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Jessie 04 - Fun Times at Camp (f+/f)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:49 am
by Zek_
Jessie - Fun Times at Camp (f+/f)

Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:49 am

This is my first story not involving my sisters. Hope you enjoy XD

This occurred a few years back, when I was thirteen or fourteen. Back then I was a member of the girl guides, and this story takes place at camp. We were in different groups of about eight, and our group leader was a girl called Nicole. Now Nicole was a very bossy and very lazy person. She sat back and made everyone else do the work, cooking, washing etc, and could be mean on occasion.

As a result, me and several others decided to get some revenge on her For those who want a description, Nicole had dirty blonde hair, was quite short and average build (perhaps a little chubby) and quite pretty.

It was mid evening, and my group had just finished washing from our meal. As usual, Nicole had spent the time lying down on her sleeping mat, headphones in and oblivious to everyone else working. This was the third of fourth night in a row, and we were getting sick of it.

I suggested tying her up, and taking it from there. My justification was at the very least we would be able to talk to her and she couldn't ignore us. Although I didn't suggest it, I was also hoping she'd be ticklish. I knew how great a torture that was from practice on my younger sister, and hoped this older girl would be equally as vulnerable.

We were in a large tent, with a pole in the centre. I suggested that when she was asleep we pull her arms above her head, and tie them to this pole, leaving her helpless. Our group had some tape, ideal to shut her move if needs be, but unfortunately none of us had any rope.

There was an obvious solution to this however. We were not alone in the place we were camping at- several troops of boy scouts were also there, one of whom must have rope. I went out with another girl on a scouting mission, and after asking a few people, we soon found one willing to lend us some rope (I told him we needed it for knot practice- not strictly a lie ). Now we had what we need, all of us were ready to get revenge.

We returned to the tent. Nicole, as expected, had not moved from her pink roll mat. She still had full guide uniform on, including heavy walking boots. I noticed she appeared to be asleep, which was ideal as it meant we could tie her down easier. My friend Maisie knelt beside her, giving her side a poke. Nicole wriggled slightly, but otherwise remained motionless. I was given the thumbs up sign, and sat down on the other side of Nicole to Maisie. I gently lifted one of her arms above her head, and Maisie knotted it to the centre pole of the tent. I checked the knot. It seemed fine. We repeated the procedure with the other one, and now Nicole was our prisoner. The other members of my group has come over, eager to taunt our captured, bossy leader.

We discussed the next course of action. Jenny, who was the year below me, seemed particular sadistic and suggested waking her with cold water. Abby on the other hand suggested letting her wake up on her own. In the end we shook her awake. Initially she looked started, and upon realising her predicament looked angry.

"Okay guys, joke over, untie me. Now".

"Naaaahhhh" said Jenny, grinning at her.

"If you don't untie me now you will regret it" she glared at us. There was a pause for a moment, with a few people looking scared.

"I don't think you can really threaten us" Tina, the youngest person there, declared gleefully.

"We maaay let you go" Maisie teased slowly, "but only if you stop making us do all the work and do some yourself"

Nicole shook her head "Sorry, I'm leader, so I make the rules and three's nothing you can do about it"

I decided it was time for some payback.

"I can do this", I grinned and began tickling her vulnerable ribs and stomach. To my dismay however, the only reaction I got was a slight jump, and a roll of her eyes.

"Jessica, I'm not in the slightest bit ticklish. Is that the best you can do, really?"

Now it was my turn to glare. Using some of the tape in our possession, I angrily gagged her, and told her she could wait like that until she reconsidered our offer.

Half an hour later everyone had returned to normal evening activity (with the obvious exception of Nicole :p ) , disappointed tickle torture was ineffective. I was too, as I loved tickling helpless victims, especially ones as annoying as Nicole. I could see her straining against her bonds. I went next to her, saying "bad girl", giving her sides another little tickle. Still no reaction. I continued up her body a bit, To me surprise, when reaching her underarms she began squirming slightly, and I swear I could hear muffled sound coming through her tape gag. Had I found a ticklish spot?....

I pulled her tape gag off with one hand, with my other tickling her underarm. Soft giggles spilled from her mouth. I could tell Nicole wanted to pull her arms down, but as the were tied securely above her head all she could do was squirm and giggle. She wasn't as ticklish as I'd have hoped for, but at least we had a way of punishing her now.

"I though someone wasn't at all ticklish, mmm?" I taunted, drawing circles on her underarms with my nails.

"Hehehe I'm not!" she giggled.

"So you don't mind me doing this then?" I said teasingly as I continued tickling the bossy blonde.

"Hehe don't! Hehehe stop it! Okay, okay I'm ticklish there!" I stopped tickling.

"N'awww bless" I said in a mocking voice, giving her cheeks a squeeze. "Hey everyone, guess who isn't ticklish!" I said loudly, knowing the others would be eager to join in.

The others came over, and I pointed out, to Nicole's dismay, where our dear leader's ticklish spot was. Now she had several hands tickling her, making her giggle and squirm even more.

"Reckon her feet are ticklish Jess?" Tina asked me

"Hmm let's see" I replied amused by the young girl's sadistic suggestion, "Stop everyone, I want to see if her feet are ticklish".

Upon hearing this, Nicole began thrashing her tied legs around. This was good, because it implied her feet were indeed ticklish, but also bad because I couldn't get to them without risk of injury. I got the others to resume tickling her armpits as a momentary distraction, whilst I lay across her ankles, pinning her legs down.

She was still wearing her heavy walking boots, tied tightly. I undid the know on one of them, causing Nicole to cry, "Jess, don't take my boots off!"

"Why, does someone have tickly feet?" I asked in my mocking voice

"No, I just don't, umm, like having no shoes on" she said uncertainly. I smiled and suddenly pulled the boot off. She had very thick grey woollen socks on, that looked like good tickle protection. I untied the other one and tried pulling it off. She gave some resistance, but after about ten seconds and underarm tickling it came off. I decided to change position in order to tickle her better, and lay on my back, holding her ankles between my thighs with her soles facing me. The other girls were watching excitedly.

I ran my index finger nail down her left sole, which made her jump and unsuccessfully try and pull her feet back.

"She's biting her lip!" someone said. I then began tickling properly, and a few seconds later she burst out giggling and squealing. Wow, I thought to myself, if she's this ticklish with thick socks on, she'll die barefoot.

"Had enough yet?" I asked her

"Haha yes! Yes! Stop it!" she squealed back.

"Nah" I grinned. I was enjoying myself. I then peeled her left sock off.

"Not my socks, please Jess!"

"Is someone extra ticklish barefoot?" I asked in an amused tone

"Yes I am! I really hate it!" There was no pretence now, she knew we were prepared to tickle her to death. I pulled the other one of. Now her small bare feet were defenceless. I began tickling them. Instead of giggling, there was full laughter now. She was going nuts, and managed to pull her legs away before long. Tina and Maisie wanted a turn, and I let then, deciding to watch for a bit. Nicole was getting tickled in all her weak spots; her underarms, bare feet, even her bellybutton which Jenny found out was very ticklish. At one point, some one undid the buttons of her top, making her armpits vulnerable and without protection.

After about ten minutes of none stop tickle punishment we stopped and made her agree to do the chores for the rest of the trip. She forget to negotiate for herself and only agree if we stopped tickling her. Throughout the rest of the evening we took turns in tickling our tied up and humiliated leader. Overall, it turned out to be a very fun trip