The Grim : 01 - Grim's Tale (m/f)

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The Grim : 01 - Grim's Tale (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

The Grim's stories
01 - Grim's Tale
Story index at the bottom

By The Grim

Saturday, December 11th 2004 - 11:20:00 PM

Part 1 of the Grim's Tale

This is my first time posting here at this site, but I visit here often. This story is a 13-year-old boy and a babysitter. This story happened to me, but this it is exaggerated to fiction. I feel that the real story isn't that interesting, so I spiced it up.

It was early summer and school just let out a few weeks ago. At first I stayed at a camp outside of town, but it came to an end way to fast. My parents didn't trust me at my age so they hired their good friend's daughter named Sarah. Sarah was my usual babysitter and would usually babysit until football started in July. I was excited to find this out for obvious reasons.

As Monday morning rolled around my parents woke me up around seven in the morning. They told me, while I was still in bed, that Sarah was here and will take me out to eat if I got up and got ready. I crawled out of bed and got ready, and was finished to say good-byes to my parents. As I went into the living room there was Sarah sitting on the sofa, with her legs crossed waiting for me.

"Morning John." She said with a smile. I blushed and nodded. I always had a crush on her, and how could you not? She was a tall and slim 17-year-old girl-next-door. She had an oval face with a small, but cute nose and full lips. She had big blue eyes that made you fill warm inside and long blonde hair that came down past her shoulders. She then stood up getting ready to go and I couldn't help, but gawk at her. She had ample breasts that were covered by a tight pink t-shirt and a short skirt that stopped a couple inches above her knees. She had long, tan legs that were exposed for my pleasure. She wore flip-flops and had the cutest feet and toes. A sudden picture snapped into my head of her bound and gagged. My mouth dropped slightly when....

"Ready?" Sarah asked. I jumped and looked at her. She had a look not as if I was doing something wrong, but daring me to do it again.

"Yeah, ready when you are." I said trying to play it off. Fat load of good it did me because she always caught me starring at her. She never said anything about it, but that look worries me sometimes. We locked and left the house and got into her car to go get some breakfast.

While travelling in the car, I was plagued by image of Sarah bound and rolling over and over trying to get loose. I was into tying someone up for a long time. When I was ten, I use to tie my cousins up with scarves and belts, but they would always break free. I soon gave up after that and believed that I grew out of bondage. Then at camp we learned how to tie someone up with rope and my fetish was reborn even stronger. I quickly stunted my thoughts because of the tingling in my pants.

"So what do you want to do today? Asked Sarah. She had a smile on her face and a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her.

She already knew what to say, "Watching T.V. every day last year got old. How about we play a kid's game." She had something on her mind, but I couldn't be sure just yet. My hormones screamed to me "tie up game", but I had to make sure.

"What game did you like the most when you were a kid?" I asked.

"Cops and Robbers was my favorite." Sarah replied turning pink a bit. I knew it, it has to be, there is no other way.....

"Why did you like it so much?" I asked. It was a trap for me to fall in and I was 95% sure of it.

"Being tied up by my older brother." She said giggling and her face getting even redder.

I knew it, but I was still shocked. She had a lot of balls because coming out like that was big. Maybe she thinks I'm still innocent and won't judge her for being odd. My face burned as I asked, "Why did you like it so much and why not get your brother to do it?"

"My brother is in college," Sarah said playfully, but still blushing, "and I was wondering if you could do it?" Her face giving me a warm smile.

"Uuuuhhhh.....Yeah sure," my face burned an even brighter red, "but can we your house instead because I stuff that I would need." I said to her with my words rolling over each other from my nervousness. Sarah giggled and said "Sure."

After eating we went to her house. On the way we talked about previous bondage experiences she had with her brother. I opened up by telling her about camp and my own bondage experiences. We had a good conversation on why we liked it and felt deeply connected to one-another. She told me she wished her parents understood her more and were like me so they could converse about bondage also. She complained about her boyfriends and how they never would be interested in her, but were seeing if they could sleep with her. She told me she was a big flirt and was interested in a serious relationship. Better yet, she told me she trusted me a lot.

We arrived to her house and she told me to get comfortable, while she got some materials for our game. Sarah returned and said rather cheerfully,

"Everything you will need is in here. Go upstairs into my room and you can find everything you need. I'm going to watch T.V." After that she gave me a wink, kicked off her flip-flops, and plopped down on the couch.

I double timed it up the stairs and found her room open. There was a simple duffle bag sitting on her bed. On top of the bag was a rag with chloroform clearly written on it. I set the rag to the side and dumped the bag's continents on the bed. On the bed now was a mound of rope, scarves, duck-tape, shoelaces, and handkerchiefs. I quickly sorted the ropes and found two ropes about 10 feet long and three about 20 feet long, there was another long rope that was at least 50 feet long, and some scrap rope with the longest being 5 feet. I pocketed the two ten footers and placed the rest back into the bag except the rag with chloroform written on it. I slung the duffle bag over my shoulder and crept out of her room.
I moved downstairs without making a sound. I monitored Sarah as she sat on the couch watching T.V. I crouched and began stealthily creep behind her with concentration in each step. I stopped behind the couch with the chloroform rag in my hand. I stood up and extended my arms in one motion. My hand, with the rag in it, clamped firmly on her mouth.....

The Grim

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday, December 12th 2004 - 09:24:31 PM

Part 2 of The Grim's tale

Sarah made a load MMMMMPPPPHHHHH into my hand. I could feel her warm lips through the rag as she reeled back at me. She shook her head from side to side and flailed her arms, to no avail, as I kept my hand securely clamped on her mouth. She MMMPPPPHHHDDDD into my hand a few more times and began to slow down as if falling asleep. She finally stopped moving and went into unconsciousness. I removed my hand and gently pushed her over so she lay on the couch. I walked to other side of the couch and set the duffle bag on the ground.

I looked at my captive to see what to bind first. She was bent to the side with her head laying on the couch, but her feet still on the ground. I looked down at her feet and her cute toes. I would bind her ankles first I decided. I removed the 10 footer from my pocket and began to wrap her ankles horizontally. I then passed the rope in-between her legs and wrapped vertically cinching the rope tight and knotted it. I opened the duffle bag and removed the two 20 feet pieces of rope and tied above and below her knees in the same way. Her tan legs were now bound tightly, but I wasn't done yet. I quickly grabbed a shoelace and tied her big toes together and cinched them also. I stood back to marvel at my work. Her toes were tied tight by the shoelace, her ankles tied, her knees were perfectly bound, and her skirt had rolled up a bit exposing her thighs. "Now those were going to have to be tied." I thought. I removed the other 20 footer and tied those as I did her ankles. Her legs were bound in five places and looked incredibly hot.

I picked up her ankles and placed them on the couch and then rolled her over on her stomach. I straddled her back and grabbed both her arms. I gently brought them back and placed her hands palm to palm. I removed the rope from my pocket and wrapped the rope horizontally around her wrists. I then passed the rope in-between her hands and wrapped it vertically cinching it tighter. I bent over and removed the 50 footer from my bag and readied it. I pulled up her upper body so now she stood on her knees. She was limp and it was hard to steady her so I could tie a chest harness. I wrapped the 50 footer horizontally above and below her breast several times. As I wrapped it back behind her, I passed the rope over one side of her neck, in-between her breasts to the bottom rope, looped the rope around the bottom rope, and brought it back over the other side of her neck, and tied it off to form a bikini chest harness. I then rummaged through the bag and grabbed a handkerchief and a scarf. I wadded up the handkerchief and opened her mouth and shoved the handkerchief inside. I took the scarf passed it through her mouth so that it would hold the handkerchief in, and wrapped it once more before tying it off behind her head.

I lowered her back down on the couch and got off her. I removed a scrap piece of rope and picked up her ankles. I tied one end to her ankles and bent her ankles back to her hands. I then wrapped the rope around her hand's bindings and ankle's bindings and knotted it. She was now in a tight hogtie and could easily touch her feet. I reexamined her bonds to make sure her fingers couldn't find any knots. I found her ankle knot was tied in back and she could easily free them. I then re-knotted it in front, away from her curious fingers. "Just in case," I thought and grabbed another shoelace and tied her thumbs together.

I then noticed she was starting to stir. I stood back and watched with delight. Sarah opened her eyes a bit and shook her head from side to side. She then closed her eyes, but then re-open them wide in fright......

The Grim
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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday, December 13th 2004 - 08:28:40 PM

Part 3 of The Grim's tale

Sarah rolled over in fright and fell off the couch. She didn't look hurt, but I felt a sting of concern. "MMMPPPPPHHHH!" Sarah exclaimed into her gag! She moaned and began wiggling her hands from side to side and thrashing on her hogtie rope. It was to know avail as I had tied her too tight. She moaned several times of her predicament, but still continued to struggle. She rolled over and over trying to loosen the ropes, but they held firmly in place. She then rested back on her stomach and stopped thrashing.

Sarah breathed heavily, but seemed far from giving up. She wiggled her hands and her thumbs, but they were tied to well to get out. She then began to wiggle her feet. Her toes wiggled a bit and her bound big toes moved as one. They were too helpless for me to resist and I passed one solitude finger upon her sole. Sarah shrieked into her gag and thrashed at her bindings again. She rolled onto her side and made eye contact with me. Her eyes contained a mock terror, but were soft. I decided to fix this as I removed a scarf from the bag and flipped her back on her stomach. She shook her head from side to side, sensing what I was to do. It didn't matter as I blindfolded her tight.

Sarah laid there now blindfolded trying to figure out what to do next. She tried pulling on her hogtie rope again, but it didn't budge. She tried moving her legs, but with her thighs bound she was immobile. In her struggles her skirt had lifted and exposed the very bottom of her buttocks. I pulled her skirt back over her bottom and she grunted. I smiled at some devilish thoughts, but squashed them from my mind. Another one cam to my head, less immoral, but more practical.

I left my captive and ran back to her room. "I shouldn't leave her alone for to long." I thought. I found what I was looking for; a single feather. I returned to my captive running and found her the way I left her. She had given up and was now breathing heavily and savoring the moment. I straddled her with my knees and faced myself at her feet. She tried rolling to side, but I held her tight. "MMMMPPPPHHHH!" she exclaimed! She knew what I was about to do and pleaded through her gag. "MMPPHH!" "MMPPHH!" she exclaimed! The feather touched her sole and she exploded in laughter. Her body shuddered underneath me, and jerked from side to side. A smile escaped from me and I ran the feather up and down her sole. Her whole body laughed and she jerked and twitched her feet, but I kept it up. It felt as if an earthquake was under me as she shook trying to throw me off. I continued to stroke her foot with the feather for about 3 minutes when I felt something.

I jumped off of Sarah, who was still giggling and had tears coming down her face, something wasn't right. It wasn't my self-guilt that stopped me, but a feeling. Someone was in this room watching us. I scanned the room and to my shock a figure emerged from the shadows....

The Grim
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Post by Sportsfan »

Oh come on, what kind of conclusion is that Grim?
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