the door and thought that Jasmine's parents were home, but Jon said something along the lines of "That's just my partner sweethearts" to calm them down.) I came back upstairs and said "Ready to go?" "Yep" Jon replied, and we moved the girls up to standing positions, causing them to teeter a little in their heels. The girls started squirming, making small mmmphs now and then, their interest obviously piqued. Leading them out Jasmine's bedroom door, we hoisted them up over our shoulders (which was not dangerous in any case by the way, as they were pretty light) and walked downstairs carrying our stunning captives. As their heads were touching our backs, we had the amazing privilege of seeing the extent of those lovely legs when their skirts rode up, as well as a small bit of each of their panties showing through the black fabric. After making it down the stairs and through the kitchen, we led them into the garage through the indoor entrance and, opening my plenty large trunk, set the girls inside, then slammed it shut.

At this point Jasmine and Amanda must have been wondering what the heck was going on, because they had never expected to have been taken out of the house trussed up as they were, much less stuffed into the trunk of my car. Meanwhile I was nervous as well, because I was about to drive a car with two sexily dressed, tightly bound and gagged girls around the block a couple of times, just to make them feel as if we were going somewhere else. In the end though, everything went just fine, and Jasmine told me later that it was a very scary experience, but that she loved us for doing it :) . Anyways, after lifting her out of the car and back into the house, we immediately went to one of Jasmine's favorite tug sites: the basement. Once again, we had carry them on our shoulders down the stairs, and even more of their butts were showing this time around. After setting them down against a wall on the cold cement floor, it was time for the next part of our plan. As if they hadn't already, Jasmine and Amanda were about to really feel as if they were true hostages. And it was going to be so much fun.

((NOTE FROM AUTHOR: what you're about to read here was completely agreed upon by everyone involved, and I have left out requests for permissions and other "breaking character moments" to keep the overall flow of the story going. Nothing was done against the girls will, as always safety and having fun has always been our number one concern. We were all role playing, so if it seems as if they didn't like the game at times, rest assured that we all had a blast :) ))

We ripped the blindfolds off the girls, and as their eyes adjusted to the dim light I said "We're going to have a little fun while we wait, don't want to miss an opportunity like this". Jasmine and Amanda pleaded through their gags, struggling a little in their tight bonds. "Now, on your knees!", Jon ordered, and they obeyed, although not without a bit of effort. This effectively moved each girls skirt up to the point where you could see the max extent of their sexy nylon encased legs, and even a little bit of skin was showing above Amanda's black stockings. Jon walked towards Jasmine, holding a big roll of duct tape. Realizing what he was about to do, Jasmine bent her head down and hid it almost between her legs. It really didn't help (It's not like she wanted to actually avoid anyways), and Jon jerked her head up, then wrapped over her already gagged mouth and around her head avoiding her long hair) three times, before tearing off the roll and smoothing everything down. Jasmine was now unable to even make a sound, not even the slightest sound could come out. And that was just how she wanted it. We then turned to Amanda, still tightly cleave gagged and wondering what was in store next. To her surprise, I untied the nylons between her teeth, letting them fall to the ground as I held the nylon ball in her mouth with the other hand and stuffed another pair in, before retying the gag between her teeth and cinching it off with a sharp tug. She shook her head back and forth trying to make a sound, but quickly learned that was not gong to happen.

After the girls gags were secure, we laid them down on their sides and "left the room" (like we would ever actually do that), letting the girls struggle for all they were worth. It was amazing to watch. Jasmine's tight skirt had risen up so high that you could completely see her panties underneath the black fabric, full view of her long, nylon sheathed legs revealed. Bands of tight white rope bound them together tightly at the ankles, knees, and thighs, even more pinning her red three inch peep toe heels to her feet, nowhere near coming off as she banged them hard against the ground. Her arms were cinched tightly together by the elbows and wrists, held securely behind her back by even more rope framing her breasts above and below, a small bit of cleavage showing through the patterned cut-out in the top of her dress. And to top it off, thick gray tape wrapped over her mouth and around her head, permitting no sound from coming out. She shook her head back and forth, breathing heavily through her nose. Rolling onto her back she arched her body, raising her skirt even higher and pushing her breasts out even farther. She relaxes, and turns back onto her side, unable to move anything but her fingers and legs, albeit strictly together. She tries to moan, but all that can be heard is a slight "mmm". She cries out for help, but no one can hear her, except for her merciless captors, who pretend like they can't hear either. Amanda lies nearby, her sexy short black dress driven up, exposing bare skin and even sexier stocking tops, headlining her shiny and thoroughly lashed together legs, rope breaking the sheer black nylon, feet disappearing into black patent leather 3 inch slingbacks, squeaking against each other whenever they are moved. Breasts framed by large bands of white rope, pinning her arms and wrists behind her in the process. Her dress glitters in the dim light as she strains against her inescapable bondage, lips wrapped around tightly tied white nylon in between her teeth, holding two more wads of tights firmly in her mouth, her cheeks pinned back from the stress of the gag. Her heels slam into the hard floor as she wriggles in distress, tears streaming down her exasperated face, desperate for someone to save her from this torture. But there was no hero to be found. For both Amanda and Jasmine, they knew that they would have to endure their current predicament for a very long and painful time.

It was evening at this point, and although we wanted to keep them tied up a bit longer we also wanted time to act out Amanda's scenario before Jasmine's parents came home. So after about 10 minutes (the girls had stopped struggling at this point as well), Jon and I ran in acting like we had just arrived, and started to untie the two hostages, albeit as slowly as possible ;) . When I untied the nylons between Amanda's lips and pulled out the stuffing in her mouth (along with a whole lot of drool), she regained her ability to speak, then said "Oh my gosh, thank goodness you found us. I thought I was going to here forever!" "Don't worry" I assured her. "You'll be free soon". Nearby, Jon was working on untying Jasmine's sexy hosed legs, while she was peeling the layers of time off her mouth and around her head. As soon as she had spit out the wad of nylon and removed the tape, she immediately broke character, exclaiming "That was amazing! Seriously, you guys are the best!" Realizing that the story line had been broken, we all started talking about how the TUG had gone as we finished untying the girls. Jasmine hugged each of us once she stood up and adjusted her dress, saying that it was her favorite "game we've played" so far. Amanda had to agree, but then added "until my idea happens, at least". "Oh, we've got some really good ideas for that one." I responded with a grin. "But first, how are you two going to become super heroes?" I'm pretty sure Jasmine doesn't own any superhero outfits, so how is that part going to work out?" "We might have some good ideas too, you know" She replied with a slightly mischievous grin. She glanced at Amanda. "Shall we change now, or take a break?" "I need a break" Amanda replied, obviously a little exhausted. "But not a long one, I can't wait to be tied up again as quickly as possible." Oh, the joy someone feels when they hear those amazing words. I felt a little nervous inside, honestly. "Well then, take your break and change so we can get started", Jon said, eager I'm sure to get back to the game. After about five minutes of restroom breaks and sitting around talking about the tug (this is where I heard Jasmine's opinion on the car ride), Amanda got up (still in that gorgeous dress of hers) and said "O, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to start now." "Me, too." Jasmine agreed, and turned to us. "Are you ready?" "Are you?" I said back mischievously. "I'll take that as yes then", Amanda said, and they both ran upstairs.

When the girls came back down, I couldn't believe my eyes. Amanda now had on a tight, silky button up white blouse over a black leotard with a black suit jacket over everything to match, fishnet stockings and 3 inch black ankle strap heels. Jasmine meanwhile, was nearly the exact opposite, as she was dressed entirely in white, from her tight dress with a loose skirt to her long silky smooth gloves, to her shiny white stockings and 4-inch white ankle strap heels. Her dress was so short that you could easily see the tops of her sexy white stockings, but not short enough as to reveal her undergarments. Amanda twirled around "Zatanna at your service!" She said with a flourish. "And Emma Frost as well", Jasmine added, bowing to us. "Now when do we gt kidnapped?", she continued. "Right now.", Jon said behind her, and quickly pulled her gloved hands behind her back. Amanda smiled at me. "Well that was quick", she said with a smirk. "You're next" I warned, then grabbed her and got to work.

I started with her wrists, tying them palm to palm before starting on er elbows. Then I stopped and untied her. Obviously confused, she said "What is it?" "Quiet!" I ordered as I took off her suit jacket, revealing the long sleeves of her blouse underneath. Getting back into character she did just that, now understanding why I had untied her. After retying her wrists (again, palm to palm) and elbows behind her, I wove rope over and under her breasts, then wound more loops around her waist, pinning her wrists tightly to her back. I then started on her legs, cinching rope securely around her encased ankles, knee, and thighs, then tied more rope around her heels, not to keep them from falling off (ankle straps, remember) but just because I knew she liked the extra touch. The touch of her fishnets felt amazing as I cinched the knots, something I had never felt before. Reluctantly I finished binding her legs together, then picked up a pair of black pantyhose. "Open up" I growled. Amanda shook her head. "Suit yourself", I said, then forced her jaw open and stuffed the wad of nylon in, then took another pair and tied it tightly between her teeth, cheeks bulging from the stuffing that was now securely held in. She mmmphed and turned her head, but no words could come out. Turning over completely, she soon learned that there was no slack in the ropes, desperately trying to pull her arms and legs apart. Zatanna was completely trapped, and she knew this was one peril that she would never get out of.
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Post by Sportsfan »

It's nice to see this again after so long. I am the user formerly known as ductapegagged, and I apologize for never finishing the story and having such short posts.

I'll be honest, even though this was posted in the true section most of it was just my imagination. The forum said "significant measure of truth" and I stretched that quite a bit. The people are real (with names changed), some of the outfits are actually real like the sailor's costume, and I've played minor tie up games with them, but that's about it. I can only wish that what I wrote down had happened in real life, but sadly that hasn't happened yet.

I've considered starting to write stories again, but as a junior now in college time available to do that is pretty far and in between. Maybe I will slowly write something whenever I find the time and post it all at once so as not to keep anyone waiting. Thank you for reading and enjoying my stories though, I really appreciate it :) .
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Post by Silver_noro »

Sportsfan wrote: 5 years ago It's nice to see this again after so long. I am the user formerly known as ductapegagged, and I apologize for never finishing the story and having such short posts.

I'll be honest, even though this was posted in the true section most of it was just my imagination. The forum said "significant measure of truth" and I stretched that quite a bit. The people are real (with names changed), some of the outfits are actually real like the sailor's costume, and I've played minor tie up games with them, but that's about it. I can only wish that what I wrote down had happened in real life, but sadly that hasn't happened yet.

I've considered starting to write stories again, but as a junior now in college time available to do that is pretty far and in between. Maybe I will slowly write something whenever I find the time and post it all at once so as not to keep anyone waiting. Thank you for reading and enjoying my stories though, I really appreciate it :) .
So you're the famous ducttapegagged.
You were my favorite writer.
I loved your stories, I had similar TUGS with my bro.
Maybe he got some ideas from you🤔

Nice to have found you😂
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Post by Sportsfan »

Silver_noro wrote: 4 years ago
Sportsfan wrote: 5 years ago It's nice to see this again after so long. I am the user formerly known as ductapegagged, and I apologize for never finishing the story and having such short posts.

I'll be honest, even though this was posted in the true section most of it was just my imagination. The forum said "significant measure of truth" and I stretched that quite a bit. The people are real (with names changed), some of the outfits are actually real like the sailor's costume, and I've played minor tie up games with them, but that's about it. I can only wish that what I wrote down had happened in real life, but sadly that hasn't happened yet.

I've considered starting to write stories again, but as a junior now in college time available to do that is pretty far and in between. Maybe I will slowly write something whenever I find the time and post it all at once so as not to keep anyone waiting. Thank you for reading and enjoying my stories though, I really appreciate it :) .
So you're the famous ducttapegagged.
You were my favorite writer.
I loved your stories, I had similar TUGS with my bro.
Maybe he got some ideas from you🤔

Nice to have found you😂
I appreciate it! I read your first story and thought it was really good! No problem understanding it at all. Would love to hear more if and when you get the chance!
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Post by Silver_noro »

Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago
Silver_noro wrote: 4 years ago
Sportsfan wrote: 5 years ago It's nice to see this again after so long. I am the user formerly known as ductapegagged, and I apologize for never finishing the story and having such short posts.

I'll be honest, even though this was posted in the true section most of it was just my imagination. The forum said "significant measure of truth" and I stretched that quite a bit. The people are real (with names changed), some of the outfits are actually real like the sailor's costume, and I've played minor tie up games with them, but that's about it. I can only wish that what I wrote down had happened in real life, but sadly that hasn't happened yet.

I've considered starting to write stories again, but as a junior now in college time available to do that is pretty far and in between. Maybe I will slowly write something whenever I find the time and post it all at once so as not to keep anyone waiting. Thank you for reading and enjoying my stories though, I really appreciate it :) .
So you're the famous ducttapegagged.
You were my favorite writer.
I loved your stories, I had similar TUGS with my bro.
Maybe he got some ideas from you🤔

Nice to have found you😂
I appreciate it! I read your first story and thought it was really good! No problem understanding it at all. Would love to hear more if and when you get the chance!
"we shall tugs till death do us part" was my favorite😁

Btw don't worry about "if" I get chance but "when" 😉
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Post by Sportsfan »

Silver_noro wrote: 4 years ago
Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago
Silver_noro wrote: 4 years ago

So you're the famous ducttapegagged.
You were my favorite writer.
I loved your stories, I had similar TUGS with my bro.
Maybe he got some ideas from you🤔

Nice to have found you😂
I appreciate it! I read your first story and thought it was really good! No problem understanding it at all. Would love to hear more if and when you get the chance!
"we shall tugs till death do us part" was my favorite😁

Btw don't worry about "if" I get chance but "when" 😉
I shall look forward to it then, thanks again!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Over your story Sportsfan. understand your frustration at being logged out after typing a big chunk of text, it happened to me. Now I write ythe text out in word. Login and cut and paste.
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Post by ArrestedForever »

You Easter story was the first tug story I ever read, ducttapegagged/Sportfans. It was refreshing as all get to read stories about tugs that were more my pace as opposed to super porny. Been hooked on the site ever since.
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Post by Sportsfan »

Dpsiic, not only that, but I was pretty young at the time of writing this (junior high, high school) and so I didn't actually have my own computer at the time. My family had a computer, but my parents were the type that would check on my history every now and then, and my dad knew how to check even if I deleted it. So I was forced to type out the stories on my DSi, which is why I got logged out so much, and why the posts are so short lol. I sold that DSi to a very kind mother on Ebay a while ago, after deleting everything from its memory. If only she knew.

ArrestedForever, yes, I completely agree. Everyone has their own tastes, and I'm not here to judge anybody, but I am personally not a big fan of the super sexual porny stuff. I much prefer stories that are innocent and clean, maybe a tiny bit sexual, but nothing beyond that. I am so happy that there are sections on this site specifically for those types of stories, and that we have so many great writers who write them. I am glad and very humbled that my story was the one that got you hooked!
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Post by Hyrule1 »

It’s funny how much most of us seemed to love these stories, me included. I was always envious of both the outfits and gags your girls were willing to be bound in. Like others, the Easter story with Jasmine holds a special place in my heart, I wish I could find it again. I still think about how she begged for a wraparound tape gag. Real or not, it was a great story then and now, as is this one.
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Post by Sportsfan »

Hyrule1 wrote: 2 years ago It’s funny how much most of us seemed to love these stories, me included. I was always envious of both the outfits and gags your girls were willing to be bound in. Like others, the Easter story with Jasmine holds a special place in my heart, I wish I could find it again. I still think about how she begged for a wraparound tape gag. Real or not, it was a great story then and now, as is this one.
It is pretty interesting. Back then I saw my stories were getting plenty of views, but I guess I really underestimated how many silent fans there were. As someone who is now an aspiring screenwriter, in a weird way, seeing comments like these and hearing that you still think about my stories gives me a lot of confidence in my current writing ability and work. I'm obviously a lot older now, and have officially entered the area of my life where I'm more or less writing for fun but also creating a portfolio. One of my major motivators writing TUG stories was their content. Unfortunately, I can't exactly do that when it comes to my career, not unless I want to get strange looks. So thank you for the motivation.

The Easter story is a fond one of mine too, and I think it's the first I ever wrote in this series, though I could be wildly wrong on that. It's also the one that holds the most truth. Jasmine wore that exact outfit on Easter. I still remember it. What I don't remember is most of the rest of the content of the story, so you might have to give me a refresher lol. But I do believe we had a minor TUG around that time, and that experience combined with the outfit was what inspired the story.

Jasmine is also the person that I remain convinced was into bondage, or was at least curious about it. There were a lot of signs. Certain games we used to play that included very minor TUGs, the types of content she liked to watch (Kim Possible), etc. She also told me about a little video she did with a friend once where they were front hogtied and gagged, which she had posted on her YouTube channel before her mother made her take it down (a decision that I lamented as a kid but as an adult I now fully understand).

In retrospect, she may have actually just been starting out, and I may have unintentionally pushed her a bit quicker then she was willing to go. I remember I wrote a story about a robbery sketch we did or something where she was in office clothes and tied to a chair. That was going to happen. It was all planned out. And then it just fell apart because she decided she didn't want to do it.

This is getting long enough and I don't want to bore you, but I figured you may like a little backstory to the tale, even though the tale itself is virtually impossible to bring back unfortunately. And thanks again, truly. Last little fun tidbit. The friend that Jasmine did that video with? Is now happily married to Jon. Time really flies.
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Here is the Easter story.

Getting Lucky in Easter mm/fff
Post by ducttapegagged » Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:49 pm

Hello everyone! Hope u all had a wonderful easter, I know I did, and here's one of the main reasons why.

The best non-religious thing about easter? Hot girls in their best dresses and shoes, sometimes with hosiery too. On easter sunday, just like christmas or a dance or most of fall, girls dress up big time. Today was no exception. We had gone to church as a family, with Jasmine coming along, minus her parents. My sister was wearing a long blue and white dress with white sandals, and Jasmine was wearing a dress with a sleeveless white top and a tight pink skirt, with 3 inch white heels to match. You can guess that i had my eyes on her quite a lot that day. i was wearing a green dress shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. After church, we invited good friends of ours, Amanda and Jonathan, over for the day. They were siblings the same ages as my sister and I respectively, and we'd known them for about a year. Being at each others' houses was not a uncommon occurrence. Amanda had on a tight blue dress with high heeled sandals and tan pantyhose, while jon wore a tan dress shirt and slacks, with tennis shoes to match.

Still in our fancy church clothes, we went over to our house and started pondering what to do. After ruling out a number of different things, we decided on watching "the avengers", as it was a favorite of all of ours. I had hoped to tie the girls up in their pretty church clothes at least once, but had abandoned the notion after the decision to watch the movie, which would take up the majority of the time we had together. I didn't think I really had any chance. Boy was I wrong.

I had forgotten one scene in the avengers, the scene where Scarlett Johannson, as the black widow, has been captured by enemies in her sexy black dress and stockings, her hands tied to the back of the chair rather loosely. Of course this led to the exclaims of "she could get out of that" and "those spies aren't very smart. Then jasmine said "I could get out of that" to which jon replied "obviously". I saw my chance, I had to take it. "You can get out of that," I said, pointing at the paused screen, "but if I was the spy, you'd have been tied up a lot tighter, and then there would would be no escaping for you."
"I could easily get out of the way you'd do it too" Jasmine replied.
It was the moment of truth. "Prove it", I said.
Jasmine shrugged. "Sure, why not? I'll get out easily."
"We'll see about that!" I said, and ran up to my room with Jon to grab my gear.

Once back down, I said "If you're ready, then lie down on the ground on your stomach with your hands behind you". Straightening her skirt, she did exactly as commanded. No looking back now.
I started by wrapping rope around her wrists, pulling it tight after each turn. I then wrapped rope around her lower torso, pinning her arms behind her back. After that I tied ropes around her arms above and below her beautiful breasts, then added a couple of loops around the elbows as well. Then I moved onto the legs. It was then that I discovered that my luck had not run out quite yet, as Jasmine was wearing skin tight nylons over her long slender legs. It couldn't get any better than this. Quickly I lashed ropes around her nylon covered ankles, knees, and thighs, then added another directly below the knees.

All this time, Jasmine had been strangely silent, but now she wasn't going to have a choice. Taking a sponge ball in one hand and duct tape in the other, I stuffed the ball in her mouth before gagging her with about five strips of tape. Lastly, I blindfolded my lovely captive with a long sock. I was finished. "All right" I said, looking at the clock, "you have one hour to escape...starting now!"
As soon as I said the word "now", Jasmine started struggling violently in her bonds, as she always does. She strained and pulled on the ropes in every which way, but they didn't give. I think she knew that her predicament was inescapable, she just struggled for the fun of it.

We watched her roll around for about 10 minutes before she settled down to rest, and our thoughts turned elsewhere. We needed new victims. My sister and Amanda saw the evil look in me and Jon's eyes at the same time. "No!", they screamed as they tried to escape. But it was too late. We each grabbed our respective sister and started wrapping rope tightly around their torsos, pinning their arms behind their backs in the process. Then we set them on the ground and tied their legs just like Jasmine's were tied, even as Jasmine began struggling again on the floor. Lastly we cleave gagged and blindfolded them with two socks each. 30 minutes had passed by now. My sister and Amanda were both wildly wiggling around. Unlike Jasmine, they didn't seem happy with their current situations. Too bad.

3 captives, all dressed in fancy clothes with two wearing hosiery, all tied up and at our feet. They weren't going anywhere soon. One of Jasmine's high heels had fallen off in her struggle, revealing a stocking covered foot. Amanda's hosed toes wiggled through the open-toed high heel sandals she was wearing, one of the few things she could still move. My sister's loose fitting dress was roped tightly to her body. It was a sight to behold. My personal favorite was Amanda, not Jasmine this time, because the combination of her nyloned toes, ropes surrounding the tight blue dress, and red lips biting deeply into the gag seemed all too good to be true. I had my eyes on her most of the time. Jon had his on Jasmine. (btw, they are dating now.) All three rolled around on the ground, wriggling and trying to talk to one another, resulting in what is famously enjoyed as "gag talk". Oh, and there was giggling. A lot of it.

But all good things, even great and amazingly wonderfully fantastic things, must come to an end. At the end of the hour we reluctantly untied them, then watched the rest of the movie together, and then just hung around and talked for a couple of hours. Nothing was really said about the "adventure" the girls had, and conversation soon turned to other things. But the excitement wasn't over yet. Jon and Amanda were scheduled to leave around 5 or so, and about that time my parents came home and suggested that they stay for dinner. We called their parents, who said it was ok with them, and that they would pick Jon and Amanda up around 8. Jasmine meanwhile went home to eat at her house (she lived across the street) and to change into more comfortable clothes. At least, she was going to change, except that Amanda asked her not to, since she didn't wan't to be the only one stuck in her fancy clothes all day, as we could all either change or were in casual enough clothes anyways except her. She said she didn't want to feel out of place in her formal clothing, and Jasmine agreed that it would be a nice thing to do to just stay in her church clothes voluntarily. At the time, only my sister had changed completely, as she hates dresses and things like that. I had also changed into a t-shirt, but kept the jeans. Amanda thanked Jasmine, who then left to go across the street while we settled down for some pizza and AFV.

After an episode of AFV, Jasmine still hadn't returned, so we started watching another. My sister and Amanda love AFV, even though it's a really old show. Jon and I, meanwhile, were pretty indifferent about it, and soon went upstairs to mess around. The materials we had used to tie up the girls earlier that day had been carelessly thrown on my bed, and that got me thinking about how we could pull off a double bondage day. Keep in mind that I had had two insanely pretty girls over at my house for around 6 hours by now, both wearing tight clothing with heels and nylons the whole time. Needless to say, I had tons of images of the two bouncing around in my head, tied up or not. My parents weren't home at this time, once again a stroke of luck. And it was just two on two, so we definitely had a good chance at overpowering our smaller and younger sisters.
Jon said what I was thinking. "Let's grab the two downstairs, then get Jasmine when she walks in the door!" he said with a grin.
I couldn't have agreed more. Replacing the old sodden hankerchiefs with clean ones and gathering up the rope and tape, we creeped downstairs, excitedly awaiting our chance.

We managed to make it behind the couch Amanda was sitting on without raising any alarms. Then, in one motion, Jon reached up and stuffed a handkerchief in her mouth and cleave gagged her with another. He then grabbed her hands and quickly tied them together behind her back securely. This all happened in a matter of about 15 seconds. Obviously Amanda was very surprised and even more annoyed. I don't think she wanted to participate in one of our "games" that night, as she thought it was a one-and-done thing. I meanwhile, had snuck behind my sister, and moments after Jon had finished with Amanda, I had finished with my sibling as well, doing exactly what Jon did. She didn't seem too happy about it either, but I ignored the death glare she gave me, instead looking at Jon.
"Wanna switch?" I asked.
Jon shrugged. "Sure, I don't care," he said, and we switched places.
I couldn't believe it. We were about to have two bondage sessions in less than a day, and I was going to get to tie up one of the most beautiful girls I had ever laid my eyes on, and in her sexy open-toed sandals and tight dress, with pantyhose to top it off too. Life could not get any better. This sounds like a fiction story, but it wasn't that at all. I could not possibly get any luckier than this. However, I was (as I had been all day) wrong, for one last suprise was coming, and she had just rung our doorbell.

Quickly I tied Amanda's nylon covered legs together with 4 bands of rope around the knees, thighs, and ankles, cinching each of them off with a tight tug. As she watched me do this disdainfully, Jon was doing pretty much the same thing to my sister, except he didn't use as much rope as I did, wrapping 3 loops of rope around her legs instead of four. After I finished off my lovely captive by blindfolding her, I stood up and went to answer the door, which the person behind was knocking on now. I opened it up, and gaped.
Standing before me was a goddess, slightly resembling Jasmine, wearing the most beautiful combination of clothes i have ever seen on a young woman. Her hair had been up in a bun, now it hung loosely over her bare shoulders, the tips hovering over the top of a blue, white, and black shiny (and short) dress. The tight black skirt of the dress came up to just her mid thigh, exposing much of her long and slender legs, now covered in (was I dreaming?) silky nylon stockings, her white hosed toes peeking through a gorgeous pair of 4 inch black ankle strap high heels. Oh. My. Gosh. She looked amazing. Jasmine stepped inside, saw me staring, and simply said "I wanted to match Amanda's fashion level, this is what I wore to my cousin's wedding last fall. Do you like it?" She waved at Jon, who was also gawking at this new arrival. I had never wanted to go to a wedding more than I did now. I wonder how many young people ended up staring at her that night, because I sure couldn't keep my eyes off of her. To this day, she was in the prettiest combination of clothing i've ever seen someone wear in person. Then she saw the rope in my hand. "Oh, no" she said with a smile."Guess I'm your pretty little captive aren't I, a regular damsel in distress here, huh?" And with that, she turned around in her gorgeous outfit and put her hands behind her back, no questions asked. At that moment, it seemed like I was the luckiest man alive. My wildest dreams were about to become a reality.

Before I start the next part, I should mention that this was not the first time Jasmine had completely volunteered to be tied up in nice clothing. It was not an uncommon experience for her to see rope or duct tape lying somewhere and alter the conversation to result into someone tying her up, whenever she had tight-fitting or formal clothing on. When I thought later on about this willingness to be tied up paired with what she said to me beforehand, I don't think she changed clothes to match Amanda at all. I think she did because she figured we might get into another tug while she was gone, and wanted to be prepared for it when it happened. As referenced before in "making a movie", she no doubt liked being tied up in nice and sexy clothes. I don't think the change of clothes had anything to do with Amanda at all, instead it had everything to do with fulfilling a tug fantasy of hers, for which we would gladly comply.

Quickly I tied Jasmine's hands together with the rope I held and ordered her to step downstairs. Playing her part to the fullest, she said with a whimper "No, please don't make me go into the dungeon, it's dark and scary down there."
"Too bad," I said in a gruff voice, "not your choice." I dragged her downtairs before setting her on the couch along with Amanda.
She whimpered again. "No, what are you going to do to me, please don't hurt me," she pleaded earnestly, straining at the ropes binding her wrists.
At this point, the other girls had seen Jasmine, her new outfit, and the act she was putting on. They also seemed pretty confused that she was willing to be tied up again, because they sure weren't. I think this is when the girls started to figured out why Jasmine had submitted so quickly, and why she was acting like she was now. She really wanted to make her young fantasy come true.

Me and Jon were too busy staring at her to think about why she might be in the situation she was in now. All that really mattered was that she was about to fulfill a fantasy of ours, and that's really all we were thinking about in that moment.
"Enough talking!", I said. "I'm tired of your whining and complaining. Could you please shut her up Jon?"
"Certainly", Jon replied with a grin, then held up a scarf to Jasmine's mouth.
"No please, I'll be quiet, I swmmphh!" Jasmine cried as Jon stuffed the scarf into her mouth, then cleave gagged her with a long sock, the stretchy fabric sinking into her cheeks, effectively silencing her.
"There," I said. "Now to tie you up more securely".
This time, Jasmine couldn't hide a grin. Grabbing a long piece of rope, I bound Jasmine's already bound arms tightly to her back, and then added a few more loops around just her arms, pulling her elbows tightly together in the process. She was officially now properly bound and gagged from the waist up. The ropes looked gorgeous on her slim body, contrasting perfectly against the tight silky dress she wore. Her red lips bit deeply into the tight scarf wrapped around her head that held yet another scarf in her mouth, preventing her from uttering any cries for help. All throughout this, she was playing her part perfectly, moaning into the gag and thrashing around. There were actually tears falling from her eyes, as she feigned terror and helplessness. It was an amazing scene, and I wanted more of it.

Then I got an idea. "Let's take them to the basement!", I said.
I grabbed Jasmine by the arms and pulled her up off the couch, then said "walk". Jasmine could just not hide it anymore, this meant much more to her than a harmless tug. Her dream was about to be fullfilled, a pretty damsel in distress, bound and gagged in a dark and scary dungeon, helpless at the hands of two scary men, with no hopes of escape. She walked down the stairs, her high heels clicking down the steps, all while i held her bound arms tight. (I sure wasn't letting her escape.)

By this time, Amanda and my sister had given up all hopes to avoid this tug, and decided to start playing along, also moaning and struggling, as Jon, the stronger of the two of us, picked them up one at a time and carried them downstairs behind Jasmine and I. Again, all 5 of us act in one way or another, so this was starting to turn very believable. We were starting to get into it. When Jasmine reachd the last step, she stumbled in her high heels, and without being able to use her hands to stop herself, fell backwards directly into me. Caught completely up into the game, I grabbed Jasmine and literally SHOVED her to the basement ground. (Not in a dangerous way, she just kind of went from on her back at my feet, to on her side on the floor.) Still, suprised at what I did, I asked if she was okay. She nodded immediately, then sat up and resumed character, backing away from me in "terror".

I realized she was going to back straight into a pole, postioned exactly in the middle of our basement. (I'm pretty sure she did this on purpose.) Anyways, I grabbed her and hoisted her up again and dragged her over to the pole, sitting her up against it. By this time, Jon saw what I was doing, and set the other two girls by Jasmine, one on each side of her. We now had two girls, one wearing a very sexy outfit, both tied from head to toe with gags tied tight between their teeth, plus the very beutiful Jasmine sitting between them, all looking at us with terror in their eyes.
"Now the real fun begins," I said. I looked down at Jasmine's long and sexy, yet free of rope legs, then said "First we need to tie you up more securely".
I grabbed some rope and started wrapping it around Jasmines white hosed ankles, directly below the high heel straps, connected to her sexy high heels. Wrapping the rope around 4 times, I pulled it nice and tight before cinching it off, emitting a moan from Jasmine. I then repeated the same procedure on her legs two more times, again using 4 bands now around her knees and thighs, before tightly knotting off each one with a strong tug. Lastly, I attached a rope to the bands already surrounding her nyloned thighs and tied the other end around her wrists, making it so that she couldn't move her arms up or away from her back at all. She was now bound completely from head to toe, the tight ropes around her torso framing her budding breasts, the force of the final rope making them stick out even more. Her beuitifully nyloned legs were held fast together by multiple bands of rope, her hosed toes wiggling through her black open-toed heels, one of the only things she could still move. Her red lips were wrapped around the thick scarf, tightly tied around her mouth, the soft fabric biting deeply into her cheeks, as she moaned softly, straining desperately in her restricting bonds.

I grabbed more rope and started to firmly tie each of the girls to the pole, their backs rigid against the column, legs out in front of them. I finished tying the girls to the column and stepped back to admire my handiwork. It was beyond my wildest dreams. Never had I imagined something as amazing as what lay before my young eyes: two of the prettiest girls I had ever met wearing the sexiest clothing I could think of, plus my sister, struggling against the tight bondage I had just put them in. Amanda wriggled furiously, moaning into her gag repeatedly, her body framed by multiple rounds of rope. My sister squirmed in her bonds, tiny whines emerging from her throughly stuffed mouth.

But it was right between them where the real show was happening. Because there sat Jasmine, in all her beautifully bound glory, struggling furiously in her restrictive bonds. Tears fell down her cheeks as she shouted loudly for help, only to have her cries muffled by the gag tied tightly between her teeth, the soft fabric biting deeply into her cheeks, already bulging from the stuffing inside. Her already tight dress was pinned even tighter to her body by multiple bands of rope, holding her hands fast behind her back and her torso tightly to the pole, and encircling her budding breasts, making them stick out even more than before. And lastly the legs: white nylons gleaming in the dimly lit basement, held firmly together by tightly cinched loops of rope around her stockinged thighs, knees and ankles, the last band of rope directly above an extremely sexy pair of black four inch, open toed, ankle strap high heeled shoes, her shiny nylon covered toes wiggling constantly. She moaned into her gag, shaking her head furiously and struggling incessantly against her inescapable bondage. Jasmine's long, slender white hosed legs were bound securely in front of her, both her torso and arms pinned tightly to the post, limiting any movement to just her head, fingers and toes. She was officially a tried and true, utterly helpless damsel in distress, held captive completely at our mercy, but I'm pretty sure she was exactly where she wanted to be. And I was going to make sure she lived out her fantasy to the fullest.

I grabbed another long sock from my stash, and as a final touch, blindfolded her tightly with it, covering both her ears and eyes, successfully eliminating the uses of both. She was now mute, deaf, blind, and tightly bound and gagged from head to nylon-covered toe. Now she was a pure damsel in distress. Once I was done, Jon started to lightly tickle the girls, one by one, emitting muffled groans and giggles from each of them. This went on for about 10 minutes before he stopped, the out of breath damsels finally relieved of their torture. After letting them have a few more minutes to rest, I then untied Jasmine from the post and carried her over to a separate part of the basement, laying her down on the ground. I did the same for the other two on different sides of the basement, but not before applying blindfolds identical to Jasmine's to the two as well. There were now 3 girls, all on different sides of our basement, tightly bound and gagged in their sexy clothing and shoes, with zero chance of escaping anytime soon, and all 3 pretending to be helpless damsels in distress. I simply sat back with Jon to watch the show. As soon as I set the girls on the floor, each one started squirming in the tight bonds almost instantly, now obviously having more room to do so. Jasmine was rolling around constantly, moaning through her tight gag and straining against her ropes with as much strength as she had, playing damsel in distress to the fullest. My sister was doing practically the same thing, just with less action and more moaning.

But it was over in the last corner where the main act was occuring. A prisoner almost forgotten, Amanda was putting on a tremendous show. Not only was she straining hard aginst her bonds and groaning into her thick, tight gag like the others, she had also added some flair to her performance. Rolling around was apparently not enough for her, because she went big. As soon as I set her on the ground, she went nuts. Practically screaming into her gag, she rolled to her side and bent her tightly tied, hosed covered legs to her hands and tried to untie her tightly cinched ankles. When that didn't work, she feigned frustration, then rolled to her back and lifted her butt so that only her head, back and feet were touching the ground, effectively sticking her breasts out even more than before through her tight blue dress and multiple bands of rope encircling them. She then lowered her butt back to the ground, sat up, and started to scoot forward, accomplishing nothing but lifting her short dress way past her thighs, the tops of her tan hose clearly visible under her bunched up skirt. Her stockinged legs glittered in the dim light as she brug them completely off the ground, broken by bands of white rope tied securely around her ankles, knees, and thighs,all biting deeply into her nylon covered skin. Her tan toes wiggled furiously through her high heels, kicking uselessly (and of course together) at thin air. After her legs got tired, she lowered them back to the ground and rested for a couple of minutes, then proceeded to go absolutely insane. Wiggling, straining against her bondage, screaming against the gag packed tightly in her mouth. Scooting, rolling, and lifting her butt and legs were constant in this marathon of pure enjoyment for me and Jon, and probably her as well. At one point, she rolled over on her stomach and stuck her stockinged legs up in the air, exposing a thin line of skin between the tops of her pantyhose and her bunched up dress, then rolled onto her side and scooted with her legs still bent once more, showing even more of her perfectly toned upper thighs.

No doubt a perfect damsel in distress, exposed to her captors in a sexy dress, hose and heels with absolutely no chance of escaping. And I was perfectly fine with that. But this captor had parents who would be home soon, parents that would ground me for a year if they found out what we did to our friends, so eventually I had to let my lovely captives free. (sigh) :( Sure enough, right when we had finished untying the three girls, the doorbell rang,and it was time for Amanda and Jon to leave, and soon after Jasmine left as well, but not before saying "That was fun, lets do it again sometime." I had absolutely no problem saying back "Oh, I'm sure we will". When I went to bed that night, I didn't get to sleep for a long time, I just had way too many too-good-to-be-true images of that day in my head to think around. And when I finally did get to sleep, my dreams were filled with everything that happened in extremely thorough detail, so I got to relive it all over again. Best. Easter. Eveeeerrrrr!!!
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