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Alex967 - Holiday Madness (m+/fm+, m+f+/m+)

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:02 am
by Zek_
Alex967 - Holiday Madness (m+/fm+, m+f+/m+)

Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:38 am

Part 1: The Handcuffs

Autumn gave way to winter and Christmas rolled in; per tradition, my dad’s family gathered at our town for the holidays. I should mention that besides Uncle Roger (Ian, Megan (also 10) and Peter’s (8 years old) dad), my dad has also a sister, Aunt Tina who has two kids, Samantha (who was 16 at the time) and Kevin (who was 13). They lived in another state so I wasn’t as close with them as I was with my other cousins yet we usually got along well.

Soon after Christmas, I found myself in my cousin’s place as usual. The adults and Sam had to leave to run various errands leaving Kevin in charge. Of course for Kevin being in charge meant lying lazily on the couch playing with his new game boy while occasionally telling us not to kill each other. That morning a few friends have dropped by to hang out with us and compare each other’s presents. Megan was on her room with Rachel, Peter was in his own room with a friend of his, David (despite desperately wanting to hang out with us older kids constantly Peter did have friends of his own!) while Ian, I and our friend Ollie went to Ian’s room to try our new video games plus some other toys

It would have been a regular day without anything worth telling, we were to busy beating each other in Ian’s new Game Cube to even think about bondage but unbeknownst to us, there was a whole different story going on in the room across the hallway, for what I later found, David, who at that time wanted to be a police officer went he grew up (a dream he would eventually exchange for being an archaeologist before settling on studying engineering), had being given for Christmas a toy police set which included a fake gun, a badge and a pair of plastic handcuffs, well he showed them to Peter and one thing led to another…

We were focused on our game, just minding our own business when the door (who wasn’t even closed for a start) burst open, the three of us spun around and our jaws fell open for what we saw.

David was standing on the doorway panting, with his hands behind his back and a rag tied between his teeth. He stood there for a few seconds staring helplessly at us before rushing inside the room chased by Peter, as the poor kid tried to hide behind us we noticed that his hands were cuffed!

"Helf me!" David yelled trying to shake his gag off

"Hand him over!" Peter demanded "He is my prisoner!" but we weren’t paying attention to either captor or captive instead focusing on the handcuffs around David’s wrists

"That’s cool!" Ian exclaimed checking the handcuffs "Where did you get them?"

"Lef me go!"

"Come on hand him over!" Peter angrily stomped his foot on the ground "Get your own prisoner!" Peter realized he shouldn’t have said that the moment we gave him a mischievous smirk "I mean another prisoner…" he muttered trying to walk away from us "Come on guys…guys? NOOOO!"

We bounced on him at once tackling him to the ground and dragging him into the room, Ollie and I held him down, Ian went after his bag of supplies and David merely sat on a corner enjoying the situation. Despite Peter’s protests we managed to pull his hands behind his back wrapping a piece of clothesline horizontally around his wrists and cinching the loop between them. The moment his wrists were tied Peter lost any pretense of struggling and just lay motionless as we bind his ankles and knees together, again wrapping the rope horizontally and cinching it between his legs, we finished by taking out a washcloth and tying it between his teeth just like he had done with David

"Try to get out of that" said Ian, Peter let out a few grunts and tried to wriggle his way out with little success. Pleased with our work we turned our attention to David who eagerly twisted his torso showing us his hands hoping that we would set him free

"He thinks we are letting him go!" I said "How naïve!" David stared at us confused, I have to admit there was something adorable in the way he looked at us with his large eyes as if wondering why we weren’t helping him

"No David, you are staying just like that" said Ian playfully patting David’s cheek, the little boy moaned under his gag rolling his eyes. We grabbed more ropes and made him lie on the floor next to Peter, we tied his ankles and knees together and replaced the cuffs with ropes

"If yef faul!" Peter told David through his gag

"If yef!" David replied. Ian, Ollie and I laughed joyfully finding it extremely funny listening them trying to argue with each other through their gags!

"So what now?" asked Ollie who seemed to really enjoy his role as a captor

"We could try these cuffs on someone else" said Ian grinning at me, sensing that I was soon to join Peter and David I decided that my best course of action would be to look for another victim to satisfy Ian’s urges

"We could ambush Kevin" I proposed "He won’t be able to get out of those cuffs!" Ian seemed rather disappointed that I wasn’t going to be the victim that time but Ollie was quick to agree with my idea so we made our plan, gathered our supplies and quietly crawled downstairs.

Kevin was too focused on his gameboy to be aware of his surroundings, only when we were standing next to the couch he was lying on did he finally noticed our presence "What do you want?" Kevin asked pausing his game and placing it on the coffee table. That was our cue, at once the three of us jumped on him

"Ahhgg! What the hell?" he tried to fight us but we were three and he was one, soon we managed to roll him over and pull his hands behind his back while Kevin could only protests "Let me go! Are you insane? Hey- don’t! ARE THOSE HANDCUFFS?"

By this point all the commotion had caught the girls’ attention. Megan and Rachel came downstairs to see what was going on only to find Kevin lying on the couch with his hands cuffed behind his back while we were busy trying to stuff a washcloth between his teeth

"Kevin, I can’t believe you got beaten by those wimps" Rachel teased him, Kevin tried to explain himself but his words were muffled by the gag. Once he was cuffed and gagged we stood back so he could regain his breath. Kevin sat on the couch panting, all sweaty and disheveled and glared at us demanding to be released at once

"Now that you are out of the way WE are in charge!" said Ollie pinching Kevin’s cheek, my older cousin gave out an indignant groan and tried to bite Ollie’s fingers which only generated a choir of laughter from us.

We forced our prisoner to stand up, at first Kevin tried to put up a fight but after Ian pointed that he had already lost and that we could easily take off his pants if he kept struggling Kevin became much more cooperative. Our small group led him upstairs to Ian’s room where a new show was waiting for us.

Apparently Peter and David’s small argument over who was to blame for their predicament had evolved into a full brawl, of course with their limited movement they had been forced to reduce their fight to just rolling on the ground trying to kick each other

We all laughed at the spectacle in front of us (even Kevin!) until Megan eventually pull them apart, now that we all had our "fun time" we set to work on Kevin. We (and by that I mean Ian, Ollie an I) forced him to lie on the floor where we tied his ankles and knees together and replaced the cuffs with rope, as a final touch, per Ollie’s suggestion, we wrapped another rope around his elbows pulling them as close as his body would allow and linked them to his ankles hogtying him.

In the meantime, Megan and Rachel decided that something had to be down about Peter and David’s constant fighting so they made the boys sit back to back and wrapped a long piece of clothesline around their torsos.

"He is not going anywhere" said Megan staring at Kevin once we were done with him

"Well that’s the point!" said Ian and playfully ran his fingers over Kevin’ socked feet, my cousin let out a chuckle and helplessly wriggled his toes

"How do you feel about your whole predicament?" I asked Kevin, he looked at the ceiling as if trying to find the word to describe his emotions before speaking in a restrained voice

"I’m goin zo kill yeh all" we all laughed again at this statement

"You know, there are still plenty of ropes" said Olli aiming with his eyes at the girls who were busy inspecting Kevin’s knots, we got his hint and eagerly nodded happy to have more prisoners at our disposal. The three of us silently crept behind the girls ready to pounce them. Ian lifted his fingers and counted 3….2….1…

Unfortunately Rachel saw our plan in the last second and was able to dodge Ian running as fast as she could out of the room, Megan wasn’t that lucky and she soon found herself trapped by Ollie and me

"We’ll get Rachel later, first we need to take care of my sister!" Ian announced quite pissed at having lost Rachel

"Three guys against one girl? That’s not fair!" Megan said as we tied her hands behind her back

"We are not taking chances" I said grabbing another washcloth and tying it between Megan’s teeth, we finished tying her ankles and knees together. Our four captives stopped their struggles and stared at us with wide eyes. Given that we still had time and Rachel wouldn’t go too far we decide to postpone the hunt for her and entertain our captives which only meant one thing: Tickle time!

Megan and Peter had already been subjected to said treatment so they tried their best to remain still not giving us the satisfaction of showing any reaction, David and Kevin on the other side completely lost it. David shouted and trashed around begging us to stop but the only thing he managed was to topple his body along with Peter’s so they both ended up lying on their sides. Kevin had it worst, after having been overpowered, bound and gagged by a bunch of ten year old kids, what remained of his dignity was lost when the tickle session started, he laughed, trashed and begged us to stop to the point that some tears fell down his eyes which only made us tease him even more "Awww! The big boy is crying!" I joked which I’ll admit it was a little bit hypocritical on my part since I too had been reduced to tears in previous sessions.

After ten minutes of pure torture we finally decided to let our captives have a rest and went to search for Rachel. Arming ourselves with some ropes and our now trusted handcuffs, we told our captives not to go anywhere (receiving as a response a bunch of annoyed grunts) and headed on our hunt for Rachel.

Part 2: Role Reversal

We were confident that capturing Rachel would be easy, after all, what she could do against the three of us? Little did we knew that she was determined not to go without a fight. Our first goal was to secure the upper floor in case she decided to snuck in and free the other captives. There wasn’t any space to hide in the bathrooms so that only left us Megan, Peter and their parents’ rooms as options, we agreed to split up our search party, Ian took Megan’s room, Ollie took Peter’s and I took my uncle’s room.

I slowly opened the door and took a look inside: Everything seemed normal, yet I needed to be sure; Rachel could be hiding under the bed or inside the closet for all that I knew. Carefully I pushed the door open and walked inside only to get hit in the face with a pillow

"What the…ahhgg!" I yelled as Rachel body slammed me throwing me to the ground "SHE IS HERE! SHE IS MMHHHPP!" Rachel lost no time in stuffing the pillow case inside my mouth but I had managed to warn my friends who rushed in, with a war scream, Rachel charged at them taking them by surprise and buying enough time for herself to ran pass them and down the stairs

"Get her!" Ian shouted. I spat the pillowcase and followed Ian and Ollie downstairs "She went over there!" Ian yelled pointing his finger at the kitchen. We ran into the kitchen only to find Rachel armed with two cans of whip cream that she quickly poured over us

"Are you kidding me?" Ollie yelled trying to cover his face, Rachel used that distraction to again run past us. By this point catching Rachel turned personal, without even bothering to clean the cream from our bodies we ran after her just in time to see her disappear behind the basement’s door

"She is trapped!" I exclaimed eager to get my hands on her. We pushed the door open and rushed downstairs where indeed, Rachel had just realized she had run into a dead end’s corner

"Give….up!" said Ian trying to catch his breath "You are surrounded"

"NEVER!" Rachel yelled and tried to run past us again but this time we caught her, the three of us managed to subdue her, forced her to lie on the ground and pulled her hands behind her back

"Now you are our prisoner!" Ollie exclaimed pulling out the ropes to bind her wrists

"Actually I think YOU are our prisoners" a girl’s voice came from behind us, the three of us spun around and our jaws dropped upon seeing Megan, Kevin, Peter and David standing at the bottom of the stairs. The three of us stood still, unable to believe our eyes, a moment Rachel took advantage to get rid of our grip and join the rest of our former captives.

You could tell by their general scruffiness and the rope marks around their wrists and ankles that the whole group had a hard time escaping (which unfortunately wasn’t enough) and by the rags previously used as gags still hanging from their necks that they had escaped not too long ago

"So, are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?" Kevin asked holding several coils of rope. We were smart enough to know that being three against five meant instant defeat so we conceded their victory and raised our hands as a sign of surrender.

Our new captors wasted no time in binding our wrists behind our backs, we didn’t offered any resistance but we put up a show of groaning and rolling around melodramatically as we were forced to lay down on the cold concrete floor much to our captors laughter.

Once in the floor, they proceed to bind our ankles and knees together and were about to hogtie us when Kevin stopped them "Wait a second…. Remember what they did to me?"

The three of us exchanged concerned looks and let out an "uh oh!" soon enough I let and anguished groan as my elbows were pulled together and rope was wrapped around them and my ankles were tied to them. Ian and Ollie soon received the same treatment leaving us all tightly hogtied.

"Now time to quiet these brats" said Kevin untangling the still soaked rag from his neck. Our eyes got wide opened with dread as the other untied the rags from their necks too, being tied and tortured was one thing but having their saliva soaked rags inside our mouth? Never!

We lost not time begging to be spared said treatment but our captors seemed determined to pass that punishment, thankfully Peter took pity on us "We could use tape instead" we gazed at Peter with eyes full of gratitude but Kevin wasn’t having any of that

"They need to learn their lesson" he said dangling his gag in front of Ian’s face, Rachel and David eagerly nodded in agreement but Megan took Peter’ side

"That would be too much, let’s just use tape!" eventually Kevin was forced to concede instructing Peter to go an fetch some of it

"But we are wrapping it around their heads!" we didn’t even care about said inconvenience, anything was better than having those filthy rags inside our mouths! We didn’t even protested as the tape was wrapped around our mouths shutting us and trapping the hair in the back of our heads although I had the feeling that it would hurt a lot to take it off (spoiler alert: it did!)

Once they were done, our captors stood back staring deviously at us as we could only helplessly wriggle on the floor. Of course they took advantage of us by tickling our barefeet mercilessly making fun of our reactions but by this point our games had lost some steam so our torture only lasted a couple of minutes before they went upstairs and turned off the lights leaving us alone in the darkness.

We stayed there for about twenty more minutes, the only window had been blocked by snow so we were in complete darkness. I could see my friends’ silhouettes and hear their grunts as they struggled and writhed their wrists and ankles trying to get free.

The basement was the only room in the house without heat so despite the fact that we were wearing sweaters and socks (which thankfully they didn’t removed) things started getting a little cold down there plus the way our elbows had been tied together made the rope a little bit uncomfortable yet bearable. I didn’t know long we were kept there, but for me it felt like ages.

Eventually Rachel and Megan came back and told us that if we agreed not to struggle they would allow us to sit in the living room to watch TV, of course we agreed glad to be able to sit in the warm living room instead of the cold basement. The girls untied us leaving only our hands and gags (Rachel took the chance to give Ian a wedgie as revenge for the last time he tied her up) and they helped us go upstairs where Kevin, Peter and David had already taken seats around the TV while eating popcorn.

We sat on the couch, huddled next to each other and stared at the TV. The next hour or so went by without further incident, one who would walk in will just see a bunch of kids calmly watching a Christmas movie (I think it was The Santa Clause) with nothing out of the ordinary except the three of them were gagged with tape and their hands were tied behind their backs! From time to time our former victims would tease us throwing popcorn at us or digging their fingers into our ribs which considering what we were planning for them I think was fair play. As the movie was drawing to a close David saw Aunt Tina’s car driving in the garage so they quickly untied our hands and unwrapped the tape (painfully pulling a bunch of hair in the process) ending our captivity

There weren’t any more games for the remaining of the holidays, soon school restarted and Kevin went back to the other side of the country with his family and time became sparse again, yet eventually we would have the chance for another game before summer rolled in