mrjones2009 : How I got started (FF/M)

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mrjones2009 : How I got started (FF/M)

Post by Soraka »

by mrjones2009 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:40 pm [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]
As the title suggest this is probably where my interested in TUG got seriously started after being piqued by old shows on the television. Given how my interest developed it is now a happy and very vivid memory.

When I was younger both of my parents worked on weekends and I would always go across to my aunts so that she could look after me. That meant hanging out with my two younger female cousins, Nikki and Lynn. There was roughly a year between each of us and I was the oldest. Although Lynn was the youngest she was tall for a girl and was almost my height. Nikki was shorter and stocky and was strong for a girl. My aunt would potter about downstairs and leave us to our own devices upstairs. Like all kids we made up games, used our imaginations and had fun. Over the course of a longish summer with typical British weather we were running short of ideas. Then one day Lynn, the youngest of us who had a vivid imagination suggested that we play a game based on a television program that she had seen. There was a brief pause and Nikki and I knew there was something else coming. After a couple of seconds Lynne admitted that it would involved somebody getting tied up. We were all comfortable and trusted each other so Nikki and I agreed to play along with Lynn’s idea. Lynn then explained the scenario, basically two thieves and an unfortunate victim. After a brief pause the two girls looked at me. It looked like I had volunteered to be the unfortunate victim.

Lynn quickly hustled me into another room and before she closed the door said “Right you know your role. Give us five minutes to get prepared and the come out. Pretend you are a rich person living in a big house and you heard a noise or something.” Lynn then closed the door and I sat looking at the clock wondering what awaited me. It also occurred that Lynn may have had this idea at the back of her mind for a while such was her enthusiasm.

I waited the five minutes and exited the room, walking across the landing. I heard a noise behind me and before I could turn round I a hand covered my mouth and an arm circled my waist and pull me in close. It had to be Nikki as Lynn appeared in front on me. “Right Mr Jones we are here for your valuables. Do as we say and this will go quickly and smoothly.” Lynn was clearly taking this seriously so I decided to play along. I nodded my head and muffled “MMMPH” from behind Nikki’s hand.

Lynne smiled and continued “Right put your hands out in front of you.” I complied and Lynn dug around in a bumbag (this is the early 90’s) she was wearing around her waist and produced the cord from a dressing gown and tied my wrists together securely using the cord to wrap my wrist several times. “Now we need to keep you quiet” Lynn said as she now produced a large white cloth and a silk scarf from her bag. Lynn scrunched up the cloth and moved it toward my face. Nikki removed her hand. “Wait nobody mentioned this!” I said. “Oh just play along will you! It won’t seem real unless we gag you. You could scream for help.” Lynn was seriously getting into this I thought. I opened my mouth to respond but before I could reply Lynn stuffed the cloth into my mouth “MMMPH” I mumbled. Lynne handed the scarf to Nikki “Use that to secure the cloth in place.” Nikki folded the scarf in two then placed it OTM style to hold the mouth packing in place and tied it tightly round the back on my neck. “Sorry about the severity of the gag but I read that packing was the best way to effectively silence someone” Lynn explained. Nikki the grabbed my arm and guided me toward her bedroom. As we walked I tried to loosen the gag but Nikki had tied it tight and there was no slack. There was also no chance of me calling for help.

Leading me into the bedroom (Nikki had a large twin) I was taken to the one of the beds and instructed to sit on the edge. I did so and Lynn produced more cords from her bumbag and bent down. She used one of them to tie my ankles together then a couple more to bind my legs above and below the knees. “Right I am going to untie your wrists and then I want you to lie face down on the bed.” My response was practically muffled by my gag and came out as a quiet “MMMPH”. Lynn untied my wrists and then I did as instructed and lay face down on the bed. I then felt one of the girls take both of my wrists and cross then behind my back whilst the other used the cord to tie them tightly. I moaned and MMMPHED through my gag partly as I thought this is what a gagged captive should do and partly due to the discomfort of having my wrists bound behind my back. “Right Mr Jones you have been cooperative so just relax whilst we have a good search through your home.” With that Lynn gave me a gentle slap of the bottom, which would have produced a loud noise if I hadn’t been effectively gagged and both of my cousins left the room. I was then left to my own devices as a bound and gagged captive for the first time. I wriggled about to get as comfortable as I could. They would be back soon. Wouldn’t they?

There was a clock in the room so I watched as the minutes ticked past. Eventually after about fifteen minutes my cousins eventually returned with broad smirks on their faces. Lynn produced an instant camera and took a photograph. “Nikki take this and hide it somewhere whilst I have a chat with Mr Jones.” I know started to strain against my bonds, rolling over onto my back and shout but my complaints were muffled by my gag. “Right Mr Jones just calm down” Lynn said as she used a hand to push me back into the bed. “We found some nice stuff but there was a safe that we couldn’t crack and I want the code.” Once again I tried to communicate but it came out as “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” behind the gag. Nikki had returned at that point and was standing against the wall. Lynn turned to her and said “I didn’t get that but I don’t think he is going to give us the code. Pity that so its time for plan B.” I thumped my head back into the pillow in frustration.

I looked at Nikki and noticed that she was looking round the room. Her gaze stopped at a large pram that she used to play with when she was younger. Nikki walked across to it and pulled out something and tossed it to Lynn. “I have an idea sis. Put that over his head, it should fit nicely and then hold him down. I will get that code.” When Lynn brought the item into my view I recognised it as part of a pram set for a doll, the part that you would place the doll in as if keeping it warm. I once again started to protest and move around but this just made it easier for Lynn to place the item over my head. It was smooth, thickly padded and completely blocked out the light. I couldn’t see anything. Once again I tried to tell them to stop but the gag, assisted by the thick hood over my head made this pointless. I could tell that Lynn had positioned herself so that she now straddled me with a hand on each shoulder using all of her bodyweight to hold me down. It didn’t take much as was not a big guy. There was not much I could do so I decided to stop struggling. As I stopped I could tell that Nikki was removing my trainers and then I felt my socks being removed. I moaned into my gag as I knew what was about to happen. They both knew that I had very ticklish feet. Nikki attacked her task with relish as I struggled and made what could only have been strange muffled noises. After a couple of minutes Nikki stopped and said “Are you going to tell us the code or do I continue.” I nodded my head from under the hood. Lynn removed the hood and I blinked as my eyes readjusted to the light. Lynne reached behind my head and untied the scarf which allowed me to spit out the cloth. “What are you guys playing at?” I managed to say once I had got my jaw working again. “Look Mr Jones give us the code or the gag goes back in, the hood goes back on and the tickling starts again.” My cousins were indeed taking this seriously so I decided to play along. “4628”.

“Thanks Mr Jones.” Lynn said as she produced a fresh cloth from her bumbag and forced it into my mouth. I made loud protest noises but it wasn’t going to help as she once again used the scarf to hold it in place. With that they left the room and closed the door behind them Slightly in shock I rolled around back onto my front and waited for my cousins to come back and untie my. Well they will soon I thought, won’t they!
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Post by Soraka »

Further Adventures - Spy Game

I arrived at my aunts the following week having put the events of my last visit to the back of my mind, hoping that it would be business as usual. I entered the house and headed toward the voices which were coming from the television room on the ground floor. Just before I got to the door it opened and my aunt passed me on the way out. She apologised about having to run out but had arranged to meet a friend and would be back in about an hour. I said cheerio and waved as she headed for the door. I entered the television room where there was a brace of two seat couches and sat on the empty one, my cousins had taken both seats on the other couch.

We spent a couple of minutes discussing general stuff that was going on then got round to how we were going to spend the afternoon. After a couple of ideas were dismissed as boring or not worth it Lynn said “I thought that we could continue our theme from last week” Lynn said. My face must have broken into a quizzical expression as Lynn looked frustrated and continued “the one where we pretended to be burglars and you were our captive.”

“I thought that was a one off thing and besides the burglars had got their loot and escaped. Surely that’s the end of the story” I replied. At this point starting to feel slightly apprehensive as to where this was going “I won’t be letting you tie me up again”

“I don’t mean that again. I just thought that we could pretend and come up with a story. We were watching a movie with spies and I thought that could be cool.” I thought that I was a bit old for this but decided to go along as it would pass the time. Lynn reached down the side of the couch she was sitting in and produced a small, plastic case. “Right” Lynn said thrusting the case at me “you can be Agent Jones the cool spy and Nikki and I will play the bad guys. Go back outside and pretend that you are breaking in and searching for something important”

“What is this exactly?” I enquired taking the small case. “It’s a toy spy kit that I picked up from a shop. We have taken the stuff out that we need. On you go get ready” Lynn said indicating the door. As I walked out I had the thought that this did all seem very well prepared for a off the top of the head idea.

Anyway I went outside and gave it a minute to simulate breaking into the house or as I now assumed bad guys or girls lair. I pretended to sneak in creeping along the corridor, looking around and generally being as quiet as possible. I entered the television room again to find it empty and pretended to search it for whatever I was supposed to find. I then made my way through to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen the door closed behind.

“Agent Jones I have been expecting you. Drop the case, raise your hands and turn around.” It was Nikki’s voice and I did as instructed. As I turned around with my hands raised I noted that Nikki was holding a small plastic gun in one had a pair of cheap looking plastic handcuffs in the other. No doubt both had been taken from the spy kit. “Agent Jones my boss wants to have a word but first thing put you hands out in front of you. No funny business I don’t want to use the gun but will if I have to”. I let out a sigh and held out my hands. Nikki advanced and put the cuffs on my wrists, snapping them in place. I gave them a quick try and found that they were secure enough. I wouldn’t be getting out of them without the keys or a tool kit. Nikki then moved behind me and picked up the case. Poking me in the back with the gun she said that I should lead the way.

Guiding me with instructions Nikki followed me into the main front room where I found Lynn sitting on a chair with her back to the window. “Ah Agent Jones so pleased to finally meet you. Your reputation means that we didn’t expect to capture you so easily.” I started to feel uneasy at the use of the word capture, my memory of last week coming to the fore.

“I don’t know what game you are playing but we agreed that last week was finished” I said trying to put a stop to whatever my cousins had planned. Lynn smiled and turned to Nikki “I don’t think Agent Jones understood what I was saying. I don’t want to have a discussion at the moment so please gag him.” I heard movement behind me but concentrated on Lynn “I don’t know what think is going on but we had an MMMPH, MMMPH” the rest of my sentence was cut off as Nikki stuffed a cloth into my mouth. I turned round to look at Nikki then raised my hands to remove the cloth when Lynn started talking again “Agent Jones I wouldn’t do that if I were you. We have some embarrassing photos of you and we wouldn’t want them to get out.” My shoulders slumped as I remembered the photo taken when I was tied up last week. I paused and turned to face Lynn, hoping that my expression conveyed my unhappiness.

“Don’t worry I am sure that you will have a great time. But we will have to catch up later as I am busy at the moment. Nikki finish gagging Agent Jones and then take him to the cell” I didn’t like the sound of that but I had to play along as I didn’t want anybody seeing that photo. I stood still as Nikki placed a thick pad of cotton wool over my mouth, they must want to keep my extremely quiet this time I thought, then used a silk scarf to hold that and the cloth in place. Nikki then took my arm and guided me out of the room and up the stairs. I tried to talk to Nikki as we went up the stairs but it came out as a barely audible mumble. “I knew that this gag would be more effective” Nikki said “No talking Agent Jones just get up the stairs.” I was wondering what the cell could be when we reached the top of the stairs I realised. The loft had recently been converted into a bedroom and the ladder was down. I guessed where this was going and headed toward the ladder and paused. Nikki nudged me and said up you go. It was tricky with my wrists cuffed in front of me but I managed to get up into the small bedroom. I stood aside and let Nikki join me.

Nikki gestured with the plastic gun and I headed over toward the bed. I stopped beside the bed and noted that there were a number of cords lying on the ground next to the bed. Nikki told me to lie down in the middle of bed. I was not in a position to argue so sat down, swung my legs onto the bed and lay down staring at the ceiling. I felt Nikki undo my laces and take off my trainers. Nikki then used one of the cords to tie my ankles together. She then took a cord and used it to sure my ankles to the bottom frame of the bed. “MMMPH” I said behind my gag as she tightened the cord so that my legs were very much secure “I am going to unlock the cuffs so no funny business” Nikki then said. “MMMPH, MMMPH” I replied. Nikki then took the keys from her pocket and unlocked the cuffs. She then quickly and with proficiency that surprised me tied both of my wrists with cords to the frame at the top of the bed, left wrist to top left of bed and right wrist to top right of bed. “Right that should be you. Lets just check that gag hasn’t come loose” Nikki said more to herself than me “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” I mumbled (in my head that was I can assure you that it is fine) but she lifted my head to check it anyway then slipped a pillow underneath my head to make me a bit more comfortable she said as she didn’t know when the boss would want a chat. I didn’t like the sound of that but what could I do about it in my current position. Nikki turned and picked up an item from the bedside table. It was the instant camera again. She took a couple of steps back and snapped a shot of me tied to the bed. Nikki then turned and headed back to the ladder and headed down. Once she was down I heard the scrape of the ladder being lifted up which also closed the hatch in the roof. A second later the main light went out. My cousin had kindly left on a night light on a bedside table so that I had some light. Once again I found myself at the mercies of my cousins when it came to being released. I wriggled about to get as comfy as possible within the confines of my binding and then waited, but for how long.

I couldn’t see my watch or a clock in the room so had no idea how long I had been lying bound to the bed. I assumed that my cousins would untie me before my aunt returned but that could be an hour or more. As I lay on the bed I thought that if they were going to tie me up I should try and escape. I tried my legs first as they were stronger but the ties were tight and there was no give. I then tried both arms and although they were both tight and secure I felt the left arm give a little more then the right. Sensing or perhaps hoping for an opportunity I worked at it moving the cord left and right to loosen the knot and after a bit of effort it came away from the bed frame and my left arm was free. Rather then congratulation myself I quickly undid the cord securing my right wrist then removed the cord from my left wrist. Sitting up I untied my ankles and swung them onto the floor and handily into my trainers which I tied. Lastly I reached behind my head and undid the scarf letting it; the cotton wool pad and cloth fall to the floor. My plan was simple. To head downstairs, hope that my aunt was back and sit with her before my cousins realised that I had gotten free.

I opened the hatch which meant that the ladder dropped to the floor. This caused a noise and I flinched. I couldn’t believe that I was that worried about this I needed to calm down. I climbed down the ladder and took a couple of steps backward, turned around and found my two cousins watching me. I stopped in my tracks. “Agent Jones it seems you managed to get free, for the moment. Nikki please gag Agent Jones again. I have visitors that I can’t afford to be disturbed.” Nikki rushed across and produced a cloth which she forced into my mouth. I didn’t put up a fight as Nikki once again placed a thick cotton wool pad over my mouth and tightly secured it with a silk scarf. At that point I heard my aunt enter downstairs, so close I thought. Lynn told Nikki to take me take me into her bedroom where I had been bound last week and that she would tidy up and run interference on my aunt. With that Nikki led me into her room and told me to lie down on the bed nearest the door. I complied and waited as Nikki took my wrists and bound them behind my back. I heard the door open and turned to see Lynn throw the cords that had been used to secure me to the bed in the attic and land of the bed. Nikki used these cords to tie my ankles and legs together. Once again she checked the bindings and gag before patting me of the bum and leaving the room. I buried my head in pillow with embarrassment at how meekly I had surrendered to my cousins.

Once again I waited bound and gagged on a bed for my cousins to return. At least this time I could see a clock. It took 20 minutes until they both appeared through the door. I rolled over onto my back and mumbled “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” through my gag. “Yes Agent Jones it is time for that talk that I promised” Lynn said “I know that we have a mole in our gang and I want you to tell me that name.” Nikki untied my legs and I swung my legs onto the ground. “MMMPH, MMMPH” I continued to mumble. “It seems Agent Jones is eager to talk Nikki lets take him to the interrogation room.” This didn’t sound good so I continued to complain through my gag. “Keep shouting Agent Jones. Nobody can hear you anyway. That gag is doing a splendid job.”

I was led from Nikki’s room across the landing into Lynn’s bedroom where there was a chair and a beanbag set up in the middle of the floor. Nikki took me across to the chair, carefully making sure that my arms were over the back of the chair. Next she took a couple of the cords and used them to secure my chest and thighs to the chair. Lynn knelt down and took off my shoes and sock, lifted up my feet and rested them on the beanbag. “Nikki is going to remove that gag now Agent Jones but no shouting.” I nodded to show that I would comply and Nikki careful removed the gag. Lynn played her part with aplomb asking several questions about the supposed mole, I could swear she had been practicing. After five minutes or so she nodded to Nikki and the gag was put back in pace. In addition the thick, padded hood from last week was placed back over my head. I knew what was coming next I felt a weight on my lower legs, pinning them to the beanbag which I assumed was Lynn sitting on them. Then the tickling started and continued for a while. I squirmed but was tightly secured to the chair and my protests were reduced to nothing by the gag and hood. After a while Lynn stopped and the hood was removed.

“Sorry about that Agent Jones but I need that name. If I have Nikki remove the gag will you give me the name?” I nodded my agreement and waited as Nikki removed the gag. I took a couple of deep breaths and said “It’s your friend Nikki.”

“Nice try Agent Jones but I don’t believe that for a second. Nikki put the gag and hood back on and we will try again.” I reacted quickly this time “Wait. No need for that I will give you the name. I only know the first name and that she is one of your top agents” Lynn looked at me expectantly “Her name is Lauren.”

“Thanks Agent Jones.” I assumed then that this would be the end of this role playing game so I was surprised when Nikki stuffed the cloth back into my mouth placed the cotton wool pad back over my mouth and secured them with the silk scarf. “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” I was protesting against the gag being put back in place but it was pointless as my cousins didn’t care and nobody else could hear me so I quickly stopped. Lynn kindly put my socks back on when she untied my ankles as Nikki untied the cords securing me to the chair.

I heard my aunt shout up that she needed a hand with something but just the two girls and I could continue with what I was doing. Lynn replied that she would be right down but Nikki needed a minute. Lynn turned and headed for the door whilst Nikki helped me up and back to her bedroom. By this point I knew the drill and lay face down on the bed as Nikki tied my legs.

“Get comfy I am sure we won’t be to long.” Nikki said as she gave my bottom a gentle smack and headed out of the room closing the door behind her.
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Post by Soraka »

How I Got Started – Continuing Spy Adventures

It had been two weeks since I had been to my aunts for the weekend as my cousins Lynn and Nikki had been on a Guide camp the previous weekend. The passage of time made me hope that there would be no repeat of my previous two visits where I had been bound by my cousins. I had also found out that Nikki’s friend Lauren would around as well. Not only will I admit to having a slight crush on her at the time but I assumed that her presence would put an end to the role playing games for at least one weekend. It turned out that my optimism was misplaced.

I entered the television room and sat down on the same seat that I had two weeks previously, this time next to Lynn as Nikki and Lauren occupied the two seats on the other couch. They all looked at me with what looked like knowing smiles on their faces, like they knew something that I didn’t. I looked around and asked what the plan was for today. Lynn laughed and suggested that we look through some photos as the girls had just finished looking at some. All three girls laughed out loud and I instantly got the meaning behind the smirks. I have no doubt that my face went bright red at that point. I was saved from further embarrassment when my aunt came through from the kitchen. Glad you are having a good time girls and boy she said then explained that she was going to visit our Nan (she was in a home) and then do some shopping. Probably be gone a couple of hours, food and drinks in the fridge if we got hungry. To escape further embarrassment I volunteered to tag along. No need my aunt assured me just you stay with the girls and have fun and with that she was gone and I felt three pairs of eyes come to rest on me.

I decided to get some space and headed for the kitchen to get a drink. I was leaning against the fridge with my head in my hands when Lynn entered a couple of minutes later and explained what had happened. They were at Guide camp last week and Nikki and Lauren were sharing a tent. Lynn had sneaked in at night and the girls had started chatting, they got to discussing things and an innocent comment was made by Lauren about being a damsel in distress. Nikki then explained what they had been doing the past couple of weekends. “Anyway I was wondering why you came up with her name under questioning. I reckon you said the first name that sprang to mind and it was Lauren because somebody has a crush.” This time I know my face went red. “Don’t worry your secret is safe with me and she is going to join in today.” I shook my head. “Hey Agent Jones it was you that put her in danger by spilling her name. Come on lets get started. I have a surprise for you Agent Jones after you managed to escape last time. I think I have solved that problem.” With that she turned and left. I followed slowly behind wondering what was in store.

Lauren and I sat on separate couches and waited for my cousins to return. “What’s it liked to be bound and gagged?” I stopped to think for a minute and said that it wasn’t that bad I suppose but this was just playing games with my cousins so it wasn’t for real. Although I then made the point that they took it seriously and played their roles well Lauren nodded. Nikki and Lynn had been away to set up then returned and explained the plan for this week Lauren had gotten wind that she had been exposed as the mole, Agent Jones had escaped and they would track Agent Jones to see if they met. Nikki and Lynn handed me the case and then made me walk around the block as they followed me to the ‘rendezvous’ with the mole. After getting back to the house I entered the living room and set the case down beside the table. “Agent Jones we meet again” I heard Lynn say as she and Nikki entered the room behind me. I went to grab the case but heard “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I paused and then turned around as Lynn pointed the fake plastic gun at me. “I knew that you would lead us to a meeting with the mole.” I raised my arms in mock surrender and replied “I have no idea what you mean”.

“No need for bravado Agent Jones. Why do you think you managed to escape? Let’s get comfortable and wait and see who turns up. Nikki make sure that Agent Jones cannot warn anybody by applying a gag,” Nikki walked behind me and took both of my raised arms, crossed them behind my back and tied them in place with a length of cord. Nikki then quickly moved to gagging me by forcing a cloth into my mouth, placing a thick cotton wool pad over my mouth and using a silk scarf to secure it in place. Nikki then bent down and used another cord to tie my ankles. Nikki then forced me down onto a seat and sat on the arm on the arm next to me. Lynn then took up a position next to the chair and we all settled down to wait. Not soon after there was the noise of footsteps outside “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” I tried to make enough noise behind my gag to warn Lauren but I doubted that she would have heard anything, Nikki reacted to my noise making by putting her hand over my mouth, “Quiet Agent Jones” then Nikki turned to Lynn “It would be easier if we could knock him out.” I turned to face Nikki but it was pointless as “MMMPH, MMMPH” was all that I could mumble. It was then that the door opened and Lauren walked in.

Lauren entered the room and stopped in her tracks. It was clear that although she knew what to expect the sight of me bound and gagged on the chair had shocked her. “Lauren please come in and close the door” said Lynn. Lauren replied that she didn’t know what was going on but would leave us to it. Lynn waved the fake plastic gun and insisted that she join us and then we can have a chat later on. I knew what that meant and tried to warn Lauren to run but a muffled “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” wasn’t going to get the job done. Lauren gave me a strange look. Lynn continued “Don’t worry Lauren you will soon experience the sensation of the same gag as Agent Jones. Nikki Please do the honours.” I watched as Nikki made her way across to Lauren and told her to open her mouth. Lauren complied and Nikki thrust a cloth into her mouth then placed a thick wad of cotton wool over her mouth and finally pulled a silk scarf from her pocket and used it to secure the other parts of the gag in place. Nikki then walked used a cord to bind Lauren’s wrists on front on her. Lynn turned and beckoned me to get up which I did. She told me to turn round, no mean feat with bound ankles and she untied my wrists. Lynn then told me to turn back around and she then tied my wrists in front of me. Lynn then untied my ankles and grabbed my arm. “Right Nikki lets get these two secured and then decide what to do.”

Nikki lead the way up the stairs guiding Lauren then I followed behind with Lynn at the rear with the fake plastic gun pointed at my back. I guessed that we were heading for Nikki’s room as she had twin beds and they now had two captives. I was curious as to why Nikki and Lynn had bound our hands in front. Nikki entered the room leading Lauren and then I followed with Lynn close behind. The first thing that I noticed was that both beds had a sleeping bad lying open on them. Lynn must have noted the expression on my face as she smiled. “Agent Jones due to your escape act last time I had to get inventive on restricting your movements. I can’t afford any further incidents of that nature.” I mumbled under my gag. “Just wait and see Agent Jones.” Lauren was instructed to stand in the corner and not try anything silly. Nikki then produced a cord and tied it around my waist, pinning my tied wrists to my body. Nikki then led me to the edge of the bed. I looked at the sleeping bag lying open on the bed. It was a down filled mummy bag with a double zipper and it was pink with Belle from Beauty & The Beast on it. It was I was told to sit on the edge of the bed. Nikki then untied and removed my trainers and used cords to bind my ankles and my legs above and below the knees. Nikki then told me to get in the sleeping bag and lie down inside it. With a bit of assistance form Nikki I managed this and when I had complied Nikki folded over the top and zipped it right up to the top, past my shoulders. There was no way that I could get out of the sleeping bag without a bit of help or getting my hands free. Even this idea was put to bed as I watched Lynn walk across, take what looked like a shoelace from one of my trainers and tie the two zippers together. Lynn stood back and seemed pleased. “Relax Agent Jones there will be no escape from that sleeping bad even if you do get your hands untied” and she was right the gap at the top was too small for me to get my shoulders through and the zippers would have to be untied before the bag could be opened. I have to hand it to Lynn it was a clever idea. I glanced over her shoulder at Lauren and she did have a slightly worried look on her face. Lynn turned round and addressed Lauren telling her that it was her turn. “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” Lauren tried to say something but it was useless. “As Agent Jones will confirm that gag is quite effective so don’t bother trying to talk. Now lets’ get you secure.” Lynn said. I watched as Nikki led Lauren across the room to the other bed and proceeded to remove her trainers and bind her legs. Lauren did look worried and I tried to give her a reassuring look. I continued to watch as Nikki helped Lauren to lie in the sleeping bag, do up the zippers and tie them together with another shoelace. Nikki and Lynn stopped back and admired their handiwork of two mummified captives with no means of escape. Lynn then said “Lets’ leave them to stew for a while” and they both left the room, closing the door behind them. As soon as they left I tried moving about but there was no give in the bindings and the sleeping bad restricted movement effectively that I just rubbed against the soft shell material. I heard a “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” from Lauren and replied with a pointless “MMMPH, MMMPH, MMMPH” of my own. After a couple of minutes I heard a noise and turned to see Lauren trying to get free but I knew it was useless we would just have to wait until our captors returned. I just wriggled around to get comfortable, which was easier in the sleeping bag and waited.

I kept glancing at the clock and was not happy when it took an hour before Nikki and Lynn returned. “Sorry for the delay in getting back but I wanted you to think about your current position and how helpless you are.” Lynn continued about how she was going to have a chat with Lauren about the information that had been leaked but first things first. Nikki produced the camera from behind her back and took photographs of both Lauren and I lying in the sleeping bags. “Right I want to have that chat with Lauren but before that I think we should transfer Agent Jones to the cell again.” Nikki you do that whilst I prepared the interview room for our chat with Lauren.” I heard Lauren moan into her gag and noted that obviously the entire story hadn’t been explained to her. Nikki came across to where I was lying encased in the sleeping bag and quickly untied the zippers, unzipped the bag and untied my legs. I swung them down to the ground and stood up. Nikki grabbed my arm and guided me out of the room and into the landing. It was then that I realised that I needed to use the toilet. I stopped and mumbled “MMMPH, MMMPH” and indicated toward the toilet on the half landing. Nikki picked this up and asked if I needed the toilet. I nodded my head. “Okay I will untie your hands but no funny business or else. I am not going to remove the gag so please don’t tamper with it.” I once again nodded and Nikki untied my wrists. I made my way to the toilet and after using the facilities and washing my hands I exited to find Lynn standing on the landing. Nikki didn’t retie my wrist but nudged me up to the main landing and up the ladder into the loft bedroom. This time Nikki told me to lie face down on the bed and then tied me to the frame of the bed again. First ankles together with cord, then to the frame of the bed then wrists to the top corner of each frame, this time left wrist to top right and right wrists to top left. As she left Nikki said “I hope that you don’t manage to escape this time Agent Jones.” I thought this was a bit strange, more so how Nikki said it rather than the words itself. I pondered this as once again I was left in almost darkness as the hatch closed and the main light was turned off.

As I was lying bound to the bed I heard movement downstairs, obviously Nikki and Lynn moving Lauren to the other room. I started to replay the day through my head and was struck again by Nikki’s words just before she left. I tried my bonds again and discovered that one of them was slack. Once again I moved it about as much as I could to try and loosen the knot. Surprisingly I found that the knot holding cord of my right wrist came away. This allowed me to get that arm free and remove the rest of my bonds. Leaving the cords and gag piled on the bed I made my way across to the hatch that lead downstairs and waited. I heard movement and assumed that this was Lauren being moved back into Nikki’s room. I waited and a then heard a door close and Nikki and Lynn in conversation. I couldn’t make out what they were saying and I hoped that they wouldn’t decide to come up and check on me. They didn’t and I heard them head down the stairs. To make sure they were away I counted to sixty and opened the hatch. This time I caught the ladder before it dropped and lower it gently to the landing without a noise. I climbed down and made my way into Nikki’s room. As I enter I saw Lauren bound and gagged lying on her stomach on a bed. Lauren turned as I entered “MMMPH, MMMPH” she mumbled but I put my finger up to my lips to indicate that she should be quiet. I made my way across to her and quickly untied her wrists, legs and wrists. Lauren sat up and looked at me. I reached around and untied the silk scarf from behind her head so that she could remove the rest of the gag. I whispered that we should head out and went to the door with Lauren following. As I paused before opening the door she grabbed and held my hand. We made our way down the stairs, along the hall heading for the front door. At the entrance Lauren paused to grab her jacket. As we exited the house we waved to Nikki and Lynn as we walked past a window. They looked back as Lauren and I stopped at the entrance to the driveway. Lauren hugged me and said thanks for rescuing her and that she hoped to see me again next week.

I went back into the house and sat down across form Nikki and Lynn grinning like an idiot. My cousin’s glanced at each other and Nikki popped my bubble by telling me that she had left the knot loose on purpose. It gave you the chance to be the hero and Lauren enjoyed the whole damsel in distress role. My bubble burst we sat watching the television in silence, Lynn flicking through the channels for a while until she came across a old black and white movie. I was really paying attention until I noticed Lynn sit up and take interest in the film. I turned back to the screen and watched as a guy grabbed a woman and placed a cloth over the lower half of her face. The woman fought for a while then closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep. After the scene had finished Lynn looked at me with a wicked smile and I gulped.
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Post by Soraka »

How I Got Started – Spy Adventures 3

I arrived at my aunts the following week wondering what my cousins had cooked up for this week. When I entered my aunt directed me up the stairs where I found my cousins having a discussion in Nikki’s bedroom. They were discussing that scene from the film last week as I sat down between them on the bed. “Anyway it turns out that they put chloroform on the cloth and it knocked her out. I think that we should use this in our games” Lynn said as she opened her bag and pulled out a large wad of cotton wool. Next she picked up the bottle of perfume that she had and sprayed the cotton wool a couple of times. I was starting to get the impression that Lynn was getting carried away. She now seemed to be doing research. I got the feeling that I wasn’t going to like where this was going and starting shaking my head whilst saying no. Nikki grabbed both of my arms just a split second before Lynn lunged at me. Unable to block her lunge Lynn clamped the cotton wool over my nose and mouth. “Tough we are using this. When you smell this perfume you will act like we have are putting you to sleep with chloroform. Feel free to struggle for a bit and they close your eyes and pretend to sleep.” I took in the slightly sweet smell from the cotton pad and reluctantly nodded my head in understanding. I didn’t want anybody seeing the photos that had been taken.

My aunt shouted and after Lynn had removed the cotton wool from my face we headed downstairs, entered the television room to find that our older cousin Gill was there. She looked at us with distain as she was now 16, well almost 17 Gill didn’t really want to associate with us. Gill described herself as follows, ‘nice hair, pretty face, adequate boobs, great arse and killer legs’. In her defence she was an attractive looking girl. Gill huffed and then got up and left to go to the toilet. Once Gill left my younger cousin Nikki explained that my aunt had to go out for most of the afternoon and Gill had been drafted in to keep an eye on us. I relaxed a little at that as surely Gill would be keeping an eye on us closely which would curtail my younger cousins’ games. Lynn must have read my mind as she leaned in close and said “Don’t think this lets you off. Agent Jones you have just met former Agent Smith.” After my aunt had left for the day Lynn explained that Gill was also interested in these pursuits and couldn’t wait to join in with our games. Great I thought just what I need another weekend of being tied up. The girls explained what they had planned for the day. Lauren had been kidnapped and was being used to force Agent Jones into delivering secret information to the bad guys.

I entered the main front room carrying the briefcase to find Gill sitting on the arm of one of the couch’s in the room waiting for me. “Agent Jones it is nice to finally meet you. Your reputation proceeds you.” I stopped in my tracks and looked around. “Thanks. Agent Smith I presume. Where’s Lauren?” I asked. “Later, if you don’t cause trouble. But first drop the case and put your hands on the wall.” I did as instructed and felt Gill come up behind me; she searched me like a police office and then my arms behind my back and tied my wrists together with a length of cord. Gill then spun me round and directed me to sit on the couch. She then bent down to tie my ankles with another length of cord, finally taking a seat beside me. Gill removed a bottle of perfume and a wad of cotton wool from her pocket. “Right Agent Jones I need to check a few things and can’t risk you getting frisky so time to take a nap.” Gill said as she sprayed some of the liquid onto the cotton wool. “Is there any need for that” I replied. “Unfortunately yes there is” and with that Gill held the cotton wool over my nose and mouth. “Just relax its only chloroform” Gill said. I played along by shaking my head slightly and eventually closing my eyes and slumping back against pretending to be unconscious.

I heard Gill move around the room, exit and then come back in. After what I considered to be a reasonable amount of time I opened my eyes and found her standing over me. Before I could sat anything Gill forced a cloth into my mouth and sat down beside me. She quickly placed a thick was of cotton wool over my mouth and used a scarf tied at the back of my neck to keep the gag in place. “MMMPH, MMMPH” I just about got out and wriggled in frustration. “Agent Jones no point in struggling I have some friends that would like a chat. I am going to untie your legs but no funny business or the chloroform comes out again.” I nodded my head. He sooner this gets finished the better I though. Gill untied my ankles and helped me to get up she marched me out of the room, up the stairs and into the twin bedroom on that level. I enter the room to find my cousins Lyn and Nikki standing in the room. “MMMPH, MMMPH” I mumble from behind my gag. “Indeed Agent Jones we meet again. Good Job Agent Smith. Delivery as promised.” I hear some noise and turn around to Lauren lying in a sleeping bag on the furthest away bed. Lauren was gagged and presumably bound. I had no doubt that I would be joining her shortly. It was then that I noted the third sleeping bag lying on the floor. “Nikki, secure Agent Jones whilst I chat to Agent Smith.” Nikki grabbed me and pushed me down onto the bed. Nikki then used some cords to tie my ankles and thighs together, then untied my wrists and rebound them to the front and used a long cord to secure my arms to my sides. Nikki then took off my shoes and socks. I took the subtle hint and lay down in the sleeping bag which Nikki then folded over, zipped up and secured the zip using a shoelace.

I then watched as Nikki walked up behind Gill and grabbed her from behind. Nikki linked her hands in front of Gill’s stomach, pinning Gill’s arms to her sides. “Hey what’s going on?” Gill said. “Change of plan” Lynn replied as she leaned in and removed the perfume bottle from Gill’s pocket and spraying some onto a cloth that she had produced. “Time for a nap Agent Smith.” I could see the smile on Lyn’s face as she held the cloth over Gill’s face. Gill tried to talk from behind the cloth but it was muffled. After a bit of a struggle Gill eventually slumped and Nikki lowered her to the floor. “Good job. Let’s tie her up and then get to it Nikki.” With a bit of difficulty Nikki and Lyn managed to Carry Gill across to the foot of the two beds were they had put a fold down bed. I couldn’t see much from my position but Nikki and Lyn had obviously bound and gagged Gill the same way that Lauren and I had been. Nikki and Lyn then left the room and closed the door. After a while I heard Gillian moaning and trying to get free. If I could I would have told her to relax. Nikki and Lynn would come back and let us out, eventually. It only took an hour.

When leaving Gill said that she couldn’t wait to pick this up again in a couple of weeks. At this point despite my earlier protests I found myself looking forward to what was going to happen in the next couple of weeks.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I’m glad that you re-posted this story, I find it really good!
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Post by harveygasson »

That was a really great story. Such fun adventures between them all
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Finally found the new forum. Thanks for the appreciation of the story, glad that people like it. Reading it again I only see the mistakes! Perhaps a re-write is in order.
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