Kael : 02 - Kidnapped! (M/M)

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Kael : 02 - Kidnapped! (M/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Kael's stories
02 - Kidnapped!
Story index at the bottom

By Kael

Friday, August 18th 2006 - 02:46:19 AM


Thank you for all of the kind feedback from my last story. This one takes place the very same week.

I try to take a walk every evening right before I go to bed, not only to get some exercise after dinner, but also to clear my head. This evening was no different. It was about 10:00 on a Thursday in October. I was, of course, wearing a jacket, jeans and a pair of my Osiris. I was thinking about what I was going to do the next day, it being some sort of day off from school, and when I finally decided I would go to the mall to begin Christmas shopping, a hooded figure jumped in front of me on the road.

This figure was wearing a dark blue "hoodie" or hooded sweatshirt, with red basketball shorts and a pair of white athletic socks worn cuffed around the legs, which he was wearing without shoes. I was, of course, terrified as the assailant grabbed my arm and dashed off into the woods with me toward a house. After we ran a few yards, he quickly clamped one hand over my mouth and another over my eyes as he led me some place I, of course, didn't know.

After a moment of terror as I was being half-carried half-dragged to God only knows where, I felt the rush of warm air one usually feels when going into a house. It was then I was pushed on the ground and the kidnapper took his hood off.

It turns out, my captor was Matt, the younger brother of Hayes who was only younger than us by about one year, and I had been taken to his bedroom which was in the finished basement. Matt practically worshipped his brother and would often do about anything to please him. Like Hayes, Matt was taller and stronger than I.

"I scared the shit outta you, man." He said through bursts of total laughter.

"Yeah, you did. What the hell Matt, you little psycho?" I exclaimed angrily. Matt often did stupid things on the spur of the moment, because of which I wasn't his best friend.

"Well, it's like this. Our parents are out, and Hayes and Marcus (one of his other friends) are upstairs drinking and playing cards. I wanted to hang out with them but they wouldn't let me. So, then I got to thinking, how could I get them to let me play, and I remembered the story he told 'bout me last weekend. Then, I saw you coming down the street so I figured if I kidnaped you and brought you to him as a prize, he might let me play."

I flushed slightly. I had hoped Hayes wouldn't tell anyone about that story, let alone is practically sociopathic brother.

"So, now I'm gonna tie you up and bring you to Hayes." He finished.

I had really no choice but to let him do it. The boy had at least 20 lbs. one me, and he would have done it anyway. Not to mention the fact that I kind of liked being tied up after my first experience.

After he removed my jacket, he tied my hands tightly behind my back with a bit of white cotton rope. He then took his sock off and held it up to my face.

"Please, Matt! I'm cooperating, must I be gagged?" I asked.
"Yeah, it'll look more like I kidnapped you." He replied.
"Then can you at least use a fresh sock?"
"Oh, yeah. Why not."

He put his sock back on and rolled it down again before going over to his top drawer and rummaged around until he pulled a pair out. They seemed a thicker pair of socks and were red instead of white.

"Open up!" He said with a smirk as he shoved the thick bulge in my mouth and then grabbed a black football sock and tied it around my mouth so as to secure the gag. I probably could have spit it out had I wanted, but I kind of liked it and knew he would make it tighter and more to his liking has I showed one iota of uncooperative behavior.


When he was done, he grabbed my tied wrists and led me up the stairs and into the dining room. Sure enough, Hayes and Marcus were up there, quite a few empty bottles of beer between them. The both of them cracked up laughing as they saw Hayes's little brother leading me into the dining room.

"Man, Matt! I can't believe you did this! That hilarious dude!" Hayes said after laughing.
"Yeah, Bro! You outdid yourself." Marcus then added.
"Ha! It was noting from this weakling!" Matt said as he showed off his trophy.


This continued for a few more minutes before the both of us were invited to play a few hands of poker and Matt untied me whispering in my ear, "Thanks man! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

A tight smile crossed my lips as I thought, "At least as much as you did."

The End.

Feedback is appreciated, both positive and negative.


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