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dudalb : 06 - The Great 4th of July Robbery (m+f+/FM)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 1:00 pm
by Canuck100
dudalb's stories
06 - The Great 4th of July Robbery
Story index at the bottom

By dudalb

Tue Jul 7 20:01:17 PDT 1998

My wife Jennifer and I were invited up to a lake in the Sierras by some friends of ours last weekend (the fourth of July) who moved up there to start their own business about a year ago. They have two children aged 12 and 7, whom we have known for about four years. We planned to go up last Friday but my wife had to work on a last minute project at work and we didn't leave until early Saturday morning. We had gone out to a movie on Friday night rather then stay home and be angry about losing a day of our planned three day weekend and it was appropriate that the movie was about the destruction of the world by a giant asteroid.--it fit our mood perfectly. However we didn't get back until very late.We spent Saturday the fourth in the traditional American way, outdoor Barbecue, lots of beer, and a fireworks display at night over the lake. My friends next door neighbors neighbors joined us and they had 3 kids aged 11, 9, and 6. The biggest event of the day was remote accessing my hotmail account for the first time, using my wife's laptop computer.

We got up Sunday Morning and found out that our friends and their neighbors wanted to go to a arts and crafts show about ten miles away. My wife and I were still tired from the day before. The fact we had only got a few hours sleep on Friday didn't help matters any.

We declined. It turned out the the kids had no great desire to be dragged off to an arts show so they stayed behind with "Uncle Dudalb" and "Aunt Jennifer" to keep an eye on things. We had been granted honorary uncle and aunt status by our friend's kids a couple of years ago.

My wife and I decided to take it easy on the porch and get caught up on some reading - and within an hour we were bored stiff. Every notice how hard it is to relax when you deliberately try to do so?

We were just about to go for a walk when the 12 year old daughter of our friends came up and told us that the "littler kids" wanted to play a game of "Burglars" and wondered if we would play as the "people who were going to be robbed". Before she was half done I knew the scam. Of course the only goal of the game would be to get Uncle Dudalb and Aunt Jennifer tied up --a variation on the old tie up the baby-sitter game. My wife gave me a glance which told me she had caught on just as quick as I did. Jennifer told the kid we would think about it, and the kid went back to the house. With the back of my eye I saw one of the others kids going into the house through a side door with a couple coils of clostheline.

"Pretty obvious, are'nt they" I remarked. "I had better come ons than that when I was a kid."

"The time I was the captured detective the kids were a lot smoother" Jennifer said.

"They actually had something resembling a real game. Asking me for something for them to hide for the detective to find was a nice touch"

"Sometimes the direct approach works" I said. "Sherri's kids just marched in on Sherri and I and told us we were their hostages.Within five minutes Sherri and I had our hands tied behind us."

"Of course you and Sherri didn't think her kids could tie very tight", Jennifer said.

"Well, neither did you when you let the kids tie the captured detective to a chair"

"OK,OK,we were both suckered by two different gangs of Rugrats. But, you know, I half want to play along", my wife said.

"I'm game if you are". If you read my previous posts you know I wanted to play along.

My wife laughted. "You're never going to grow up"

"I hope not, Kids have more fun"

"Not in everyway. I'm probably going to regret this but ok, I'll play. It might come in handy when we have some rugrats of our own. A kind of on the job training. But I'll tell the kids not too tight on the gags".

We walked into the house and told the 12 year old that they could burglarize us.

"But" Jennifer said, "We know you are going to tie us up and gag us as part of the game. Just be careful you don't make it too tight. I know you're just playing , but if you're not careful you can hurt me and Uncle Dudalb even it you don't mean to."

Mary (the name I will give the 12 year old kid and the Ringleader) said she would be careful. She even gave us our choice of gags, tape or scarves. We chose scarves, because we did not know what kind of tape they had.

We were told to down to the basement, which had been turned into a rec room by the previous owners, to wait. We noticed that some fake jewelry, some toys, and Monopoly Money were lying around. The loot no doubt.

We didn't have to wait long. Soon five kids (our friends and their neighbors) came in, all their faces covered wit either ski masks which were far to big for them or handkerchiefs.

They had two bags, one empty (for the swag) and I could see ropes and scarves hanging out of the other.

Mary was not very original in her acting. "Your being robbed! Just do what we say and no one will get hurt..Stand up,turn around and put your hands behind you!" We did and Mary begun tying Jennifer's hands while the 11 year old boy from next door bound mine. Both of our hands were tied palm to palm, with the kids being very careful to cinch the cords and put the knots where they would be hard to get to. It was tight but not painful, and I could tell the circulation was ok. Mary dropped character to ask us if the ropes hurt us.

"No" Jennifer said, "but I'd like to know where you learn to tie knots like that."

Mary said, "Oh Jimmy (the neighbor's kid) taught me". Memories of Me and Sean came to mind "Forget it" I told Jennifer "There's one kid in every neighborhood who seems to have the skill as a inherited trait".

"Now for the Gags" Mary said, back in character.

Mary had picked up a scarf and was folding it into a gag when Jennifer Said, "Before You gag me, could I have some water? I'm thirsty". Mary obliged, went over to a small frig in the rec room, and took out a plastic bottle of mineral water and held it up for my wife to sip from. "Ok",Jennifer said when she, was done, "I'm ready", and without being told opened her mouth.

Mary wound the scarf around and around Jennifer lips (it was about four feet long) cinched and knotted it to make it an effective cleave gag. Mary did the same to me. It was tight but not painful, and I could breath fine. Mary asked it we could breath all right, and if the gag hurt us. We both shook our head.

Just as experiment Jennifer tried to talk through her gag. mmph dumff gurnf was the nearest I could make it out to be. We wouldn't be holding much intelligible conversation during our captivity.

We were seated on a couch, and then my wife's ankles were crossed and tied. The crossed position made sure there would be not hopping. My ankles were tied the same way.

"You look just like people do when they are tied up on T.V!" Mary said proud of her and her fellow burglars work. "Now lets get the loot" the little kids began picking up the stuff they had placed in the room. Jennifer and I tried a little method acting and tried to feel like a couple whose home was being robbed while they could only sit bound and gagged and watch.

In about ten minutes all the loot was gathered. It would have been done quicker except the kids spend a lot of time staring at us, enjoying the sight Of Uncle Dudalb and Aunt Jennifer all tied up. When the last thing was gathered. Mary said "We better take then with us upstairs" Our ankles were untied, and with our hands still tied behind us, and our gags still on, we were marched upstairs to the living room.

Upstairs in the living room we were seated on two kitchen chairs and our ankles were retied. Mary brought out a roll of duct tape and wrapped tape three of four times around Jennifer's body right below the shoulders and another couple of times around her waist securing her to the chair. I got taped to my chair and Mary told us that should hold us until the game was over. As far as we could see the game was over with all the kids watching TV having dropped all pretense of still being burglars. But I guess having 2 grownups tied securely to chairs and gagged was enough of a game for them. We sat there for about fifteen minutes. We both made some effort to free ourselves but not very successfully. But then the game came to an abrupt end when Mary's mother walked through the door. Mary's dad had been dropped off at the neighbors for a few minutes.

Mary's mom walked in, took one look at us, one look at the kids and laughed her head off. After about 30 seconds when said "Burglars right?" we both nodded our heads. "I fell for the same joke last week" She then asked "Did you agree to play?" We nodded.

Mary's mom turned to the kids and said, "O.K, the game's over, untie them".

About four minutes later we were untying our own ankles and listening while Mary's mom told us how last week she agreed to be burglarized and ended up exactly the same way-tied to a chair and gagged. She actually thought it was a pretty funny joke on her since she had went along with everything; it was her own fault for not suspecting how well Mary could tie. They let her go after about half an hour. She just warned them that all their victims had to be volunteers and wrote it off as kids being kids, and forgot about it.

That's about it for the great 4th of July robbery. We drove back home that evening, and my wife said at least I've got a new story for this site. As usual she's right.

dudalb's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section