Rope_guy : 02 - Tying up on Playground (mmm/f)

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Rope_guy : 02 - Tying up on Playground (mmm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Rope_guy's stories
02 - Tying up on Playground
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By Rope_guy

Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:35 pm

Tying up on Playground (m/f)

I'm Steven. I registered on this forum last year and posted several times, including a true tie-up story from my youth. I have been away from this forum for months and I have since found that my postings from last year are not on here. It looks that everything had to be restarted.

Anyway, in my younger years, I had been involved in several TUGs, being on both ends. I admit I had more enjoyment tying up someone, especially if she was a girl, than in being tied up. I do not remember exactly what my first TUG was, since my memory of most of them are hazy. One of those tie-up incidents, however, stands out in my memory probably because it happened at school.

This was when I was in, I believe, Third Grade. My family was still living in the Chicago area; we moved to Florida when I was in Sixth Grade. This event involved me and a blond girl whose name has been forgotten by me to the years. The girl, I remembered, already had her clique at school and told on boys who tried to cause trouble for her friends.

One day during the winter my class was on the school playground during recess. I saw the girl and her friends play jumprope with a long piece of rope that was lying around. I had gotten in trouble for an infraction against one of the girl's friends the week before so I was looking for revenge on the girl who got me in trouble. Seeing the girls play jumprope gave me an idea. I went to a couple of my buddies who had gotten in trouble with the girl in the past and told them my idea. They agreed to help me.

We acted a couple minutes before the end of recess. The girls stopped playing jumprope and the blond girl was by the rope when we approached her. We accused the girl of being a tattletale and my buddies grabbed the girl and pulled her toward a tree while I grabbed the rope. I then tied the girl to the tree, tying her by her torso with her arms down alongside her. Since this was winter and the weather was typically cold and snow was on the ground, we all wore winter coats. The tie was good enough to hold the girl for at least a few minutes. By this time recess was over, and we went inside to class, leaving the blond girl behind tied to the tree on that cold playground.

After everyone was back in class the teacher noticed that the blond girl was missing. I said that her mother came and picked her up during recess. My buddies then said that they saw the girl's mother pick her up. The girl's friends then denied that, saying that they were playing jumprope. By then one of the other girls yelled at me and my buddies, "What did you do with *******?" while another of the girls looked outside the classroom window to the playground and saw the blond girl tied to the tree, saying, "She's tied up!"

The teacher went to the window and saw the blond girl across the playground. She then called a hall monitor to go outside and free the girl. The teacher then demanded who tied her up. Us boys were quiet but I happened to say, "She got what was coming to her."

The teacher asked what I meant by that. I told the teacher that the blond girl kept telling on us boys for anything she said we were doing wrong, and that us boys were going to get our revenge. By that time the blond girl returned to the classroom. She immediately identified me and my two buddies.

All of us went to the principle's office where the incident was handled. Us boys had to take a report home to be signed by our parents and turned in the next day. My parents had a talk with me, but the only action I remember them taking was to have me do extra chores for the next week.

Despite the trouble I went through, I felt I had exacted payback to the blond girl who was getting the boys in trouble at school.

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