barefootpollster : 01 - Tied on friend's boat (m/m, mm/m, m/mm, mm/fm)

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barefootpollster : 01 - Tied on friend's boat (m/m, mm/m, m/mm, mm/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

barefootpollster's stories
01 - Tied on friend's boat
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By barefootpollster

Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:52 pm

Tied on friend's boat

Last summer, I was staying with my friend and his family for a week at their house at the beach. His dad is rich and has a huge house, and more importantly, a huge boat. I am a 17 y/o boy, 6 feet tall, 145 pounds, size 14 feet, named Mike, he is 17 y/o, 5'6", 120 lbs, size 10 feet, named Ian. Also with us were his parents, his 12 y/o sister, and his brother, 14 y/o.

One day I was staying with them, Ian's parents took his sister somewhere for the day, his brother went to a friend's house, so it was just me and Ian for the day. We decided to go on his boat. We knew this great spot on the bay for fishing and swimming, and it was a beautiful day. Shirtless and barefoot, wearing only bathing suits and life vests, we headed to the dock. Ian was licensed to drive the boat and knew what he was doing, so his parents trusted us with it.

We got underway and were soon at "Lindsay's Cove." Ian called it this in honor of his girlfriend. As soon as the boat was anchored, we jumped in the water for a swim. After swimming around for a little while, I said, "Hey Ian, I bet I can beat across the bay." It was about a hundred yards to the other side. "You're on!" he said. Before we took off, I said, "Loser gets tied up on the boat." He smiled mischievously and said, "Let's go!"

With that we were off. We're both on the swim team at our high school, so it was a pretty fair race. I was in the lead for a while, and got to the other side first, but on the way back, I quickly fell behind and his kicking bare feet were soon a few inches from my arms. Ian touched the boat first and said to me between deep breaths of exhaustion, "Now you get tied up!"

We climbed up the ladder onto the boat and dried off. He didn't waste any time getting me tied up. "Lay down on the deck," he said. "Come on, lets have lunch first," I said. "No. I tie you up now," Ian said. I reluctantly laid down on the deck, face down. Ian tied my wrists, ankles, and knees with some rope he got from a locker. I began to think he would leave me like this, but before I knew it, I was hogtied, my fingertips brushing my bare soles.

"Okay, Mike, I'm going to ask you a question. If you get it right, I won't gag and blindfold you," Ian said, " If not, I'll do both with dirty socks. So tell me, what brand of sneakers do I wear?" "What kind of question is that? " I said. "Wrong. I wear Nikes. Now hear comes the gag." Before I could struggle, he had shoved two dirty socks in my mouth and tied another around my head. He tied another sock over my eyes, leaving me effectively blindfolded. I heard his bare feet quietly moving across the deck, then returning, and then the click of a camera about five times. I mpphhed and struggled, but he just kept taking pictures.

I must have been left there for an hour while he had lunch. It was really hot and I was in direct sun, sweating like crazy. Ian must have been hot too, because I heard him swimming. A while later, I heard the familiar sound of bare feet walking on the deck as Ian returned. He removed my blindfold and gag, which I met with a slew of profanities.

"Oh shut up, Mike, I'm still going to tickle you." Then he was on me, his fingers all over my bare soles. I go barefoot a lot and have very tough soles, but for some reason, my feet are deathly ticklish. I was soon screaming with laughter, but still he kept tickling my helpless bare feet.

When he had had his fill of torturing me, after about a half hour (!) he again asked me a question. If I got it right I would be released, but would stay tied up for the rest of the day if not.

"How about I get to tie you up if I get it right?" I said.

Ian responded with, "No. Now shut up before I change my mind. What year did the Civil War end?"

I thought back to history class and said "1865". He didn't say anything but just released me.

After being hogtied for an hour and a half, I was grateful to stretch my legs, as well as get out of the sun, as I was dripping with sweat and starting to get a sunburn. As is customary with our tie-up games, I, the victim, thanked the captor, Ian, for tying me up, and vowed to get revenge on another day. We then went swimming and did some fishing for the rest of the day. I got revenge on my friend the next day. More to come...

Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:04 pm

My revenge

As you requested, here is how I got my revenge. That evening, after we returned to Ian's house, his parents announced at dinner that they and Ian's sister were going to be out all day the next day, as they had been that day. Later that night, Ian and I started planning what we would do the next day. His little brother Tim, 14 y/o, 5'2", 110 lbs, blond hair, size 8 feet, wanted to do something with us, because he had nothing do to the next day. We reluctantly let him join us.

I planned to get revenge on Ian for tying me up that day, and I thought Tim would just get in the way. He turned out to be heavily involved in the tying of Ian, and was tied up himself...

Anyway, we decided to take the boat up the bay to a deserted island and hang out, and go to the beach later that day. At about 11:00 we went to bed.

We were all in separate rooms, and I waited until about midnight to go talk to Tim. Wearing just what I wear to sleep, shirtless and barefoot, wearing only blue athletic shorts, I quietly walked down the hall to Tim's room and slipped in. He was still awake, and was surprised when I walked in.

"Don't talk! You might wake up Ian." I whispered when I entered. "

You want to tie him up, don't you?" said Tim as he stepped out of his bed. He wearing just what I was, shirtless and barefoot with athletic shorts.

"Yes, but not now. Did he tell you about our game yesterday?" I responded.

"Yeah. It sounded fun. So how are you gonna get revenge?" Tim said.

"Well, I'll probably tie him up tomorrow when we're out on the boat. You wanna help?" I said.

Tim instantly said yes, and we began discussing strategy. We would tie him up as soon as we got to the island. I wanted to hogtie him like he did to me, but Tim said we should spread-eagle him on the table on deck, making it easy to tickle him. The evil in me suggested that, after tickling Ian, we take him on the island and tie him to a tree or something, then leave. Tim smiled mischievously, and agreed. We set about gathering supplies so we wouldn't have to in the morning. Quietly moving through the silent house on our bare feet, Tim and I gathered rope, tape, bandannas, and a camera. Stowing our bondage gear in my backpack that I would take the next day, we slipped back into bed.

The next morning, us three boys woke up to find Ian's parents and sister had already left. We had breakfast and changed into bathing suits, t-shirts, and flip-flops for the day on the boat and island. When Ian asked what was in my backpack, I told him it was our lunches.

I have to go now, more to come...

Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:52 pm

My revenge part 2

We soon got the boat underway. As we had planned, Tim and I took off our shirts and flip-flops, hoping that Ian would do the same. He did, and we were all barefoot and shirtless, wearing only bathing suits, our usual summer attire. After about half an hour, we got to the deserted island where we planned to spend the day.

No sooner had we anchored the boat did Tim jump over the side. Ian and I quickly followed. The cool water was a nice relief from the hot sun and humid air, and we swam for about half an hour before climbing back on the boat. Ian went to use the "head" or bathroom, and Tim and I began preparing to tie him up.

We laid out all the supplies we had on the table, then went below to ambush Ian as he stepped out of the bathroom. I jumped out from one side, Tim from the other. We grabbed him by the arms and pulled him down, completely surprising him. I grabbed his ankles and Tim picked up his arms, and we carried him up the stairs to the table.

We lifted our captive on the table, despite his thrashing, and soon had him stretched out across the table. I informed him that this was my revenge on him, and that we were going to tickle him. With that, Tim and I attacked his bare feet. I concentrated on Ian's left foot, while Tim tickled his right. Like myself and Tim (pretty much everyone I know), Ian's weak spot is his soles, so we concentrated on them for about twenty minutes. As Ian was still laughing hysterically, Tim began taking pictures. He took six or seven, then I resumed tickling Ian's feet as Tim took a few more.

After Tim put the camera down, I said, "Let's tickle his nipples and armpits."

"Okay" Tim responded.

I took the left side and Tim took his right. Ian isn't nearly as tickling on his chest or pits, but we were unmerciful and he was soon laughing pretty hard. After minutes of this, we went back to his feet. Our fingers relentlessly tickling his big bare soles got him hysterical again. We tortured him for another 20 minutes before stopping.

"Should we gag him?" I said to Tim.

"Yeah, and a blindfold." he said.

I took two handkerchiefs and shoved them in Ian's mouth. I put about ten pieces of ducttape over his mouth, effectively gagging him. Finally, I tied another handkerchief over his eyes. With that, Tim and I left him, and went below to discuss our next move.

We went to the small galley and got some food. Sitting down at the table, I reminded Tim that we planned to leave Ian on the island. He agreed that we should do this. Our next decision was where to tie him up?

"There's an old abandoned fisherman's cabin on the beach. We could leave him in there." I said.

"Great. Let's take him there" Tim responded.

Tim and I put our t-shirts and flip-flops back on for the trip to the island, but left Ian in only his bathing suit. We returned to the table and told Ian of our plans. We untied him from the table but left him blindfolded and gagged. I tied his wrists together behind his back and we led him to the ladder. We were close to shore, so the water was shallow, and none of us got wet past the knees. Tim and I stood on either side of Ian and led him to shore.

Once we got to shore, Tim and I put our flip-flops back on, as the rocky beach could be unpleasant to bare feet. We would have to be careful not to lead the barefoot Ian over sharp rocks. When we finally got to the shack, we led Ian in and threw him on the floor, face down.

"Let's hogtie him" I said, and a few minutes later, Tim and I had Ian in a tight hogtie. I took some pictures, then we tickled him, of course. Not as intense as the last time, but enough to get Ian crying with laughter, Tim and I attacked Ian's bare feet with our fingers.

After having our fill of tickling our helpless captive, Tim and I left without a word. As was planned, we boarded the boat and left the island.

We laughed at Ian's misfortune, and at how mad he would be at us when we returned. It was two in the afternoon then, we decided we would return at five.

It was now me and Tim on the boat. I had developed an evil plan to tie up Ian at the shack, but decided on another option. I would tie him up on the boat after we got underway and take him back to the island, leaving him with no idea where he was. To my delight, Tim decided to go to the bow (front of the boat) and sunbathe while I steered the boat. I did this for a while before anchoring it. Figuring that he would come find me if I stayed anchored for long, I quickly gathered my supplies and headed to the bow.

"Hey, Mike, why'd you stop?" Tim said as he heard my bare feet approaching.

I said nothing, just grabbed his arms and quickly tied them together.

"What are you doing, Mike?" he said.

"Stop! Let me go!" he shouted as I tied his ankles.

"Oh, shut up." I said and stuffed some handkerchiefs in his mouth, putting tape over his lips. I blindfolded him with another handkerchief, then temporarily hogtied him.

I went back to the wheel and got the boat underway again. This time, I went to the other side of the island, decreasing the chances of Tim realizing where he was. I anchored the boat again, and returned to the bow. Tim was just as I left him, and I reached to untie his hogtie, but stopped. I was considerably larger than him, and he wouldn't readily climb down the ladder, so why couldn't I just carry him? I slung my hogtied captive over my shoulder and climbed down the ladder.

I waded ashore and stopped on the beach to put down Tim. I put on my flip-flops to protect my feet from the rocks, although this beach was less rocky, as I had brought Tim to the other side of the island. I untied his hogtie and ankles and dragged him to his feet by his bare arms. I led him across the beach and then down a trail to the other side of the island, where the shack was.

I led Tim into the shack and hogtied him next to his brother. Ian was motionless when I entered but started thrashing around when he hear us entering. After making sure both of their hogties were tight, I pulled off Ian and Tim's blindfolds. Both of them were shocked at seeing the other, and glared at me.

I took out the camera and took a few pictures of the two, tickled them a bit, and left. I went back to the beach by the boat and swam and lay on the boat in the sun until five, the agreed time to release the captives. I returned to the shack and untied my victims. No one said anything as we walked back to the boat, or on the ride home, but two of the three of us would be tied up again before the week was over. It was only Tuesday...

Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:43 pm

Our punishment

None of us mentioned anything about the tie-ups for the rest of the day. I was nervous sleeping that night, and wasn't surprised to find myself tied to my bed when I woke up. What did surprise me was when I saw Ian leading Tim into the room and hogtied him on the floor!

I was tied spread-eagle on the bed, wearing only athletic shorts that I had slept in. Tim was wearing the same, but Ian was fully dressed. Tim and I were gagged with what I later learned were dirty socks and ducttape over our mouths, but not blindfolded.

Ian made sure Tim was secure before checking my bonds, then leaving. He closed the door behind him, probably so no one would see us tied up. A few minutes later Ian returned, and the tickling began. He started with Tim, tickling his bare feet. After about ten minutes he moved on to me. My bare feet were effectively immobilized by the spread-eagle position I was in, so I was unable to thrash around too much as he tickled me. After about ten minutes, what felt like eternity, he stopped the tickling, said nothing, and left.

Tim and I were left tied up there for at least an hour. We wondered why none of the rest of the family hadn't wondered where we were. Ian returned with a glass bowl from the kitchen. I couldn't see what was in it until he set it down next to Tim's feet. Ice! He dropped a piece of ice down Tim's boxers under his shorts, then did the same to me (!). We both started thrashing around as much as our bonds would allow. Ian turned back to Tim with a piece of ice in each hand. I knew what was coming, but Tim couldn't see it. He thrashed and mmmppphhhhed violently as Ian touched the ice to his soles. Tim continued to struggle as Ian rubbed the ice on his helpless bare feet, not stopping until the ice was completely melted.

After pausing to pick up two more pieces of ice from the bowl, Ian turned to my bare feet to torture them. I reacted just as Tim had, and struggled as he rubbed the ice all over my soles.

The torture was cut short when the inevitable happened, Ian's dad walked in the room.

"What the h**l is going on?" he said when he saw the two of us tied up and his son torturing me. "Ian, what are you doing? Untie these guys, I want to hear the whole d**n story."

Ian morosely dropped the ice and untied Tim and I. The three of us sat on the bed and told Ian's dad, we'll call him Mr. Cooper, the whole story, of the first tie-up with me and Ian, my revenge and Tim's involvement, and that morning's tie-up of me and Tim. Mr. Cooper was infuriated by the end.

"I have told you boys before," he addressed his two sons, "that tying each other up is not acceptable. And you, Michael" he said to me, "are a guest in this house. Surely you did not think I would allow you to tie up my sons?" I didn't respond, just listened to his lecture silently, as did Tim and Ian.

Edited by Canuck: sorry, had to delete the rest of the story, as it described tie-ups being used as punishment, which is not accepted on this site. Please skip these parts if you write a story, as this site is about safe, consensual and fun TUGs only.

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Post by Larzade »

The story does continue after the punishment, here's the final part that doesn't contain such elements:

Joined: 29 Jan 2007
Posts: 46

Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:12 pm

Next game

As I mentioned, after the punishment, the three of us played one more tie-up game. The next day, Thursday, we decided to go out on the boat again. This time, Ian invited two of his friends. They lived in the house next door, I had met them once but really didn't know them. They were twins, both 16. Rich was 5'8", 115 lbs, size 11 feet, Allison was 5', 85 lbs, women's size 4 feet.

Rich and Allison came over to Ian's house at about 10:00 that morning. Rich was wearing a bathing suit, flip-flops, and a t-shirt. Ian, Tim, and I wore the same. Allison wore a two-piece bathing suit with a miniskirt and flip-flops. Today we took the smaller speedboat, because we wanted to go water skiing. We boarded the boat and headed out into the bay.

It was a beautiful day, and the bay was filled with boats. After about ten minutes, we got far enough from shore where there were few boats, and plenty of room for skiing. Tim pulled out the skis and attached the rope to the back of the boat. He was going skiing first, and took off his shirt and flip-flops and put on a PFD before jumping over the side.

Tim put his feet in the skis and Ian gunned the boat. Tim was an experienced skier and got up with no problem. A few minutes later he fell down, we went back for him, you know...

We all skied over the next two hours. Tim and Ian are very experienced, and did this with no problem. I'm okay but didn't do so well. Neither Rich or Allison had skied before, but they learned quick. After we had enough of water skiing, Ian suggested we go to the island where we had gone two days before.

We all agreed, and Ian steered the boat toward the deserted island at the other end of the bay. About 15 minutes later we reached the island.

Us 4 guys wanted to go swimming, so we jumped over the side as soon as Ian anchored the boat. Allison went to the beach to lie in the sun. After about half and hour we all decided to play capture the flag on the island. We returned to the boat to work out the rules.

The teams were to be me and Allison versus Tim, Ian, and Rich. All of us would be barefoot, and Tim, Ian, and Rich would be shirtless. Tim's red t-shirt was to be their flag, and one of my flip-flops was to be ours. Allison and I would use the nearby abandoned cabin as our base, they would use another similar cabin on the other side of the island.

What made the game really interesting was that in order to win, a team had to capture the other's flag and capture the other team and tie them up. The winners could then torture the losers for the rest of the day.

With the game mapped out, the five of us waded to shore. All of us carried bondage materials, and after wishing the other team good luck, proceeded to our bases.

I buried my flip-flop in the dirt behind the shack, and we put our ropes, tape, and bandannas on the floor of the shack. Allison and I then sat down on the dirt floor to discuss our strategy.

Because we were outnumbered, we decided to both stay and guard our flag. Only after we got all three of them tied up would we go find their flag. We sat their talking for a while, waiting for one of our enemies to come in search of our flag. I got to know Allison a lot better, but our conversation was cut short when we hear rustling in the brush.

We stood up and faced the doorway, poised to defend our base. Ian stepped into the shack, followed by Rich, and Tim! All three of them had come to ambush us! Rich grabbed his sister and wrestled her to the ground. I tried to push Tim away from the door, but he and Ian grabbed me. I struggled against both of them, but I was soon on the ground, face down, my arms tied behind my back. My ankles were next to be tied, then came the hogtie. I looked at Allison next to me and saw that she was hogtied also.

"We can do this the easy way. You can tell us where the flag is, or we can tickle you. Which is it going to be?" Tim said to us. We both stayed quiet, and a few seconds later they were on us. Ian and Rich tickled my feet, each taking a foot each, reducing me to hysterical laughs very quickly. Tim tickled Allison, and soon found that her small feet were her weak spot.

After about ten minutes of this relentless tickling, our three captors stopped and Tim faced us again. "Anything to tell us now?" Allison and I looked at each other, and from the look on her face, I knew she wasn't surrendering yet. Neither was I, so I said nothing. "Okay then, here we go." said Ian.

The tickling resumed for another ten minutes, then another break. They kept tickling us like this for about an hour, when we finally gave in.

"It's buried behind the shack, right next to the bush." I said dejectedly. Ian went to retrieve it, and a moment later he returned with my flip-flop in his hand, brushing dirt off it.

"Wow, you've got big feet, Mike," he said to me after looking at the big flip-flop in his hand, I do have size 14 feet " and they're all tied up. Should we tickle Mike's feet some more?" Ian said to Tim and Rich. "Yeah." they responded. "How about Allison's?" he said. They responded with the same "yeah", and then the three of them resumed tickling us.

After another 15 minutes of torture, they started to leave and Tim said, "Don't go anywhere, we'll be back!"

Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:22 pm

Next game part 2

Because we weren't gagged, Allison and I could talk, so we did. We were left there for at least three hours, and it was great that we could pass the time by talking. It was getting really hot and we were sweating. I was beginning to wish they had removed my shirt. We didn't bother yelling for help, because no one would be on the island but us, and we didn't want anyone to find out about the game.

Our three captors finally returned. They were fully dressed, which led me to beleive that they had returned to the mainland. Ian began untying my hogtie and my ankles, then told me to stand up. I did, and he put a blindfold over my eyes. I assume the same was done to Allison. The two of us were then led out of the shack.

I felt the sharp rocks of the beach beneath my bare feet and knew that they were taking us back to the boat. This was confirmed when I felt the water of the bay at my ankles. When I was about knee deep, my wrists were untied, and my hands were placed on the boat's ladder.

I climbed the ladder, and when I had, my blindfold was removed and a gag shoved in my mouth. I saw Tim doing the same to Allison. What happened next was the weirdest tie-up I've ever been in. Ian told me and Allison to kneel facing each other and put our arms around each other. I barely knew this girl, so hugging her was a little awkward. She seemed to feel the same.

After we did this, Tim and Rich started tying our wrists together. Ian then wrapped a long rope around our chests, tightly binding us together, tighter than was comfortable. After our upper bodies were secure, Ian and Tim laid us down on my right side, Allison's left. They then tied our legs together. I am a lot taller than her, so her feet were about halfway down my calves. They tied them with her toes pointed down towards my feet so that the tops of her feet were against my legs. It must have been really uncomfortable, and I heard her groan under her gag when they did this.

We were now in what I will call a "hugtie". The three of them lifted us up and put us in the bow (front of boat). I soon felt the boat moving.

It was late afternoon, and the sun was starting to set. I heard the boat's engine decelerate, and I assumed that we were at a dock. I was correct, and after tying up the boat, our three captors picked us up and carried us onto the dock.

I recognized it to be Rich and Allison's house. They carried us down the dock into the house. I prayed that the house was empty, but my heart sank when I saw their sister in the living room. "Hey guys." she said, not looking up from the magazine she was reading. "Hi Katie" said Rich. We were carried past her, and I don't know if she saw Allison and I tied up, but she didn't say anything. I breathed a sight of relief under my gag.

We were carried up the stairs into what I took to be Rich's room. They put us down on the bed and Tim said, "We never did decide what time to let you go, so we'll keep you tied up all night--" Allison and I instantly began thrashing and mmmmppppphhhhhing "--or we'll tickle you for one hour non stop." We fell quiet. Tim continued," If you want to be tied up all night, speak now." We stayed quiet, and Ian said, "Start tickling!"

They did, and we were soon hysterically mmmppphhhing through our gags. The longest I have ever been tickled non stop was 15 minutes, so I was nearly dying by the end of the hour. They did not stop, as they said they wouldn't, and Allison and I were crying with laughter by the end. When it finally ended, what felt like eternity, they untied our hands, but left us to free ourselves.

Allison instantly began untying her feet, as I'm sure the position they were in was really uncomfortable. I pulled off our gags before untying my feet, then we both removed the long rope around our chests. Now that we were entirely free, we stood up off the bed, and I turned to leave. I was surprised when Allison grabbed my arm. I turned around and she said, "You're just going to hug me for an hour and not kiss me?" I put my arms around her again, we hooked up, I gave her my number, and I returned to Ian's house.

The last tie-up of that week turned out to be the best. Although we live far away from each other, Allison and I are still good friends. Ian is jealous.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Thanks (again!) [mention]Larzade[/mention] for finding the missing pieces!
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