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Jennifer : 22 - College Days : A New Chapter, Ashley Gets Involved (self/F, F/F)

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:04 am
by Fordman
Jennifer's stories
22 - College Days : A New Chapter, Ashley Gets Involved
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

Hello everyone, It has been a very long time since I posted anything online on my site or here. However, I think that it is time for me to continue writing. My life seems to have stabilize quite well. I got married a few weeks ago and there is still a lot going on right now. However, I got quite a few emails from different people from this community wanting to know what happened with the rest of my stories. So, I thought I would continue writing for all of you. I won't be posting nearly as often as I used to. But, I can still put a story out every couple of weeks or so. As was always the case feedback is appreciated.

October had arrived on the Campus and the first weekend finally fell upon us. A couple of tie ups had happened over the last few weeks between me and Stephanie. However, they were short little instances that I don't remember enough about to make a story out of. In the 4 week period I had tied her up 2 or 3 times on and off for a short period and she had attempted the same with me. Stephanie was getting better at it, but I usually managed to escape from being bound by her within a half hour of being tied up. She was sincere in her efforts, but let’s just say I wouldn't go mountain climbing with her. She couldn't tie an effective knot to save her life.

September had been a busy month. I was learning all about the college grind. Thankfully, Ashley was good at teaching me to stay on top of my homework. I quit putting it off like used to in high school and began doing it whenever I had the time first available to me. I don't remember my exact schedule, but I got done at 1 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other two days I got done at 4 in the afternoon. I was only taking 5 classes and there were a couple of hours between them. Especially on the Tuesday Thursday block. I was learning quickly that was the best time to do homework. Usually by the end of my last class on Friday, whatever I got in that class was the extent of my homework for the weekend.

I got back to the dorm room around 2:30 or so in the afternoon that weekend. It might have been a little earlier or later. I finished reading 40 pages for my English Composition class and got a quick bite to eat at the school cafeteria for lack of a better term for it. Ashley was there when I slipped through the door. Her attention was focused on the desk in front of here with the work she was doing. Ash was in the middle of Calculus homework if I remember right. I still had 2 semesters before I had to worry about taking that course. "Hey Ash." I said with a quiet wave of my hand and loud thud as I deposited my book bag on the bunk bed. I was glad to have the weight of it off my shoulders. It was a good 30 or 40 pounds (16 kg) with all the books I had in there. Ashley broke her concentration and looked up at me.

"Hi Jen, you just mist Steph. She left about 15 minutes ago. I guess it's just the two of us this weekend. I need to finish this and I have a meeting with my theatre professor in about an hour. After that we can do something if you want to, or at least catch dinner together." I nodded and looked over at Ashley. "Sure that sounds good. I just finished my homework for the weekend. "I was busy slipping off my tennis shoes and exchanging them for the Pikachu slippers sitting under the end of my bed. The weather had gotten colder, but not too bad yet. It was usually in the middle 50's during the day and a little cooler at night. I was wearing blue jeans, a sweatshirt, with a hooded sweatshirt over it and a light weight pair knit mittens over my hands.

With Stephanie gone for the weekend, the couch was free and I put in a bid for it through actions rather than a verbal request. I hiked over to it and stretched out. I didn't turn on the television or anything. I didn't want to disturb Ashley. It just felt good to lay back and stretch out for a few minute on the sofa. I just laid there and looked up at the ceiling in the room. This activity was a good break from the hustle and bustle of college life. However, my interest in it didn't last too long. It felt good to unwind and relax a little, but I didn't want to take a nap. Really, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the weekend. I wasn't going home and it was just going to be the two of us.

All 3 of us had gone home at some point over the course of the first month. Ashley had stayed the first weekend and spent the next 3 at home. I went home twice and this would be the second Weekend that Stephanie went home. This was unique in that it was the first time that I was alone with Ashley for the weekend. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to work out, but she was a lot of fun to hang out with. Although she wasn't into my favourite little hobby. Ashley had been around several time after she first learned about my interest in being tied up. She had witnessed several of the times that I had bound Stephanie and the inverse where Stephanie had attempted to restrain me. Stephanie was getting better at tying me up, but she still lacked the precision of the technique when compared with my brothers and many of my friends at home. I usually could free myself one way or another within a half an hour of getting tied up.

This was a good opportunity and the idea had been rolling around in my head since the start of the afternoon. It would be a good day for a tie up and I had plenty of time on my hands at the present. I had at least 2 hours before dinner and Ashley was otherwise occupied. I decided that it would be good to go for it. What the heck, there wasn't much else to do anyways. I rolled into a sitting position and planted the two Pikachu’s on the floor. Then I used my arms to brace myself as I got up. I crossed the room at a slow shuffle and headed over toward Stephanie's closet. I slid open the first left door and opened the bottom drawer on the dresser inside of it. I reached inside and took out three of the coils of rope that Stephanie had bought our first weekend here. Then I closed the drawer and made my way back around the protruding bunk bed back to the couch.

I had Stephanie's permission on to through her things at least in the capacity I just had. The three of us shared almost everything. It wasn't uncommon for any of us to go through each other stuff looking for something. Especially when it was considered community property as the ropes here were. Ashley was a little more personal about some of her stuff, but all that much. We shared one fridge and anything in it unless it was told to be private outright was first come first serve. Not that it was a big deal. There was always plenty to eat and each of us brought a little variety to the menu. I worked my way back over to the couch.

After a minute or two of working with the ropes rather frustratingly, I finally gave up and just shed my mittens. That way I could use my fingers to free the ropes from their coils. Ashley continued with her studies. She shot me a quick glance now and again as I worked on the ropes. However, she mostly kept her mind on what she was doing. After about 2 minutes or work, I managed to uncoil the 3 pieces of rope and began setting them to use for my intended purpose.

I set two of the coils of rope on the floor and took hold of the third one. It was a quiet day and I hadn't been tied up in a while. So, I figured it would be a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. I repositioned myself up on the sofa and drew my feet up off the floor. I seated myself facing forward on the couch with my ankles together and my feet touching at the ankles. Then, I began the process of tying myself up. I began by wrapping the first length of rope around my ankles and began to tighten it.

The process of doing a self tie up was something that I had experimented with on and off throughout my life. Ever since my brother had first tied my hands together, I had been trying to learn how to do it myself. My early attempts were not very fruitful. Either they would fail outright or I could easily escape in about 5 minutes or so. However, I had gotten better at the art as I grew older and more and more of my siblings moved away from home. I was more than competent at it, but it still lacked the professional outcome of an experienced second person applying the rope. Still, when nobody else was available, it was better than nothing.

I finished the 7th or 8th pass around my ankles exhausting the majority of the length of rope. I wasn't trying to do anything fancy like a hogtie or even crossing my ankles. I just wanted them bound together and cinched. Once I finished my last turn, I took the last foot and a half of rope and wrapped the center of the tie drawing tightly together. I finished my work by knotting the whole thing off on top of the tie. I wasn't as concerned with the placement of the knot as I usually am. This wouldn't be perfect to begin with.

Once my ankles were bound and cinched, I gave them a few shakes and struggles to test the ropes. The tie held quite securely despite my best efforts to separate my legs. Once that was done, I collected the second piece of rope from the floor. I straightened one end of the rope out and looped it around my legs higher up. This was about 8 inches above my knees or so. The plan was to do a second set of bindings similar to the ones securing my ankles. This would immobilize my legs better and take most of the leverage out of my ankles. I completed the second binding in much the same way that I had the first. I knotted it off on top and gave it a few solid tugs to confirm what I already knew. The second set of rope coils secured my legs better than the ones on my ankles did alone. Without untying the ropes my legs were going to be cemented together for a good portion of the afternoon. What I failed to notice was Ashley looking over at me as I finished tying the second knot.

With my bound legs in front of me folded up on the couch, I reached down and began to retrieve the third piece of rope from the floor. Now I was coming to the difficult part. How to tie my own hands effective enough to prevent an easy escape. I knew a couple of methods of tying my own hands. I could work some coils around them behind my back and then cinch and tie it off. However, that wasn't the most effective method of security. I let my mind wander over the various possibilities of what I was going to do. The best course of action that seemed to lodge itself in my head was to do what I often did. I would tie my hands together securely in front of me. That way I could use my teeth to help with the matter. Once they were tied, I would work them around my legs and into position behind my back. This method provided a secure tie, but it didn't prevent me from getting free by reversing the process. Still under the circumstances it was the best choice I could come up with.

I had been seated there with my legs tied for a good 2 or 3 minutes looking down at the rope. The whole process of what technique I should use rolling around in my head. I had made up my mind when an interjection from an unlikely place broke my train of thought. "Do you want me to do your hands?" I looked up across the room looking for the source of the sound. My mind had already identified its source, but my subconscious was still trying to rationalize that I wasn't hearing things. I shifted my attention from the rope on my lap and looked up at Ashley. I noticed a few things had changed from when I first mad eye contact with her.

Ashley no longer had her head buried in the book that she had been reading. Her focus had shifted from her homework to watching my performance. There was a look of interest in her eyes as she was paying attention, returning my gaze at full height. "Do you want me to tie your hands up for you, or do you want to do it yourself?" Ashley repeated her statement more clearly to make sure that I hadn't missed it the first time. I was more caught off guard by this than anything else. Ashley had taken quite a few lengths to distance herself when Stephanie and I engaged in this activity. Her offer just seemed out of place. I took a moment to take it in and finally got a response out.

"I appreciate the offer, but I thought this stuff was really offensive to you? Besides, don't take offense at this, but I doubt that you would know how to tie someone up properly." I said looking over at her trying to rationalize her response in the first place. Ashley just glared at me. I could tell that she was a bit put off by the response. She went on the defensive. "And just how do you know what I find offensive. It was just something that I wasn't used to yet and it was a little outside my comfort level. But that doesn't mean I don't notice what goes on around here. Tying someone up isn't rocket science you know. I should know, I am studying it right now." Ashley spoke in a raised tone of voice holding up her calculus book from on the table.

"I was just trying to be nice. I am not interested in the whole tie up thing that you and Stephanie share. However, since you seemed to be having a good time tying yourself up, I thought I would lend a hand as a friend." I wasn't sure how to gauge her response. I decided to take a step back and try and smooth this over. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to tick you off. I just know how you feel about this and I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Ashley got up from the desk and left her book where it was. She crossed the room quickly and reached down snatching up the rope that was sitting on my lap. There wasn't much I could have done to stop her. With my legs already tied I lost most of my mobility and my position threw me off balance.

"At least let me give it a try. The worst that happens is you escape in 5 minutes and have to do it yourself anyways." I just shrugged and released my grasp on the rope. "Could you turn yourself around so that I can get at your back a little easier Jennifer?" Ashley asked looking at me. Being on the couch with my legs tied didn't provide me with too many option about how to accomplish her request. So, I just settled for a simpler alternative. I straightened my legs until my feet were hanging over the far edge of the sofa. Them I used my arms to gently turn over and leave myself laying on my stomach. Once I had turned over, I brought my head to rest on the pillow at the other end of the sofa. Then I brought my wrists together behind my back and told Ashley to proceed.

My expectations on the matter were rather low. I had to spend the better part of a month teaching Stephanie how to tie someone up properly. She had several attempts on me and more time to practice I was sure. Still, the job my missing roommate did was passable at best and rarely took me more than twenty minutes to wriggle out of. Ashley was a rather new to the whole situation and she lacked any skills that I had learned from my extensive experience growing up in my family. I had placed my wrist together with the palms of my hands inward in an easy position for her to perform a parallel tie. I expected something similar to what I had done to my own ankles. However, Ashley's approach to the problem seemed a little different than what I expected.

She took one end of the rope and tied it off on my right arm in an overhand knot. Just to give her an anchor point. What she did next rather surprised me. Ashley look hold of left arm and brought it over top of my right hand crossing my wrist behind my back. I had shown this to Stephanie once, and she had attempted to replicate the result with a failed attempt. I didn't give her any resistance on the matter. I was really beginning to become curious about whether or not this was going to work. However, Ashley didn't being tying me up as expediently as I had expected. Instead she reached down and attempted to retrieve something that was wedged between me and the couch.

I shifted to my left side which was on the outside of the sofa so she could retrieve what she was looking for. She brought her hands up and was holding the pair of mittens that I had taken off a few minutes ago. "Jen, would it be okay for me to put these back on you? I am going to tie the rope tight and I don't want it to dig in." Again I just struggled and let Ash slide the gloves on over my hands. She slipped them into place and pulled them on over my hands. Then, she began the tying.

Ashley wrapped the free end of the rope around my crossed wrists about half a dozen times horizontally. She snugged it down with each pass. Once that was complete, she made 4 or 5 passes around my crossed wrists again. Only this time, she went vertically instead of horizontally forming at t-patter of the crossing ropes tying my wrists. This used up all but about a foot and a half of rope. This last little bit was wrapped around the middle of the while thing much like you would cinch off a lashing. Ashley managed to get the short length around the tie 3 passes before she used the end of it to knot it off. I wouldn't know any of this until about 20 minutes had passed and I actually looked back to examine the tie. Up to this point, I just thought that she was wrapping my hands in a couple of different directions. I didn't realize how secure the ropes felt until she gave it the final tug before the knot.

"There we go Jennifer, all done. I don't know if I did it right, but I still thing it will take you a while to get out of that." I looked up at her turning my head to make eye contact. I gave the ropes a few gentle tugs to humour her into thinking that this was a real job. Ashley didn't seem to pay me much mind now that the job was done. She retraced her steps across the room and snatched up a wind breaker draped over the back of her chair and slid it on over her head. Then she exchanged her slippers for a pair of tennis shoes situated under her desk. Once she was dressed better for outside, she snatched up her back pack and her Calculus book.

"Well Jen, maybe I did a good job and maybe I didn't. Either way, my professor's office hours start in 10 minutes and I need help with the homework assignment. So, I tell you what, I am going to leave you here for about an hour while I go take care of this. If you're still tied up when I get back, then I'll let you go and maybe we can see about an early dinner. Otherwise if you can escape on your own you can do pretty much whatever you want. Either way I have to go." Ashley began making her way to the door. I took a moment and a deep breath. "Yeah, I guess we'll have to see how things go. I will be fine and we can do something when you get back after I get out of this." Ashley nodded and closed the door with a gentle creak pulling it shut behind her. This left me lying on my own on the sofa tied up.

I began my struggles with my legs that I had tied myself. The ropes were secure as I expected them to be and didn't yield any slack that I could even attempt to use to separate my legs. So far so good. Originally, I had just planned to lay her tied and relax. However, Ashley's initiative in the matter left me with a sense of curiosity. I decided that I should try to free my hands. If for no other reason I could show her she had no idea what she was doing. Then I could either tie them myself or go and get my hand cuffs out of the dresser and wait for her to get back. I could play Nintendo with handcuffs on in front of me and still be tied when she got back in that mannerism.

I began to flex my wrist a little trying to work some slack into my wrist ropes so that I could wriggle out of them. No matter how clumsy of a job someone does tying you up, it still takes a little struggling to free yourself. I twisted my arms against each other gently. However, the rope didn't shift the way I expected it to. Instead it bit into itself and held the rigid position it was originally in. I tried to shift my arms at a different angle and it yielded the same result. I applied a little more resistance to the position testing the security of the ropes. What I got was an interesting result to say the least. Despite my struggles, the ropes held.


Jennifer's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section