capturechick : 03 - The Initiation (f+m/f+, f/+m)

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capturechick : 03 - The Initiation (f+m/f+, f/+m)

Post by Canuck100 »

capturechick's stories
03 - The Initiation
Story index at the bottom

By capturechick

Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:48 pm

The Initiation (Pt 1)

Fifteen year-old Cori Wescott couldn’t believe it and neither could her two friends, Jordan Marshall and Eva Pacheco, also fifteen. The three girls, who were freshman at Ridgeland High School, were looking over a list near the gymnasium. On that list were their names and three other girls. They had just made the Junior Varsity Cheerleading Squad.

“I knew we’d make it!” beamed Cori who removed her dark hair from the ponytail she had it in. “Who else is on the list?” added Jordan who had shoulder length brown hair

“Heather Barkley, Kerianne Gilchrist and Cassie Thomas” Cori replied as she hugged her two friends “I knew all of them would make it, especially Heather” the pretty Hispanic girl Eva added, “That girl is awesome!”

“Well thank you” said another girl’s voice. It belonged to the dark brown haired Heather. She was only fourteen, but very athletic for her age. She was joined by Kerianne, fifteen and brunette and Cassie who was Heather’s age and had sandy blonde hair. “And congrats to you guys too”
While the girls were talking and hugging, two girls came up to them. They were the captains of the squad. Their names were Melissa and Suzy, both sophomores.

“What’s up girls?” Melissa half-shouted “Ready for our first get together?”

“When is it Melissa? Cori asked excitedly as she looked at her friends

“Saturday morning at this address” Suzy added as she gave them a piece of paper with some information on it

“The old Taylor place?” Heather asked puzzingly “Isn’t that the big house that the school board just bought?

“The same. Look the gym is being used on Saturday. I just think it’ll be cool to hang out there for awhile…you know get aquainted. It’s all approved girls, just bring yourselves and oh don’t forget, wear your gym shorts and T-shirt that you got today”

“You’re all bound to have a good time, promise” Suzy added giggling, before Melissa grabbed her arm and pulled her away

“See you bright and early girls” Melissa shouted as she and Suzy walked back down the hall. The girls could only look at each other and start giggling themselves


Saturday morning was a sunny day as Cori’s mother dropped off her, Jordan, Eva and Kerianne at the Large Taylor house, which was a mile from school. A few minutes later, Cassie, then Heather were dropped off as well. The six friends then made their way up the long walkway and to the front door. On the front door was a big sign that said: COME IN, IT”S OPEN. Jordan took the lead and opened it. The girls then saw another sign that read: WELCOME FRESHMEN

“Hello? Melissa? Suzy?” the girls shouted but got no response “Hello? Anyone here?”

“Where are they?” Eva asked as she looked around the spacious room

“I guess we just sit here and wait” Cori added as she plopped down on one of the large couches that was part of the living room. Cassie and Heather joined her. Jordan then took a seat as well.

“I think we should look around” Kerianne said “Who’s with me, let’s check this place out”
“I’ll go” Eva responded “This place is so big, maybe those guys are setting something up somewhere”

Eva and Kerianne took off towards the other end of the house. Once in one of the other rooms, the girls saw a staircase.

“Hey Eva, maybe if were lucky, we’ll run into Ryan Davis!
“Oh God, he is soooo gorgeous”

Ryan was a star Football and Basketball for Ridgeland and basically the fantasy of most of the girls at school. Meeting him there was a long shot, but who knows what this little get together was going to bring…at least from the girls’ perspective…
After ascending the stairs, Eva and Kerianne saw nothing but rooms. Eva then stopped.

“What is it?”

“I thought I heard something…Hello?…let’s split up”

Kerianne took Eva’s advice and walked further down the hallway. Suddenly, she was grabbed, a hand clamping over her mouth!

Eva didn’t hear nothing as she shrugged as she left the room. She turned around and almost jumped out of her skin. She was face to face with Suzy.

“Where have you and Melissa been?”

Just then Melissa showed up and she wasn’t alone. Ryan Davis was with her, but he had a hold of Kerianne who was bound and gagged!


“What the…” Eva stammered as she was quickly grabbed by Suzy and Melissa who forced a bandana between her teeth before tying it off

“Freshmen initiation girls…that’s what’s going on.”

Eva could only stare at Kerianne who was forced to lie on one of the beds. Eva was rolled over where Suzy and Melissa could bind her wrists.

“The fun is just beginning Eva” Melissa sneered as she tightened the knots on the ropes on Eva’s wrists “For all of you newcomers!”

Eva turned to look at Kerianne who bit down on her gag as she twisted her wrists.
Then she looked at the school hunk Ryan, who seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. The girls had fallen into their trap, but the worst part was the other four had no clue on what was going on…


Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:21 pm


“There we go!” Melissa said as she flopped Eva on the bed next to Kerianne. Suzy took more rope and bound the young girl’s ankles together.

“Yep, we have quite a treat in store for you guys” Suzy added as she tied Kerianne’s ankles. Both girls had only ankle socks on their feet, so the ropes hurt just a bit more against their bare skin.

“Grrrmmppphhh!!” Eva screamed into the blue bandana gag, tossing her head furiously “Unnnnmmpppp!!!”

“Sorry Eva” Melissa snorted as she looked at her prisoners “Couldn’t make that out” The trio laughed as they walked over toward the door.

“Now what?” Ryan asked looking at the two cheerleader captains

“You go set up area two and me and Suzy here will try and lure out another victim”

“Nnnnnpphhh!!” Kerianne protested hearing this. Eva soon joined her with the squeals. Ryan left the room and disappeared down the hall. Melissa and Suzy took one more look at their prey and left as well. Eva squirmed against her bonds, but they held tight. The girls’ ropes weren’t tight enough to cut off circulation, but not loose enough to free themselves either. Twisting their wrists did make the rope cut more. Tired and embarrassed, Eva and Kerianne looked at each other’s gagged faces. How were they going to get free?


“Where are those guys?” Heather said as she got up from the couch “I mean, it’s been twenty minutes”

“Something isn’t right” Cori added as she looked at Jordan and Cassie who looked comfortable on their end of the couch “This whole place is starting to give me the creeps"

“I think somebody should go look for them” Heather added

“I’ll go” Cassie said sitting up “I’m bored out of my mind. I mean I could have stayed home and did this!”

“I’ll go with you” Jordan added, getting up. “You’re right about being bored….might as well check this house out”

“Be back in ten minutes guys” Cori said, looking at the clock on her phone

Cassie and Jordan just laughed as they went into the back part of the spacious house.

“Where do you think they went?” Jordan asked, looking at her friend. Cassie just shrugged as she saw the stairs

“Maybe they went up there, might as well check”

Just then Jordan stopped her “I heard something…coming from in there”

“Okay let’s check it out”

The girls went through a narrow corridor and into a hallway

“Man this place is huge” Cassie said “There’s too many plac….”

Cassie never finished the sentence. A large canvas sack was thrown over her head as well as Jordan’s. The thick material drowned their protests out. The girls then found themselves being held in a tight grip. Both of them the heard faint, but familiar voices

“Don’t fight us girls!” said the voice. It belonged to Melissa. Cassie’s heart was pounding by this time as she was trying to figure out what was going on. Jordan was wondering the same as she kicked her way out of her captor’s grip and somehow got away

“Hey!” yelled the voice. It was Suzy’s “Don’t worry about her, it’s more fun this way” Melissa added as she removed the cover from Cassie’s head.

“Hey you guys. What’s going o…..mmmppphhh!!”

Melissa quickly cleave-gagged Cassie with a red bandana and then tied it tightly behind her head.

“Sorry Cass, no more talking. Now it’s time to secure you”

As Cassie was led away she could only wonder where Jordan escaped to


Eva and Kerianne had managed to lay side by side in an effort to try and loosen the other one’s knots. The girls had managed to work up a sweat in doing so, probably more than they ever did cheering. Eva could chew nails as mad as she was right at the moment, but the only thing she was chewing was the cotton of the bandana and it was drying out her mouth.

Fumbling about, Kerianne and Eva tried their best to work on the knots, but it was slow going at best.


Jordan had made her way down the hallway and hid behind a large box that was lying against the wall. Her head was spinning as she wondered what her and Cassie had run into. What is going on… she thought. Why are Melissa and Suzy after us?….I’ve got to get back to the others…

Jordan got up and looked around. She snuck back down the hallway taking small steps. She suddenly screamed. Blocking her way was Ryan.

“Ryan, oh my God. I can’t believe you're here!” she beamed, hugging him “Melissa and Suzy are up to no good. I don't know what's going on, but I think they got Cassie…Also Eva and Kerianne are missing!”

“Missing? For sure?”

“I think so”

“Well let’s find out what's going on then”

Jordan then felt safe with the school hunk, unaware of his connection to Melissa and Suzy. She was about to walk into a trap…a situation that a grinning Ryan was more than willing to participate in…..


Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:14 pm


Melissa and Suzy led the gagged Cassie down another hall and then down a flight of stairs. There they opened a door and saw a spacious open room that had two couches on it.

“Very good Ryan, you did an excellent job of getting this place ready” Melissa quietly said as she took rope from her pocket, pulled Cassie’s hands behind her back and started to tie her wrists.


“I think she wants to know what’s going on” Suzy added as she gave another piece of rope to Melissa. The head cheerleader finished tightening the knots on Cassie’s wrists and then led her over to one of the couches. Pushing her down on it, Melissa started to tie her bare ankles.

“I’ll tell you my dear, it’s initiation time for you six…Eva and Kerianne are tied up upstairs and for Jordan…well, we’ll get her soon enough. That leaves Cori and Heather. Once we have everybody, we can begin”


“You’ll find out soon enough. Let’s go check on the others and hopefully run into Miss Marshall…or she runs into us!”

The girls laughed as they left the room. Cassie could hear the door lock. She immediately fought to get loose, but like the others, she was tied securely. As Cassie looked around for anything to help free herself, Jordan was walking with Ryan down one of the hallways

“What do you think is going on Jordan?”

“I have no idea, but those two are in a world of trouble”

Just then Jordan heard footsteps. Then she saw Melissa and Suzy walking right towards them!

“They’re they are, the no good…ggmmpphhh!!!”

Jordan couldn’t finish the sentence. Ryan had clamped a hand over her mouth

“Well well if isn’t Miss Marshall, fancy running into you here and you too Ryan!”

“She didn’t suspect a thing”

Jordan couldn’t believe it. Ryan was in on the plan to capture them, the only thing is, Where were her friends?

“Suzy, take little Miss troublemaker here and put her with Miss Thomas, Ryan you’re coming with me. It’s time to check on her original guests”

Ryan released the stunned Jordan, who let out a small scream, before Suzy hand gagged her. Meanwhile, in the front of the house Heather turned to Cori

“What was that? Did you hear that?”

“I didn’t hear anything” Cori responded as she looked at her phone clock. It was five minutes past the deadline she gave Cassie and Jordan to return.

“We better go find them, nothing is making sense”

“Okay” Heather responded “I’m with you”


In the large bedroom, Eva and Kerianne were still fumbling about the knots, working up a terrible sweat in doing so. Just then the door opened and Melissa and Ryan entered the room

“Well well haven’t we been busy?” Melissa sneered as she started to untie Eva’s ankle ropes. Ryan untied Kerrianne’s as well.

“No luck with the knots huh?” Melissa added as she looked at both girls “I forgot to tell you, me and Suzy were once in the Girl Scouts…got merit badges in knot tying”

Both girls closed their eyes as they heard Melissa let out an evil laugh. She then got Eva to her feet. Eva felt pain as she started to walk

“We’ll take it slow girls, until feeling comes back. I’m not a psycho you know, I’m just having fun! Speaking of that, it’s time to join your friends….but you don’t know what friends”

Melissa and Ryan then blindfolded Eva and Kerianne and hustled them out of the room


“There that ought to hold ya” Suzy said as she tightened the knots on Jordan’s ankles

The teen, like her friends, had her hands bound tightly behind her and her mouth cleave-gagged, but not with a bandana, but with a large knee sock that was wound twice around her head and secured with a tight knot. She looked at Cassie, who bit down on her gag. She was caught this time and whatever was in store for them, was going to happen fast.

Just then, the door opened and Cassie and Jordan squealed at the sight of Eva and Kerianne being brought into the room by Melissa and Ryan. They then removed their blindfolds. Eva could see the other two bound and gagged on the couch. That meant four of them were captured and only two remained

“I think Heather and Cori are really suspicious, I think I heard them coming up the stairs”

“Just in time then” Suzy added as she tossed rope to Melissa who Plopped Eva and Kerianne down on the couch and redid their ankle bonds.

“Ryan go out there and lookout for us, let us know of what they might be saying…don’t let them see you…I have a plan to get both of them…”

Melissa walked over to a large TV set and turned it on. Melissa then picked up a remote of some kind. The girls could see Cori and Heather walking through the house! It was a video camera of some sort.

“I thank the Tech kids for this one…I think we should let those two try and find you all…I think it’ll be more fun”

Melissa joined Suzy and then looked at their captives. Eva, Kerrianne, Cassie and Jordan were all tightly bound, their mouths filled with gags and none of them going anywhere anytime soon. Now Heather and Cori were unsuspecting victims that were being watched and stalked like prey in the jungle…..


Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:59 pm


Cori and Heather went from room to room searching for their four friends as well as Melissa and Suzy, unaware of their involvement of the others “Kidnapping”

“Where is everybody? Hey you guys?” Cori shouted “Joke’s over! You can come out now!”

“I don’t hear anything Cori” Heather responded.

“Let’s look around some more, there’s bound to be more to this house than just the upstairs”

“I have to admire your friends’ determination” Melissa said as she watched the monitor on the television that showed Cori and Heather. Their friends were still snuggly tied up and gagged and helpless to do anything as Eva tried to sit closer to Kerianne again, hoping to rework their efforts in freeing the other.

“Now what?” Suzy asked “Do you think we should go after them?”

“Nah, let’s let em sneak around for awhile…then we’ll pounce!”

“So that’s your plan?”

“Yeah simple isn’t it”

Just then Ryan had returned

“Did you catch anything they were saying?” Melissa asked

“They’re just frustrated from what I heard. They said they were going to look around some more, saying that everybody had to be somewhere”

“Perfect” Suzy added “Right into our trap”

“But that leaves one more thing to take care of” Melissa said as she looked at Ryan

“What’s that?” He asked

“You, my dear” Melissa shouted as she tackled him! Suzy joined her to tag team him

The other girls looked at each other in puzzlement as Melissa and Suzy produced rope and began to tie him up!

“We don’t trust you Ryan” Melissa sneered as she held his legs “Not anymore!”


“In here Cori” Heather said as she opened a door. The two girls opened it up and saw a flight of stairs

“Basement?” Cori quizzed

“Only one way to find out, come on”

As the girls went down the stairs, Melissa and Suzy were busy tracking them on the screen. Melissa then put the control entirely on the basement area

“Hey, this thing does have volume to it! They’re in the basement, time to pounce…and to put you in a safe place” she said as she grabbed the now gagged Ryan who also had his hands tied behind his back

“We’ll be back shortly everyone, oh and you can watch and hear their capture if you want!”

At once Eva pushed her back against Kerrianne’s. Jordan sensed what they were doing and did the same thing with Cassie.


“This should keep Ryan out of trouble” Suzy sneered as she tightened the ropes around his ankles

“Sorry Ryan dear” Melissa said as she gave him a couple of soft slaps on the face.

“You know how I love seeing your butt running down the court, but for right now, we have more pressing matters…which don’t include you….sorry”

Ryan let out a grunt behind his gag as Melissa shut the door, which looked like a big closet

“Now for the last two” Melissa smiled as she gave Suzy a high five “Come on”

Meanwhile, Cori and Heather had entered the basement area, unaware that their friends were tuned into the every move.

“It is creepy down here alright,” Cori said sort of whispering “Really creepy”

As the girls watched on the monitor of their uncaptured friends, suddenly the saw two figures emerging from the shadows….Melissa and Suzy! All of them, who were busy trying to free the girl next to them, started squealing loudly. It was a hopeless cause, even if they weren’t gagged, Heather and Cori probably couldn’t hear their warning.

Heather then heard a noise and turned around. She turned to face Melissa.

“Melissa! Where have you been? We’ve been looking all over for you!”

“Yeah” Cori added “By the way, where are our friends?”

Just then Suzy emerged from behind a door carrying rope. Heather and Cori were caught off guard as their pulses quickened

“The others are a little tied up right now…waiting for you!” Suzy snapped as she tossed some of the rope to Melissa. Heather gulped and started to run. She got a few feet before Melissa tackled her! Suzy then grabbed Cori. Upstairs, the four captives doubled their efforts to get free before Melissa and Suzy returned with the new victims

“What are you doing…! Let me go!” Heather yelled as her hands were tied behind her. She then looked at Cori who was being trussed up by Suzy.

“Put on a show for your fellow Freshmen Heather…they can see you on a video monitor”

“Why are you doing this?” Cori asked tugging at her wrists as Suzy tightened the knots

“Initiation time my dear…now open your mouth”

As Cori started to protest, a white rag found her open mouth. Suzy then pulled it as tight as she could before knotting it twice behind her head

“You two ww….gggrrrmmmmpphh!!!” Heather said before a gag courtesy of Melissa silenced her mouth as well

“I hope you have that much energy in the games Heather” Suzy taunted as she got Heather to her feet. Suzy got Cori to her feet. She then tossed another rag to Suzy

“Blindfold her” Melissa ordered as she blindfolded Heather who tried to shake her head in protest. Cori was then blindfolded quickly. Both girls were then forced out of the room, squealing in protest

Seeing all of this, Eva and Kerianne as well as Jordan and Cassie kept slipping on the knots as panic slipped in. Now they were all caught and pretty soon the “Initiation” would begin…whatever it was…


(Part Five will be the last chapter...PROMISE...already working on a new story)


Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:32 pm


As Eva, Kerrianne, Cassie and Jordan frantically worked on the ropes, suddenly the door opened. In walked Melissa and Suzy with a bound, gagged and blindfolded Cori and Heather in tow.

“Well now,” Melissa announced “Don’t we all look comfy” she added sarcastically as she and Suzy looked at all their victims “Now we can begin”

All of the girls mmmpphed into their gags at that announcement. What was going to happen to them?

“Who should be first?” Suzy asked tying Cori’s ankles together with rope as she sat on the floor next to Heather

“How about these two?”….off with their shoes and socks!” she ordered

“Mmmpphhh!!!!” Heather squealed as her sneakers and ankle socks were removed by Suzy exposing her bare feet. Cori’s were removed as well. Not being able to see made the girls frantic in what they thought might happen. In a few seconds their worst fears were realized. Melissa and Suzy were tickling the bottoms of their soles!

“Ggrrrmmmpphhh!!!! Mmmmppphhh!!! Sttppphhhh tttt!!!”

Heather and Cori rolled and twisted, but couldn’t escape the torture of the girls’ soft fingers tickling the undersides of their feet. Just then their blindfolds were removed and tears could be seen rolling down their eyes from being tickled.

“Enjoying this rookies?” the girls taunted as they moved up to the girl’s sides really tickling them good. Squealing and twisting were all they could do. From the couch the other four waited with dread as their turn was upcoming. A few minutes later, Melissa and Suzy stopped and left Cori and Heather panting on the floor.

“Now for round two…I’ll blindfold them, you get their feet”

“Nnnnmmmpphhh stttpphh!!!” the girls protested but it did no good. One by one, Eva, Kerrianne, Cassie and Jordan were blindfolded by Melissa as they tried to shake their heads in more protest. Suzy removed their ankle socks and sneakers. Now all of their young feet were vulnerable to touch.

“Good thinking on our part to tell you guys to wear the basic uniform huh?” Suzy told them “Easy on, easy off sort of speak”

“Yeah” Melissa added “Now we can do this!” she then dove at Kerrianne’s feet, then Eva’s. Suzy attacked Jordan and then finally Cassie. High pitched squeals was the sound of choice as the girls feet were raked by the two older girls. Meanwhile, Heather had rolled over to where Suzy and Melissa were kneeling and tried to kick them!

“What the…hey!” Melissa yelled as he got Heather up “I think she wants some more!”

Heather squealed in protest as her blindfold was put back in place and she was then pushed down on the couch next to Jordan.

“Oh I’m sorry Cori, don’t want to forget you dear!”

Melissa then blindfolded Cori again and pulled the young girl to her feet and planted her next to Heather.

“Well well six lovely freshmen all in a row…just waiting for our next move…what will it be?….just who will it be?….”

The girls hearts were pounding with dread as they wondered how much tickling Melissa and Suzy would actually do to them.

“There we go Suzanne” Melissa announced “Perfect!”

What was it? What did they have? What it was soon touched their soles. It was a large feather! The girls twisted and squealed as their feet, top and bottom was tickled by the large feather, to make matters worse, Suzy started tickling the girls legs all the way up their thighs…

“I think we have six great kids here!” Suzy said tickling Eva’s tanned legs, making the pretty latina move in all sorts of ways “I mean all of them can move obviously. But their enthusiasm is something else!”

Enthusiasm? Heather thought. All of them were helplessly bound and gagged and being tickled to death by the captains of the cheerleading squad!

“Yeah, I see what you mean…look at little Jordan here” Melissa said sarcastically as she moved the feather up Jordan’s semi-tanned legs making the girl squirm almost on top of Cassie “Full of enthusiasm!…what a team were going to have!”

“Ssstttppptttthh!!!” Jordan tried to say behind the gag, knowing it would fall on deaf ears “Ssstttppphhh!!!”

“She’s loving it, look at her!”

“And Cori here” Melissa added as she moved over to the brunette on the end

Cori’s heart was almost coming out of her chest as she felt Melissa near her. Suddenly the light touch of the feather worked her way up her tanned legs

“Ggrrrmmpphhh!!! Ssstttppphhhhttt!!” Ssstttppphhtttt!!!”

“Here’s a captain in three years!” Melissa said moving the feather all over Cori’s legs and thighs. "Great spirit!"

For another half-hour or so the girls got nothing but tickle treatment in every shape and form. All of them were exhausted as their blindfolds were removed.

“Congratulations Freshmen! You have all been initiated to the squad!” Melissa and Suzy announced. A few minutes later, Suzy brought in a bunch of water for them to drink.

“Okay here’s the deal, were going to loosen one of you. That person will get free and untie the rest…No hard feelings? ”

It was not hard to see what the girls thought of that statement. Would they plan revenge on their captors? Or just go along with them being one of many girls to be “Initiated” into the cheerleading squad….One thing was certain, next year would bring new girls onto the squad and then “Their” turn would come....


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