capturechick : 01 - The Capture Challenge (mf/ff)

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capturechick : 01 - The Capture Challenge (mf/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

capturechick's stories
01 - The Capture Challenge
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By capturechick

Mon Dec 18, 2006 5:56 pm

The Capture Challenge (Pt 1)

Hi. My name is Suzy and I’m a freshman in college now. I wanted to share a few stories with everybody that I had last summer when I stayed with my Cousins, Mindy and Ted.

To begin the first story: It was a hot June evening and Mindy and me were watching a few DVD’s. Ted, who was a year older than us, was in the other room with his girlfriend Sara. My aunt and uncle were gone to a dinner party that night and then would be gone the next night as well. Anyways, I still don’t remember what we watched, but it did include this lengthy tie up scene featuring two girls. As we watched it, I remember Mindy making the comment “I can get out of that predicament…I know I could”. Just then I noticed that Sara had come into the room to get something. Sara was a really pretty girl with dirty blonde hair who was also a cheerleader. Mindy was a brunette (like me) who kept her hair in a ponytail almost all the time. Mindy kept on her babbling as I told her “You know its just Hollywood, not real life” “I know Suzy, but it would be interesting to find out” she replied. Mindy was the kind of girl who loved to watch action movies and then talk about them for hours. Sara made a few comments as well as she sat down for a few minutes. I didn’t know her that well, but she seemed nice.

Well the movie dragged on with the girls getting rescued of course. It was late as Sara went home and my Aunt and Uncle returned. Little did I know that the next night, Saturday would turn out a whole lot different than this night had.

Saturday night started out fine as my aunt and uncle went out for the night, leaving Ted, Mindy and me alone in the big house. Mindy and me were listening to CD’s when Sara popped on over. My cousin asked me if I wanted a drink and I agreed as she left. Twenty minutes later, she was still gone. Thinking nothing of it, I went out into the hallway and called out her name. Nothing. I went a few more feet and ran into Sara who almost scared me to death!

“Sara, have you seen Mindy?” I asked, only getting sort of an evil glare in return.

Something was wrong as my pulse quickened.

“Yes I have, Suzy” she replied “And soon, so will you” With that she just grabbed me and held me tight!

“Sara, what are you doing? Let me go!”

“Shut up! You’re my prisoner!” My head was spinning. Prisoner? Maybe Ted had Mindy somewhere in the house tied up. I hope I was wrong, but a few seconds later confirmed my worst fears. Sara, who was really strong, forced me to the guestroom downstairs where Ted had Mindy, and sure enough, she was bound hand and foot with looked like clothesline. Ted had covered her mouth with his hand as he was tickling her to make sure she cooperated and she looked like she was enjoying it too!

“Well well if isn’t my cousin Suzy” he sneered as Sara forced me down on the bed next to Mindy and crossed my hands behind my back.

“What’s going on Ted?” I asked as Sara took her sweet time tying my wrists (and tightly I might add!), then my tying my bare ankles together.

“What do think is going on Suzy” as Ted had Mindy in tears as he tickled her sides more “You two think you can get out of a situation like you saw last night…well, lets’ find out shall we?”

“Mindy, I can’t belie…mmmmpphhh!!!” I said before Sara placed a large piece of duct tape over my mouth, then another then, finally a third. Mindy was quickly tape gagged by her brother.

“There that should keep the noise down, right Sara?”

“Yep” she replied as she kissed Ted.

“Forty-five minutes girls to get free or else….” Ted said as he and Sara left kissing, obviously wanting to be alone. What did he mean by “Or else?” I’m not sure I wanted to find out as I struggled with the ropes. Sara could sure tie. I rolled over and looked at my cousin. “You got us into this mess with your big mouth last night, now how are we going to get out of it?” I thought as I looked at her menacingly. We both struggled as I looked at the clock on the dresser. We had now forty minutes….


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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Dec 21, 2006 6:44 pm

The Capture Challenge (Pt 2)

Ten more minutes had ticked off the clock as Mindy and I struggled in our bound and gagged state.

“Pppphhhrrrrbbkkk gggrrmpphh” I tried to say behind the thick tape, trying to tell my cousin to roll around so she and I could try to free the other one’s ropes. One of the scenes on the DVD we saw the previous night had a scene like that “Ssssmmmpppphhh” Mindy tried to say back as she caught my idea. A few minutes later, Mindy had turned herself around and was reaching for my knots and me, likewise. We were really sweating as we tried to pick the tight knots, knowing that we had about a half an hour in Ted’s deadline. Just then, a push from me spelled disaster…I actually pushed Mindy off the bed! I guess I didn’t realize that we were that close to the edge of the now messy bed. I could tell she was all right as she was laughing behind her gag. I eased off the bed and down to the floor and laid down next to her. Very soon we were lying back to back and straining at the knots again. This time, it worked! I felt my ropes slacken as I mmmmphed to Mindy. I pulled my hands apart and carefully peeled the awful tape from my mouth.

“We did it Mindy!” I yelled as Mindy, who was free as well, clamped her hand over my mouth!

“Shhhh!” she said whispering “We can’t have them know we escaped Suz… I have a plan”

We freed our ankles as she told me of her bold plan to capture them! I had a feeling it wouldn’t work and in a few seconds I was right.

Easing over to the door and opening it, our escape was blocked by Ted and Sara!

“Going somewhere girls?” He shouted as he hand gagged Mindy and Sara hand gagged me, pushing back on the bed. “Keep my cousin occupied as I put my sister someplace quiet”

It was a trick! They were going to recapture us no matter what. I tried to struggle, but Sara started tickling my sides, making me giggle loudly behind her hand.

“Don’t struggle Suzy, you’ll make everything worse” A few minutes later, Ted had returned carrying rope in his hand.

“Ted what’s the big deal, where’s Mindy?” I asked as Ted took over from Sara and yanked my hands behind me again.

“I thought you two needed a bigger challenge, so I’m going to give you one” Ted finished with the ropes. He tied tight, but didn’t cut off circulation or nothing. “Okay, get her up” Sara pulled me to my feet and then led me out to the family room and pushed me onto the couch. She then tied my ankles together again.

“Now what?” I asked knowing the gag was next.

“Try and escape while we watch television and if you do, you have ten minutes to find Mindy…or else”

“Or else what?” I asked, not getting that answer.

“Okay Sara, gag her”

What I did get was a knotted white cloth forced between my teeth and knotted tight behind my head.

“Sorry about the gag Suzy” Sara said holding my chin “But you two ask two many questions” Sara just laughed as she skipped on over across the room to be with my cousin.

I could see Ted was enjoying it as he tried to watch TV, but couldn’t really concentrate. I ignored them and went to work on the ropes with determination. I squirmed and twisted, but the knots wouldn’t budge. What if I couldn’t escape, then what? What would happen to Mindy? To me? I wondered with half dread, half excitement.

Suddenly I felt an object behind the one of the couch cushions. It was a paper clip!. Carefully, I opened it to where one of the ends could be used to pick at the knots. Just then, Ted and Sara got up. I was relieved when they announced they were going out to the porch swing and for me “To not go anywhere” Working the paper clip at the knots I managed to loosen the first knot. I struggled mightily and suddenly the ropes went slack. Looking outside, carefully I freed my ankles and got up and sneaked over to the stairs, freeing the gag from my mouth at the same time. I had fifteen minutes, or did I? Working my way upstairs, I checked each room, calling out Mindy’s name as quiet as I could. I heard nothing and time was running out. I snuck back downstairs and peeked around the corner of the family room. Still no Ted or Sara. My heart was pounding with the unknown feeling of helplessness. I snuck around downstairs, but saw or heard nothing. Then it hit me…the basement! Easing over to the door, I turned the knob and ascended the stairs.

“Mindy?” I called out, switching on a light.

I called out a few more times and then heard a faint “Mmmppphhh!” I hurried over to that direction and it got louder. I saw what looked like Mindy sitting in a chair. I found another light switch and then saw my cousin bound to a chair, her mouth was stuffed with cloth and she had a black scarf tied between her teeth, keeping the wad in place.

“Mindy!” I cried out but all I heard was “lllkkmmmpppttt” Or something like that. She obviously was trying to tell me to look out, because the next thing I know was Ted’s hand covering my mouth tightly!

“Suzy you are good” he said “But now it’s time for the ultimate challenge and time to find out by….WHAT ELSE means” I looked at Mindy in her bound and gagged state. We were both now trapped by my “Evil” cousin Ted and his girlfriend Sara!

Conclusion after Christmas everyone….

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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:59 pm

The Capture Challenge (Pt 3)

I was helpless to do anything as Ted stuffed a wad of cloth in my mouth and then secured it in place with a black scarf, which he tied tightly behind my head. I was now gagged like Mindy.

“There, much quieter…and very nice I must say” he said as he then led me over to another chair near Mindy. Just then, Sara showed up carrying the rope. She started giggling as she gave the clothesline to Ted.

“How much time are you going to give them this time?” she asked as Ted started to tie my hands behind the small wooden chair. The chairs were small enough to where our arms would fit easily behind it, but Mindy was secured by rope that held her in a firm sitting position.

“Who said I was going to give them any time?” I gulped as Ted secured the ropes on my wrists and went to tying my body to the chair. We were doomed this time as my heart was pounding with that excitement/dread thought. What did they have in mind for us?

“Okay you two, get comfortable because we’ll be back soon”

With that said, Ted and Sara ascended the stairs and shut the door. Mindy mmmppphed into her gag for me to try and sit back to back with her, so we could try and free one another.

“Grrrmmphhh mmmpphh!!!” I tried to say back, but being so thoroughly gagged, everything that came out of my mouth was a garbled mess. I caught on to her idea and worked the chair over to her. I noticed that my feet weren’t tied and I thought that was unusual, but didn’t dwell on it. I just thought it was something they forgot to do. I positioned the chair to where it was back to back with Mindy. A few minutes later, we found each other’s wrists and started to work the knots.

About a minute into our effort, it became clear that this wasn’t going to be easy as I kept slipping and I think Mindy did too as she kept mmmmphing something (But what?) Anyways, it also started to get a little warmer as we tried to double the efforts. Just then I heard the doorbell ring from upstairs. A little after that, I heard voices…lots of them. I heard laughter also as it got louder. What was going on? A party? I grunted something to Mindy. But she just grunted back. Then the basement door opened! Whoever just showed up was coming down to see us! I felt embarrassed as I tugged at my wrists in a panic. It was no use as Ted was an expert. At that time we were soon surrounded by about eight girls from Sara’s cheerleading squad!

“Well I see you two have been busy” Ted sneered as he dragged my chair in front of Mindy. “I suppose you two are wondering what these girls are doing here huh?”

A sense of dread came over me as I glanced down at Mindy’s feet. Hers weren’t tied either! They weren’t going to…tickle us? Were they? I was extremely ticklish as I felt someone grab my chair and hold it steady. Sara held Mindy’s chair as four of the girls all of a sudden attacked Mindy, tickling her feet, sides and thighs (We were both wearing shorts) Being as gagged as I was, I couldn’t protest anything as the rest of the squad converged on me! It felt like a thousand hot needles on my skin as I was tickled mercilessly by each girl. I could only scream into my gag what I was feeling. Mindy did too (As I thought we kind of kept in rhythm at one point!) To see us squirm and squeal in tortuous pleasure was not enough for Ted and Sara, My snake of a cousin was filming it with a camcorder!

About fifteen minutes or so of on again, off again tickling by the girls wore me and Mindy out. After seeing the girls out, Ted and Sara returned and untied us. Later that night, we watched ourselves on the video! I felt embarrassed, but realized we were now the damsels in distress. To this day, I’m still not sure if Ted (Who’s now twenty-four) still has it.

Anyways, that’s my story. Unfortunately there’s not a story with the other cheerleaders or Sara, at least not with me. We never did get them back, but it was a night that I think about all the time.


Suzy (Capturechick)
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