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Jessie 01 - Tied by Younger Sisters! (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:42 am
by Zek_
Jessie - Tied by Younger Sisters!

Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:17 am

Hey this is Jessie and I though I'd share my first story with you. This was a couple of years ago, when I was 14 I believe. For those who want a personal description, I'm brunette with straightish hair going past my shoulders, about average height and a slim figure (at least I think so)

I was lying on my bed listening to music at full blast (Hot Fuss by The Killers I think), wearing jeans (I can't remember what else, I was barefoot though). I heard my youngest sister, Lily (10) yell at me to turn it down through the wall, but being an evil big sister I ignored her This happened a couple of times until finally I saw my bedroom door open Lily standing there looking cross.

"Can you pleeeease turn that noise down", she said glaring.

"No", I glared back, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Fine then", she said sharply, turning around and leaving, slamming the door shut. I thought this strange, normally she would stand and argue, but I soon went back into a half sleep, little knowing of her plotting.

A while later, say twenty minutes my bedroom door was flung open, revealing my youngest sister Lily, and my younger sister Amy (12).I had no time to react as they both jumped on me, managing to pin me down (hey there were two of them! :p ).

"If you won't keep quiet, we'll have to make you" Lily told me.

I tried to think of a retort, but Amy thrust a sock into my mouth, causing me to mmmpphh angrily. I was lying on my back, arms pinned to my sides by the girls sitting on top of me. I then felt one of my arms getting pulled up, Amy moving to sit on it as Lily held my body and left arm in place.

"It's a good thing we found these skipping ropes", Lily said smiling innocently (something she's very good at). All I could do was glare, as Amy tied my wrist to the headrest at the end of my bed.

"Time for number two I think", she said giggling slightly.

Lily got off me, and helped her older sister tie my other arms in the same manner to the other side of the headrest, leaving me totally helpless.

"Oh and one final thing" she said, smiling at me, "we can get rid of this racket finally". She walked over to my CD player, turning it off. "Peace time now", she taunted.

"Finally!" Amy sighed, giving me a wave and leaving the room. Lily remained a few minutes longer, as I pulled against the robes in vain.

"Better make sure you can't make any noise kicking" she said, walking to my wardrobe and pulling out a scarf, which was promptly tied around my ankles.She straddled me, and whipped out the most cliched line in tug history.

"Don't go anywhere", she smiled at me. I mmmpphhed at her in return. She stuck her tongue out at me, and gave my sides a poke, knowing I was ticklish there. I squealed, and she got off me, and without a word she left the room, leaving me alone and unable to do anything.

I sighed under the sock gag. It wasn't so bad I thought; they hadn't tickled me or done anything mean (although it was incredibly humiliating). Plus, it gave me justification to tie both them up at a later date Over the next couple of hours I tried a few times to get free, but that was no avail. All I could do was lie back and miss my music...


I was alone in my room for the next hour or so, and incredibly bored. Several times I tried to escape, but my sister's knots proved too strong , although I had freed myself from the sock gag. During this time I was constantly worrying that my sisters would return to tease or tickle me. I was also worried that my mum would kill me when she got back, as I was supposed to have been tidying my room that afternoon (it still looked like a bomb had gone off!).

Eventually I heard the front door open, and someone enter, who I assumed was my mum. This increased my worries, it would be very embarrassing for me if she were to find her eldest daughter tied to her bed. I continued struggling, squirming and pulling on the robes. About ten minutes alter I heard footsteps and my bedroom door open and my mum enter, Uh-oh! She paused when seeing me in my dilemma, and to my surprise laughed,

"Haha, Lily said you were a bit tied up, but I didn't think literally!" I rolled my eyes, partly at her, partly at my sister's second cliched tie up joke My mum sat down at the foot of my bet by my feet.

"I thought you may need this, but I see you you haven't mad any headway with room clearing", she said, placing a feather duster next to her.

"I was goin to, honest, but I can't!" I replied, trying to look innocent. My mum laughed again and said,

"Still perhaps you should be punished, wonder if this still works like it used to", she teased, placing my bound feet on her lap. My mind started panicking, thinking she was going to tickle my bare feet. She picked up the duster, and started running it down my feet with the feathery end.I closed my eyes shut, trying to hold my laughter in, which if course failed

"Hahaha, mum stop, hahaha quit it!", I laughed, squirming madly and pulling as hard as I could on the robes pinning my arms back. After another ten seconds or so of foot tickling she stopped, laughing at me, whilst I glared at her.

"You always have been very ticklish haven't you Jess", she teased, "but I know your feet aren't your worst spot". She moved her hands over my vulnerable ribs.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled, but I noticed a mischievous expression on her face.

"Kootchie kootchie koo!" she taunted, digging her fingers into my ribs, making me squeal and writhe with laughter. Although it was brief, it was still torture, as well as being very embarrassing for me

"Well I guess I should let you tidy", she said moving to the end of the bed to untie my right arm. I just glared at her, saying nothing. She didn't unite my other arm, but walked to the door.

"See you later sweetie", she smiled at me. She gave my feet another quick tickle then left, closing the door, as I quickly tried to untie my other arm. I managed to undo the not around my wrist fairly quickly, but the know around the bed post had tightened due to my struggling, and it took a while to get off. I was annoyed at both my sister and mother now, but had to tidy my room

Re: Jessie 01 - Tied by Younger Sisters! (ff/f)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:46 am
by Zek_
I've got quite a collection of stories collected from the old forums ( and various other sites that aren't posted on this site. I thought I'd contribute to the great work by the archivers here.

Re: Jessie 01 - Tied by Younger Sisters! (ff/f)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:32 am
by Heinrich.Frederick
Do you happen to have any stories from Sandra Davis? It seems like she had some stories that were lost. Would really like to read them!