OGgrl93 : 02 - Curiosity Caused The Tie (f/m, m/f, m/mf)

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OGgrl93 : 02 - Curiosity Caused The Tie (f/m, m/f, m/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

OGgrl93's stories
02 - Curiosity Caused The Tie
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By OGgrl93

Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:08 pm

Hey guys. I had a dream about something like this so I morphed it into a story. I hope you like it!

'We know you're 16 honey, but we feel that you'll just need a little extra help with Kevin." Alison's mom said.

Alison's parents were going on a one week business vacation and Alison and her little brother wouldn't have school all week. Gotta love spring break.
"And Kevin is only 9, he's a lot to handle. That's why Aaron is gonna spend the week with you two."

Aaron was 18 and has babysat Kevin multiple times before, but Alison's never met him.

She sighed, "Okay then."

Alison had a secret that no one else knew. She loved to be tied up but never had any time was actually excited because she barely gets time to herself and she was gonna have a whole week to tie herself up.

She woke up the next morning and went upstairs. Her bedroom, her brothers bedroom, and the spare bedroom where Aaron would be staying were all in the basement while their parents bedroom was upstairs. They also had a bathroom on each floor. Alison walked into the kitchen and there was a note on the table. It said that Aaron was going to be there at 10:00. She looked at the clock and saw it said 9:25. She headed to the family room where Kevin was sitting on the floor watching cartoons.

"Hey what are you doing up so early? You know you could've slept in."

"I know, but I wanted to be up when Aaron got here."

He said without taking his eyes out of the TV. She just smiled and sat next to him on the floor. He got up and sat on her lap and they watched TV together. Spongebob was on and it was the episode where Spongebob thought Mr.Krabs was a robot. It was at the part where Mr.Krabs is tied to his chair in his office being interrogated.

"If someone tied me up I could get out of it no problem."

"Oh really?" She said rolling her eyes and grinning.

"Yes really! I'll prove it!" And with that he got up from her lap and ran out of the room.

He came back a lil' while later with three jump ropes. He sat down and turned his back towards her and put his hands behind him. She tied one jump rope around his hands loosely and one around his ankles loosely too.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and change. Good luck." And she headed downstairs.

She changed into a pair of jean and a gray t shirt. She also put her long brown hair into a pony tail and put on some makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror with her green eyes and was satisfied. She headed back up stairs and Kevin was gone. All of a sudden Kevin grabbed a hold of her leg and tripped her.

She started laughing, "Kevin, why'd you do that?"

"I got out, so now it's your turn."

She laughed again, "Okay, okay."

 He tied her ankles first and then below her knees. They were pretty effective knots that he tied. She put her hands behind her back and Kevin tied the last jump rope around them. But then he tied the ends of the jump rope around her waist and knotted it in the front.

"Hey, not fair! I can't untie the rope then."

"Duh. That's the point." And with that he ran down stairs.

She tried loosening the knots but couldn't. For a 9 year old, he was pretty damn good at knots. He came back down in jean shorts and a t shirt.

She looked over at him and sighed, "Okay Kevin, you win. I can't get out. Untie me please."

"I don't think so." He sat back on the floor and started watching TV, ignoring his sister's pleas to untie her.

The door bell rang. "I'll get it!" Kevin got up and ran to the door which was out of the view of the family room.

"Oh, and like I could!" Alison yelled.

She was lying on her back, still tied up, and really pissed off.

"Aaron!" Kevin yelled.

"Hey squirt, long time no see." He said, while musting up his hair.

They walked into the family room and Aaron stopped dead in his tracks. "Uhhh...Hi?"

Alison blushed, "Hi, I'm Alison. Yeah, well apparently Kevin's really good at knots."
He smiled, "Well I can see that. I'm Aaron."

Aaron was a well built guy with muscles that defiantly showed. He was well over 6 foot which made her 5' 9" height seem short. He had Brown longish hair and ice blue eyes. He was wearing a sweatshirt with a pair of jeans.
She gave him pleading eyes, "Well, could you please untie me, the lil' brat over there won't."

He stared at her for a moment then looked at Kevin and then back at her, "Nah, maybe later. Squirt, will you show me to my room?" "Yeah, sure follow me." Kevin started running down to the basement with Aaron on his heels.

"Aaron!!! Kevin!!!"

To be continued....

Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:33 am

So Alison was stuck tied up waiting for someone to come and untied her. Aaron and Kevin came back up stairs. Kevin laid on the couch while Aaron went and sat by Alison on the floor.

"What's up?" He had a grin on his face that made him look mischievous.

"If I begged, would you please untie me?" She said while still laying on her back.

He tilted his head to match her angle of vision, "If I was mean I would make you stay in this position, but I'm not." He untied the ropes around her legs and then the one around her wrists that connected to her waist.

"Thanks." She said blushing again.

"No probs. I see why your parents wanted me to help out this week." She then remembered and slapped Aaron's arm and slapped Kevin upside the head.

"Hey!" They both exclaimed.

"That's for leaving me like that. And that doesn't normally happen." She said sitting on the couch by Kevin ruffling up his hair where she slapped him.

Aaron laughed, "Sorry, but hey, it was funny as hell."

She just glared at him and rolled her eyes. Nothing else really happened that day.

The next day Alison came upstairs and grabbed an apple from the kitchen and was headed to the family room, but she heard a noise coming from the front door. She slowly crept towards the front door and saw a person bent over. It was a guy wearing black sweat pants and a black sweatshirt. He stood up which made Alison shrieked and throw the apple which hit the person in the shoulder.

"Owww!" She heard the familiar voice that belonged to Aaron.

She backed against a wall and slid down till she was in a sitting position clutching her heart.

"Holy Shit.... I thought you were like a burglar or something." She said still feeling her heart pumping faster than it should.

Aaron rubbed his shoulder, "Sorry didn't mean to scare you. Damn good arm though."

She smiled slightly. "Uh.. thanks, I think."

She noticed her had a black duffel bag that she doesn't remember him having yesterday when he came.

"What's that?" She asked pointing to the bag.

He shifted a lil uneasily, "Oh I just forgot some stuff that I needed at my house, so I went back and got it."

Alison was a little suspicious but pushed it out of her mind. She went and laid on the couch and started watching TV while Aaron went and put the bag in his room. He came back upstairs and sat on the chair and they chit chatted for a while. They found that the both liked a lot of the same stuff. They listen to the same music, watch the same shows, like the same sports and so on. They ended up talking almost all day.

It was around 10:00 a.m. the next morning and both of them were already up eating breakfast. Alison was wearing holey jeans and a green V neck shirt with a black cameo underneath and Aaron was wearing loose faded jeans with a blue t-shirt. Kevin came running into the room yelling words that didn't make sense.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Slow down, what?" Aaron asked.

"Jessie called and asked if I could spend the night at his house tonight. COULD I, COULD I, COULD I?????" He begged. He was giving her the puppy dog eyes.

She glanced over at Aaron and he was doing the same eyes as Kevin. She smiled and shook her head. "I don't see why not." Alison called Jessie's mom to make sure everything would be okay and she said yes and she would be over at 6:00 to pick him up.

'This is perfect! I can get some tie up time tonight without having to worry about Kevin. Score.' Alison thought to herself.

It was around 5:30 and Alison couldn't find Aaron. She went down stairs and knocked on his door. He didn't answer. She turned the handle and the door opened, so she went in. He wasn't in there, but she saw the black duffel bag. She got curious so she picked up the bag, set it on the bed, and unzipped it. Her jaw dropped. It was full of rope, bandannas, and she thinks she saw a pair of handcuffs. All of a sudden someone grabbed her from behind and pinned her to the bed. She barely had any time to react when a bandanna was forced into her mouth and another one tied around her head to hold the other one in. She then felt duct tape wrap around her wrists so many times she lost count. The person let go and she quickly turned around to see who her tier was. Aaron was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. She cursed him but it just came out in mumbles.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you to not to look through other peoples stuff?"

To be continued...

Wed May 05, 2010 10:11 pm

Sorry for taking so long. Haven't had very much access to a computer. But! The good news is that the next part is ready. So here you go.

Alison was glaring at Aaron who seemed to be enjoying her situation.

"Mmmpppphhhh!!! Mpphhh mmmmm hurmmph mmmmm!" She was trying to get Aaron to untie her.

He laughed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying." He pushed himself of the wall and started walking towards her. "Hey Aaron have you seen Allie? I looked everywhere but I-" He paused to look at Allie and Aaron. "What's going on?" Aaron just smiled.

"Allie here thought she could snoop through my stuff, so I thought I should teach her a lesson."

Kevin pondered for a moment then laughed, "Well I don't know how much a punishment it will be for her."

Alison started a furry of mmpphh's while Aaron raised an eyebrow, "She likes to tie herself up. I've seen her do it a bunch of times." Kevin finished.

"Really?" Aaron said turning to Alison smiling at her.

Allison was blushing like crazy and avoiding eye contact with Aaron. She then turned her back and showed Aaron and Kevin her taped hands hoping to get one of them to untie her.

"I think she wants us to untie her." Kevin said.

"Yep," Aaron continued, "She probably does, but for the second time the answer is still no Al."

Allison grunted and flopped onto her back on the bed, which was a bad idea. Aaron quickly grabbed her legs and Allison started kicking trying to get him to let go of her.

"Kevin pass me the tape!" He yelled while she was kicking furiously trying to get him to let go, which failed in the end. He quickly mummified her legs with duct tape. "Alright, let's get you upstairs." He said bending over and putting Alison over his shoulder. "Here squirt, take this for me." He said tossing Kevin the tape. They then both headed upstairs and went into the TV room.

Aaron put Alison on the reclining chair and put it up in the recline position. He took the tape from Kevin and taped around her torso and legs effectively pinning her to the chair.

"That should hold her." Aaron said brushing his hand off. "Let's finish getting your stuff ready." Aaron said walking to Kevin's room with Kevin leading the way.

Alison was thrashing trying to get out of the tape without any luck. She just managed to tip the chair back even more. Alison decided to just give up cause she knew she wasn't going anywhere. After about 10 minutes, the door bell rang. Aaron trotted into the TV room heading to the front door. "I'll get it." She just glared at him. He laughed and went to the door. Kevin came running into the room with all of his overnight stuff. "See ya tomorrow sis, have fun!" And Kevin left the room.

A couple minutes later Aaron came into the TV room and plopped on the couch putting his hand behind his head.

"Hey, what's up?" He said grinning.

Alison just rolled her eyes.

"So you like this stuff then, huh?" He said it more like a statement than a question. "Well as you probably noticed, I like this stuff too." He paused, "I wasn't planning on this happening, well like this anyways. When I saw you tied up the other day, I just had to give it a shot and see if I could get you tied up, and when I saw you going through my stuff, well I couldn't resist and here we are." He was gonna say something but then his phone rang. "Hello? Hey Peter what's up?" He got up and went into the kitchen leaving Alison alone. She noticed her gag was loose so she worked it off her face and tongued out the other cloth. Aaron came back into the room and saw that Allie got her gag off.

"Could you get me a glass of water?" She said in a cotton mouth voice.

"Uh, yeah sure." He went back to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and helped her drink it.

"That is so much better, Thanks, well for the water anyway."

He sat back down on the couch with his arms slung on his knees. "So, how are you doing?" Aaron asked with a little bit of concern in his voice.

She sighed and looked at the ceiling, "Pretty much okay. A lil' uncomfortable but, yeah."

They talked for a while and she told him about how she had always like being tied up, and Aaron talked about how he likes to do the tying and sometimes likes being tied up. Her mood lightened and she decided her predicament could be worse. Actually, she was really enjoying it.

"So do you want me to untie you?" Aaron asked rubbing his neck, looking a lil' disappointed.

Alison smiled, "Well I really don't have a say in it, now do I?" She gave him a wink to let him know of the hint she was dropping.

Aaron's face lit up with surprise and excitement, "Really?!?"

Allison smiled and nodded. "Well then, we should move you." He said getting up and grabbing his pocket knife out of his back pocket and started cutting the tape holding her to the chair. He then cut the tape that mummified her legs and helped her stand up.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Back down to my room, we need to get you ready." He said while leading her down stairs.

"Wait, what? Get me ready for what?!?" Alison asked very loudly.

"Well, my friend Peter's coming over, and I told him you went over to a friend's house. So I'm not gonna let him see you."

"Are you serious?" She said in an aggravated tone, "What were you gonna do if I would have said 'No'?"

"Well, I still would've tied you up, it just would've been a lil' more difficult." He said with a smirk on his face. "Now come on he should be here in half an hour." Aaron said pushing Allie into his room.

He pulled out a wooden arm chair from the desk in the room and put it in the center of the room. Aaron made a motion to Alison for her to sit and she did so a lil' reluctantly. He cut the tape holding her hands behind her back. He brought over his duffel bag and pulled out a length of rope. He took her right hand and placed it on the arm rest and tied it. He did the same to her left wrist. He also tied her upper arms the chair arms. He tied her right ankle to the right leg, and the same with the left side. He tied below her knees and tied her lap to the seat. He then threaded rope through the rungs on the back of the chair and proceeded to tie above and below her breasts.

"Hey! Getting a little personal!" He cinched the knot of making her grunt a little. He came around to the front of her and placed his hands on her tied wrists, which caused him to bend down to her eye level.

"You're the one that let me tie you up." He smiled, "Besides, I think you look even cuter tied up."

This caused Alison to blush. He bent down and kissed her. This surprised Alison, but soon she was kissing back. He broke away after a couple minutes and before Alison could say anything, her shoved a foam ball into her mouth and retied the bandanna that was hanging around her neck back around her head.

"MMMMPPPPPHHHHH!!!" Alison yelled in protest.

Aaron bent down again and looked at her, "Wow, that sucks." He smiled and left her vision. He came back into her view, "I'm gonna head on upstairs now, so have fun!" And with that he kissed her on forehead and left shutting the door behind him.

Alison was all alone (Duh) and really excited. She started struggling to see if she could get out, but to no avail she couldn't. She tried and tried but the knots never loosened. She then heard the doorbell ring. She heard it open and the sound of another guy in the house, which she assumed was Peter. She felt like she was down there forever but it was actually only 45 minutes. Out of nowhere she heard a loud thud and then heard Aaron cussing and Peter laughing. This went on for about 5 minutes, but then everything stopped.

All of a sudden she heard the sound of two sets of feet going down the stairs rather loudly. Alison started freaking out, she didn't know what to do. Well that was her problem, she couldn't do anything. All of a sudden the door burst open and she saw the back of a guy, whom she assumed was Peter. He was walking backwards into the room trying to force something in with him. It was Aaron! His hands were taped at the wrists and more going around his upper body. He also had tape wrapped around his head and one of his socks missing off his foot, so she assumed that's what was gagging him.

"Boy Aaron are you in for some night, now where did you put yo-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Alison. His jaw dropped, "Uhhh, Hello?" 'Crap' Alison thought, as did Aaron.

To be continued....

Tue May 11, 2010 8:29 pm

I know this isn't very long compared to the others, but hey, it's an update! Oh, and comments welcome.

Peter was a well built guy, kinda like Aaron. He had blond short hair and brown eyes and was a lil shorter that Aaron. He was just staring at Alison with this dumbfounded look. He looked back at Aaron and smiled.

"Oh I get it. You must be Alison. 'She's over at a friend's house.' my ass Aaron." Peter said dragging Aaron over by Alison and dropping him on the floor. He quickly taped his ankles and above and below his knees.

Peter walked over to Alison and untied the bandanna and she spat out the foam ball. She looked at Aaron, "Wow that really sucks." He mumbled a 'ha-ha' and rolled his eyes.

She looked at Peter, "So Peter, would you please untie me. I really gotta use the bathroom."

"Uh, yeah, hold on." He said. Peter untied her ankles, legs and thighs. He then went behind her. He tugged on the ties around her breasts.

"Hey!" Alison yelled turning around to glare at him.

He chuckled "Sorry couldn't resist." He untied her breasts ropes, her upper arms and her wrists.

"Thank Gawd!" She got up, hopped over the mmppphhhing Aaron, and ran upstairs to the bathroom.

She walked out of the bathroom and into the TV room where Peter was lying on the couch with his hands behind his head. He flashed her a big smile, "Hey, What up?"

She leaned against the nearest wall. "Well, I just got out of a bind. Haha, okay sorry, couldn't resist."

He laughs, "So what happened to you? I mean, how'd you end up like that?"

Alison sighs. She walks over and sits in the chair she was tied in earlier, and proceeds to tell Peter of the day's events.

He laughs again, "Yeah, that dose sound like Aaron."

"So how'd Aaron end up like that?" Alison asks.

"Well he kept talking bout this girl he meet a couple of days ago. Assuming you're her, I can see why." Alison blushes. "Plus, he got me last weekend." She gave him a confused look. He continued, "He jumped me and had me tied up for like 10 hours. So, I wanted to get him back."

"Well that makes more sense." Alison replied. Alison got up and started walking to the kitchen, "Do you want anything to drink?" She asks.

He chuckles, "No, I'm fine."

All of a sudden Alison was tackled from behind by Peter. "OH, COME ON!!!" Alison yells. They wrestle for a bit, but it was pointless. He got her on her back with her arms pinned above her head.

"Dude, really?" She asks a bit pissed off.

"Hey, first rule of TUG's, don't let your guard down." He smiles triumphantly.

He pulls out a bandanna from his back pocket and tied her wrists in front of her. He helps her stand up and started leading her down stairs. He opens the door and Aaron was still tied up, but he looks a little worn out and sweaty. He sees Alison and starts laughing.

"Ooohhhh, Shut up." Once again, they both thought the same thought, 'Shit...'.

To be continued....

Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:01 am

Alright people, here's the next part. Once again, sorry bout the wait. And thanks for all the really awesome and nice comments you guys left. Nice to know people really like my writing. :)

Peter led Alison over to the chair she was tied in earlier and had her sit. He picked up some rope and wrapped it around her a few times and tied it off in the back.

"Just to make sure you don't go anywhere for the time being." He walked over to Aaron and knelt down by his legs. He cut the tape holding his legs together and tied rope around his ankles and above and below his knees. After taking off Aaron's other sock, Peter rolled him over onto his stomach and sat on him. He cut the tape holding his arms to his torso and tied a length of rope above his elbows and pulled them together till they were about 3 inches apart and cinched it of which made Aaron grunt.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Alison asked in a worried tone.

"Nah... He pretty flexible. He'll be fine." Peter said. He cut the tape around Aaron's wrists and retied them together with more rope. He then got up and walked over to Alison.

He knelt down again and tied her legs just like Aaron's. He then untied the rope holding her to the chair. He untied the bandanna around her wrists and then retied her hands behind her back.

"Why can't you just let us go?" Alison asked, "I mean really? You can just untie us go and we can jus-mphruph!!" Something was shoved into her mouth and Peter's hand clamped over it.

"You really talk to much ya know?" He ripped off some tape and put it over her mouth. he tore off 3 more pieces and placed those over her mouth as well. "Oh and just so you know, that's Aaron's sock in your mouth."

"Mphamm!" She tried to say jackass, but of course it didn't come out as that cause of the gag. He then tied above her elbows and pulled them till the were about 3 inches apart and cinched it off making her grunt very loudly. He helped her onto the floor and backed her up to Aaron and wound rope around both of them. He pulled the ropes tight which caused them to be pressed tightly together. "Well looks like my work here is done. Now I'm gonna go upstairs and enjoy your lovely flat screen." He walked towards the door and Aaron and Alison started mmpphhing to try and get Peter to untied them, but of course, he just ignored them. (What kind of writer would I be if I had Peter untie them?)

Alison and Aaron started to struggle furiously trying to get out of their bind. Every attempt they made, failed. They couldn't reach any of their knots or each others knots. They struggled for at least a hour before they finally gave up. Alison was getting really worried because she was loosing the feeling in her arms and they felt pretty cold. She tried to readjust herself but it only caused more pain which made her moan into her gag. Aaron grabbed her hands to try and comfort her but let go as soon as he did. He grabbed her hands again and realized that Peter tied her ropes too tight and they were cutting off her circulation. He was afraid Peter wasn't gonna come back down for a while and was afraid damage could be done to her arms. He started to mphh really loudly and struggle really violently. Alison stopped trying to struggle cause she knew she wasn't going to break out of her bonds. After a while Aaron took a break to catch his breath. He then remembered he had his pocket knife in his back pocket. He started to move around to try and slide the knife out of his pocket.

After some uncomfortable effort he managed to get the knife out of his pocket which fell by Alison's hands. She picked it up and figured out what is was. With team work the managed to open it without cutting themselves. Aaron took it and cut off his wrist ropes. He worked his wrists a little bit so that he could work faster. Somehow, which Alison still hasn't figured out, he managed to cut the ropes around them and his elbows. He quickly, but carefully, pealed the tape off his head and spat out the sock. He turned around to Alison and pealed off the tape on hear face and pulled the sock out.

"Crap I'm so sorry, let me finish getting out of this and I'll get you out too." She just nodded, and said a dry "Okay".

He started to untie his legs and right as he untied the last ropes around his legs he hear feet pounding down the stairs. he quickly got up and grabbed a roll of duct tape and hid behind the door. He put his finger up to his lips so Alison knew to keep quiet. The door opened,"Hey guys I just thought I- oh crap...." Aaron came around from behind the door and put Peter in a headlock.

"Oh crap is right you idiot."

To be continued......

(Note from Canuck : I did not find the rest of the story, unfortunately. I don't know if she ever posted it. If you had saved it, please post it here!)

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