MissKatie : 01 - An unexpected TUG (mm/f)

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MissKatie : 01 - An unexpected TUG (mm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

MissKatie's stories
01 - An unexpected TUG
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By MissKatie

Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:21 pm

Hi everyone. I've been a guest on this site for quite some time now, before the site even got moved over to ezbbforum.com. I just now decided to register, though. I've noticed that the forum is down quite a bit, so I wanted to register while it was still up, haha. =D Anyway, here's the story. A bit of a short one, but I'll make it as detailed as possible.


My name is Katie. I'm currently 17 years old, and a junior in High School. I'm not what you would call a very popular girl, I have four best friends though that I like to hang out with all the time. I'm a bit of a "geek", I guess you could say. I'm really into art-sy things such as drawing and writing. I also love animé and video games. Overall though, I'm a bit of a shy person. I'm not outgoing as far as being in front of new people go. Don't get me wrong, I talk all the time, but I've been like that since I was a kid, even. I'd be nervous about meeting someone new. Anyway, now that you know more about me, here's my story.


My first tie up game happened when I was nine years old. My mom would babysit for my friend, Derek, who I went to school with. He was on year older than me. His sister, Jessica, would be "babysat" as well, although she was about 4-5 years older than me, she was friends with my sister. They'd go out, do something, or whatever. So I guess my mom really only babysat Derek, and that was only after school until about 4 or 5 o'clock when his mother got out of work to pick him up.

Derek's parents were separated, but not dating at the time. His mother lived right here in town, meanwhile is father lived out of town, more in the "country", you could say. The only neighbor he had was at least a mile away. It was a very nice house, though.

Anyway, one day, I went over to Derek's house on Saturday. I was going to spend the night there. His mother had to go out Saturday morning, and since my mother wasn't able to do it, she hired a babysitter for a few hours. I don't remember much about her, though... that's all I know about her, actually, is that she was a girl. Anyway, me and Derek were outside, while the babysitter and Jessica stayed inside to watch TV and play some sort of board game.

There was this Chinese kid, whose name I forgot, that lived next door to Derek, and he came over for a little bit too. The babysitter had no idea he was here, only because he cut through the backyard. All three of us were sitting on his back porch playing some type of game, what it was I have no idea, but it was a game nonetheless. While we were playing, Derek had left the the table and jumped down off the porch as he went into his garage to get something.

I knew he was coming out of the garage, but I thought absolutely nothing of it. He had something behind his back, but I didn't see it, and didn't care to see it at the time. I was having fun. While I was playing, Derek stood behind me in the chair I was sitting in, and began to wrap some rope around my chest.

The Chinese kid got up and started to help Derek, it seemed like he didn't know Derek was planning on tying me up though. I didn't struggle or put up a fight, I did try to say something a few times but Derek would always shush me or put his hand over my mouth. So I just sat there and let him tie me up. I didn't think much of it at the time.

He put my arms behind my chair, and he finished tying my upper body by tying rope around my chair. To my surprise, it was pretty tight, and I could hardly wiggle my wrists.

Next, he started to wrap rope around my knees. He kept wrapping tape around my legs, and eventually finished it off by tying it around my ankles. He stepped back, and looked at me.

"Quick, go get the babysitter!" I heard him say.

As the Chinese kid went in through the back door to go get the babysitter, Derek leaned up against the table as he took his sneaker and one of his socks off. He put the sock in my mouth before I got the chance to say anything. I easily spit the sock out.

"What are-" he interrupted me.

"No! Leave the sock in your mouth." He said, as he took his other shoe off as well, and his other sock. He put both his socks in my mouth, though it took a little bit of effort to squeeze them both in. My jaw hurt quite a bit, and because of the way they were in my mouth, I couldn't spit it out as easily. It was going to take quite a bit of effort this time, but instead, I just gave up on trying.

Soon enough, the Chinese kid came back outside, and told Derek that she said she'd be right there. So Derek and the other kid sat there, watching me struggle a bit against my bonds. I few "mmmphs" came out while I was trying to get out of it.

After a few minutes, the babysitter came out with Jessica. Both of them started to laugh a little bit, which embarrassed me quite a bit.

"Haha... good job, Derek. Just make sure you untie her soon, ok?" She said, and Derek agreed.

As both the babysitter and Jessica went back inside, Derek left me untied as they went back to the game we were playing. Eventually, I'm not sure how long it was, he took the socks out of my mouth and started to untie me.

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