Yo-Yo : 01 - The Ticklish Weekend (f/ff)

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Yo-Yo : 01 - The Ticklish Weekend (f/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Yo-Yo's stories
01 - The Ticklish Weekend
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By Yo-Yo

Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:03 am

The Ticklish Weekend

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it! Very Happy

Characters: Britney (13); Main Character
Chelsea (13); The new girl
Jenny (17); Britney's older sister

It was mid afternoon on Friday, in the middle of Summer Vacation. Britney was sitting lazily on her living room couch, bored out of her mind with nothing to do. She was blonde, and was wearing shorts, a tank top, and bare feet. Her parents were preparing to leave in an hour or so, and were going to be out of town until Monday. That meant that Britney, along with her older sister, Jenny, had the house to themselves all weekend. It didn't really matter to her, though, since all of her friends from school were busy and she had nothing to do anyways.

So, it was only natural that she was surprised when the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" she called out to the rest of the house, and walked over to the front door. When she opened it, she saw that there was a woman in her mid-forties along with a girl that was around Britney's age standing on the porch. "Hi!" said Britney in a friendly way. She recognized the woman as their new next door neighbor, who had just moved in yesterday, but she had no idea that she had a daughter! Maybe this weekend won't be so boring after all, she thought.

"Hello," said the woman, "are your parents here?"

"Yes," said Britney, gesturing for them to come in, "I'll go and get them, hold on." She smiled at the young girl as she was walking away, but she didn't seem to notice. She came back a couple of minutes later with her mother in tow. As she watched her mom talking to the woman, she gestured for the girl to come over so they could talk, but again she didn't seem to notice. The girl just stood there next to her mother, gazing warily around the living room. She was wearing a skirt, blouse, and flip flops, and had brown hair.

"I'm so sorry to do this at the last second, but my mother is in the hospital and my husband and I have to rush over there right now," the girl's mom was saying. "I was wondering if I could leave my daughter Chelsea here with you for the night?"

"Well, actually my husband and I are going to be out of town for a couple of days; we were just preparing to leave. But my seventeen-year-old daughter will be here, so if you're okay with that then Chelsea is welcome to stay here." said Britney's mom.

"Oh, that would be wonderful. Thank you so much!" then she turned to Chelsea. "Is that okay sweetie?" She nodded her head. They hugged, and her mom turned and left. Britney's parents were ready a few minutes later, and after saying good bye, they left as well. Chelsea seemed uncomfortable, and stood timidly in the living room, not sure what to do next.

"Hi, I'm Britney! Just make yourself at home," Britney said. Chelsea timidly slipped off her flip flops near the door and walked over to the rest of the living room. She decided to sit on the couch perpendicular to the one Britney was sitting on, and plopped herself down on it. Britney smiled at her and handed her the TV remote, and she timidly smiled back. "So, your granmother is in the hospital?" asked Britney.

Chelsea nodded her head and shyly added, "She has cancer. They just found out today."

"Oh... that really sucks. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," she murmured back. They fell into an awkward silence. Chelsea flipped through the channels, and finally settled on a basketball game. They talked every now and then, but it always ended in an awkward silence. At one point, Britney accidentally dropped her necklace that she had been absentmindedly playing with on the floor. She bent down to pick it up, but her long hair brushed against Chelsea's soles, which were hanging over the side of the couch. She giggled, and Britney glanced up to see what was so funny. Chelsea was pulling her feet back and hiding them under a pillow, making it obvious to Britney what had happened.

"Oh, sorry. I know that feeling. I'm pretty ticklish too."

Chelsea tried to pull off her best confused look. "What? Oh no, I'm not ticklish."

"Yes you are! I heard you giggle."

"I just saw something funny on TV, that's all," Chelsea said as if that was the end of the conversation. Eventually, her feet gradually settled back on the arm rest. Britney couldn't resist. She made sure Chelsea wasn't looking, then gently poked her foot with her finger. Chelsea squealed and jerked her feet back. Britney suppressed laughter at how ticklish her new friend was.

"Uhh... I need to do something upstairs. I'll be back in a minute." she said. Chelsea just nodded, clearly still flustered. She ran up to her bedroom, then let out her suppressed giggles. Ever since the first time her older sister had tied up her up and tickled her six years ago, Britney had been searching for someone she could do the same thing to. Now she finally had a proper victim! The problem was: only Jenny had the proper tying equipment, so if she was going to be tying up anyone, Jenny was going to know about it. Britney took a deep breath. Sh was just going to have to be brave and do this. Sucking up all of her courage, she walked over to Jenny's room and knocked.

"Who is it?" called out her older sister.

"It's Britney."

Footsteps. Then the door swung open. "What do you want?"

"Can I come in? Please, it's very serious."

Jenny sighed and moved aside to let her in. "Okay, what?"

"I need your help tying up Chelsea. I just found out that she's very ticklish, but she denies it."

That seemed to catch Jenny's interest. She seemed to think about it for awhile, then said, "Well, I'm not doing anything right now, so sure I'll help you out. I'll get my stuff ready, then bring her up here in about 15 minutes."

"Thanks sis!" said Britney before walking back downstairs. She could barely contain her excitement. Finally, after all these years... she thought. Chelsea glanced up when she walked in the room, but otherwise didn't seem to notice. They sat as they had before for 12 minutes, then Britney said, "Hey, why don't we turn this off and go play a game upstairs?"

Chelsea seemed interested. "What kind of game?"

"You'll see when we get up there..."

"Hmm... okay!" Chelsea said and turned off the TV. She got up and walked over to where she left her flip flops.

"Uhh... you won't need those. Just stay bare foot." Chelsea just shrugged her shoulders and started to climb the stairs, still completely clueless as to what was going on. Britney followed behind her. When they reached the top of the stairs, they saw Jenny's door open just a crack, so that you couldn't see inside. "Go in there." whispered Britney, almost bursting with excitement. Chelsea tiptoed to the door and slowly opened it, as if she sensed something was wrong. When she opened it wide enough to walk in, she was surprised to see a pair of stocks (with 4 holes in them) and a pile of rope.

"What type of game is this?" she asked, pointing at the stuff. But Britney ignored her, only motioning to go in.

"Hello?" came a voice from behind the door. Chelsea jumped, clearly startled. But it was too late. Jenny lunged out and grabbed Chelsea's arms, easily overpowering her and pulling them behind her back.

Chelsea wasn't shy anymore. "What's going on here?!" she screamed.

"Hey, no lip unless you want a gag as well," said Jenny. That seemed to quiet Chelsea. She proceeded to drag her over to the wall, where she sat Chelsea down on the floor, her arms raised above her head. Jenny then tied her wrists to a hook on the wall, effectively making her belly, ribs, and underarms helpless to any wandering fingers. Chelsea glared over at Britney, as if she had been betrayed. But Britney was scared now as well. Why are there four holes in the stocks? she thought, and why are there two hooks on the wall? But before she had time to think about what was going on, Jenny called her over.

"Hey, can I get some help over here?" Britney walked over to her. "Do you see that thing right there?" Jenny pointed at the stocks. Britney leaned over to peer at the thing, but Jenny tackled her to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"What, you didn't possibly think that I was going to let you miss out on the fun, now did you?" Jenny said, holding Britney's arms above her head as she had done with Chelsea.

"Let me go!"

"Tut tut, don't struggle now, I wouldn't have to do this now would I?" she said, sitting down on Britney's wrists, her legs laying on top of her little sisters'.

But Britney continued to struggle against her sister's weight. "Okay, you asked for it," and Jenny ran her fingers up and down Britney's ribs.

"Nonono! Hahaha! Stop it! Please! Hahaha!"

"I will as soon as you agree to cooperate and be a good little girl."

"Okay okay, just please stop." Britney said from instinct, without thinking. She new that she had just agreed to be locked up in the stocks beside Chelsea, but all that she could think about at that moment was that she wanted the tickling to stop.

"All right then," said Jenny and dragged Britney over beside Chelsea, tying her wrists to the hook above her head. What she did next was very odd, but all that Britney and Chelsea could do was watch apprehensively. Rather than put Britney's feet in the holes directly in front of her, and Chelsea's in those in front of her; she instead placed Britney's left foot in the far left hole and her right foot in the far right hole, and then placed Chelsea's right foot in the hole directly to the right of Britney's left foot, and Chelsea's left foot in the hole directly to the left of Britney's right foot. Then she tied Britney's left big toe to Chelsea's right big toe, and Britney's right big toe to Chelsea's left big toe. This effectively made their feet as helpless as their bellies, as well as made their legs all criss-crossed. However, the benefit of this was that Jenny could easily tickle both Britney's and Chelsea's feet at the same time.

"Okay girls, we're going to have a little contest here," said Jenny evilly, her fingers wiggling just inches away from Britney and Chelsea's helpless little feet. "I'm going to tickle you both mercilessly, but either of you can stop it at any time by simply saying stop. However beware, because the person who survives and doesn't say stop gets to do whatever she wants to the person who caves. Got it?" Both girls nodded solemnly, awaiting their fate. "Oh come on girls, cheer up!" she said with glee and began tickling them. It was pure torture. Jenny didn't start off lightly and then slowly grow merciless, she just started off mercilessly. The two girls were in hysterics within the first minute, yet neither was willing to cave. The only reprieve for them was the few second intervals when Jenny switched feet. Neither even had time to think of struggling. All that they knew was laughter, and all that they were able to do was laugh. The clock slowly ticked off the minutes, 5, 10, 15, yet it still wouldn't end. Britney was even more ticklish than Chelsea, though, and after 20 minutes she couldn't take it anymore.

"Hahaha-St-Hahaha-No-Hahaha-Plea-STOP!!!" she finally managed to say. And as abruptly as the tickling began, it suddenly stopped.

"Well well, sis, it seems that your new friend here has better endurance than I thought." She stopped and looked at Chelsea, who was heaving in deep breaths of air. "Chelsea, you won. What are you going to do to the person that made you endure this?"
Chelsea heaved a final, deep breath. Then she responded...

Finish the sentence to decide what happens in the next edition of "The Ticklish Weekend!" I'll choose the best response. Also, remember that this is my first story here, so any other comments are appreciated! Smile

Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:37 pm

I'm sorry that it took me so long to post Part II, and that it's not as long as the first one, but here it is:

Chelsea heaved a final, deep breath. Then she responded. "First of all, get me out of these stocks and untie my hands." Jenny bent down and did so, untying Chelsea's toes from Britney's and untying her wrists as well. Chelsea then pulled her feet out of the holes and got up, rubbing circulation back into her hands. She stood, staring at Britney as if deep in thought.

Britney almost squirmed with apprehension, still locked in the stocks. Then Chelsea said, "Hmm... I think that a different position is needed here." Britney sighed with relief. Maybe she wasn't going to be tickled again after all? Chelsea let her out of the stocks, though she still kept her wrists tied, switching them from above her head to behind her back. Then she led her over to the middle of the room and laid her down on her belly. "Jenny, can you help me out with her legs?" she asked.
Jenny walked over, more rope in hand. She then lifted Britney's legs up, tying her ankles together. But she didn't get any farther than that. As she was bent over, Chelsea pounced on her, much as Jenny had done to trick Britney into the stocks. Jenny fought back fiercely however, being nearly a foot taller and much stronger than Chelsea. The two rolled on the floor, each trying to best the other.

Britney took this as her chance to try and escape, fiercely struggling against her bonds. But the expert tying of her sister held up. Britney wanted to scream with frustration. How much could one girl take in one night? Yet Chelsea and Jenny continued to brawl, at one point even rolling over Britney. She squealed with pain, but as they rolled past, a bare foot came within her grasp. She grabbed it, her bound fingers doing their best to wiggle along its sole.

Jenny broke out laughing. It turned out that it was her foot that Britney was tickling! She struggled to get away, but Chelsea wouldn't have it. She seized her opportunity and began tying Jenny's wrists as the bigger girl was tickled. By the time she had broken away from her little sister's grasp, her hands were already bound. Chelsea then lunged at her ankles, tying those as well. Jenny was now lying on the floor in the same position as Britney.

"How dare you!" she screamed. But Chelsea just smirked, admiring her handiwork. She then walked over to Britney, laying down next to her and whispering in her ear.

"Good job there. I thought that I was going to end up like you, and that we were both going to have another round of tickling done to us. Now I'm going to untie you, and as long as you agree to cooperate, you won't be tickled again for the rest of the night, okay?" Britney grinned and nodded her sincere agreement, finally having circulation returned to her hands after she was untied. She and Chelsea then walked out of the room, closing the door behind them as they smirked at Jenny, who was still hogtied on her bedroom floor.

Once they got back into the living room, Britney let out her surprise. "But why did you untie me? I would've thought that you'd want revenge, even if I only planned it."

Chelsea sighed. "The truth is, that was one of the funnest experiences of my life. I'm an only child you know, so I never get to do fun stuff like that with my siblings."

"What??? So you're just going to let my sister off too?!"

"I didn't say that. Of course I still want revenge, I was just pointing out that I had fun. If you'd been the one doing the tickling, you'd still be upstairs with your sister."

For once, at least, Britney was glad that her sister had tied her up. "I had fun too, I guess, but I've always wanted to be the dominant one. For years now I've always been the one on the other side of the feather. I just hoped that today would be the day where I wasn't the one tied up."

"Well, it looks like today is that day," said Chelsea, grinning. But then the two of them jumped, finally noticing Jenny's screams of frustration.

"Sounds like somebody needs a gag." said Britney, a grin now on her face as well.

To be continued... ;)

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