MattW : 06 - The Sleepover (ffff/m)

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MattW : 06 - The Sleepover (ffff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

MattW's stories
06 - The Sleepover
Story index at the bottom

By MattW

Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:00 pm

The Sleepover

This is a story I dug up half completed in my external drive. I assume since it wasn't finished that I never sent it, so here yea go.

Gotta warn yea, its six pages long.
And yes... this story is very very true.

Ah, 18 what a horrible and wonderful year. Some decent things happened as well as some bad, in this story there was tastes of both.

It was a Friday, and I was sitting in what I call "The Captain’s Chair" playing on the computer with my internet buddies. I was playing Enemy Terroritory and kicking ass along side my clan SFX. I had headphones on and wasn't paying to much attention to what was going on. I did know that my sister was having company over. Three girls, Andrea, Brianna, and Marcy.

Andrea had to be about 15 – Medium height, pale, black haired, skinny girl. Very attractive... almost dominating look and the black hair seemed to amplify her.

Marcy 16 a tall dark brown haired girl with small glasses. She always smiled, but was usually silent.

Brianna 15 semi chubby, black girl. She was the shortest of the 3, but very seductive from her "playfulness" (I kid u not she is as close as u can get to jail bait without it being jailbait)

Kristen, 16 semi short, blonde girl. She was attractive... but obviously I had no interest in her (though other males tended to). She is weaker in strength, but knows "where to hit" if u know what I mean.

They were doing their usually deal. Hanging out in my sisters room doing god knows what while I sat on the computer, playing video games taking out 3-4 enemies at a time with my air strikes. (I loved field op)

Well it came to around 10pm when they came out. Brianna walked by the computer desk and smiled at me. Brianna had a fetish for boys, including me. (Technically I was now an adult, but 18… well it really doesn’t feel so adult) She walked up to me with her seductive grin and sat on my lap.
"Hi, Matt" she said looking at me.
"Hey..." I said not taking my eyes off the screen. I was having too much fun watching enemy engineers trying to repair a bridge while making pitiful attempts to dodge my full stars air strikes.
Now don’t get me wrong having a hot girl on my lap is wonderful and I did enjoy it, but I wasn’t quite in the mood. I was in the middle of a game after all.
"Oh, whatever Matt." Brianna grumbled
She got off my lap and walked off.
About 10:40 the game was finally over, but as I was about to realize a new game was about to begin.

Now before I go any further let me say I am in no way saying that having any sorta "pleasure" from minors is right. In fact the only reason why I am typing this story is because I'm pretty sure people in this place won’t take it the wrong way. After all it’s not like I ever “did” something with them. With that out of the way, let me continue.

I was done with the game. The enemy team did get through my air strikes, but we had them pinned down just outside our base and they ran out of men. I checked my e-mail, said my good byes to my buddies online. It was time to see what the girls were up to. They were out of their day clothes and now in PJ’s.

I guess now would be a good time to describe these girls.

Andrea was wearing red PJ that had long sleeves. She was barefoot.

Marcy had one of those damn "Naughty bunny" jammies or whatever the heck you call them and of course her toe socks.

Brianna wore jeans and a t shirt for her PJs, she had socks on

My sister was another one of those damn naughty bunny fans, she was barefoot

Then there is of course me. Tall, dark brown with highlights messy haired Matt. Skinny as a stick (only weighed around 140 at the time) I was one of those people that wore his day clothes to bed... so I had on baggy jeans and a t shirt, I was wearing socks.

They were all laying on the floor, blankets covering them, though Marcy being tall had her toe socked feet sticking out the end of the blanket. They were watching a rather gruesome movie called "House of 1,000 Corpses..." If you don't have a clue what it’s about let me make you an overview real quick.
It’s about a group of people who get stuck at a house. But the people who live there are very different. They take pleasure in torturing and killing people. I won’t give away the ending, but sufficly to say, death is part of the movie. It’s the prequel to Devil’s Rejects.

Now back to the story. They were watching a particular outrages scene near the end. It was a slow motion pan shot that had a bunch of nude girls (some dead) tied up in various positions. This was a scene they talked about after the movie was over. Then that brought up tying people up.
Andrea talked about how at one party they tied up someone guy. That struck me... I hadn't been tied up in a long while.... If they tied me up… or possibly tie them up. I quickly entered the conversation. I walked up to them and sat on the couch next to the girls lying on the floor.

"You tied someone up?"
"Yea, it was fun" Andrea replied slightly laughing about it.

Ok I have her attention, now compliment her I thought… show her I’m interested. (Hey it works in clubs… kinda)

"I'm surprised someone your age knows how to tie someone up." I replied
"Well, I only helped" Andrea modestly.

And now go in for the kill.

"Still I bet you know some tricks. I remember back when I was tied up. They were pretty much your age."

This grabbed Andrea’s attention. She actually started to smile.

"You were tied up?" Andrea said
"Did you like it?" Brianna said showing off her seductive smile again.
"Yea I did."

Fingers crossed…

“Oh wow, can we like, tie you up?” Andrea

Hell yes!

“Sure” I replied trying to bury my excitement.

"Hey Kristen, lets tie your bother up." said Andrea

Kristen of course was kinda iffy, it was me after all. But she agreed for the fun of it. She went into the garage and pulled out a 20 foot rope my dad used to pull trees down with. But I told her to put it back, by now I was touching a bit into self tying and had my own “supplies”. I had gotten into suspension, but I was doubtful that would happen tonight so I decided not to tell them.

Now this of course leads up to something better than I never thought I’d get to, but I must stay with how it happened so that will need to come for another day.

I went downstairs into the basement and pulled out a bag wedged between a chest and the wall. It contained about 30 feet of cut up rope, handcuffs, a bicycle chain lock, and stretchy rubber tubing rope that I managed to find in a school garbage in gym (don’t know why they had it, but I took it and put it into my backpack.) and of course duct tape. Brianna gave me a look of “I so know what you're doing.”, but she would care less. Tying me up would be a treat.

“Lay on your stomach” Andrea said as she grabbed a piece of rope.

I laid on my stomach in the living room on top of all the blankets n stuff.

“Put you hands behind your back.” Andrea ordered.

She tied one wrist with a part of rope (which was cut into about 5 or so feet sections). No matter how many times I’ve been tied up (by myself or others) it still surprises me the feeling. That tightening feeling of the ropes compressing my hands and legs together, the helpless feeling that you are at the mercy of someone, it’s intoxicating.

By now she had gotten both hands tied and behind my back. Why she just didn’t use the handcuffs I had no idea, but I wasn’t going to be picky. Meanwhile Marcy was working on my feet. She just wrapped my ankles tightly around with the rope and finished it with a good double knot. My head was in the carpet so I really couldn’t see anything, but I heard the distinct wonderful sound of peeling duct tape. My sister lifted my head up and put a piece of duct tape over my mouth.

"Where is he ticklish?" Andrea asked my sister.
“I don’t know.” She replied. Which was honest we were never into that tickle game. So they just went for every common place.

By now my tickle spots had changed a little. Feet were no longer my ticklish areas. Sure they were ticklish, but not by much. Instead my sides were, but by now my thing for feet had grown immensely and I wanted to be tickled there. However, if they thought it wasn’t a ticklish area they wouldn’t do it... so I had to fake it.

Marcy and my sister flipped me over on my back. I watched as 4 girls leaned forward hovering above me. Watched as their fingers went down and touched my neck. And… nothing. Semi ticklish, but not really.
Disappointed they moved to my sides.

Here we go…

They moved down to my sides turning their backs to me. I could see the bottoms of Andrea’s feet just a little ways away from me.

No, concentrate… you can’t let them know you’re ticklish there.

I felt their fingers dig into my sides. I flinched briefly trying to hold it in as best I can... Holding my breath seemed to deaden the urge to laugh. They tried a little while longer then stopped.

“Where are you ticklish Matt?” asked Brianna, more of a sexy statement than an actual question by the tone of her voice.

The duct tape was useless. I had nothing in my mouth to stop me from licking off the tape. By now just breathing and began to peel the tape off.

“I really ticklish on my feet.” I said starting to breath heavily again.

Finally they tried the feet it barely tickled at all and didn’t help I was wearing socks. But I faked it squirming and putting on a grand show for them.

Andrea and Marcy started to laugh. By now I had positioned myself so I could kind of see what’s going on. I watched as Marcy dug one of her fingers into my sock feeling it slide in between my sock and bare ankle. She curled her fingers towards my sock and pulled it off. Feeling my sock being pulled off was wonderful. I wished she’d lick my feet, but I knew the odds of that were next to none. Especially with friends around that may not share the same interest. (And my sister would go nuts)

They removed my other sock. I felt as sharp fingernails slid down the sole of my bare feet. Now that surprisingly tickled. I jerked a little stronger than I thought I would and almost kicking Marcy in the face.

“Your brother's really squirmish.” said Brianna.

I felt Andrea’s arms wrap around my ankles holding them in place. Then they resumed tickling. I squirmed more, but Andrea had me in a good lock. I laughed in bursts of loud whispers. (To not wake the my parents) Their slender fingers working on the soles of my bare feet; running their fingers in between my toes. Brianna really didn’t join in at all instead she just watched me squirm and smiled.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, but Andrea especially liked the way I laughed… and wanted more. After a while they stopped, and Andrea asked.

"Let’s tie him down to something."


“There’s a bed in the basement.” I told them no longer hiding my excitement.

The bed use to be mine till I got a better one. I led them into the basement; this was the best place in house. Parents were sleeping and unlikely to come down stairs to the basement. The basement has everything a bondage freak would want. There are always support poles and rafters. Plus mine had a long gaming table, which was perfect for spread eagle tie ups. Then of course my old bed.

We walked downstairs, past the laundry room with the rafters which I used to practice my suspension. Yes, I was getting deeper into the art of ties now. I had tried everything from simple hog tie to full suspension on myself... I was wishing they’d want to do suspension, but I decided against it. The fact that they are even going this far is a miracle in itself I shouldn’t push my luck.

We passed the middle room with the gaming table... might need that later. And finally the guest bedroom. I remember when I used to sleep in this bed as a child, who knew I’d have 4 girls tying me up in it years later.

We cleaned off the bed a little bit. Boxes had been stacked up to make room on the floor. Then Andrea instructed me to lay down on my back. I lay down on the bed; I could barely fit in a stretch of spread eagle.

By now the girls were giggling. I watched as Andrea climbed over my body and reached for my wrist while my sister went with my feet. Course I didn’t want my sister to tie up my feet.

“Kristen, let Andrea tie me. She’s a little better.” I said
“Ok” Kristen said

So far so good.

I felt the rope tighten around my wrist and then my arm being stretched as she wrapped it around the wooden bedpost. Andrea finished with my first hand moved on to the other one. I tested the bond. It was tight. I felt her hair brush over my face as she passed by. She tied my other wrist to the bedpost. Still semi on top of me she moved toward my feet gliding her fingers across my left one as she came by them.

As I flinched she grabbed it her hands grabbing and pulling it towards her sent another blood rush through me. She was so close to my foot that I could feel her breath hitting my foot. I almost cried out from it. It was a slightly moist hot air blowing past my toes and top of my foot. I could feel the rope tighten around my ankle almost painfully. Then felt my leg being stretched as she tied my foot to the bedpost.

I turned to look towards her and saw that her bare feet were just inches away from my face. I could smell the nail polish from her toes and definitely could reach over and lick the tips of her toes if I tried hard enough, but I couldn’t. No one knew of my “fetish” and I wanted to keep it that way. If they found out they may not tie me up.

By now my breath had quickened to twice its normal amount. Slightly light headed from hyperventilating over the excitement I watched as Andrea tied up my second foot. She grabbed my other foot and put her head down right above it. For a very split second I thought she was actually going to lick my foot. (Give me a break, when your in "the high" u mind starts doing its wishful thinking Wink ) But of course she just wanted to get a better angle to tie my foot.

Regardless of her intensions the explosive feeling running through me was going nuclear. That wonderful feeling of utter helplessness once again flowing through me like a caffeinated drink. After I was completely tied I tested my bonds. They were strong.

I looked around the room. Marcy was smiling, Brianna looked like she wanted to make out with me, Kristen was on the verge of tears from laughing and Andrea was going for the feet.

I tried not too heartedly to break away from my bonds, but no use... This is about the time I discovered the mistake that self bondage is so much weaker than when someone really ties you up. I was indeed helpless to the girls. Though the only thought that really made me nervous is if they take pictures or blackmail me some how, but then something I wasn’t prepared for.

Kristen went for my sides unexpectedly and I laughed far more, squirming the pain of the ropes biting into my wrists and ankles. The girls looked at me... and it was about now the word "crap" was running into my mind. They have discovered my weak spot.

Before I continue Id like to give a few pics. They don’t have the girls in them, but the sites…

That would be my old bed… and to give u a general idea….

And here's a pic of something that I may be writing later if I ever get around to it.

"I knew it!" Andrea said louder than what she meant to.

There was a brief silence to see if that woke my parents up, but we heard no floors creaking so.

“He’s been faking us this whole time.” Andrea said.

I knew there was a possibility that they’d find out. After all the sides is the one place that pretty much everyone is ticklish.

“Ooo Matty’s in trouble now.” Came yet another sexy toned comment from Brianna.

Now I really was trying to get out of the bind. I pulled and pulled ignoring the pain of the bite, but Andrea was a good knot tyer. (It was later I found out Andrea was with my sister in Girl Scouts) Marcy jumped on one side of the bed Andrea on the other. My sister was just watching in amusement.

“I feel like I should have popcorn.” My sister said. Yes, she inherited my sense of humor quite nicely.

Then I felt Brianna sit on my chest near my head. By now I was squirming really badly, but she was able to hold me down. She looked me with my helpless expression. She took her hand and started to play with my hair.

Meanwhile Marcy and Andrea were going full force on my sides. I tried so hard to laugh, but I was starting to scream out uncontrollably. My sister fixed that; she went and got a clean sock and shoved it in my mouth then got the duct tape. I don’t know how she knew how to do that, but props to her.

Brianna stopped playing with my hair and joined Marcy and Andrea, but instead of just tickling me she lifted up my shirt leaving myself rather exposed. Well that was the triggering point. Feeling those sharp fingernails digging into my now bare sides was way too much. I tried to throw them off me using my legs, but Andrea just sat on it and continued to tickle me.

I watched them giggling and gliding their rapid moving fingers all over me. This went on for what felt like forever. I was screaming STOP in my gag, but all that came out was.


“What is he saying?” Marcy asked.

My sister took off the duct tape and left it to me to spit out the sock.

“Stop… oh… god… please stop.” I said completely out of breath.

The girls looked at me for a moment, then.

“Let’s leave him down here. See if he can get out.” Said my sister. She must have been feeling sorry for me by now.

“Ok…” said Andrea

They got up from on top of me and left… well all except Brianna she kept sitting on top of me. Smiling down at me. Marcy came back and led her away.

Well… how am I going to get out?

One of the things that happened in all the squirming was it loosened the rope lengths I now had some slack to work with. I shifted over to one side and used my teeth to dig into the knot and slowly pull it out... It was soon loose enough that I was able to tug it off. The rest was easy after that now that I had a free hand. I looked at my wrist and ankles. The old rope marks were there in force, but I didn’t care over all this was fun.

After a while I walked back upstairs they were all watching TV. They seemed surprised, but not very that I escaped.

“He got himself free” Andrea said semi disappointed.

I shrugged…

“I never said it was easy” I replied. I walked into my bedroom, locked the door, and went to bed.

Orlando, FL

MattW's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section