Conquistador : 01 - Our First Time (mf/ff, ff/mf)

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Conquistador : 01 - Our First Time (mf/ff, ff/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

Conquistador's stories
01 - Our First Time
Story index at the bottom

By Conquistador

Saturday May 20th 2000 11:26:47

My first ever tie up game happened when I was twelve years old. I had recently moved house near to wear my cousin- who was the same age as me- Claire lived. Naturally because I had no friends yet I hung around with her. She was quite attractive with medium length blonde hair and blue eyes. She was of average height and build and quite attractive (I wasn’t attracted to her though). Luckily she was quite nice to talk to so I didn’t have any troubles.

I was a bit tall for my age with broad shoulders and well built. I had dirty-blonde hair that was cut very short. I wasn’t that bad a person either and so my cousin didn’t mind me hanging out with her.

She generally hung around with two other girls- Denise and Rachel. Denise was quite attractive looking, slim and tall with long dirty-blond hair and green eyes. She was a bit of a tomboy and liked watching football (soccer for those who call it that) and supported the same team as I. Rachel was the best looking of them all. She was smaller then the other two, still slim but a bit more athletic looking. Her hair was a dark brown and came down to her shoulders. She and I were an instant hit- and almost immediately I developed a crush on her (and she on me). At that time I never knew how good tie up games could be nor did I now what tickling and foot fetishes were- and worse still neither did they. But our first experiences came a few weeks after I arrived.

We all hung around in a log cabin in the woods, a short walk from where we all lived. Now in the log cabin was a load of ‘useless’ stuff like ropes (and we thought it was useless), rags and (really) useless stuff like that. One day, Rachel and I were sitting alone in the hut, we were bored stupid, we had talked about everything possible. Worse still the other two were late and so were really desperately looking for something to do.

“What will we do with them when they get here?” Rachel asked.

I had the idea of shooting them…that was, until I saw all the rope lying in the bundle of rubbish.

“Let’s kidnap them.”

She saw what I was talking about and gave a sly smile. Instantly we grabbed all the rope we could find and discarded those that were threadbare, weak or would accidentally hurt the prisoners. We then set up our plan, deviously choosing how they’d be made to pay for making us wait. All of that took only a few minutes and another minute longer and we were ready- I kept watch for the other two. Then, I saw my cousin Claire walking towards the hut. She was dressed in a tee shirt and shorts (all four of us always went barefoot for some reason). I was dressed in a tee shirt and shorts and Rachel was wearing a very small tee shirt (that left her midriff bare) and a pair of jeans cut into a pair of shorts. Claire walked into the hut plainly enough. Not expecting us.

We jumped on her, wrestling her to the ground we forced her onto her stomach. Rachel then held her arms in place, wrists crossed over, whilst I tied them together as best I could, which for a first time was very tight. She had began shouting at us, so Rachel grabbed a handkerchief (her own) and thrust it into her mouth and then held it in place with a long rag which was tied around her head. She let out a few muffled oaths as I bound her ankles together. T then pulled them up as Rachel connected her ankles to her wrists as close as she could get them- without hurting Claire of course.

Something I could never resist was the ability to resist tickling anyone’s bare soles. Especially not my ticklish cousin’s but this time, with her begging soles facing me- waving as she struggled as if they were calling me, I had to wait for Denise.

Denise came only a few minutes after Claire. Like with Claire we waited behind the door. With my position I missed the face Denise made when she saw Claire but we used her momentary pause to jump on her and wrestle her to the ground. We did exactly the same as before tying every knot like we were experts instead of first timers. When we were done we just stood back and watched the two struggled to get free- but they were going no where!

“My my. What a catch we have here.” I said.

“Indeed. But I wonder if these two are ticklish?” Rachel asked, really for effect as we knew exactly how ticklish they were- as I had proven before on many occasions.

As she said it we pulled from behind our back two, long, stiff feathers from some old feather duster we found. The two began to wiggle and beg under their gags, it came out as a pathetic whimper. We had decided before that instead of a sort of one-on-one tickling Rachel and I would tickle the same person at the same time.

We chose Denise first, because I knew Claire was more ticklish (although if you considered how ticklish Denise was you’d wonder how)! And so we started, I took the left foot and Rachel took the right as we began tracing the tips of the stiff feathers over poor Denise’s soles. She began giggling under her gag as we worked our way around. It didn’t take long for her to start laughing as we tortured her.

After 10 minutes we moved onto Claire. She was worse. Giggling, laughing and grunting under her gag as Rachel and I enjoyed torturing her. Soon she was sweating like mad and panting hard. We stopped and untied our two captives.

They swore revenge and we said that it was only fair they got it. The revenge would come later though because after that we sat down for a rest. As we did, we all agreed that the game had been quite good fun and so we made up a set of rules to follow, which we all agreed to. But eventually, Claire ad Denise announced that it was our turn.

We were ordered to lie back to back on the floor, we did as we were asked and then we had to put our arms above our head. My wrists were bound together and the same was done with Rachel. Then, the four of our wrists were tied together with one of the longer pieces of rope and the end was bound to a big couch. Our waists were then bound together, just below our tummies. Finally our ankles were bound in the same way as our wrists- except more time and effort was put into our ankles.

One of the rules we had set up was that tickling was the only torture allowed which was fine with all of us and so Denise and Claire camped themselves at our feet. They used their fingers to lightly scratch and tickle our soles. Our reactions were clearly different. Rachel was the most ticklish of all of us and she began laughing madly soon after they started whilst I was tickled for a couple of minutes before I couldn’t hold it in any more. They tickled us for nearly an hour before stopping and releasing us. We stopped then for the night. But tie up games soon became a regular game with us as it was so much fun. But I’ll tell some of them at a later date…


Conquistador''s stories
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