Anonymous : I Love Sally (mm/f)

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Anonymous : I Love Sally (mm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

I Love Sally

Anonymous author

I've enjoyed many of the stories that have appeared in these and other pages. However, it has always been somewhat appealing to come up with ways to trap or trick a girl into bondage, stealthily tying a babysitter while she is asleep, for example, trapping girls with nets, or using some sort of ruse such as asking them to help with scouting skills like first aid (requiring serious bandaging) or knot tying. I hope my tales of such experiences will inspire others to come up with similar tales involving nets, lassoes or other such devices.

Here is a tale of how I and a friend managed to get one sitter in a bind. I hope you enjoy it.

My friend Mike and I always dreamed of catching one of our babysitters, tying them up and playing some high-stakes "Cowboys and Indians" with them helplessly immobilized. Figuring out how to get one of our sitters in such a situation turned into one of our greatest challenges.

Our favorite scheme was inspired by an episode of I Love Lucy, one in which a pair of twins manage to trick Lucy into serving as a "maypole" as the two of them ran around and around her with one of Lucy's clotheslines. We tried to play a similar trick on a few sitters, but all of them were smart enough to figure out what we had in mind and declined to play our little game.

Then, one day, a new sitter arrived, a particularly attractive girl and - to our great delight - not very bright. Sally was a clean-cut girl, sixteen years old with medium-length blond hair, tanned legs and a proclivity for wearing cut off blue jeans and tank tops. The day she sat for Mike and I one summer weekend, she was wearing just such an outfit (in this case a white tank top and particularly attractive short shorts).

After feeding us lunch, she told us to go play out in the backyard. After some scheming and setup, we came back in and asked her to join us for some games. "What kind of game do you want to play," she asked as she followed us outside. "How about 'Here We Go Round the Maypole?". Sally agreed to join us in the game.

Our hearts pounding, we proceeded to grab a rope that had been left in "hiding," a long (over 100 foot) length that had been organized into two loosely-rolled coils. Mike and I each picked up a coil and handed Sally the middle of the rope, telling her to hold it behind her back since she would be playing the role of the maypole. She looked at us suspiciously, but then did as instructed, grabbing the middle of the rope and placing it behind her back. "Now what?" she asked.

"Now we go around you, since you're the maypole," we replied as we began to run round here singing the little "Here we go round the maypole" ditty we had been taught by our favorite Lucy episode. She joined us in our song, seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were coiling loop after loop or rope around her body every time we did one more turn around her.

As we sang and laughed, Mike ran counter clockwise around Sally while I ran clockwise, encircling the top of her body in one tight coil after another. Within a few minutes her arms, which had dropped to her sides, were helplessly pinned to her body. In the original Lucy program, the two twins had used a relatively short rope which only trapped Lucy in a half-dozen coils of rope. We, however, were playing for real and our 100+ foot rope was enough to go around her body dozens and dozens of times.

After a few minutes, Mike and I had our sitter's upper body helplessly mummified in rope. While I now suspect she knew what was coming when we invited her to play our little game (no one, outside of a sitcom, is that dumb after all), I suspect she had no idea just how thoroughly and tightly we planed to tie her up.

"Guys," she said, as she realized she was completely unable to move her arms, "you might want to stop now, this is getting a little tight."

"That's OK," we replied. "We're almost done."

Needless to say, we had barely gotten started. We had used more than a third of the rope to encase our sitters arms and upper body. A few more laps around her and half the rope was used up to keep her hands and arms hopelessly pinned against her sides. Figuring it was time to move on, we took our coils and tied off her upper body with a series of knots, making her upper-body rope mummification permanent. We then dropped all pretences of the "Maypole" game and began working on her legs and feet with the fifty or so feet of rope that remained.

"Guys, this is enough," she said. "I don't want to play this game anymore." "That's OK," we replied, as we worked on wrapping rope around her bare legs, knees and shins. "We're moving onto a different game: Cowboys and Indians." "So you'll untie me for that game?" she pleaded. "Fat chance," we answered as we finished tying her ankles, leaving her bottom half as tightly wrapped in rope as her top.

Realizing her predicament, Sally finally began to struggle. But our knots all held. Had she begun to fight earlier in the process, she may have prevented us from binding her so thoroughly. By now, however, it was far too late. Her entire body, from shoulders to ankles was wrapped in over a hundred feet of rope. Her arms and legs were pinned, her struggles useless.

"Let me go," she demanded, as Mike and I surveyed our captive. It was clear that without our help, she was going nowhere. Ropes held her arms tightly fastened to her body and her legs were tightly bound together. Her struggles were more like useless wriggles since they did nothing to loosen the tight ropes that bound her.

After a few minute of struggling (to our great amusement) it looked like she was about to lose her balance and topple over. Fearing she might hurt herself without useable arms to break her fall, Mike and I carefully lowered her to the ground, propping her up in a sitting position while we went to get the supplies we needed for Cowboys and Indians.

She struggled uselessly for a few more minutes, after which Mike and I arrived in full Indian headdress, with tomahawks (rubber), warpaint and a cloth bandana. In the original Lucy episode, the twins had used an apple to gag their captive, but we realized how ridiculous that was in the real world. Instead, we used the bandana to cleave gag our helpless captive, leaving her as unable to speak as she was unable to move or wiggle free of the ropes that held her captive.

We began our Indian War Dance around Sally, grabbing lengths of her hair and pretending to "scalp" her with our rubber hatchets. Sally tried to shake her head away, but was obviously in no position to ease her predicament. After spending some time taunting our captive in this way, we decided to move onto the finale, "burning our helpless cowgirl at the stake".

Mike and I each grabbed the bound sitter and lifted her up, dragging her across the yard and propping her against an tetherball poll at the far end of the yard. The tetherball was still dangling from the pole on a cotton line. After positioning her against the pole, we played a quick game of tether, during which we threw the tied ball around Sally several times, leaving her bound form lashed to the pole. We then proceeded to pile some firewood that was stacked nearby at her feet.

"MMMMMMPH!!!" she screamed in her gag when she realized what we were up to. Her struggles to break free became frenzied, but they were as useless as they had been before. "Ugh! Kemosabi!," said Mike, oblivious to how un-PC his dimestore Indian imitation was. "Time to burn-um cowgirl at the stake." "Actually," I replied. "I've got a better idea."

As our captive continued her futile struggles, Mike and I went behind the shed we had been using as a fort and changed from Indian garb to military fatigues. We also grabbed items needed for the grand finale of our game.

"New game!" we shouted as we marched up to our helplessly-bound captive who had, by now, given up on breaking free. "Firing squad!"

With that, we pulled out a pair of supersoaker water cannons that we held behind our backs, and opened fire on our sitter, drenching her from head to toe. While she squealed as water soaked her bound body, she also started to laugh, realizing that we did not actually mean her any harm and that she was not destined for fire, but only for some harmless water.

After emptying our water guns, we joined her in the mirth until the three of us were helplessly immobilized with laughter. (Actually, she was immobilized by a lot more than that.) We proceeded to untie her (no mean feat, since the knots we had used to hold her bonds tight were now soaked with water). After a little struggling, Sally was free and fuming.

"You little pricks," she screamed. "Wait until I get my hands on you." She proceeded to chase us around the yard, using a length of rope she had picked up to try and whip our behinds like a towel snap. It was clear, however, that she was not really all that mad and may have actually enjoyed the experience.

When my parents came home later that afternoon, none of us breathed a word about our little game (helping to convince me more that Sally may have actually enjoyed being tied up).

On a couple of more occasions, we managed to trap or trick a sitter and even got Sally herself (as well as one of her friends) into an even tighter bind. More of those tales later.