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Anders : 01 - Sleepover Fun with Sleeping Bag (m/m, f/m)

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 2:18 pm
by Canuck100
Anders' stories
01 - Sleepover Fun with Sleeping Bag
Story index at the bottom

By Anders

Tue Jun 16 13:25:41 1998

Looking back I remember the first time I got tied up. Me and my friend was having a sleep-over in a tent in his parents back yard. This were back in the eighties and we were both about ten or eleven. It was summer holliday for us, but for his parents it was workday the following day so they had retired quite early.

Naturely we had the time of our life in the tent, fighting with pillows and stuff, probably making alot of noice. I think my friends parents even came out on the back porch and told us to shut up at one point. When we finally did calm ourselves down, we decided to play a more quiet game (we had no intention on going to sleep yet).

As it turned out my friend, Robert, wanted to play some kind of a kidnap game were I was to be the victim. It sounded ok to me so I agreed. I think we made some kind of story up about me being a kid who was held for ransom or something like that. Then Robert took the belts from our cut off jeans and said he was going to tie me up.

I was put on my stomache and soon my hands was tied behind me with one of the belts. With the other Robert tied my legs. Then he told me he needed more rope, so he would go and get some. Meanwhile he was going to make sure I was quiet and still, so he put me in my sleepingbag and closed it, but before he put it over my head, he gagged me with a bandanna between my teeth (he always wore a bandanna to keep his hair from his eyes). Then he zipped the sleeping bag with me completely in it, and tied the strings in the top tight, so that only a small hole just over my head remained. I lived my role and started to squirm about as he leaved the tent. I remember hating the gag, cause it was so tight, but being tied up was exciting, because the game became more realistic. I couldn't escape at all, and I remember thinking how awful it would have been if it was all for real. Really scary.

I heard Robert returning to the tent after a while. By then it was quite hot in the sleepingbag, so I didn't have the strength to resist when he opened the bag and released the belts, only to retie me with the lengths of rope he had salvaged from the garage. My elbows were tied together and my wrists behind me, pinned to my back with rope wrapping around them and around my stomache. My feet were tied next, as well as my legs above and below my knees.

I think Robert must have spent at least twenty minutes just tying me up. Before he put me down in my sleepingbag again, he removed my gag and stuffed a juggling ball in my mouth (he was quite a juggler, Robert), before he taped it with duct tape. I tried to protest that, but of course it was impossible.
Then I was blindfolded by the bandanna and stuffed once more into the sleepingbag.

We played the game for a while, but then Robert got bored and started to tickle me and stuff. But it was only a quick tease and he released me soon enough.

A couple of days later I was to be tied up again, but that's another story.

Anders's stories

Stories retrieved from Stories of Tie-Up Games