Brandon : 01 - Bet and Prank (F/M, self/M)

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Brandon : 01 - Bet and Prank (F/M, self/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Brandon's stories
01 - Bet and Prank
Story index at the bottom

By Brandon

Friday, September 30th 2005 - 07:47:10 PM


Anytime I'm really bored is when I like to indulge is some bondage. Lately I have been collecting escape supplies from Cannon's Great Escapes. I have several handcuffs, leg cuffs, lengths of chains and trick padlocks.

Anyway, I have a friend who is a little on the dominant side. One day when she was over at my apartment, I had made a little bet with her that I could get out of any tie up that she could put me in. I told her that she could even use the handcuffs and locks that i have (she doesn't know that i have trick locks). So she proceeded to chain and lock me up. She wrapped the long length of chain several times around my waist and between my legs and locked it behind my back. She then applied the leg cuffs to my ankles and then anchored them to my waist chain with another lock. Then, to finish off the hog-tie, she handcuffed my wrists behind my back and locked the cuffs to the waist chain.

Up until now, I was not worried about getting out, but then she applied the thumbcuffs. It would still be possible for me to get out but not as fast as I planned.

She completed her work and wanted to see me try to escape. I then told her that a magician can never reveal his secrets and that she had to leave the room.

After she left, I began to make my escape. The key to my escapes was the locks. One lock was a special lock that I could open without a key AND also possessed a simulated handcuff key inside. The rest of the cuffs could be opened with any rigid object.

I worked my way through all the locks just as my friend yelled through the door, "Hey Brandon, I have to go to the bank real quick before they close, then I'm going to the store to get some groceries to prepare dinner for you when or if you get out". I said fine and she left.

I got a little nervous when she left because i had never been left alone in bondage before and especially the position I was in. What if I couldn't get the thumbcuffs off due to the way they were applied? It was very difficult making my way through the locks but i was successful in finding and opening the one that had the key in it. I was then out of my predicament in no time. I couldn't wait to see the look on my friends face when she got back. However, as I waited, and waited, and waited, my friend was no where to be seen and as two hours had went by, I began to wonder what was taking her so long. Did something come up or was she preparing dinner at her apartment?

I just started playing video games and at that time i came up with a prank. I decided to put myself back in the position she had left me in before she left and have her come back to find me still tied up. This was no problem as there were no knots to tie or escape methods to set up. I set every thing up as far as the chain wrapped around my waist and through my legs and with the handcuffs and leg cuffs attached to the chain. All I would have to do when the time was right would be to run to the bedroom, lay down and close the cuffs on my ankles wrists and thumbs.

Now all i had to do was sit down, play video games and wait. Finally, I saw the car pull up and assumed by the time it would take her to get out of the car, get the groceries, walk up the stairs and into the room, I would be in position and fake sleeping in plenty of time.

I closed the thumb cuffs on my thumbs just as I heard a couple sets of knocks and then her opening the door. "Geez, I wonder what would have happened if I was really stuck and that was an intruder since she left the door unlocked when she left" went through my mind. She called my name several times before finally checking where she left me.

"Oh my goodness Brandon!! I'm so sorry. I got caught up with some people I knew and I really thought you would be able to get out!!!"

I gave the impression that I was dazed and confused asking her how long I had been locked up. She said I was locked up for nearly 2 1/2 hours. I started to give her an angry look, as in how could she do this to me, as she was being overly apologetic. She immediately searched for the keys and could not find them. She frantically asked me where they were and I told her where I kept a set of keys. She got them and unlocked me and was doing everything she could to comfort me from the "terrible experience" I had went through. I told her that my muscles and joints were very sore and that I just needed to take a relaxing bath while she made dinner. After I got out of the tub she was still worried about me being ok and being mad at her. I said it was no problem and that I was just scared for a while before finally trying to take a nap. During dinner she vowed to me that she would do anything to make it up to me.

(let me know what you think and i'll continue the story.)


Brandon's stories
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