Boywonder : 05 - Tied up by my aunt again (FF/m)

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Boywonder : 05 - Tied up by my aunt again (FF/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Boywonder's stories
05 - Tied up by my aunt again
Story index at the bottom

By Boywonder

Sunday, March 19th 2006 - 10:18:19 AM

Tied up by my aunt again

I am posting this story from a request from one of the readers of the tie up stories. It was actually, if I remember right, one of the last bondage/tie up encounters I had with my aunt Liz.

It was another case of her inviting me over to "help her in garden" which was her code for some tie up fun with the Boy Wonder again. I grabbed by outfit and hopped on my bike and raced over to her place. I was surprised to see a note on the front door which said to let myself in and get ready and that she would be back in a few minutes. That she was gone to the store for something she needed and there was a time when she thought she would be back. I went in and quickly got changed into my Boy Wonder garb, anxiously waiting for another adventure as the Boy Wonder to begin. I looked around the house for any clues of what my aunt had planned for Robin this time. As always I loved exploring her big house and being dressed up Robin costume made it that more exciting and fun.

I was in the kitchen when I heard the front door opening and someone coming in. I thought of course it was my aunt and wondered if I should just run and hide and let her catch me or just go say hello. Before I could decide a tall, very attractive woman in her mid 30's walked into the kitchen. She had shortly cropped black hair and was dressed in a buisness attire, with a charcoal grey jacket and a short grey skirt and was wearing high heels.

"So this is the Boy Wonder?" she said looking me up and down as I stood rooted in place by the kitchen table.

A little taken aback and not sure what to do. I wasn't sure if this woman was part of the tie up game my aunt had planned for me. She walked over to a pantry and pulled out a small coil of white cotton rope. She ordered me to sit down in a very stern voice and I sat down on one of the wooden kitchen chairs as I was told. She told me to put my hands behind the back of the chair and she came around behind me and knelt down and started to rope my wrists together quickly. I was already getting excited and figured this woman was part of my aunt's plan for me. She finished up quickly and then reached in the large leather purse, she had plunked down on the kitchen table when she came in, and pulled out a small roll of white medical type tape and tore off a small 2 - 3 inch strip and looked down at me.

"Do you make it a habit to break into a woman's house and snoop around Robin?" she asked me in same even, stern sounding voice.

I didn't know what to say then a reply popped into my head and I told her something to the effect "only the houses of known criminals."

"Is that right" she replied before putting the tape over my mouth and she tore off a second piece and put it over my mouth too forming a "X" pattern over my mouth.

She then stood at kitchen counter just looking at me. I tested her tying abilities and tugged on the rope and realized she was skilled at tying too. She glanced at her watch then back at me. No emotion on her face. That made me a little nervous. She asked me if I didn't expect to get caught snooping around and just shook my head no. Just then I heard the front door again and my aunt call out it was her. She walked into the kitchen and her eyes immediately lit up when she saw me sitting there tied up on the chair. I "mmmf'd" a bit through the tape and she smiled at me.

"I see you have already taken care of the Boy Wonder Samantha." the business woman just nodded. My aunt told me "their little plan was working like a charm."

My aunt introduced me to her friend and told me she was her "new partner in crime" and she told Samantha that she was going to change into something more comfortable and to keep an eye on me. I could be a tricky little caped do-gooder and she left. My aunt's friend sat down at a chair and pulled a pack of cigarette's from her purse and also she had a long black elegant looking cigarette holder and she slipped a cigarette into the holder and lit it. (with my smoking fetish I was of course delighted to see her do that)

She sat silently for a couple of minutes and I struggled a bit in the chair twisting from side to side and she just sat watching me. I loved the fact she was smoking with a holder. I wondered what my aunt had planned for me this time and was already enjoying myself. Just then my aunt returned and she had changed into a shirt black skirt and black silk blouse. She was wearing long black silk gloves as well. She smiled at me again and commented on how much she loved her friend Samantha's holder. She reached into her purse and handed my aunt a shorter silver one. She looked at with delight and slipped a cigarette in it and her friend lit it for her. I absolutely loved how she looked smoking with the elegant long gloves, that went up to her elbows, and the holder.

My aunt deliberately blew a warm stream of smoke in my direction. I pretended to be bothered by her smoke (I wasn't really) and coughed and mumbled through my taped mouth which seemed to please my aunt.

"Well Boy Wonder, once again I have managed to catch you with the help of my partner in crime here, (she nodded at her friend Samantha who smiled for the first time) and have you tied up and helpless once again. I have dreamed up a special use for you this time", she told me in that sexy voice she could put on when playing the evil villainess.

She asked her friend if maybe they take their caped captive into the basement and start the first part of their evil plan. Samantha agreed and I was pulled to my feet and marched by my aunt down the basement stairs. Her friend didn't follow. Of course my heart was pounding with excitement and I was wondering what she had dreamed up for me this time.

My aunt stayed behind me with her hands clamped tightly on each of my arms. I looked around the big basement. My aunt wondered aloud where the best place to put me and tie me up for the photos. My heart almost leapt into my mouth when I heard her say "photos". What did they want to take pictures of me for I was wondering. My aunt decided to walk me over to a large post at the far end of the basement that had a large electrical panel on it about 4 feet up the post and there was about 2 feet between the back of the post and the wall. She backed me against the 1 foot wide square pole or beam and told me not to move. She started to go to one of the wooden trunks that were scattered around the basement floor and started to pull out some thick white ropes. I heard someone coming down into basement. It was her friend Samantha. She had a instantmatic camera in one hand and still had her cigarette holder in other. (this was long before digital stil cameras) She stood watching as my aunt told her she decided to "tie Robin to the post". She walked over and started to wrap the long rope around my chest and around the post several times before tying it off so that my arms were tightly bound to post now.

She asked her friend what she thought. She took a drag on her holder and said "Very nice. Let me get a picture of that" she raised the camera to her eye and pointed it at me. I looked distressed I am sure because my aunt laughed and explained that they planned to take photos of me all tied up and send them to the police and Batman and threaten to publish them unless Batman & the police agree not to distrupt their criminal schemes. I could only "mfff!" in protest through my tape gag. My aunt told her friend to let her finish binding the Boy Wonder then take some more pics. She went and grabbed another long length of the same thick white rope and start to bind my legs just below my knees to the post with it. She hammed it up and pretended to pose for a photo standing with more rope in her hand and smiling and pointing at me. I struggled of course and moaned and squirmed. My aunt informed me they planned to take photos of me tied up in all kinds of different positions. (That idea of course thrilled me) My aunt finished tying my legs to the post then tied my feet as well so I was now very securely bound to the big post. My aunt went back upstairs to get her holder and lighter and came back down and slipped another cigarette in the holder.

Samantha took a few more photos (I saw that the flash wasn't going off and realized to my relief they were just pretending to take photos of me) The sight of my aunt standing there watching, smoking with long black silk gloves was great. She asked Samantha if she was getting some good photos and she just smiled and nodded. My aunt then suggested tying me up somewhere else and getting a few more shots of it. They started to untie me from the post but left my hands bound behind my back and they also peeled the tape off my mouth. I was marched back up the stairs by my aunt. I remember loving the feel of her silk gloved hands on my bare arms as she walked me up the stairs. My aunt teased me as she walked behind me and asked if I enjoyed being "their little bondage model." I looked back her as we got to the top of the stairs and fixed her with my best defiant look and told her she and her evil partner would pay for this.

I heard Samantha say, "Is that right Boy Wonder?" and as I turned I had a silk gloved hand shoved over my mouth hard. Samantha leaned in close and told me they could do whatever they wanted with me and there was nothing I could do. She said it in a wonderfully menacing voice. She told me to keep my mouth shut and took her hand away as my aunt started to walk/shove me along again. I was taken back into the kitchen where I felt my aunt starting to undo the rope around my wrists. She said something like, "You better knock the brat out." her friend smiled and grabbed a tea towel off the counter and pretended to pour something in it. She walked over and my aunt helped hold me tight to her again as Samantha shoved the towel over my face and I moaned and struggled but eventually pretended to pass out from the "chloroform" and slumped back into my aunt's arms. She laughed and said "Good work!" I felt myself being lifted up and realized I was being placed up on the large round wooden kitchen table on my stomach. I felt my arms being pulled out from my sides by the two women and felt rope being coiled around each wrist. I cracked up my eyes to see what they were doing.

My aunt was tying several coils of rope around my wrist and then pulled the rope taunt and tied it off on one of the legs on the table. I turned my head to my right and saw her friend Samantha doing the same thing on my other wrist. She glanced up and saw me watching her and just cracked a small smile.

"Awake already Boy Wonder?", she asked.

The two ladies then each tied an ankle with the thick rope and pulled the remainder of the rope and tied them off on a leg of the table stretching my legs out so that I was now tied spread eagled on the table. They paused to have a smoke, again using cigarette holders. It was an interesting sensation being tied up that way on a kitchen table. I tested the tightness of my bounds. My aunt said "Ahh you look so helpless Boy Wonder." I did feel utterly helpless and I loved it. My aunt mentioned before they took any pics something was missing and she pulled a small white silk scarf from a drawer and folded it up and walked over to me. She grinned and wrapped the scarf over my mouth and forced my head to the side and tied it off tightly. Samantha approved and said "Much better."

They took more photos for awhile, teasing me the whole time and telling me they might still publish the photos which brought louder yelps of protest through my gag. My aunt told me to save my energy that they still had more bondage positions planned for the Boy Wonder. They finally got tired of having me tied down on the table and started to untie me. My aunt announced it was time to call Batman and tell him they had his little Robin and what they had in mind.

They quickly freed me from the table bind and I was forced to stand up again but Samantha went behind me and grabbed me, snaking her arms around my upper chest and told me not to move in a stern voice and I did what she said. I watched my aunt get on her phone and pretend to call and ask to be put through to Batman (ut was silly but aunt was selling it and I was right into the roleplay) She got on line with batman and explained they had kidnapped Boy Wonder and had very "embarrassing photos of him" and that he was to do what they told him. I decided to try to yell out a warning but I only got out "No Batman!" before Samantha reached around and tight hand gagged me which I loved and I kept trying to yell out until she told me to shut up in that same stern voice.

She instructed Batman to wait for further instructions and hung up with a wicked laugh. She walked over to me still being held and hand gagged by "her partner in crime" and told me that was very stupid of me to try and yell out. She said I would have to be taken care of again. And grabbed the "chloroform soaked tea towel" again and slipped it over my mouth as soon as Samantha removed her gloved hand. I started to squirm again and Samantha held my arms to my side so I couldn't pull the towel away and slowly slumped in her grasp.

"There we go!" said my aunt in a delighted voice."Boy Wonder is out again. Let's take him to the garage."

I felt my legs being grabbed and then being lifted off the ground. I could feel my aunt's silk gloved hands on my legs and loved the sensation of that and I always loved being carried helplessly after "being knocked out". They carried me through the side door that let into a covered side porch and into the garage. I felt myself be plunked down on a blanket and when I took a peek I saw that I was lying on a old blanket and the two "evil vixens" had opened the trunk of my aunt's car and were moving something around inside the trunk. They finished and my aunt produced a couple of small hemp ropes in her hand and looked down at me on the blanket.

They came over and rolled me on my stomach as I pretended to still be out cold and they bound my wrists behind my back and tied my ankles tightly together with the rough hemp rope. I felt myself rolled back over and once again lifted up and this time I opened my eyes and saw they were carrying to the trunk where I was placed inside, laid out on my back. I asked them what they were up to now. My aunt laughed and said they really wanted some pics of Robin tied up in the trunk and Samantha produced a red piece of cloth and tightly cleave gagged me before I could say anything else. I tried to sit up and managed to get up in a semi-sitting position. My aunt seemed to be delighted to see the Boy Wonder tied up in her trunk and she clasped her hands with glee and told her friend to start snapping some pics of me. Her friend grabbed the instamatic again and snapped a few shots including one of my aunt pretending to be finishing tying my ankles in one pose. I was again in my element imagining they were planning on kidnapping me and driving me to their hideout in the trunk of their car. I squirmed with great vigour which seemed to further delight the two fiendish women. They stopped a few times to fluff out my little silk cape our force me to lie flat for the photos.

The whole time laughing and taunting me and telling me they can't wait to send a few of the photos to Batman so he could see his little sidekick tied up and helpless. The photo session came to an end way too quickly and my aunt told they decided to free me and that they had enough damning photos of me to keep me in line and that I wouldn't dare reveal their hideout to Batman. I couldn't help chuckle a bit when she said that. I tried to stay in character and really play out my Bondage adventures as Robin but once in a while I had to laugh.

They untied my hands and let me untie my ankles myself as they stood lighting up a cigarette and watching me finish freeing myself. Samantha commented on what a great little bondage model I made for them and they both laughed. I felt my face flush warm with embarrassment. I sat inside the open trunk and finished untying my ankles. They had used several knots and it took a few minutes to loosen the knots (I think that was deliberate and they seemed to be enjoying watching me free myself) They ordered me to go change into my street clothes and I was sent on my way but it had been a wonderful encounter.


Boywonder's stories
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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

This was a great chapter
I had contacted the author, Boywonder himself, asking him to write about his captors wearing long gloves.

His story didn't disappoint me what so ever. Thank you Boywonder!
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