Boywonder : 03 - Hallowe'en Trouble (f/m, FMf/m, Ff/Mm)

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Boywonder : 03 - Hallowe'en Trouble (f/m, FMf/m, Ff/Mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Boywonder's stories
03 - Hallowe'en Trouble
Story index at the bottom

By Boywonder

Monday, March 13th 2006 - 09:06:19 AM

Boywonder Hallowe'en Trouble

The following tie up adventure occurred one Hallowe'en. About a year after the first time my aunt and her good friend Cathy surprised me and tied me up for the first time in my little Robin costume. I would of course have 2 dozen or so tied up roleplay adventures with my aunt alone or with her and Cathy and sometimes other friends of theirs. I loved Hallowe'en and of course planned to go trick and treating as the Boy Wonder again. My best friend Stan wanted to go as Batman that year and a cute new girl who just moved into our neighbourhood wanted to join our Batman themed night of candy collecting and much to my delight she dressed up as Catwoman. She was almost two years older then us. Her name was Rosa and she was also a good 3 - 4 inches taller then me. She was Italian and was very pretty, with long Black hair and slim, athletic body. (We would have some future tie up games together too but that is another story)I went to meet her at her house which was just a couple of houses down from me already dressed.

Her mom greeted me at the door. She was a very pretty women too and she seemed to really like my Boy Wonder costume and complimented me on it. She told me both she and her daughter loved the Batman TV show and tried to watch it together when they could. I was of course thrilled to hear that and then as I stood there in the livingroom with Rosa's mom I heard, "Purrfect it's the Boy Wonder." and turned and my jaw almost hit the ground when I saw Rosa standing there in her sexy Catwoman outfit. She did a little model spin and asked if I liked it. I stammered a lame "yes!".

Her costume included tight ,sparkly spandex black pants, long vinyl boots, a lepoard skin patterned tight top and black mask and little black cat ears. She told me her mom helped her put it together. She walked over and playfully circled me, lifting my little silk cape up and toying with me a bit and telling me how much I looked like Robin. Her mom told me she planned to get dressed up too to hand out candy. She sat on the couch.

My to my delight I noticed out of the corner of my eye Rosa's mom grab a pack of cigarettes from a table and light one. (yes you may have noticed from my other stories that I loved women & girl's that smoke, I guess I had a smoking fetish even way back then. I just found it made the women and girl's more like bad girls when they smoked) Then to my sheer surprise Rosa asked if she could have one too and to my surprise her mom nodded yes and handed Rosa a cigarette. She saw how surprised I looked and she explained she knew her daughter smoked and that she allowed her to smoke in the house but only once in awhile and that Rosa's older brother smoked too and had since he was 14 too (Rosa was 14 at time) So she couldn't punish her if her brother got away with it.

Her mom lit Rosa's cigarette and she sat down on the couch beside her mom. I stood there somewhat like a geek watching them. They both smiled and looked me over as I stood there in my little Robin outfit. I of course was imagining, hoping they would be into tying up a caped do-gooder. I told Rosa that we were gonna meet Stan at his house. "You mean the Batcave" , added Rosa's mom and they both laughed and so did I.

After a few minutes of small talk me & Rosa headed out to go and meet Stan at his place. Rosa's mom invited me to drop by after we were done trick 'n treating for a snack. She said she would love to see me as the Boy Wonder again and I would be able to see her costume she was gonna be wearing. Of course I said I would love to. We walked over to Stan's house but he was less then thrilled to see Rosa with me. He didn't really get along with her for some reason and I had not mentioned she would be joining us for our night of candy collecting. He had a pretty cool store bought Batman costume and Rosa teased us endlessly about why the Dynamic Duo would be hanging out with Catwoman. I was having fun trick and treating with "Batman" and "Catwoman". I was loving it but Stan was getting ticked off and eventually he decided to quit early. I really wanted to go by my aunt's place even though it meant a long walk and leaving the rear I had promised my mom I would stay in but I was hoping my aunt would be there and I would be able to get myself in trouble again and find myself tied up. I had never told anyone about my tie up adventures with my aunt & her friend Cathy.

So my dilemma was what happens if I do get a chance to have some tied up peril fun with my aunt what do I do about Rosa. Should I tell her about what happened in the past and reveal to her my love of being tied up, specially as Robin, the Boy Wonder. I figured Rosa seemed to really be into Batman and she had been having fun teasing me all night and really seemed to enjoy me as Robin and seemed to be really playfull about it and we were really intune I felt. So I took a big breath and managed to steer the conversation, as walked over to my aunts, to tie up games and asking her if she had never been tied up before or tied someone up herself. She surprised me and told me to stop and turn away from her. My heart was pounding as I did as she said. She said she would answer my question . I heard her looking through her purse and then suddenly felt her pull my hands behind my back and cold metal around my wrists. I heard a metal click and realized to my absolute delight she had handcuffed me! I spun around and she had a wicked, devilish smile on her face. She said "Does that answer your question Boy Wonder?" I tugged on the cuffs and they felt heavy and were very tight.

She told me they were her mom's cuffs and she knew that she snuck them out from time to time. That she used to go with a guy who liked being cuffed and tied up too and she enjoyed tying him up and being in control. She walked over and twirled me around and double checked the cuffs. She told me she loved having Robin cuffed and helpless. I knew the time was right to tell her about my tied up adventures with my Aunt Liz and her friend Cathy. She didn't say much but smiled alot as I told her. I was still a little nervous and uncomfy telling her. But then she surprised me again and said "Well your aunt will be pleased I caught Batman's dumb little sidekick. Let's get you to her hideout" I was so thrilled I could hardly stand it. We walked the last couple of blocks with Rosa walking behind me and occasionally shoving me and telling me not to try anything funny and I was forced to give her the address of my aunt. I was loving it. I was praying my aunt would be home. It was only about 8 or so I recall so I figured she might still be handing out candy to the last of the treat 'r treaters. I was hoping she would be dressed up in some kind of villainess outfit if she was there.

We got some funny looks from the costumed kids and some of the parents we passed on our walk over to my aunts. And a few funny comments like "Oh ohh Catwoman has caught Robin", "Where's Batman?" and silly stuff like that. I loved it and I heard Rosa laugh sometimes at some of the comments as she remained behind me. Still shoving me a bit from time to time or getting really close and purring in my ear and telling me how much trouble I was in. We finally made it to my aunt's huge house and I was thrilled to see lights on in the house and a big carved pumpkin still ablaze on her big front porch. Rosa walked me up to her front door and rang the bell. A woman came to the door and peered out. She was dressed in tight silver pants, a Leopard print blouse and was wearing a little black mask. I recognized my aunt and she smiled when she saw me standing there with my hands behind my back and Rosa standing behind me in her Catwoman outfit. She opened the door and said something like "What's this?" playing dumb for a minute. I was about to open my mouth when Rosa's warm hand clamped over my mouth and tightly hand gagged me. She did her best Catwoman purr and explained she had caught Robin and brought him by the hideout as per their plan.

My aunt laughed and said "Good work Catwoman" and told her she better get me inside before they were spotted. Rosa kept her hand over my mouth and I let out a feeble "mmmmf!" as she shoved me inside and my aunt closed the door behind us. I could hear talking and laughing coming from the livingroom and instantly became nervous and excited at same time. My aunt came over and noticed I was cuffed when she reached behind and moved my cape and saw the cuffs. She smiled. She explained they were having a costume party with some of her criminal friends and they would pleased to see Robin in her clutches. She had a leotard scarf around her neck and she took it off and folded it up. She explained to Rosa that Robin would have to be kept quiet. Rosa smiled and took her hand away from my mouth but stayed behind me and held me with both her hands. I loved feeling restrained by her as my aunt told me to turn my head and she wrapped the folded scarf over my mouth and tightly tied it off very effectively keeping me from saying anything. She put her finger on my nose and tapped it and said "That's better" she told Rosa to follow her and bring me along. Rosa didn't say anything but started to march me in front of her and followed my aunt into her big livingroom.

There were several people in the livingroom which was decorated for Halloween. Some were dressed up in costume and some weren't. There was a mixture of men and women and most appeared to be in their early 30's like my aunt. At first I was a bit embarassed to be standing there in a room full of strangers gagged and cuffed in my Robin outfit but it was also strangely exciting and there were a few cool costumes in the group of people including a tall man dressed as The Riddler from Batman. He spotted me and walked over laughing and pointing at me. He commented to my aunt how good it was to see the Boy Wonder tied up and gagged and asked what she planned to do with the me. I noticed some of the people were smoking and there was laughter and some of the people asked my aunt if she had nabbed Batman too. My aunt explained not yet but with Robin as bait it wouldn't be hard to lure Batman into a trap. She grabbed me and forced me to sit down on a big leather chair. I was helpless but tugged hard on the cuffs and tried to protest through the tight scarf gag. My muffled moaning brought some more comments and laughter from some of my aunt's guests. I saw Rosa bum a cigarette from a woman sitting on the couch beside my chair where I sat cuffed. She accepted a light a looked over at me with a big grin.

I was starting to get over my initial shyness and getting into the fantasy. I imagined I was in the den of a group of evil criminals and being held hostage to force Batman to commit crimes for the villains (I remembered a comicbook story that had the same plot. Robin was kidnapped and the criminals forced Batman to do their criminal bidding or they threatened to harm Robin). Rosa walked over and sat on the wide hand rest of the chair I was sitting in. She smiled and took a long slow drag on her cigarette and blew out a long thin stream of smoke liking how I watched her.

"Well well Robin. looks like you have got yourself in trouble yet again" , she said in a mocking tone.

I loved how she looked in her Catwoman outfit. I tried to show her I was mad and defiant with my eyes but I think she sense how much I was enjoying being "kidnapped" and was grinning behind my gag. She patted me on my knee and just watched me squirm and struggle in the chair. My aunt walked over after talking to the man dressed as The Riddler and got a cigarette from him and he lit it for her. They both looked at me and she said something to him which I couldn't hear over the din of the conversations going on around me. It appeared to make him laugh and she smiled and walked my way. I wondered if they were plotting something.

My aunt and her friend dressed as "The Riddler" came over and asked Rosa if she was having fun with the Boy Blunder. She laughed and said she was. My aunt explained that she and "the Riddler" had devised a plan to use Robin to lure Batman into a trap. "The Riddler" said something like "Riddle me this. When is a Robin more like a worm then a bird? Answer, when he is bait." My aunt said they were gonna knock me out and take me in the basement where they had a special trap planned for Robin. Rosa said "Cool!" and stood up as the Riddler pulled me to my feet and held me from behind as my aunt took a cloth from behind her back and pretended it was soaked with chloroform and held it over my mouth. I played along and moaned and struggled then pretended to pass out.

"Riddler" easily picked me up and tossed me over his big shoulders and I was carried towards the basement door with my aunt laughing and leading the way and Rosa following up behind. I cheated and cracked open an eye to see where I was going. Some of the party guests laughed and yelled out things like "It's curtains for Robin!" etc. I was carried into the basement and laid out on an old door that had been set up on two saw horses. My aunt told Rosa to uncuff me, that I would have to be tied up better. I lay there struggling to stay "knocked out" and getting really excited about being tied up again. I felt myself being rolled on my side and felt my cuffs being released and taken off then felt my hands being pulled behind my back again and ropes being wrapped around my wrists. I let out a little moan. I heard my aunt say..."Better hurry and tie him up before the chloroform wears off." I also heard Rosa ask if she could help tie me up which I loved. I felt smaller hands pull my ankles together and start to tie them with rope too. (I figured it was Rosa) I really wanted to be able to watch them tie me up so I pretended to "come to" and I opened my eyes and pretended to look surprised. "What's the idea!?"

I looked down to see Rosa finishing up tying my ankles with rope. She had a big smile on her face and looked up at me with a impish grin. I managed to sit up and looked over to see "Riddler" coming over with two long 20 - 30 foot length of clothesline rope. My aunt stood at the end of the door I was sitting on now tied up hand and foot. She laughed and explained I was being tied up properly and in a few minutes they would be contacting Batman to tell him they had his little stupid sidekick again and use me as bait to lure him to the hideout and trap him too. I said the typical "You won't get away with this you twisted fiends" kinda comment which of course made everyone laugh as I tested the ropes around my wrists which I realized had not been tied that well and I could feel some slack but Rosa had done a very good job tying my ankles and even wrapping the extra rope slack around the middle of the tied ankles inbetween my feet so that they were secrurely bound together with no play in the rope. The Riddler came over and started to wind the rope around the door and over my feet and knees..winding it around my legs a few wraps then under the table and around over my legs again.

The man dressed up as Riddler soon had me tied down tightly to the door that I was sat apoun in a sitting position. My hands tied behind my back and ankles tightly bound. He finished his bondage work by wrapping several wraps of rope around my thighs and under the table before tightly tying it off. He stood back to check put his roping job and said "There, Boy Wonder all tied up nice and tight!"

My aunt and Rosa had stood watching the man do his rope work on me the whole time with obvious enjoyment.

"Holy Helpless Batman!" teased Rosa as I flexed my muscles and tensed against the ropes. She let out another long,drawn out "Purrrrfect!" as she walked around me, checking the ropes and playfully tussled my hair.

My aunt mentioned that her partner in crime should soon be there with the final part of their special Bat trap they had planned for me. I wondered who that would be. I wouldn't have long to wait as almost as if on cue I heard the basement door open and a woman came walking down. It was my aunt's friend Cathy again. She wasn't dressed in a Halloween costume but she was wearing a short leather mini-skirt and tight red sweater. She looked great and she smiled at me when she saw me all tied up on the big door.

"Ahhh I see you already have Boy Blunder tied up. Good!"

She walked over and handed a small box to my aunt. I couldn't quite see it. But then my aunt turned and held it up to show me. It was what looked like a shoebox painted silver with different colored wires coming out of it and some kind of circuit board from an old radio or something glued on it. My aunt explained that it was a special device that would be set and send out a small explosion, enough to fry the board I was tied up on. I let out a loud gulp.

I blurted out "A Bomb!?". My aunt let out an evil chortle as did Cathy. My aunt knelt down and placed the "bomb" underneath the door.

"There it's set to go off in 15 minutes" she explained as she stood back up into view.

I doubled my struggling. Grunting with the effort. Rosa said in her best evil Catwoman voice... "How Purrfectly Diabolical" and glasped her hands together for added effect. That brought laughter from the three adults. I fought the desire to grin from ear to ear I was enjoying myself so much . And again couldn't believe I was living out another Boywonder in bondage peril fantasy. My aunt offered Cathy a cigarette and saw Rosa looking at her a little pleadingly. She asked her if she wasn't too young to smoke. Then she said well you are the Catwoman and handed her a cigarette too.

"The Riddler" mentioned he needed a drink and went back upstairs. The three "evil vixens" stood around smoking and enjoying watching "The Boy Wonder" squirm and struggle. I got brave and said some feeble defiant comment like, " You will pay for this you fiends!" My aunt sat down on the end of the door and explained that she was enjoying seeing me struggle and to not stop. She glanced at her watch and told me I had only 13 minutes until my doom. My aunt explained that Batman would be trapped too when he came to try and save his "stupid little sidekick". I tried to lock her into a defiant stare and blurted out that she would never be able to trap Batman and that she and her criminal co-horts would soon be behind bars. My goody goody superhero speech was cut short when Rosa hopped up on the door and clamped her hand over my mouth again shutting me up. (I loved the sensation of being hand gagged and having a warm hand pressed over my mouth).

"That will be enough out of you Bat Brat", she said.

My aunt thanked Rosa and ordered me to be gagged. Cathy grabbed some wide black duct tape off a table and tore off a 3 inch strip and taped my mouth shut. My aunt glanced at her watch again and smiled then mentioned it was time to go back and enjoy the party and leave "Boy Wonder to his fate"

My aunt took a drag on her cigarette and blew me a smokey kiss. Cathy just laughed and waved goodbye. Rosa who was still crouched up on the door beside me gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Tah tah Boy Blunder" and laughed and jumped off the door and joined the women going up stairs. She stopped and took one final long look at me as I squirmed hard. Laughing she went the rest of the way up the stairs. I had been slowly working on the loose rope around my wrists. "The Riddler" had done a poor job tying my wrists together. I had almost worked the ropes free. As I worked on them I could hear a lot of laughter upstairs and wondered if my aunt had told her friends she had Robin tied up in the basement. I was loving every second of my tied up peril.

After a couple of minutes I had the rope free. Then came the dilemma of, did I want to get loose? I was enjoying being tied up on the door and imagining the bomb ticking underneath me. I sat there for a minute and slowly worked at ropes around my thighs first. My heart beating hard. Not sure if my aunt or anyone else would pop down to check on me. I quickly got the ropes loose around my thighs then started to free the ropes around my knees and legs but the man had used a lot of rope on me. It took me a good minute to get that done.

I then finally went to work on my ankles but Rosa had done a good job tying them and I was having trouble with her knot. I was getting frantic. Playing out the fantasy again and imagining I had only seconds to get loose before I was "fried to death" by the "bomb".

I almost had the knot loosened when I heard the door open and heard Rosa's voice say she was "gonna check on Robin". I frantically worked on the knot as she came clomping down the stairs and looked surprised when she saw me almost free and the ropes lying all over the floor and door.

"Hey!" she yelled out. "You little brat. You got loose!"

I finally got the knot undone and lept off the door and stood hands on hips as Rosa raced over to me. I actually didn't know what to do next. I thought about making a dash past Rosa who stood in front of me looking at me sternly, still very much in her Catwoman persona.

"So you thought you could escape our trap did you Boy Blunder?"

But just as I went to make my move she leaped and slipped behind me in one deft move and wrenched my arms behind my back. It hurt and I let out a little howl of pain. We wrestled a bit and I didn't put up more then a token struggle.

"Catwoman" Rosa managed to hang on to me. Keeping me in a tight bear hug. Actually Rosa was pretty strong and was 3 - 4 inches taller then me (as I may have mentioned in an earlier post I was small for my age). She seemed to be enjoying wrestling me and having me in her clutches and I was really enjoying it too. Just then my aunt appeared coming down the stairs (with a glass of wine in her hand) closely followed by Cathy. They dashed over apoun seeing Rosa wrestling with me in her arms.

"Ahh so you thought you could escape did you brat?", asked my aunt. "Well I guess we will just have to tie you up again." Music to my ears of course.

Cathy went into action yanking my arms in front of me, and with Rosa's help, pulling my wrists together she grabbed a piece of rope and started to tie my wrists together in front of me. Giving my wrists several wraps of rope before knotting it off. My aunt told me that she had been informed that Batman was on his way to her hideout and they would soon have both of the Dynamic duo captured. I started to get mouthy and told her Batman would be trapping her and her evil co-horts but my super hero diatribe was cut short mid-sentence by Rosa once again hand gagging me.

My aunt announced that I was to be tied up on the wooden door again. Rosa and Cathy half carried me/forced back up on the door and I was forced to lie on my back. Cathy grabbed one of the long lengths of rope and proceeded to tie one through and between the rope around my wrists and then pulled the extra rope taunt, pulling my arms above my head and then looping the end of the rope through the hole where the doorknob used to be and tied it off. Rosa didn't have to be told what to do as she had already started to tie another long length of rope around my ankles, a few loops then tied off the other end to a leg of the sawhorse pulling my legs straight out. I was now tied up, stretched out like I was on a rack.

"Good work girls" purred my aunt as she walked around the door. "But let's really make sure our little caped brat can't escape this time"

With that she grabbed another long length of rope and looped it over my thighs and under the door. She had enough rope to loop it over my thighs and under the table three times before tying it off. I did my best to still try and escape pressing hard against the ropes around my thighs and tugging on the rope holding my hands above my head but they had done a very good job tying me down and I was very helpless.

My aunt once again bend down and pretended to set "The Bomb" again and told me it had been set to go off in 10 minutes this time. I struggled furiously in vain. So hard the door shook a bit. They all stood just watching me.

Rosa chimed in with a teasing taunt. "It really is curtains for you this time Boy Blunder."

They all laughed when I gave my best clinched teeth and scared look before my head sunk back to the door with a dull "Thunk!" I was already tired from all my frantic struggling.

"Yes Catwoman. Robin is about to be cooked by our little flash bomb there and then we'll nab Batman too!", added my aunt as she took a sip of her wine.

I raised my head to see them all heading for the stairs. They stopped and looked back at me & they all waved and blew me a kiss before going up the stairs laughing and giggling.

I lay there for a minute. Quietly enjoying my bondage peril again. I tugged a bit more on the ropes and tried to pull my legs up but realized I would not be escaping without someone's help. I could still here people laughing and walking around above me. I imagined the "bomb" under me ticking down. I regretted Stan not joining us now. I was thinking of would have been cool to have Stan as Batman involved in our bondage game/roleplay.

My aunt once again came back down but by herself this time. She kept a straight and stern face until she sat down beside me on door then she grinned and started to untie my wrists. She told me "Robin had been spared again" and explained my mom had called looking for me and that she was worried about me. She explained that Rosa's mom was gonna drive over and pick us up. Again I was really disappointed the bondage fun was over.

A few minutes later I was free and following my aunt upstairs. As I walked into the living room saw Rosa sitting having a smoke and drinking a coke. She grinned at me and walked over. She told me how lucky I was that I had been spared again. My aunt laughed and told Rosa she was always looking for good henchwomen to help her in her criminal schemes and to dispose of caped do-gooders and she laughed and said count her in. She stubbed out her cigarette and we headed to the front door. We stood out on the porch and Rosa mentioned how much she enjoyed getting to help tie me up, specially in my little Robin outfit. I told her what an awesome catwoman she made. It had been an awesome Hallowe'en. I started thinking about her and her mom again when there was a honk and her mom's car pulled up in front of the house. Rosa got in the front seat and I climbed in the back.

Rosa asked us what were up to at my aunt's place and I am sure I blushed but said, nothing much that we were just hanging out. Then Rosa's mom shocked me by saying that was not what she heard, she had heard a certain little caped do-gooder had found himself tied up and in big trouble. I sat there mouth hanging open I am sure, my aunt had obviously told her! I was embarrassed at first then kinda glad she knew. I didn't know what to say then Rosa chimed in...

"He made a very good little prisoner."

Her mom laughed and said "I bet he did" as she glanced back at me with a smile as she lit a cigarette. She then mentioned that my mom had said it was okay if I stopped in at their house first for a snack before going home. She mentioned she has a special surprise to show "The Boy Wonder" I was excited again and wondering what the surprise was. I was hoping it involved me being tied up again.

We arrived at Rosa's house and I was invited inside. Rosa's mom told us to help ourselves to a coke from the fridge. That she had to get something. She came back in with one hand behind her back. She told me she wanted to show me something and opened the door leading down into their rec room.

Rosa went first and I followed her down the stairs with her mother behind me. I could hear Rosa suddenly let out a little audible gasp then giggling and as I rounded the corner I saw Stan, still on his Batman Hallowe'en costume, tied up to a large plastic art deco style chair. His hands were tied behind the high curved back of the chair and his arms were tied together with several loops of thick white rope and his legs were tied just above his knees as were his ankles and he was gagged with a wide strip of silver duct tape.

My mouth dropped open with surprise. He met my gaze with a look of embarrassment but then started to moan and "Mmmph" loudly through the tape gag. I think I blurted out a "Stan! Hang on I will free you" and then corrected myself and said "Hang On Batman." I stood in front of him not sure where to start when suddenly an arm around my upper body and a cloth smelling of strong perfume was shoved over my mouth. I managed to turn my head slightly & see it was Rosa's mother with a big grin on her face. I heard her say. "Sleepy Bye time Boy Wonder. Breath in my chloroform!" I played it to the hilt as I squirmed and moaned through the cloth then started to pretend to pass out and go limp in her arms after making a feeble attempt with my one free arm to pull the cloth away.

I felt myself being dragged over and placed on a plastic chair like the one Stan was tied up on after being "chloroformed" by Rosa's mom. She told Rosa to get more ropes. My arms were pulled behind the chair and I felt my wrists being tied together. I snuck a peek and saw Rosa's mom sorting out some ropes and untangling them. I decided to crack my eyes open and pretend I had come around already. Her mom met my head coming up and she smiled at me as she held several lengths of silk rope. I looked over my shoulder to see Rosa enthusiastically finishing up binding my wrists.

"Wakey wakey Robin", teased Rosa's mom.

I turned to see her bending down with a long piece of rope and she started to tie my ankles together. Rosa stepped around and watched her mother tie my feet.

"Good job Madame Mira." (Mira was Rosa's mom's name) "Now we have them both in our clutches, Batman and the Boy Blunder."

Mira laughed and started to wrap a long length of rope around my chest and behind the back of the chair tying my arms tightly to the chair.

I started to put up a bit of a struggle. I thought it was so cool that Rosa's mom had nabbed Stan and now I was tied up with "Batman" It had been a Halloween to remember! Mira then got the same duct tape she used on Stan and started to tear off a strip. Rosa suggested making sure I was really kept quiet and she produced an old stocking and rolled it up in a ball and shoved it in my mouth and Mira then covered it with a big piece of tape effectively silencing me. Much to my delight Rosa and her mom had a seat on the couch to check us out sitting there tied tightly to the big chairs. Rosa's mom had a cigarette and offered one to her daughter. Of course I was loving it, and enjoyed seeing Rosa & her mom sitting and smoking and laughing and pointing at us and taunting us.

"What are we gonna do with the Dynamic Duo Madame Mira" asked Rosa.

Her mom just smiled but didn't say anything.

"I have a few ideas" chimed in Rosa with a mischievous smile.

"We'll we could tie Robin up on the buzzsaw and let Batman watch", suggested Mira.

My ears perked up but she was just kidding. Stan just sat in his chair not squirming at all. I wondered if he was enjoying the fact he had been tied up by Rosa's mom.I know I was loving it! I was already dreaming of future tie up adventures/roleplays with this "evil mom and daughter duo". I had feeling Stan was enjoying it too but probably wouldn't admit it. (We would talk about it the next day and he told me he felt weird but he did admit to having fun and he told me how Rosa's mom had lured into her house when he came by looking for me & Rosa. She had told him she wanted to get a picture of him in his "cute Batman outfit" then grabbed him and overwhelmed him and tied him up and told him later that her daughter was bringing "Boy Wonder" back to their hideout and right into her clutches.)

Unfortunately after Rosa & Mira finished their smoke they started to untie us both. Mira explained it was getting late and our parents would be getting worried. But she promised to kidnap the Dynamic Duo again sometime if we dared to come snooping around her hideout. If it had been up to me I would have been back the next morning.

I would have several more roleplay/tie games with both Rosa & her mom. With both of them together and and with each by themselves. Stan joined us again a few times too as the Caped Crusader. I will post more in near future I promise and again thank you for your encouragement.


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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Perfect timing for this story! Halloween!
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