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Jennifer : 23 - College: A New Chapter, Ashley Comes Back (F/F)

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:06 am
by Fordman
Jennifer's stories
22 - College Days : A New Chapter, Ashley Comes Back
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

Well everyone, I am glad that the first part of my story was so well received on the site. I had a little more free time so I thought I would go ahead and write the second part of this little tale. I am going to keep the opening short and jump right in. If you missed the first part of this story, it's was archived a week or so ago so read it and catch up. That is why I am starting a new topic here.

I was laying on my stomach with my hands cross tied behind my back. I had one my own legs in two places and Ashley finished my hands for me. The first ten minutes I had spent struggling against the ropes yielded little more than a waste of my energy and effort on the matter. I quickly discovered that despite Ashley's evasiveness to being tied up, she was pretty good at applying rope to someone else. I was beginning to wonder where she got the skills. I would have to wait until she returned from her professor to find out. Still, that was a ways off and I shifted her return to the back of my mind. I had other thing to concentrate on at the moment. Specifically trying to get out of this tie.

I originally planned to just relax and enjoy being tied up for a while. It would be a welcome break from the busy day that I had leading up to that point. I could just lay there and let the rest of the world move on without me. Whether I liked the course it took or not, there was little I could do about it. I guess that is a good summary of why I always liked being tied up growing up. It came with a real feeling of losing control of my problems and focusing on the matter at hand. In truth it was often a good way to relive some stress and even relax at times. However, at the moment I was determined to get out of these ropes one way or the other. But that was no small matter to work with.

My failed attempt at the conventional approach to freeing my hands from a rope binding ended in a complete failure. This left me needing to rely on my other knowledge and experience in hopes that I could locate a means of escape. It was turning out to be a real problem. There were a lot of things working against me at the moment and I wasn't sure what part of it to focus on. The key to escaping was freeing my hands. My legs were tied quite well from my own expertise. Without the use of my primary limbs, separating them was quite out of the question. Besides, even if I managed to free me feet independent of my arms, it would still leave me pretty helpless in the room. It didn't gain me any advantage.

I was not going to leave the room with my hands tied. Even though my roommates had been exposed to my hobby. I wasn't sure how the rest of the dorm or campus would react. I had no inclination to find out. I abandoned the idea of just struggling against the ropes and went for the next practical idea I could think of. If I could reach the knot and untie it, it would yield the slack I needed to escape. I propped myself up on my right side and looked back trying to find out where it was. This was the first time I realized how meticulously Ashley had actually bound my hands. It was a professional looking job. I say professional looking because I quickly spotted the amateure mistake that she had made. The knot was on top.

Usually when I tie somebody else up, I leave the knot out of reach and tucked in so getting at it is as difficult as possible to prevent escape. However, Ashley had left it out in the open and even left a loose end about an inch and half long exposed. I had my way out located. I began reaching up trying to get at the knot with my bound hands. It was just a simple double square knot and would be easy to work out with a little effort. Once that was done all I had to do was apply a little effort and I would likely be able to work the ropes loose before Ashley got back. However, again things don't always work out the way you expect.

I began reaching upward with my bound hands attempting to take hold of the dangling end of the rope. Unfortunately, having my hands bound at the angle they were made using them together impossible. The best I could hope for was to try and get at the end of the rope with one hand. It was closer to my right than my left so that it what I focused on. This again still proved to be more troublesome than I originally anticipated it being. The angle my hands were crossed made getting hold of the rope very difficult to say the least. I couldn't get my thumb up high enough to grab it. I really could only reach it with my finger tips and I couldn't get a grip on it. This was where the whole problem started. I could pick a knot loose usually with just two fingers, but I had another obstacle to overcome. I had my mittens on over my hands. This meant that all my fingers were grouped together in a neat little cloth pouch and I couldn't work one into the holes in the knot to work it loose. I tried to remove one of the mittens, but the rope made that an impossible task pinning it securely to my hand.

Usually, I didn't mind having mittens on when I was tied up. They provided a number of benefits. First, they kept your hands warm if it was cold. Secondly, they also provided an insulation between the rope and my bare skin. This would be more comfortable and leave no or lighter marks after the ropes come off. Especially if the ropes were really tight like these were. Finally, they bunch up the fingers and make escaping or using your hands for anything more difficult. The third reason was becoming a real frustration for me at this point. Ashley had done a better job that I had thought she was capable of. Despite her little mistake, the fact that I had mittens on and my hands were cross angled; prevented me from exploiting it to my benefit. This wasn't going well at all. I decided to abandon that approach and move onto my fail safe escape technique.

Although my hands were tied behind me quite securely, my arms were not connected to my body in any way. That meant there was nothing to keep them behind my back. I shifted my weight again. This rolled me back off my side and back onto my stomach. I got my center of gravity on the couch. Then, I began drawing my legs back towards my hands almost as if they were going to be hogtied. When I was little, I learned that I could get my hands from behind my back to in front of me with a little effort by threading my legs through them. Then I would work them around my bottom and around to in front of me. It was a tricky process, and I had lost some of my flexibility getting older. However, I was still quite capable of it if I tried. My brothers learned of this little trick shortly after I performed several escapes as a kid and they didn't know how. It was simple to prevent. All a captor had to do was tie a rope around my waist and tie my bound hands to it.

Ashley, on the other hand was not experienced in tying someone up. At least not someone as accustomed to it as me. She had overlooked this little detail and I was ready to take advantage of it. With a little effort, I slipped my feet through my bound hands and began the process of working them down to get them in front of me. This prove more of an undertaking that I originally anticipated it being. I ended up trying to roll to get the leverage I needed to make the final distance towards the front of my hands. The problem came from the fact that I was stuck on my stomach. It would have been much easier if I began the exercise sitting or standing up. I got about half was when I accidentally rolled off the side of the couch onto the floor. Luckily it was a short fall and we had carpeting on the floor. I landed with a soft thud and no injury. More importantly though, my hands were now in front of me rather than behind my back.

I rolled into a seated position and righted myself using my bound hands as a means of stabilization. I was finally where I needed to be. I took a moment and rested using the bottom of the couch to support my back as I sat there. All I had to do now as work the knot loose with my teeth and free my hands from the ropes. I lifted my hands up and looked down no that I could see the whole thing clearly for the first time. The knot was at an easy access point and I knew I could work it loose in a couple of minutes. I brought my hands up towards my mouth and took hold of the hanging end with my teeth. The knot was snug and would take a little work to loose, but it was more than workable. However, that is when I stopped.

I thought it over for a minute and let the end of the rope fall out of my mouth and back my hands off. I looked down at my bound hands examining them with a closer view. I tugged on the ropes a bit and let the security they provided sink in. Ashley had really done a rather amazing job for her first time tying someone else up. Even in front of me there was no other way that I could free my hands without undoing the knot with my teeth. It was a much better job than I had expected. I began to think the whole thing over. It occurred to my mind for the first time that I might be looking at this the wrong way. Up to this point in my knowing her, Ashley was completely opposed and shy when the topic of being tied up had been presented to her one way or the other. Maybe this was an opportunity to show her what this was all about or at least get an open reaction from her on the subject.

I had originally planned on being tied up for the sake of just that. Originally trying to escape wasn't part of my plans at all. I had let my competitive spirit get the better of me. My determination to escape had taken me away from my original goal. Don't get me wrong I was still enjoying this, but I had an opportunity to take this in a different direction. I took a deep breath and lifted the twin Pikachu’s that covered my feet off of the carpeted floor. A few minutes later after a little more wiggle worming, my hands were back where they started. They were positioned in the small of my back crossed and tied rather securely. Much better than I could have done to myself. Once my hands were back behind my back, I began to shimmy my way back up onto the sofa. I used the bottom of the piece of furniture for support until I was sitting on the edge of the sofa with my feet on the floor and my hands behind me.

Once I was firmly planted, I Scooted back as far as I could go. This whole process took the better part of 10 minutes. Once I got that far, I pulled my feet back up on the couch and returned to the laying position on my stomach. My head was face down about a foot short of the end of the sofa supported by a pillow. My slippered feet were hanging just past the end of the other arm rest in the air. The ropes on my ankles were resting on the arm rest. I figured that I would let Ashley have her little victory here. I wanted to see where it would lead. I wanted her to find me exactly how she had left me. Tied up and laying on my stomach helpless on the couch.

I had already been tied up for a fair amount of time. I laid on the couch and just let the feeling of my situation sink in. It was a nice break from the stressful life of college. The ropes on my legs were all right, but my hands were tighter than I would have normally tied them. Ashley had done a really good job, I finally admitted to myself. The only problem was the ropes were really starting to feel tight around my wrists and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I was also starting to regret having struggled so much. Still, I decided to wait it out a little longer. My patience was rewarded shortly after. Ashley returned about 15 minutes after I had readjusted my position to its original spot.

The door opened with a quiet turn of the knob. I didn't panic, I had been found tied up before growing up and besides there really wasn't much I could do in 30 seconds anyways. She closed the door quietly behind her and came into the room. At first, she didn't pay me much attention, she just crossed the room and went over and put her things down on the desk. I decided to break the ice on the matter. “Welcome back Ash.” My roommate turned in my direction and surveyed the scene. I was pretty much just how she had left me. “Well, how are you holding up Jen, it appears you're right where I left you. I thought you were going to try and escape?” She responded to my greeting with an inquisitive look.

Can you help me sit up?” I responded, “I am getting a little stiff and tired of lying on my stomach.” Ashley turned and crossed the room without much of a thought on the matter. She reached down and gently lifted me upwards. With my assistance, I was sitting up with my back against the sofa and my feet on the floor in front of me. “Thanks, I appreciate the help. I did try to escape, but I couldn't get my hands free from the ropes. You sure you never tied anyone up before?” Ashley looked at me a bit surprised at the comment and seated herself on the sofa next to me before she continued the conversations.

No, I never tied anyone up before.” I gave her a glare, it was too much of a coincidence for this to be a lucky first time. Ashley read into my look and responded. “It's the truth Jen, I never tied anyone up before. But, I did grow up on a farm and you use a lot of knots on things there. I watched you tie up Stephanie a last week and you showed her that cross tie up pattern that I used on you. It is pretty similar to a diagonal lashing. I used it more than a couple of times growing up on the farm. It is used to join two polls together at an x angle and hold pretty well under weight. I figured it might be good enough to keep your arms together too.” I looked up as Ashley and nodded. Now that she had given the knot a name, it came back to me. I was familiar with the whole idea of it from my time with the scouts.

I see, well whatever you call it, it works really good.” I leaned forward and showed her my hands were still tied just the way she had left them from earlier. Ashley looked back and examined my bindings. “As much as I hate to admit it, I couldn't free myself. Do you think you could untie me, my arms are starting to hurt from the ropes?” Ashley looked at me and then she reached behind me and undid the knot holding the coils of rope around my hands. “Sure, I don't want to hurt you or anything.” It took Ashley about 2 minutes to finally uncoil enough of the ropes that I could slip my hands free and get them separated. I brought them around the front and began slipping the mittens off of my hands.

The mittens and the sleeves from my sweatshirt had helped quite a bit, but there were still several solid marks around my wrists from the ropes. Ashley saw them. “Jen, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. You asked me to make it hard to escape and I got a little carried away. Are you okay?” I met her eye contact and continued rubbing some of the circulation back into my hands. Ashley had tied me tighter than I would have preferred and my wrist were showing the outcome of that decision. “When you tie somebody up, you need to make sure the ropes are snug enough that they cannot escape, but also you don't want them to be too tight either. Otherwise they get sore after a while and these marks show up on the wrists. Don't worry, you didn't know and it's something that comes with practice. I will be okay and these marks will pass in about an hour or so. Could you undo my legs for me too?”

Ashley nodded and began working on my lower extremities while I continued messaging some feeling back into my hands. After I got some feeling back into my wrist, I took a moment and pulled up the side of my jeans so show Ashley my ankles. “See, if you do it correctly, the ropes won't dig in so much.” Ashley stepped back and apologized again for doing the ropes so tight. I just shrugged. “Really, its’ okay you didn't know and now you do.” Part of the problem had been the amount of struggling I had done trying to free myself from the ropes. I knew better, and it wasn't all her fault some of the blame lied with me as well. I could tell the situation was upsetting her and I decided to take a different approach on the matter.

“Thanks for tying my hands by the way.” Ashley looked at me and the look of regret began to fade. “Really, there was no way that I could have done my hands that well on my own. Especially with the mitten on them and behind my back like that.” Ashley met my gaze, “You're welcome I guess.” I rubbed my wrists one last time. “Yeah, don't worry about it. See the marks are already starting to fade. Maybe we can do this again sometime.” Ashley took a look at my wrists and nodded.

I looked up at the clock, it was a little past 4 in the afternoon. “Hey, you want to head down to the cafeteria and get some dinner?” I asked. Ashley looked up at me. “Sure, but what about the marks on your wrists?” “I'll just have to keep my sleeves down over them for a while. Relax, I have had this happen before and I know how to deal with it. Besides I am getting hungry.” Again Ashley nodded. I took a moment and pulled the sleeves on my sweatshirt down to cover my wrists. Once I was sure the marks were out of sight, I exchanged my Pikachu slippers for my tennis shoes and the two of us headed down to dinner.

I still wasn't sure how comfortable or uncomfortable Ashley was around the topic of being tied up at the end of this little encounter. I decided not to push the matter too far. She had become a good friend the last couple of weeks and I didn't want to put her in a situation she wasn't going to be comfortable with. I decided to let the matter drop and see what would happen. I didn't have to wait long.

Jennifer's stories
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