Neko : 01 - More Than Just Homework (m/f)

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Neko : 01 - More Than Just Homework (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Neko's stories
01 - More Than Just Homework
Story index at the bottom

By Neko

Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:03 am
[ Most of this story is of course fictional, though some small parts of it have been used by real life experiences in which I endured. ]

Part One:

The day that would greatly be remembered by one named Jade Brown, began during late afternoon. The 16-year-old girl was sat on her bed, looking into the mirror which was upon a table. Jade was gentle with her long, blonde hair as she brushed through it.

She was a fairly pretty girl, cute eyes and a slim and curved figure. She was still in her school outfit. Shoes with a slight heel, short skirt, white blouse and tie.

Hearing a knock at the door from downstairs, Jade leapt from her bed and ran down, swinging the door open which gave the one behind it a fright.

“Hiya!” she giggled.

The one whom stood at the door was known as Sam Maxwell, he was about the same age as Jade, perhaps a little older. But only by a couple of months.

He was quite a handsome young boy himself. Ruffled blonde hair and he was quite tall. He wore jeans, trainers and a plain blue shirt.

“Someone's happy this morning,” he smirked, referring to his schoolmate.

“I know, I just feel kind of hyper, why d'you have your backpack?” she asked him, noticing the strap over one shoulder.

“Just got some stuff I need to take to Dad's, after,” he spoke. And Jade would ask no more on the matter. Because Sam's parents were split up and he was constantly going back and forth to the both of them.

“Where's your Mum?” he asked, walking in and dumping his bag on the chair in the living room, Jade following closely behind him.

“Work, remember?” Jade raised a brow to him. “Heh, you know she's out all day and doesn't get back until like … 10, tonight.”

“I know, was just making sure,” Sam said plainly, and she gave him an odd look from the corner of her eye.

“I have to put some washing out and then you can help me with my homework, okay?” Jade quickly walked outside with the small basket in both hands, not giving Sam much chance to answer. But he didn't really seem to mind as he just followed on like a lost puppy.

The two stood in the garden, it wasn't much. Just grass, a shed and a big washing line wheel in the middle. There were already some clothes drying on it, and some panties which made Jade blush due to a male friend being there. But she just ignored it.

As she was hanging out several things such as tops and that, Sam was careful to stuff some things into his pockets without her realising. And as Jade walked back into the house with the empty basket, Sam quietly followed her with a hidden smirk upon his face.

To be continued …

Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:27 am

Part Two:

Sam and Jade went up into her bedroom and quite happily flung themselves onto her bed. Sam had brought his backpack up and Jade rummaged around in a pile of all-sorts on the middle of their floor.

“Found it!” she smiled, bringing out a pen and paper. “Okay, now I'm really gonna need help with this, I only got one question so far and-”

But the girl was cut off by strong hands which were gripped around her wrists, bringing her arms behind her back.

“What are you-”
“Be quiet!”

She was sharply told, making her jump. Jade was crouched down on the floor, and she had dropped the pen and paper when she was grabbed hold of. And Sam was now also knelt down behind her.

He was tightly wrapping rope around Jade's wrists which were being held in an 'X' position. She struggled against him and squirmed but he was too strong. And he finally finished with her wrists, making hard knots and kept them well out of reach of her fingers.

“Sam, what f*ck are you doing to me? F*cking let me go now, you b**tard!”
“Didn't I just say 'be quiet?'” he sighed. “Well, someone needs to be gagged anyway.”
“No! Don't!” Jade growled, trying to edge away from him.

Sam pulling out a big piece of cloth, and scrunched it all up into a big ball, bringing it up to her lips but she squeezed them tightly shut, struggling and swaying away from him.

“Open up,” he spoke in a dominant tone.

Jade attempted to resist even more bur Sam brought his other hand up from behind her and gave her right breast a tight squeeze, making her gasp and the ball of cloth was then shoved in.

Holding it inside with two fingers, he undid her school tie from around her neck with the other hand, and brought it off and over her head, gagging her with it, holding the ball in and tying it tightly round the back of her head.

“Mmmmmfff!” She cried into the gag, pulling at the bindings at her wrists.

“Much better,” Sam chuckled, bringing out some more rope which then caused Jade's eyes to widen.

He brought it in front of her, and tied it above and below her breasts and around the top part of her arms, making her breasts stand out even more than what they already were and also caused her even littler movement.

“You should have known that I wasn't just here for homework, now, hm, Jade?” He spoke as he knotted off the rope.

He stood up and pulled Jade up; making her stand too.

But Jade still squirmed and wriggled, she made a break for the stairs in hope of escape but Sam was quick to wrap his arms around her waist, stopping her.

“Hehe, now, now. You're not going anywhere.”
“Mffft! Mmmmfff …”

“Now then, lets start your torture.” Sam spoke, keep hold of her wrists while he rummaged in the bag and brought out some more rope. He pushed her to the floor once more and made her lie on her tummy.

He tied the rope tightly around her ankles and knees, then looped it through her wrists and pulled, hard. This made her feet come high up above her, in a hog-tie position.

All the while, poor Jade was helpless to defend her self, and she could merely squirm and give muffled cries.

“Right …” Sam spoke, taking off the blonde girl's shoes, making her barefoot. Her toenails were painted a bright pink colour, as were her fingernails.

“You always were ticklish, weren't you?” Sam said in such a kind and sweet tone of voice that it was almost sickly.

“Mfffffft! Mmmmff!” Jade screamed. She couldn't stand being tickled. And the very thought of it happening, especially when she was all tied up, made her stomach turn.

Running the edge of his fingernail down Jade's right foot gave results almost instantly. She screamed and laughed hard into the gag.

“Well that didn't take much,” the boy noted.

A good more 6 minutes of this had Jade struggling for breath, and he hadn't even properly started yet.

He then began to use his fingers, tapping and running them up and down both of her feet like thousands of tiny spiders were crawling all over them. Changing direction within milliseconds, covering every inch of her gorgeous skin.

This went on for a whole 20 minutes, but both of them had completely lost track of time. Sam stopped, putting his hands on the carpet, allowing them to rest.

Jade was breathing really heavily, so Sam reached forward and untied the tie at the back of her head and took the ball out.

She licked all over her lips because they were dry and almost sore. “Please … Sam … Untie me now …” She begged between huffs.

“No.” He spoke calmly.
“Why not?”
“Because I want to have some fun with you.”
“Well … I'm not having fun.”
“Tough sh*t really, eh?” he chuckled, warmly.

He shoved the ball back inside her mouth when she wasn't expecting it, and he gagged her again with the tie.

He untied and took off the rope that held her in a tight hog-tie but left her ankles and knees tied.

Getting her back onto her feet, he pulled the duvet from her bed and untied her wrists and the rope around her breasts and arms. She struggled against him, but not much and this was due to 2 reasons. One of them was because she was still really tired from the tickle torture. And the other was that she knew that there really wasn't all that much point, she'd given up hope of escape. Sam was just too strong for her.

He made her lie on the bed and brought her arms above her head. He tied them together, again in an 'X' shape, her palms facing the ceiling. He then looped another piece of rope through her wrists and around the wooden holes in the headboard. Tying it in such a way that it would be easy to simply loosen of take it off.

“Mfff …. Mmmmfff.” She moaned.

He then took a long piece of rope and put the middle of it round the back of her neck and brought the long parts in front. He then crossed them between her breasts and made her sit up so he could then take it around her back, crossing them over again he then brought it between her legs. Pulling them through as he made a 'V' shape crotch rope, looping the ends through the rope underneath her breasts and pulling tight.

Jade blinked and screamed but also moaned into the gag. Weird sensations were shot through her body as she squirmed around.

Sam smirked once more, reaching into his pocket. Jade paused and watched him with staring eyes. The boy pulled out two plastic clothes pegs and lied them both next to her head, on the bed as he then began to unbutton her school blouse.

To be continued …

(Apologies for any mistakes, I kind of rushed this and I haven't read or checked through it much, yet.)

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