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Matt W : 05 - Into Practice (fff/m, m/f)

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:12 pm
by Canuck100
Matt W's stories
05 - Into Practice
Story index at the bottom

By Matt W

Saturday, July 8th 2006 - 02:28:13 AM

Into Practice.

Before I go into this story this involves suspension. I do know the dangers of suspension as I've already painfully felt the outcomes of "rushing" Also this story does again, like my last once involve underage girls with me who was of age when this came out. I can tell u straight out though I did have a attraction for what present course of action was being created I never did do anything "dirty" As such, please dont take my story the wrong way.

This took place about 2 weeks after the sleep over. By now we have tied each other up random times, I have finally manage to tie up Marcy and get up close to my embarrassing, but very real attraction to feet. I was playing on the computer as always. (I had an addiction) and I noticed Andrea was over... she was still that darkish figure I always know of her and I was hoping she'd be in the mood for some good "Games" little did I know our games were about to go advance that would require skills I had learned only within that year.

I had socks on, but that didn't stop Andrea from reaching under the computer desk and tickling my feet. Which surprises me everytime though by then I should of come to expect it. She had almost a attraction of her own to see me squirm and laugh, though I never was able to confirm it. I in turn grabbed her foot which was of course bare as it was summer and most girls seemed to wear sandals. I as unnoticeable as possible brought her foot as close to me as possible to smell it... (I dont like smelly dirty feet, but there's something with feet smell itself that seems to set me off) then tickled her mercilessly. She laughed, begged, I stopped then went back to my game only to see my characters body laying on the ground dead...

I shrugged it was worth the life.

I played a bit more, then I heard mom getting up... she got dressed told us she was leaving for work. We were now alone... I had a feeling something was going to go down, but never expected quite what would happen next.

Andrea came up to me with "my stuff" and said

"Can I tie you up?"

I of course accepted, Andrea led me into Kristen's room and I found myself laying on the hardwood floor. I knew the routine, hands behind my back... feeling the wonderful feeling of helplessness as my wrist are restrained... Then came the feet. She wasted no time tearing off my socks then proceeded to tie my ankles together. Leaving me much without power to move other than squiggling like a worm.

I felt her fingers going up and down my feet I twisted and turned trying (but not very hard) to keep her off. She would then move to my sides which I didn't have to fake at all. That was of course my weak spot and I always paid dearly for my small enjoyment, but I never back down a good tie up game.

After a while Kristen asked to be tied up. So Andrea untied me and I moved to Kristen. I tied her ankles together she wiggled her toes the whole time. She smiled clearly enjoying it. I always had a hunch she was into my kinda "Games" but I never could prove it... until now. (perhaps its genetic?) Anyway I had considerable rope length left I was going to go for her hands, but she instead said.

"Tie me to the top of my bed."

At first I didn't understand what she meant... then I realized that she had one of those suspended beds... she wanted to be tied to the bar supports of her bed. I of course wouldn't allow it, not to even to the very one I wanted to Andrea. Rope alone was simply to painful to attempt suspension as I figured out the first time I tried it.

Kristen protested and I finally tried to think of a place that I could do it... then it clicked... my self bondage suspension area. It was downstairs in the laundry room. I turned to Andrea who looked both curious and nervous... I tried my best not to look excited... this I thought is going to get interesting.

Matt W.

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