dudalb : 27 - Momsnapping (ff/FF)

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dudalb : 27 - Momsnapping (ff/FF)

Post by Canuck100 »

dudalb's stories
27 - Momsnapping
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By dudalb

Thursday January 13th 2000 06:31:17

This is Jennifer, Dudalb's wife, and I am going to tell you about an adventure that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It was on Monday of Thanksgiving week We were invited to have dinner with a friend of ours we will call Caroline, a single Mom of two kids. Dud had the afternoon off, so the plan was for me to go to the house after work and make a salad, which would be our contribution to dinner. Dud would come later.

Caroline's kids are both girls, aged 12 and 8. On this evening there was a third kid, a boy from next door who Caroline was watching that evening aged 7. I have known the kids for some time and they are good kids, fond of harmless fun but without any cruelty. I don't play games where there is a good chance that I will end up as a tied up prisoner with kids I don't totally trust.

Caroline is about 39, and Dud thinks she looks like the Sheriff in "Fargo" and this time I have to agree with him - there is a resemblance. Caroline was dressed in slacks and sweater on this evening, and I had on a long dress and blazer as I was coming from work. Before making the salad I took off the blazer so I was in dress and blouse for this adventure.

I got done with the salad and went into the living room with the kids while Caroline made the final preparations for dinner. I watched TV for a couple of minutes and then the 12 year old girl, who I will call Sally asked If I wanted to help them in a game. When I asked what game Sally said she wanted to surprise me. I agreed. With Mom in the kitchen what could happen?

Sally went into her room and when she came out she had a water pistol which she pointed at me and announced that as part of the game I was now the kids prisoner. I decided to play along and raised my hands. I then remembered I was to give Dud a call so told them to wait one minute. I called Dud and reminded him to bring along a bottle of wine. I also said there might be a surprise when he got there. I had a pretty good idea that I would be tied up as part of being a prisoner.

As soon as I got off the phone Sally instructed me to turn around with my hands behind me. I obeyed and soon felt my Hands being tied together wrist to wrist. Sally did a very commendable job -when she was done my hands were firmly tied together behind me.

"Be Quiet and come with us", Sally said and then showed be a scarf "and we won't gag you - yet!" I obeyed., and we walked into the kitchen. Caroline saw us walk in, and before she could say anything Sally covered her with the water pistol , said they were robbers, and Caroline has better do what they said or else.

Caroline then noticed for the first time that I was not holding by hands behind me but had them tied, and then asked "They aren't hurting you are they, Jen?"

"No, they don't pinch me". Caroline then said she would like to play but had to finish getting dinner ready. (Caroline is a good mom but like most single working mom's worriers that she does not spend enough time with her kids.

Sally then said "What If we finish getting dinner ready, then would your become our prisoner?"

This began negotiations that lasted about two minutes. Part of Sally's duties were to help in the kitchen and she could already cook simple meals for her and her sister. Finally it was agreed: Mom would play if Sally promised to have Dinner on the table at the appointed time. With that Caroline raised her hands in surrender. Sally pulled a piece of cord from her pocket and three minutes later Caroline was standing by me, her hands tied securely behind her back.

"What will these Robbers do with us?" Caroline asked rather melodramatically.

"Probably tie us up even more and gag us", I said.

Then it hit me. A few months ago I had told Caroline about a couple of the adventures my husband has posted here in which kids tied up me or both of us. Maybe that is where Sally got the idea that I would be a willing victim. When I asked Sally later she admitted that was in the back of her mind when she found I was coming over. For the past few weeks she and her sister had been going through a stage of playing tie up games with each other and had decided to try their luck with grownups. I got the impression that the main target was Mom. They though that if they could get me to play there were a greater chance of Mom agreeing to play.

Meanwhile the other two kids took two kitchen chairs out of the kitchen into the living room and Sally told her sister to get the rest of the stuff they would need down from upstairs. Caroline and I chatted normally while we were waiting.

"If your right we wont be able to chat much longer," Caroline said at one point. Then reflectively she said she had not been tied up since High School.

The youngest girl said everything was ready and Sally pointed the water gun at us and told us to march into the living room. When we got there we saw the two kitchen chairs facing each other and on the Living room table a large pile of ropes, scarves, and a couple of ace elastic bandages. Since they did camping in a Medieval Renaissance group we belong too using a period tent, they were plenty of rope around the house.

We were seated on the chairs and Sally said "You first, mom!"

She then untied Caroline hands but pulled them behind the chair and retied them. Her sister meantime tied Caroline's ankles together. The older daughter then took a long coil of clothesline tied her Mom's upper body to the chair. Sally knew enough to make small loops around Caroline's elbows binding them to the frame of the chair in addition to the loops around the whole of Caroline's body. When this was done she took one of the Ace Bandages and wrapped it around Caroline's waist, finally cinching and securing it in place. Caroline did not say anything but carefully watched her daughters bind her into a helpless prisoner.

Sally asked, after a final check of the knots if any of the ropes were bothering her mom. Caroline said "No", but then asked Sally had learned how to tie someone up so thoroughly. Sally looked surprised and said "You taught me these knots mom when we were camping!" and them mentioned there were some good descriptions of people being tied up in Nancy Drew Novels.

"I'm sorry I asked", Caroline said good naturedly. She - and I - knew this was just fun for the kids and we would not be hurt or teased in any way.

Actually Sally did tease her mom a little just then, She took a small scarf and a much larger one a laid it out on Caroline's lap---obviously Sally's material for gagging her mom. But instead of gagging her right away she looked at me and said, "Your turn, Jennifer!". And then the girls proceeded to tie me in exactly the same way they tied their mom. Hands behind the chair, ankles together, ropes tying my upper body to the chair and an ace bandage tightly securing my waist to the chair. All during this process Caroline could not help looking at the scarves in her lap, knowing they would be used to silence her. After a final check on my bonds, Sally took another set of large and small scarf and balled up the small scarf and very politely asked me to please open wide. She stuck the scarf in my mouth and tightly tied it in place with he big scarf making a cleave gag. When Sally had adjusted my gag to her satisfaction she walked over to Caroline, took the small scarf from her lap and said, "I think you know what we want you to do, mom!" Caroline said. "Not too tight" and then opened wide. Sally put the small scarf in Caroline's mouth and tied it in place with a tight cleave gag just like mine. Then Sally stood back and looked at their two adult captives.

"Hey, Mom! You and Jennifer won't be going anyplace for a while!" Sally said, After looking at us for about a minute Sally asked, "Aren't you two going to try to escape?"

I decided it was showtime. So I twisted and turned in my ropes, mmmphing loudly. After a few seconds Caroline got the idea and she begun to struggle in her bonds, also with much mmmphing. Sally and the other kids seem delighted with our more so since we could not budge our ropes and gags. After watching us for about five minutes Sally said, "I'll set the table, Mom!" and went in the kitchen to do so leaving the other two kids to watch the two captives. After about ten minutes Sally came out to announce that except for the main dish which was still in the oven to keep it warm dinner was ready.

Caroline made a few mmmphing noises , trying to, later she told me. To indicate to Sally that it was time to untie her. But Sally pretended not to hear her. There was one more thing Sally wanted to do: Show off to Uncle Dud what she had done to her Mom and his wife.

About five minutes later the doorbell rang and Sally answered it. It was Dud, with a bottle of wine and our copy of the recent version of "The Mummy" which Caroline and Sally had not seen. "We've been playing Robbers and I have something to show you!" Sally said. She then led Dud in. He begun cracking up when he saw us and then walked over to Caroline and begun a close examination of her ropes and gag. When he was finished he congratulated Sally on her ropework and mentioned how he had had fun as a kid a couple of times tying up his mom also. He then walked over said "Hi Dear!" and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I mmphed a little at this--to try to indicate "Not in front of kids, Dear!" and then Dud said "I think it would be a good idea if you untied you mom now, Sally, while I untie Jennifer."

About ten minutes later we were seated at dinner and had a fun evening. During the sequence of "The Mummy" in which Evie, the Heroine, is tied to an alter to be sacrificed Caroline and I gave each other funny looks.

It was a fun evening. And good training for when I have my own kids and they decide it "Let's Tie Up Mom" time .


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Post by ILoveHandsUp »

A great story. Love the hands up moments!
Hands up!
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Will RP with girls who either want me with my hands up or want to put their hands up!
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