Dave00314 : 01 - My Introduction to Handcuffs (mm/m)

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Dave00314 : 01 - My Introduction to Handcuffs (mm/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Dave00314's stories
01 - My Introduction to Handcuffs
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By Dave00314

Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:04 pm

My Introduction to Handcuffs

I was 11. I had already played plenty of tie-up games, mostly with my best friend and his brother. My friend Tom was my age, and his brother Jason was 16 (maybe 17) at this time. So we would play Cops and Robbers (or Manhunt, or War, or whatever it was called, depending on who else was playing), and Jason was usually very good at getting us caught and secured since he was so much bigger.

It was summer, and I had been away on vacation for a week or two. The day after I got back, I went to their house. I was wearing blue basketball shorts, black muscle shirt, and shoes but no socks. Tom had denim shorts, wifebeater, no shoes or socks. Jason had black soccer shorts, a blue tank top, and shoes and socks.

We caught up for a few minutes. Then they both suggested Cops and Robbers. Most of the time, Tom and I are a team against Jason, but this time they wanted me on my own with both of them chasing me. I asked "Why," but they just shrugged off the question. I shouldn't even have asked. It's just like them to "conspire" against me while I'm gone! Anyway, I like the game, so this just got me more curious and interested.

It didn't take long for me to get caught; they both came up on me about the same time, and I raised my hands, surrendered. Jason told me to take my shirt off. That's not unusual; we sometimes blindfold prisoners with their own shirts, and that's what he did, then tied my hands behind me. But they didn't lead me to the usual "jail" area. I was being taken inside. I asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

Tom said, "We're going to tie you up real special." Again, we play these games a lot, so I wasn't scared; I was really interested in what they had come up with.

I slipped my shoes off inside the door, and they took me up to Tom's bedroom. I laid on his bed on my stomach, diagonally across the bed. Tom got up and sat on my legs, as though I might try to get away. Jason tied my feet together, then tied them off to a bedpost. Tom untied my hands and Jason said, "Put your hands straight out in front of you; don't try to touch your blindfold."

My head was pointed right at the bedpost (the opposite corner from my feet), so putting my arms straight out meant that my arms went on different sides of the post; I figured my hands would be tied around that post. (The head of his bed was not against the wall, so my right arm went through a gap in the headboard, and there was plenty of room for them to reach my hands to do whatever they were going to do.)

I was really shocked to feel cold metal instead of rope! Jason clicked handcuffs on both of my wrists at the same time, in a split second. I keep thinking back, trying to remember if I heard anything, but I didn't. He must have had them open already, and held them tight to keep them from jangling.

Anyway, it was a surprise, but it was fun! I jerked back instinctively, but of course my hands were trapped around the bedpost. Again, I wasn't scared, but I was thrilled that we had graduated from mere rope to real handcuffs. I shouted, "Cool! Let me see them!"

Jason said, "Hold on, I have to do this." I felt him working on the cuffs; I now know he was double locking them. Then he said OK, and Tom got off of me, and they took my blindfold off. So I was able to see the handcuffs for the first time. Jason said, "Have fun," and turned the stereo on country music, which he knows I hate! Then they both left and closed the door.

They actually left me there for 20-30 minutes. But that gave me a chance to examine the cuffs really close. I knew I couldn't escape, but I looked for ways anyway. I couldn't wiggle my feet loose either, so I was trapped good in that position . . . and no way to reach the stereo! (I tolerated it.)

When they came to let me out, Jason let me experiment with them. I got to try being cuffed with my hands behind my back, but I was small enough that I could easily bring my hands to the front. After a variety of experiments, Jason cuffed me and Tom together, and left us that way for an hour, and it would have been longer if I didn't have to go home!

So that was the beginning of using handcuffs in our games.

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