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WrapGag2006 : 02 - My second tie-up with Cath the Babysitter (m/F)

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:25 pm
by Canuck100
WrapGag2006's stories
02 - My second tie-up with Cath the Babysitter
Story index at the bottom

By WrapGag2006

Friday, August 25th 2006 - 08:44:53 PM

My second tie-up with Cath the Babysitter

Hello again people, I'll post another story for you this is my second tie up with Cath my babysitter. Again dialogue as close as possible to original as the old memory banks are rusty.

After my first tie up game with Cath I was so pleased I had managed to tie her up without completely bombing and looking like a freak and as I said before, I had asked her if I could tie her again and she said yes which was another ten points to me. It had been a few weeks after Cath had babysat me that I would get a chance to tie her up again. She had been over a few times since, but that was to hang out with my parents and no way was I going to ask her then! Anyway, again my parents were in a social mood and had gone to some friend's house for the evening, and again, I was still not to be trusted alone at home (you kind of loose your parents trust when you have friends over and smash a glass cabinet with a football) so Cath was called upon to come over.

I started to think about tying her up again when a knock at my bedroom door stopped my daydream.

"D, Cath's going to be over much later tonight, she's got to drop by P Tomlins house to finish a bit of work so you'll probably be in bed when she gets here. We've got to go now so I'm trusting you alone for a while. We'll be gone until tomorrow- no friends over and if there's any nonsense whatsoever there'll be trouble do you understand?"

"Ok dad see you tomorrow"

Shit, shit, shit! A perfect night again and my damsel wouldn't be here until late! As I didn't have a bedtime I wasn't too annoyed after a while but how late was late? Coffee to the rescue, and as I took every sip I was praying Cath would come before I dropped off in front of the telly. It would be a wasted opportunity if I fell asleep.

Ten passed on the clock and I was still full of energy from adrenalin and caffeine pumping around me but at this time I was starting to feel hope slipping away and continued to watch telly becoming slowly grumpier.

But dear readers I had not to worry as the inevitable happened. The doorbell rang and my parents' quote of much later was a little exaggerated as Cath was here. I ran to get the door and think I bashed into the doorframe of the living room on my way out, yeah smooth I know.

As I opened the door I was greeted with Cath's lovely smile and a hug.

"Alright then squirt, sorry I was a bit delayed"

"That's ok I can wait"

Cath giggled and then as predicted jabbed me with her fingers causing me to recoil in annoyance.

"Oh I'd better be careful tonight or you'll tie me up again", she said sarcastically jabbing me ruthlessly again. She was rough at times. After she jabbed me I think my brain clocked that she had mention the T word and that sent my knees a bit weak, courage son, courage.

"Yeah well you said I could do it again, so watch out!" I said probably biting my lip in the realisation I could have blown it.

"Jesus, let me get in the door first! Ha Ha!"

Acting the cool man (or so I thought) I walked off into the living room, strategy to let the air settle I think, I heard Cath hanging her coat up and the tell tale sound of shoes being kicked off and then Cath came into the living room grinning. (An appearance update would be good now, so along with her lovely figure and pony tailed blonde hair, Cath was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and was as usual barefoot). She sat herself down next to me and the usual chatting started with me trying to calculate a way of popping the could I tie you up question in without sounding desperate (but at my age then tying up an older, beautiful woman you got on well with was just about the coolest thing going).

About half an hour passed and Cath had not tickled me once! She was deliberately avoiding her inevitable fate but I loved the tension building up but at the same time realised time was against me, and acting quickly was the best thing to do. I think I cracked some lame ass joke about something she was blabbing on about and she giggled (I think it was polite laughter) and jabbed her foot into my side.

"Shut up D, I'll not have cheek directed at me!"

"Yeah what you gonna do?" was far too obvious and I said nothing continually played it cool whilst running out of ideas.

"Ok D the film's finished better change videos"

I obliged, and as I lent over to grab another video, I was tackled to the ground by Cath who then proceeded to rib me painfully for a ridiculous amount of time, and I knew this was my chance. But it seemed Cath knew her fate all too well and left me half paralysed from the tickling and ran off laughing. Picking myself off the ground I stumbled off to where I heard her running. Sprinting upstairs she had shut herself in my room and was holding the door.

"Oh you are gonna pay!" Becoming slightly irritated I grabbed at the door. But twenty odd verses feeble boy doesn't pay off in the strength department and my efforts were futile. After a few more minutes my luck changed as Cath opened the door and I grabbed her arm "Got you now Cath!"

"Yeah you got me". Sarcastic as Cath could say it.

I led her downstairs and into the living room again, and I said gingerly.

"Can I tie you up now like you said I could?" heartbeat rising.

"It's getting late now D, your parents would probably want you in bed now".

I couldn't believe it, giving me the cold shoulder was not a good idea!

"Oh come on you left red marks on me again, and I don't have a bed time so that's no excuse".

(Chuckle) "Alright, I think you like tying me up don't you D!" she said with a knowing grin spreading across her face. "Just not for too long, and not too tight"

"Yeah right, sit on the chair" Cath sat on one of the wooden chairs we had in the living room. It had a cushion, four legs, and an M shaped back with a piece of wood across the top of the "M" with space for her to put her hands through.

"You're going to tie me to the chair?" I walked out to the kitchen where I had stashed a tool that was a new addition to my house- duct tape. I had bought some from a hardware store a few weeks back. You should have seen the cashiers face when I plonked two rolls on the till, and also some cardboard so I wouldn't look too obvious!

I walked back to the living room clutching a roll and Cath looked a little uneasy about being taped to a chair.

I moved behind her and pulled her arms behind her, and through the hole in the chair, and said, "Right Cath put your hands together!" she obeyed, and I taped her hands criss-cross whilst noting how sticky the tape was- much more superior than brown packing tape!

After I finished her hands I tickled her side, which she started laughing. I knelt down in front of her and then asked her to put her foot up against the chair leg, which she did and I began wrapping tape around her ankle and the chair leg. As I moved onto her other foot, I grabbed her foot and positioned it myself then taped it.

"I can hardly move D!"

"This is revenge Cath it's the only way I can get you back without you overpowering me and digging your fingers in (cue fake crying)"

"It'll make you a man!" enough talking I thought, and stretched the tape out in front of her.

"No don't wrap that stuff around my head D you'll never get it off!"

How disappointing, but pushing my luck was not an option in my book, so instead I ripped off a long piece and moved that towards her lips.

"You promise to let me go if I get uncomfortable? mmmph..."

"Yeah, now tickle time"

"nnnnnnnnphgg!" I dug into Caths sides whilst she screamed with laughter. I stopped after a few minutes and then I said to Cath "well now you're comfortable I'll put on another film".

"hmphh" I proceeded to put on a film (which one escapes my memory) with full intention of tickling Cath again but after a few minutes Cath looked stressed and then looked at me mouthing what sounded like "Ow"

"Do you want me to untie you?"

"mmmm hmmmph"

After un-taping Cath she let out an "Ow" and grabbed her heel.

"Oooh look at my foot man!" It was red where it had pressed tightly on the wood of the chair. The appeal of the chair tie had gone completely but she started laughing after a while and I said, "well that wasn't much of a revenge".

"I suppose not", said Cath looking at me evilly I knew she was going to lunge me again and had to do something quick.

"I'm not letting you get away with it that easily! Put your hands behind your back Cath" She looked at me kind of weirdly and reluctantly.

"Ok but this is the last time we do this for a while D, let me lie on the sofa and untie me when I say so, I promise not to tickle you so hard in future. For a while anyway" with that she laughed, and half-heartedly put her hands behind her. I knew I had blown it really. But was going to relish in the time I had left. I taped her hands as before and then she laid on her front on the sofa and put her feet together. I taped them together and then tickled them, which I got a lot of laugher for; she seemed to be enjoying this more than the chair tie. Only the gag was left for a home run, and I asked her to lift her head up, giving into pressure she obliged and said "not too may times". I went for the wrap gag, only wrapping it around two or three times.

Satisfied with my prisoner I decided to tickle her lovely feet some more, which was her most ticklish spot and then moved up along her sides for a few minutes. Cath stayed tied up for over half an hour and seemed content with the fact that it was just me getting my just revenge for hours of pain at her hands. She eventually looked down at me on the floor, and mumbled "untie me now" which I did. We spoke about our two games for a little while and she said to me "If we do this again D it's only fair I do the same to you but as I said, we will leave this for a while, so I promise not to tickle you for the time being". If being tied up meant having the chance to tie Cath again I guess I could compromise, knowing full well she would be as rough with me as I had been with her.

We settled down to watch the rest of the film chatting normally and not talking about the tying up, although Cath would rub her heel every now and again, which would attract a little tickle from me. Nothing much else happened, and that was it with Cath for well over a few months, with her few subsequent baby sittings being "normal" but after a few months the tie-ups continued, which will probably be my next story, or maybe another victim. Thanks for reading.


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