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Bondwriter : Story Series: M+/m+ "Quite a Boarding School! Parts 1-6 of 24"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:41 am
by Lorddunmore
I found a 25 book series of stories by Boundwriter on the library. I will be posting them in this tread as I have time. If Bondwriter would rather me not do this, please contact me and I will immediately stop.

Here is the SUMMARY/Introduction of the series:

Quite a Boarding School!

Join the guys in Saint Sebastian House!

Warning: Though devoid of graphic content, this story features gay male teens playing tie-up games.
If this offends you in any manner, or if it is against the law where you live to read such a story, please leave.

What is going on in the Saint Sebastian House of the Saint Thomas More School for Boys?
Let us just say it involves some knots and some silencing for all those willing to take part... into a very special secret society.

Find out about a very special boarding school!

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:45 am
by Lorddunmore
Book 1.

Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

This story is a work of fiction, all characters and plot lines are fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
Quite a Boarding School! remains the property of the author. The story or characters may not be reproduced or republished elsewhere without the expressed written consent of the author.

1. A quiet study hall

Lewis Fatbind raised his head from the paper on which he was writing tonight’s set of instructions. He looked over the study hall he was in charge of. Three lines. Two rows. Twelve boys studying hard, using every single minute of the fifty minutes period to get done with their homework, to get rid of chores, to be ready for play time.

They kept concentrated at what they were doing, as there were twenty more minutes to go before they would go out for the first evening break, go and have dinner, take the second break and play some sports, then go back to their house where tonight was supposed to be special. And they still had to keep their reputation as the elite of academic studies at Saint Thomas More.

It was most pleasing to Fatbind’s eye to behold once more the wonderful setup of his study hall. He had designed it all by himself. And he had yet another occasion to admire how efficient the whole design was. Steven and Mike, two usually cheerful ninth graders, endeavoured to trade discretely a sharp pencil against a red ball pen.

They had managed to communicate about the object of the exchange without attracting their prefect’s attention, but they would eventually get caught in the act. Fatbind never really understood why some would still try their luck when any motion was so closely monitored and there was no real hope to go unnoticed when he watched them over.

So Steven and Mike decided to give it a little try. But of course the hobbles were too short. Not until these boys had done something foolish would have it been possible to notice that they were not totally free. Their legs were tied to those of the chairs they were sitting in. And some thin chains linked to some string bracelet forbade any motion outside from their studying position.

And it all ended in the pen and the pencil falling to the floor. They turned to Fatbind, quite sure they had been spotted, and he gave them his nicest ‘I’m glad you’re asking for it’ grin. They melted. They knew it was not the time to give him an opportunity to exclude them from tonight’s planned games and entertainment. But it was too late.

Fatbind rose from his desk and came to stand behind the two culprits. Even though they had wanted to beg for mercy, the very wide strip of transparent adhesive tape plastered over each mouth would have prevented such an attempt.

“ Am I too lenient? You think you can disobey? Or are you volunteering for a little stay in the extra study room?”

Yeah. Right. A little stay, Steven thought. That was their luck, being denied the evening games by having to spend the evening in the small, bare room with just desks and chairs. And now they were his pick.

“You need a little stay at the pole right now,” said Lewis as he untied them from their seats while cuffing their hands behind their backs. He helped them up on the room wide podium upon which his own desk sat prominently.
Mike loved to see the prefect’s body set into motion. His figure was always enhanced by sexy sportswear. Today, he had his ultra tight ultra shiny track suit on. His 21 year-old body was lean and wiry, very similar to Mike’s own, and Lewis was one his most prominent role models at the moment. What could be at play in the fascination the boy had for the prefect
© Copyright Bondwriter 2006

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:46 am
by Lorddunmore
Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

2. Punished!

Both boys complied with his demand that they climb on the scaffold. The poles were two vertical bars made of wood lengthily waxed. They were solidly anchored into both the ceiling and the floor and were used for the penance of unruly schoolboys who did not focus enough on their independent studies.

The offenders were trussed up to the poles where they had to stay for a time that ranged from fifteen minutes to several hours. They then had to make up for the missed study time, which meant they then missed the play time.

He started roping Mike to the left pole, carefully linking his ankles, his knees, his upper thighs, his wrists, his arms and his neck to the wooden bar. He immediately went and worked on his other patron.

Barely ten minutes later were both boys faultlessly restrained. No ropes were actually biting into their flesh, yet their immobility was total and their hope for liberation resting in the hands of the quite unpredictable Lewis. He still had to add:

"And, to top it all…"

He went to search his desk. Steven knew what that meant. Lewis presented him first the pear gags he had selected for them. He slowly peeled away the very sticky tape that ensured Steven’s quietness when in the study hall and asked him to open wide.

Steven stretched his jaws and let Lewis’s fingers in. They grabbed a big block of yellow Play-doh that had kept his tongue from moving since he had entered the study hall. Lewis carefully laid it on a piece of paper towel he had spread on the desk.

He then undertook to make the boy silent again and shoved the pear into his mouth where it would make as good a job as the dough in suppressing any possibility of articulate speech. The leather casing of the whole apparatus succeeded not only in covering his lips and most of his lower face, but also in immobilizing his jaws.

Fatbind always gave the pupils he trained the best, and this time again he gave the best to Steven and Mike. He left them utterly motionless and speechless as he went to free the six remaining students who had just obediently witnessed the show of two of their fellow schoolboys on their way to being disciplined; they could only be glad not to have been chosen themselves…

© Copyright Bondwriter 2006

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:47 am
by Lorddunmore
Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

3. Lewis' background

Such a scene was possible because of past events, in which the current prefect was involved, which changed the fate of the Saint Sebastian house at Saint Thomas More School for Boys. In this house, one of twelve named after a famous historical character, on the two upper floors of the three stories building, Lewis Fatbind had started it all.

It was six years ago. He was one of the one hundred and fifty boarders who stayed all week, sometimes even over the week-end. To most of those kids, it was a golden and cosy hell. But it was paradise for young Lewis Fatbind. He shared a room with two other kids he had known for the last three years, Fred and Ben. They thought of their trio as one of indefectible friends. And to some extent, that’s quite what they became.

The three boarders were then in eighth grade. If the reality of puberty had never been verbally addressed, they knew enough and some little details had come up like shaving, using a deodorant and some strange noises when the lights were out.

Lewis took great pleasure in sharing the intimacy of his two friends, but started to realize that he also had feelings towards them that did not have much to see with noble friendship. He knew deep in his heart that either Fred or Ben was suited to become his very special friend. He had to find out which.

Fred had more delicate features, with an almost oriental face, wonderful cheekbones, nice long fluffy eyelashes underlining deep brown eyes and lips Lewis dreamed of kissing. His slightly dark complexion gave him a very appealing look. (Lewis’s adjective at the time was more like "yummy!") Lewis chose to take his chance with him first.

Actually, Ben happened to have to leave for a couple nights. Some swimming competition out of town. It was the perfect opportunity for Lewis to check Fred out. They had a little conversation, and it turned out that Fred had gotten subtle hints of Lewis’s attraction to him.

He wasn't able to reciprocate his attraction, though: Lewis was very surprised to learn his two fellow-boarders had actually already become somehow intimate. The summer before, Ben and Fred had camped for over ten days in a little remote place Ben’s parents owned far out up a little valley. It was a wood, with a cabin in the clearing by the pond, which was in fact an artificial widening of a much smaller stream.

They cooked on wood fires and ran around naked or in tight swimming suits, jumping into the clean water and spending lots of time laughing and fooling around with each other. Ben of course loved swimming. Fred enjoyed watching his graceful body cut through the water. Nights were particularly pleasant.

And it all ended, which put both kids through hell. It felt like the two weeks before school resumed were the longest they had ever lived in their life. And once back, they had yet to preserve their secret.

© Copyright Bondwriter 2006

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:49 am
by Lorddunmore
Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

4. Caught red-handed!

The next evening, the young farmer’s son who went to swimming competitions came back to Saint Thomas More. As the three came to their room where they would spend the evening and the night, Ben seemed cheerful enough. He was proud to show them the gold medal he had won in the contest.

A sponsor awarded the winners some equipment. Ben had got five pairs of swimming goggles and a set of swimwear: ten swimming trunks, in the maker’s brand new Glidor fibre, which was designed to let the water flow as much as possible on the material to improve performances. There were various designs on half of them. It had the other advantage to make it extra soft and as shiny as it could get.

“Hey! Why don't you try them on?”

Ben was most willing to abide. He went to change behind the screen in front of the sink, put there to ensure some kind of privacy to he who was standing there. Lewis loved the mirrors, though.

He came back and this material was incredible! It got him to look just like a swimming champion… And the black pair he had picked contrasted very nicely with his great complexion. Both viewers admired the shapes of their roommate.

He turned around a few times, and finding it funny, began to swirl faster and faster. He stopped, and lost his balance slightly, he went back up to his feet then fell on his bed, knocking his bag off the bedspread. The contents of the bag spilled out on the floor. Even though in a daze, Ben cried:


“What's the matter?” Lewis asked.

He jumped on what was so valuable to the dizzy boy. On the carpet lied two other medals and two other sets of swimming trunks made out of this glossy Glidor fibre. Lewis was quick to realize.

“Man! You thief! The other team's awards!”

“Come on, Lewis, this was just a joke!”

“Like stealing is fun... You cheated, you'll have to pay!”

“What do you mean? You’re going to turn me in?”

“Not really. But what would you do to a guy if he stole your medals and your prizes? You wouldn't want to get even?”

“Well, I don’t know… I guess i's never happened to me before. You're not gonna tell on me, are you?” Ben asked in a worried tone.

Fred was overlooking the scene, noticing Lewis' smirk. The older boy had his sharp teeth showing, proving he had something at the back of his head. Something that could range from the mischievous and cute to the right down nasty…

“O.K., O.K.! If I got caught, maybe I'd deserve a good spanking, and maybe I'd no longer be allowed to compete in this league’s championship.”

“I don't know about the swimming league, but we can take care of this first thing you're talking about, my boy.”

© Copyright Bondwriter 2006

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:49 am
by Lorddunmore
Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

5. Punished?

Lewis used some weird language sometimes. Ben thought he understood what was going on. The joyful grin on Fred’s face, who did not appear threatening even seemed to push him to yield into what Lewis was about to suggest slightly more explicitly.

"Indeed you deserve a good spanking. I think it'd settle the matter between us."

Ben had his usual defying sweet smile.

"What right do you have to discipline me, pray thee my dear Lewis?" he teased him.

"None. I’m going to have to let the concerned authorities know about what some people lacking of fair-play do to make fun of their opponents. They'll be real happy to learn about your pranks. I don't think they'll consider them pranks, by the way... I'd be quite sad to see you thus put down..."

"What! You’re blackmailing me!"

Even thought the talk could have sounded like it was heating up, Ben was expecting something fun to happen; Lewis wouldn't play the snitch, but he would go for some of his usual fooling around.

"That’s a nasty word, but I guess you could say that…"

Lewis sneered at the boy, like any villain in a gangster story would have done. But it was Fred who convinced the defiant roommate.

"I guess you should be glad to get off the hook with just a spanking…"

Something in the tone of the soft oriental looking boy told him he was sincere. It could be a code word for some weird activity: spanking… Did Ben mind Lewis fondling his buttocks? No, he did not, especially with Fred watching.

"OK, I’m ready for your spanking, whatever it is."

"You seem to be dressed properly for getting your punishment."

"Which punishment?"

"Your butt is to be spanked as many times as there are hands in the room. This makes it six for tonight."

It was genuine surprise that showed now on the guilty boy’s face.

"You’re really going to do that?"

"It’s up to you. Take it like a man or some letter could end at the swimming league’s headquarters..."

Ben decided to “take it like a man.” But things had to be done the proper way. When Fred asked him to bend over, he protested.

"That’s total nonsense! I’m not supposed to let you slap my buttocks. You need to force me a little, if this is meant to be a fun game."

Fred and Lewis looked at each other. What did he mean? A game?

"You’ve got to restrain me, to prevent me from screaming and letting know about your secret justice."

Lewis frowned. It made his nose wriggle in an interesting way.

"You mean, we should bind and gag you?"

"Yes, kind of…," the handsome swimmer replied.

Re: Bondwriter Story Series: "Quite a Boarding School!"

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 12:50 am
by Lorddunmore
Quite a boarding school!

by Bondwriter

5. Punished?

Lewis used some weird language sometimes. Ben thought he understood what was going on. The joyful grin on Fred’s face, who did not appear threatening even seemed to push him to yield into what Lewis was about to suggest slightly more explicitly.

"Indeed you deserve a good spanking. I think it'd settle the matter between us."

Ben had his usual defying sweet smile.

"What right do you have to discipline me, pray thee my dear Lewis?" he teased him.

"None. I’m going to have to let the concerned authorities know about what some people lacking of fair-play do to make fun of their opponents. They'll be real happy to learn about your pranks. I don't think they'll consider them pranks, by the way... I'd be quite sad to see you thus put down..."

"What! You’re blackmailing me!"

Even thought the talk could have sounded like it was heating up, Ben was expecting something fun to happen; Lewis wouldn't play the snitch, but he would go for some of his usual fooling around.

"That’s a nasty word, but I guess you could say that…"

Lewis sneered at the boy, like any villain in a gangster story would have done. But it was Fred who convinced the defiant roommate.

"I guess you should be glad to get off the hook with just a spanking…"

Something in the tone of the soft oriental looking boy told him he was sincere. It could be a code word for some weird activity: spanking… Did Ben mind Lewis fondling his buttocks? No, he did not, especially with Fred watching.

"OK, I’m ready for your spanking, whatever it is."

"You seem to be dressed properly for getting your punishment."

"Which punishment?"

"Your butt is to be spanked as many times as there are hands in the room. This makes it six for tonight."

It was genuine surprise that showed now on the guilty boy’s face.

"You’re really going to do that?"

"It’s up to you. Take it like a man or some letter could end at the swimming league’s headquarters..."

Ben decided to “take it like a man.” But things had to be done the proper way. When Fred asked him to bend over, he protested.

"That’s total nonsense! I’m not supposed to let you slap my buttocks. You need to force me a little, if this is meant to be a fun game."

Fred and Lewis looked at each other. What did he mean? A game?

"You’ve got to restrain me, to prevent me from screaming and letting know about your secret justice."

Lewis frowned. It made his nose wriggle in an interesting way.

"You mean, we should bind and gag you?"

"Yes, kind of…," the handsome swimmer replied.