amy83c : 02 - Amy's Twin's Revenge (f/f, mf/f)

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amy83c : 02 - Amy's Twin's Revenge (f/f, mf/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

amy83c's stories
02 - Amy's Twin's Revenge
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By amy83c

Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:53 pm

Amy's Twin's Revenge

Chapter 1
Brittany's Revenge

With a tug, Brittany finished tying my right ankle to the leg of the heavy wooden chair. She had already roped my left ankle to the opposite chair leg. Rope was wound around my waist and the chair three times. A longer length of rope was wound around my chest and arms, both above and below by breasts, about 5 or 6 times. It seemed that rope was everywhere, but not quite. My evil twin sister had long since figured out that I could get out of any rope knot that she tied around my wrists. Since she needed revenge, and it wasn’t going to be anything quick and simple, she needed to make sure that I stay put. Britt had wound one of her belts around each of my wrists. She then padlocked the two belt buckles together and also to one of the vertical bars behind the chair. My wrists were completely immobilized, as if the ropes holding my body to the chair weren’t good enough. She then walked around the corner to retrieve her instruments of torture.

“Why are you doing this now,” I called out.

“I need revenge,” replied Brittany.

“You need therapy!” I retorted. Brittany peeked around the corner and made a sarcastic, contemplative look as she walked towards me again.
“Hmmm. Maybe I do. But I’ll start tomorrow. Today, you and I both have big plans.”

Today was Saturday. I was being held prisoner in the basement of my family’s home. Several weeks ago, our older brother held both of us prisoner in the opposite corner of the same basement and cuffed us to our father’s exercise machine with my fathers’ police-issued handcuffs (he was a Sergeant in our town’s police force). An afternoon of unrelenting tickling followed. Britt decided that, since I was late in returning home from practice, and she received a double portion of tickle torture, that she first needed to settle the score with me. That was about to happen.

Ten minutes ago, I was downstairs folding laundry. I was folding BRITTANY’s freaking laundry! I didn’t even hear her come down the basement stairs. Before I knew what hit me, a flying Brittany appeared out of no where, tackled me to the ground and pinned by hands behind me. She really was the evil twin. But I should have known better. This was the first time Britt and I were actually alone in the house since my brother captured us. Dad was working this Saturday, which was rare, Danielle was away for a week at camp and Mom and Jason were out shopping. To make matters worse, I was very appropriately dressed for tickle torture. I was wearing a tank top and short cotton shorts. Plus, I was barefoot. I had made a decision to take off my white socks before walking downstairs so that they didn’t get dirty on the concrete floor. “Smooth move, Amy,” I though to myself.

Brittany approached me with her hands behind her back. Unfortunately, her hands were not tied like mine were. I’m sure she was holding some horrible instrument of torture.

“Wow, Amy, you look concerned. What’s wrong,” Britt teased. With that, she presented the biggest feather duster I had ever seen. “I ***accidentally*** broke Mom’s duster last week, so she bought a new one. Look at the size of this.” She tickled my nose with it and started to laugh as I drew back into my chair. “I’m going to be able to tickle both of your legs at the same time.”

“Britt, no fair, that’s mmmmpppph,” I cried. Britt had taken one of my socks, the ones I ever so carefully placed at the top of the stairs, and stuffed it in my mouth. A piece of duct tape followed.

“Keep quiet, you knew this was coming,” said Britt playfully. She really didn’t mean any harm, but for Brittany, paybacks are paybacks. Britt walked over to the clothes dryer and took out her bathroom robe, removed the belt and then blindfolded me with it, wrapping it around my head twice and then tying it snugly in the back of my head just under my ponytail.

For the longest time, there was silence. I wondered what Britt was up to. Did she leave, or was she trying to freak me out. “Brrrreee?” I called out. “Brrrr, r u eere.” More silence was the reply. If she was trying to freak me out, it was working well. I knew that the tickling would start at any second.

Suddenly, the bottoms of both of my feet exploded as Britt began slowly massaging them with the duster. My feet were probably tied about two feet apart from each other, but the duster was long enough that she could tickle both simultaneously. Plus the bottoms of my feet were a few inches off the floor. Britt was starting off gentle, but even she was surprised by how I reacted to both feet being tickled at the same time.

“Wow, she said. We’ve only been doing this for 10 seconds. What are you going to do when I actually get started?” She continued slowly, gently moving the duster back and forth under my tied feet, ignoring my pleas for leniency.

“Britt… Stop…” I screamed under my gag.

“No can do, Sis. Mom’s not coming back for another few hours. Don’t worry, I’ll give you a break in about ten minutes.” With that, the started moving the duster just a little faster, but that was all I needed to begin thrashing around in my chair. Non-stop. Seconds turned into minutes. The tickle on my feet never did turn painful, Britt wouldn’t have wanted that, but she made sure that I was getting the full treatment. At one point, I was laughing and squirming around so hard that I thought I almost knocked the chair over. Britt stopped at this point. I slumped down in my chair, as much as the ropes would allow.

“Are you doing all right, Aim?” asked Brittany in a momentary act of kindness. I wasn’t sure what to say. Certainly any answer would lead to more torture, so I just shrugged my shoulders as best I could. “OK, Sis. Take a break for a moment.” Britt got up and walked over to the washer and dryer. I heard her open the washer and put the wet clothes in the dryer. She then turned it on. Walking back over to me, she took off my tape gag and I spit out my sock, still gasping for breath.

“I thought you might be having trouble breathing with the sock gag.”

“Yeah, I was,” I panted back. Maybe she was going to be nice and let me go.

“Well, I figured the dryer would block out some of the screams that you’ll be making over the next ten minutes,” I heard Brittany say.


I then heard myself laugh like never before. Brittany was now taking the feather duster and rubbing it between my knees, effectively tickling both of my thighs at the same time. With her free hand, she rotated between each kneecap and both sides of my stomach. My whole body was screaming for me to stand up and get away, but there was absolutely nothing I could do. The more I struggled, the tighter the ropes around by body became. But not struggling was just not an option.

“No more” “Stop” I tried to cry out.

“What? I can’t hear you. The dryer is too loud.

Brittany’s torture continued for a few more days. Of course it was only a few more seconds, but at that point, it was really hard to tell the difference. Finally, the tickling stopped. It was only after I was able to quiet down that I realized that the phone was ringing. This was probably the only thing that would have distracted Brittany. She grabbed the cordless phone (we did have one in the basement) and answered it.

“Hello? Hi, hang on just a second.” Britt muted the call and walked over to me. "I really need to take this. You go ahead and rest for awhile and I’ll come back later, OK?” As I opened my mouth to object, Britt stuffed my now soaking wet sock back into my mouth and placed two new strips of duct tape over that. “See ya later, Alligator,” she quipped. I heard Brittany continue her conversation while walking upstairs, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:57 pm

Chapter 2
Time to Contemplate

I could hear Brittany carrying on her telephone conversation with whomever upstairs. Just carrying on, I thought, without thinking about the good twin tied up in the dungeon below. I tried everything I could to get free, but that first required getting my hands untied from behind the chair. The belts held my hands with my palms facing out and they were just tight enough that I couldn’t rotate my wrists at all. The padlock made sure that I would not be able to move my hands any which way. This was just about as effective as handcuffs and I was stuck. Britt didn’t tie the ropes around my upper body very tight. I think she had some mercy on me since I was wearing a tank top and no sleeves. Still, the ropes began pressing into my skin after I wiggled around while being tickled. Even worse, Britt had tied the rope around my waist very tight, and my hips were starting to get a little sore. I relaxed as best that I could and waited patiently. I was at Britt’s mercy and I was staying in the chair for awhile. I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to come back downstairs. Would she untie me or tickle me some more?

Having nothing else to do, I started to daydream. At first, I started planning ways to get back at Britt. But soon after, I started thinking of Andy. Andy was 16 and was about to start his Junior year. We had two dates so far with the most recent just yesterday. I really liked him and I thought that he really liked me. I was really hoping that Andy would kiss me last night, but he stopped short. Brittany had been dating her boyfriend, Rob, for just under a year. I was always happy about the great relationship Britt and Rob had, but at the same time very jealous at not being able to find anyone myself. That seemed to change when Andy asked me out. I just wished that he didn’t take things so slow.

I thought how embarrassed I would be if Andy could see me like this. I could just imagine the questions. “Why did you let her tie you up?” “You guys do this a lot?” At the same time, I imagined myself being kidnapped for real, then Andy showing up to rescue me. He would certainly have to kiss me then! Right? I found myself smiling through the gag with a small drop of drool leaking out. Yuck.

After relaxing for about 30 minutes, I tried moving and rotating my wrists again, but the belts still held them tight. Since I wasn’t able to get free, I had been tied up a little longer that usual and I was starting to get nervous. I knew Brittany hadn’t forgotten about me, but she was really taking her time upstairs. She was really going to get it. I’m sure she knew that.

Just then, the doorbell rang and a fresh wave of nervousness swept through me.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:57 pm

Chapter 3
An Unexpected Visitor

“OK, Aim, don’t panic,” I said to myself. Britt will just send whoever it is away. I heard Britt walking towards the front door and a short conversation followed. After awhile, I heard Britt say ”OK, come on in. I’ll go get Amy.” I then heard two sets of footsteps walking around upstairs. I started struggling all over again, trying in vain to get free. A moment later, I heard someone walking quickly down the stairs and over to me. It was Britt, thank God.

“Amy, keep quiet, but Andy is upstairs and he wants to see you.”

“MMMMMMMMppppphhh!” I protested into my gag.

“Calm down,” said Britt. “Keep still; while I untie you. Oh, no! The key, I left it upstairs.” Britt turned and started quickly back towards the stairs. I started protesting again. “SShhhh,” Britt whispered loudly. “Keep quiet so Andy doesn’t hear you. I need the key to get you loose.” I heard her quickly scamper up the stairs.

I sat quietly but I could feel my heart beating. Britt had mentioned our tie-up games to Rob at the right time, but I wasn’t sure how we would ever explain this to Andy. What would he think of me? After what seemed like forever, I heard footsteps at the top of the stairs.

“Hey, Amy, are you down there?” It was Andy calling me. I instinctively let out a panicked scream into my gag. Andy obviously heard it. “You OK down there?” He started slowly walking down the stairs. I began hoping that I could just disappear.

“Andy, wait,” said Britt from upstairs, but it was too late. Andy was already halfway down the steps and could clearly see me tied to the chair, gagged and blindfolded. I felt my cheeks get red hot.

“Wow. What’s this about,” he asked.

“We do this to each other sometimes,” Britt replied sheepishly. “I had to get back at Amy, so she needed to be tickled.”

“That’s cool. I was tied up a few times by my older cousins, but it’s been a long time.” Andy walked closer to me. “Do you want your blindfold off, Amy?”

I shook my head yes. Andy gently untied the knot at the back of my head, playfully massaging my hair in the process.

“BOO!” he said as he popped his head into my line of sight. “Lets take this off, too.” Andy gently took the tape off my mouth. “Wow, a sock gag. You really must have made Brittany mad at you.” I was still hot with embarrassment and didn’t know what to say. The sock was soaked and I was drooling like a maniac. Andy took my other sock and gently patted my lips and chin dry. He then teasingly poked me on the tip of my nose. “I just came over to return the CDS you left in my car last night,” Andy said. “I didn’t know that I had to save you from your evil sister.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” I replied softly.

“Well, your knight in shining armor has arrived.” With that…

**** MUSHY ALERT ****
Andy leaned in and kissed me.

It was a so wonderful experience, but that is not quite the point of this story.

“So what do you say?” Andy asked of Britt. “Is it time to let her go?”

“How sweet, Knight,” said Britt, returning to evil sister mode. “But before you rescue your fair maiden, I think I have something you might like.” Britt once again produced the dreaded feather duster.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:58 pm

Chapter 4
Brittany Trains a Substitute

As Andy eyed the feather duster, his eyes widened in fascination as my eyes widened in a renewed horror.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I half whispered to Andy. His kiss had taken my breath away almost as much as Britt’s tickling. Britt and Andy smiled at each other as he took the duster from Britt.

“I’ll make you a deal,” he said as he knelt down at my feet with the duster. I instinctively started wiggling around in the chair but the ropes still wouldn’t budge an inch. “Just ask me to let you go, and I won’t tickle you.”


“I mean tell me you want to be rescued and I’ll untie you. Otherwise, its tickle time.”

“What kind of hero are you?” I asked.

“He’s half hero, half villain,” said Britt. She winked at me as he handed the padlock key to Andy. She then went back upstairs.

After she left, Andy leaned in and kissed me again, a little longer this time. “So what will it be? Should I save you now or should I wait a few minutes.” Andy waived the feather duster in front of my face. I was actually speechless. I was so embarrassed, but at the same time I wanted Andy to keep me as his captive. At the same time, I was jumping for joy at his kiss. “Fair enough,” Andy said after I didn’t reply right away. He placed a fresh piece of duct tape over my mouth. “I didn’t realize that you were into this too.”

My tickle torture began once again as Andy started rubbing the duster across the bottoms of my feet. Once again, I laughed and squealed uncontrollably in the gag, but I really went crazy when Andy started rubbing the duster behind my knees. Every minute or so, Andy stopped to pull on the ropes around my arms, making sure that they weren’t too tight. He would stop and smile smugly at me, as if giving me the chance to say stop. My tormentor was such a gentleman!

My muffled screams of laughter probably continued for another 10 minutes or so before I finally could take no more and started shaking my head. Andy immediately stopped and slowly pulled the tape off my mouth, looking slightly concerned. “I’m sorry if I went too far,” he said.

“You didn’t,” I whispered back. I couldn’t make myself tell him how much I actually enjoyed it, but I think I made it obvious anyway. Andy began the process of untying the knots that had held me to the chair for the past 90 minutes. Finally, he unlocked the belts from the chair and unstrapped my wrists. He tenderly rubbed the red marks around my wrists while pulling me up into a standing position. I was so exhausted that the only thing I could do was hold onto him as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. It felt so good. He was my hero after all.

And in due time, Andy will need to have a hero of his own when I get revenge.

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Post by Larzade »

It's a good story, here's the first part:

Thanks for finding and reposting the first part of the story, [mention]Larzade[/mention] . I moved it to a separate post.
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