Casey : 03 - Out In The Cabins (f/mf, mf/f, ff/mf+)

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Casey : 03 - Out In The Cabins (f/mf, mf/f, ff/mf+)

Post by Canuck100 »

Casey's stories
03 - Out In The Cabins
Story index at the bottom

By Casey

Sunday May 27th 2001 06:55:46 PM

Out In The Cabins

Hey it's me, and i'd like to quote the band Staind by saying,"It's Been A While."

This is one of my better stories, so let me start by mentioning some new people. Fisrt of all, danielle moved away. Oh, by the way, in my first few stories, I mentioned that danielle was valery's sister. But, that was a mistake, they weren't sisters. Anyways, I was pretty sad at first, seeing that i asked her out a few weeks before she left.

But I got over it soon when i got a new girlfriend and her name is Amanda. She is in this story, along with my older sister Lindsey. She is really hot, but shes my sister, so that was a disadvantage. She is a junior, as well as her two, even hotter, friends, Stephanie and Ashley.

Behind my house is a bunch of old cabins. No one lived there anymore, so sometimes we'd use them as hideouts during our bondage games. It started in my house, and the whole gang was there. Me, amanda, valery, kristen, lauren, and my sis Lindsey with her friends Ashley and Stephanie.

Now usually, it's my friends who bring up the games, not this time. Val and the rest were in the basement, Amanda and i were in the family room talkin, and yes kissin once in a while. Then the three older gurls came down and Lindsey said, "Hey, you know those old cabins behind the woods?"

"Yeah," i said.

"We want to get everyone, go back there and have a bondage game."

I wanted to hint the fact that i was busy, but val was upstairs and heard them say this and wanted to do it, too. So i agreed.

Oh, forgot to tell you what everyone was wearing. Me, jeans, t-shirt, and my jacket. Amanda, pink leather pants, a sleeveless black shirt, and her short button-up leather jacket. val was dressed similar to amanda. Kristen was dressed normal and in her nylon UC jacket. Lindsey wore some black leather boot-cut pants, and tall black leather boots. Those were most of the best stuff.

Lindsey divided up teams, and the results wern't in my favor. Ashley-kristen, Lauren-stephanie, amanda and lindsey, and me with val. Now, val was very pretty, but every time i was with her, she tied me up, plus i wanted to be with amanda.

We headed out to the cabins. There were 4 cabins (which was why there were four teams), and we each went to one. Each team had a bag, containing 2 duct tape rolls and rope. After five minutes of val bugging me about amanda, i wanted to talk strategy. there's no way to win, it's just for fun, but i tried to throw her of the subject. She got up and walked away somewhere. She came back pointing a water pistol at me.

"I thought we were on a team," i said.

"Not by choice, now go to the top bunk (bed) and put your hands behind your back." I obeyed as she tied me up. She tied my wrists behind my back, tied some rope around me chest, laid me on the bunk, and tied my ankles.

"I'm doing this for your own good," she said.

"You're tying me up, how is this good for me?"

"No questions, now close your lips," she said as she taped my lips shut. With about 4 strips of tape over my lips, val left me tied up on the top bunk bed of the cabin. I kinda just laid there, and almost fell asleep, when someone opened the door. I looked over, and to my relief i saw my girlfriend. But it wasnt good at all. She was blindfolded with a cloth, with her wrists tied together in front of her. Val had caught her, she pushed her in and to back room behind me.

I heard valery rip of a piece of duct tape and place it over amandas beautiful lips. Then, valery left, waiving at me. I heard amanda struggling, and off a reflection in a near by mirror, saw her in the corner of the room. Soon, i saw her get up and begin to hop across the floor. She shook her head back and forth, shaking her blindfold off. She hopped by me, and i mmmmphed under my gag at her. She turned over and saw me, she too began to mmmmph in relief. I turned my back to her as she came over and reached up her tied hands (remember, they were tied in front of her) and tugged at my bonds. I got free, untied my ankles, and took off my gag. I stepped down off the bed and untied her, then we hugged in relief.

Our new plan was to get revenge, especially on valery. to be continued.


Tuesday May 29th 2001 06:52:44 PM

Out In The Cabins 2

When i last left, i had just been freed by my girlfriend (Amanda), who i freed before. Now we wanted revenge with Valery.

Amanda then said, "Tie me up and i'll try to be a decoy, you be ready to grab her."

I had no problem with this, as i tied her wrists in front of her, tied up her ankles, and taped her lips. I helped her outside to the front of the cabin, and hid inside. Right away i could hear her mmmmmphing as if she was really a hostage. This was to convince val that amanda was trying to escape.

After a short while of amanda screaming her lungs out, i saw valery look at her and begin to walk over. She grabbed amanda, "Nice try," she sneered, but i sprung out and grabbed valery. I wrapped one arm around her stomach and clamped a hand over her mouth.

"MMMMMMMMPH!," she screamed through my hand in surprise.

I took her inside and began to tie. I tied her wrists back, tied her ankles and knees together, tied a rope around her chest and stomach, and sat her against a wall. Then, i found a cloth and stuffed it in her mouth, then gagged her with a few strips of tape. She tried to give an innocent look at me over her gag, but i turned away and freed amanda. I told her to watch val, or do whatever she wants to her because i needed to try and find some more rope. As i left, amanda started tickling valery.

"Mmmmmmmmph, MMph, mmmmmmmph," i heard val shriek.

I came back later having found some more rope. I came inside, only to see both girls tied up and gagged on the floor. Amanda began to scream under her gag as i was grabbed from behind and a hand covered my mouth. It was kristen, and ashley was behind her.

"I see you found your girl," she said to me, then to kristen, "Bring him to the cabin."

They took me inside their cabin and there i saw lindsey bound and gagged, laying on a couch, lauryn and stephanie tied up back-to-back and also gagged, on the floor. Ashley held me down on a chair and kristen went to get rope and tape. She tied each wrist to an arm of a chair, each ankle to a leg, and tied rope around my chest. Then they tied a bandana in my mouth, then took two strips of tape and X-ed them over the gag. Then they went to get the other hostage.

When they left, the silence was broken by everyone mmmmmphing and struggling. We were all their captives now, or were we.


Casey's stories
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Post by Canuck100 »

Saturday June 2nd 2001 05:05:53 PM

Out In The Cabins 3

Everyone was in a tight bond when i left. Ashley and Kristen had Lindsey bound and gagged, laid out on the couch, stephanie and lauryn bound and gagged back-to-back on the floor, and me wrists tied to the chair arms, as were ankles to the chair legs and gagged. Everyone was bound with rope and gagged with duct tape. Amanda and valery were tied too, but they were in another cabin and ashley and kristen went to get them. The room was filled with the captives struggling and mmmmmphing.

We knew that when ashley and kristen returned with the final hostages, we were in trouble. Then, we heard the door open, and val walked in, bound everywhere except the legs. She looked for a place to sit, found a chair, and sat down. The next person who walked in, though, was kristen, bound and gagged like valery. Ashley must have turned on her and went solo. Then, amanda walked in, but to my surprise, she wasn't tied up. She ran in and took off my gag.

"Where's ashley?," i asked.

"I broke free, she's in the other room, i tied her up and gagged her."

She untied me and i went to see ashley. She was tied to a chair, wrists tied back, ropes above and below her breasts, gagged with tape, and blindfolded with a cloth. Amanda and i wanted to call the game, so we asked all the hostages. They all agreed, so we untied them.

Amanda and i stayed behind for a little, then went back home where everyone else was. This still isn't over though. When we came in, the lights were out. Right away, we were each grabbed from behind and taken upstairs to Lindsey's room. We were laid on her bed and tied up back-to-back. Then we were gagged with several strips of tape. When i could look, i saw that this was the work of my sister and friends.

"we dont want you guys to bug us, everyone else is downstairs, kristen went home." Then they left and we began struggling and grunting under our gags.

Soon, though, the door creaked open, and a tied up val crept in. Her wrists were tied behind her back and she had a bandana tied in her mouth. Her legs werent tied and her gag was not very thin, so she tried to talk to us.

"Listen, i'm gonna try to get you two downstairs, then we'll try to get out of this." It came out kinda muffled, but we understood.

Suddenly, stephanie came in and grabbed val and shouted, "Lindsey, one of them tried to escape." She took her down and i heard everything they said.

"Let's just replace this gag of yours," Lindsey said.

After her gag was removed, then Lindsey said, "you trying to reunite with your little friends?"

"Why don't you bring them downstairs so i don't have to?" Then she was gagged with many strips of tape (i guessed).

Lindsey then gave out orders, to stephanie, "take her down, and tie her up really good." To ashley, "Come upstairs and help me bring the love birds down."

Then they came up to the room. Ashley untied our legs and the two led us to the basement (still tied back-to-back). When we got there, we were laid on the floor and our legs were retied. After they left, i looked over and saw steph putting the finishing touches on valery. She was bound incredibly well. She sat on the ground with her back against a pole. Her legs were tied at the ankles, legs, knees, and thighs. Her wrists were tied behind the pole. Ropes also went around her stomach, above and below her breasts. She attempted to struggle, but she could barely move. She had duct tape wrapped around her head and pressed over her curly brown hair. Stephanie brought Lindsey down for her approval. Lindsey loved it and they went back up.

Amanda began feeling her hands around mine, and i knew she was looking for the ropes. After a while of struggling and grunting, she pulled loose my hands. I did the same for her and we were soon free. We went over to Valery. I went to untie her wrists, but amanda stopped me.

"Should we trust her?," she asked.

Val mmmmphed and glared at her, but amanda raised a good point. I instead took off val's gag, "do you have any ideas on how to get the other gurls," I asked.

"untie me," she begged.

"I will if you tell me and promise not to stab any backs."

She agreed and we freed her. We were talking for a little and then we heard lauryn mmmmmph. I looked over and saw her in the corner tied like val was. We freed her too, and we thought up a plan. Amanda agreed to be decoy again and i tied her up and gagged her. She hopped up the steps (her legs were tied) and i opened the door for her. She acted great once again, as i heard ashley grab her and bring her back down. Val was sitting up against the pole and she had gagged herself. Ashley cam over looking for me and lauryn. She walked by val, and then val grabbed her ankles and ash fell on the carpet. then me and lauryn ambushed her. Valery ran up and closed the door.

Ashley was screaming for help but lauryn slapped on a piece of tape. She still attempted to scream, but it was muffled. Lauryn and valery tied her up and lifted her up and set her on the couch. She gave out her puppy face but no one fell for it. I untied Amanda, and then i snuck upstairs and the others led ashley upstairs. They shoved her up stairs and i took her and a water pistol. Stephanie and Lindsey saw us and they held their hands up. The others came up and we tied up Lindsey and stephanie. the older girls were sat all on the same couch, tied and gagged the same.

After a while though, valery, lauryn, ashley, and steph had to go. we untied them and they left. It was just me, amanda and lindsey. So, of course, we took lindsey upstairs, took some rope, laid her on the bed, and tied her down to the bed. Then we went downstairs, turned down the lights and you know the rest.

There is a bondage story to how i first met amanda, thats next on the list. Peace, and may all the pimps keep pimpin

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